958 resultados para Human leukemia cell lines


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Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is-an RNA virus responsible for diseases such as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL). Cell-to-cell contact and Tax-induced clonal expansion of infected cells are the main modes of virus replication, making virus detection during the viremic stage difficult. Consequently, the proviral load is the current virologic marker for disease monitoring, but the mechanisms of progression have not been established yet. Thus, this study investigated the presence of virus in plasma from asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and from HAM/TSP patients. Real-time PCR was performed on DNA from 150 plasma samples; 12(8%) had detectable DNA amplification, including 6(4%) asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and 14(26%) HAM/TSP patients (p < 0.005). Of the 33 samples submitted for nested PCR, six (18%, p = 0.02) were positive for HTLV-1 RNA in the plasma. Additionally, 26 plasma samples were treated with DNAse enzyme to eliminate any DNA contamination before RNA extraction. Two of them (8%) showed amplification for HTLV-1 (p = 0.5). Therefore, this study described for the first time the detection of free HTLV-1 RNA in plasma from HTLV-1-infected subjects, regardless of their clinical status. Thus, HTLV-1 viral replication does occur in plasma, and other transmission pathways for HTLV-1 should be investigated further. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The recently emerged concept of cancer stem cell (CSC) has led to a new hypothesis on the basis for tumor progression. Basically, the CSC theory hypothesizes the presence of a hierarchically organized and relatively rare cell population, which is responsible for tumor initiation, self-renewal, and maintenance, in addition to accumulation of mutation and resistance to chemotherapy. CSCs have recently been described in breast cancer. Different genetic markers have been used to isolate breast CSCs, none of which have been correlated with the tumorigenicity or metastatic potential of the cells, limiting their precise characterization and clinical application in the development of therapeutic protocols. Here, we sought for subpopulations of CSCs by analyzing 10 judiciously chosen stem cell markers in a normal breast cell line (MCF10-A) and in four human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, and Hs578-T) displaying different degrees of metastatic and invasiveness potential. We were able to identify two markers, which are differentially expressed in nontumorigenic versus tumor cells. The CD90 marker was highly expressed in the malignant cell lines. Interestingly, the CD14 molecule displayed higher expression levels in the nontumorigenic cell line. Therefore, we demonstrated that these two markers, which are more commonly used to isolate and characterize stem cells, are differentially expressed in breast tumor cells, when compared with nontumorigenic breast cells. (C) 2012 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry


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Human adult stem cells (hASCs) offer a potentially renewable source of cell types that are easily isolated and rapidly expanded for use in regenerative medicine and cell therapies without the complicating ethical problems that are associated with embryonic stem cells. However, the eventual therapeutic use of hASCs requires that these cells and their derivatives maintain their genomic stability. There is currently a lack of systematic studies that are aimed at characterising aberrant chromosomal changes in cultured ASCs over time. However, the presence of mosaicism and accumulation of karyotypic abnormalities within cultured cell subpopulations have been reported. To investigate cytogenetic integrity of cultured human dental stem cell (hDSC) lines, we analysed four expanded hDSC cultures using classical G banding and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) with X chromosome specific probe. Our preliminary results revealed that about 70% of the cells exhibited karyotypic abnormalities including polyploidy, aneuploidy and ring chromosomes. The heterogeneous spectrum of abnormalities indicates a high frequency of chromosomal mutations that continuously arise upon extended culture. These findings emphasise the need for the careful analysis of the cytogenetic stability of cultured hDSCs before they can be used in clinical therapies.


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The leaves of the Cashew plant (Anacardium occidentale L.) are used by the folk medicine in South America and West Africa. This plant is rich in flavonoids, which are polyphenolic compounds widespread in plants, and that have diverse physiological effects. In a sub-acute toxicity assay it was found that an ethanolic extract of Cashew leaves elicited lymphopenia in rats. The extract was also found to be cytotoxic and to induce apoptosis in Jurkat (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) cells. The crude ethanolic extract was fractionated and resolved by HPLC. One of the four fractions obtained led to the isolation of the biflavonoid agasthisflavone. [H-3]-thymidine incorporation assays and flow cytometry analysis showed that the isolated compound displayed a high anti-proliferative effect in Jurkat cells with an IC50 of 2.4 mu g/ml (4.45 mu M). The effect of agathisflavone on the acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL60, Burkitt lymphoma Raji cells and Hep-2 laryngeal carcinoma cells was also tested. The two latter ones were only mildly affected by agathisflavone. It is also shown that agathisflavone induces apoptosis in Jurkat cells and it this proposed that this is the likely mechanism of agathisflavone specific cytotoxicity. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Background  Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), infective dermatitis associated with HTLV-1 (IDH), and various other clinical conditions. Several of these diseases can occur in association. Objective  Report an association of diseases related to HTLV-1 infection, occurring in an unusual age group. Methods  Dermatological and laboratory exams were consecutively performed in HTLV-1-infected individuals from January 2008 to July 2010 in the HTLV Outpatient Clinic at the Institute of Infectious Diseases “Emilio Ribas” in São Paulo, Brazil. Results  A total of 193 individuals (73 HAM/TSP and 120 asymptomatic carriers) were evaluated, three of which were associated with adult-onset IDH and HAM/TSP. In all three cases, the patients were affected by IDH after the development and progression of HAM/TSP-associated symptoms. Limitations  Small number of cases because of the rarity of these diseases. Conclusion  We draw attention to the possibility of co-presentation of adult-onset IDH in patients with a previous diagnosis of HAM/TSP, although IDH is a disease classically described in children. Thus, dermatologists should be aware of these diagnoses in areas endemic for HTLV-1 infection.


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Recent progress in understanding the molecular basis of autophagy has demonstrated its importance in several areas of human health. Affordable screening techniques with higher sensitivity and specificity to identify autophagy are, however, needed to move the field forward. In fact, only laborious and/or expensive methodologies such as electron microscopy, dye-staining of autophagic vesicles, and LC3-II immunoblotting or immunoassaying are available for autophagy identification. Aiming to fulfill this technical gap, we describe here the association of three widely used assays to determine cell viability - Crystal Violet staining (CVS), 3-[4, 5-dimethylthiaolyl]-2, 5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction, and neutral red uptake (NRU) - to predict autophagic cell death in vitro. The conceptual framework of the method is the superior uptake of NR in cells engaging in autophagy. NRU was then weighted by the average of MTT reduction and CVS allowing the calculation of autophagic arbitrary units (AAU), a numeric variable that correlated specifically with the autophagic cell death. The proposed strategy is very useful for drug discovery, allowing the investigation of potential autophagic inductor agents through a rapid screening using mammalian cell lines B16-F10, HaCaT, HeLa, MES-SA, and MES-SA/Dx5 in a unique single microplate.


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Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, and 5-year survival is about 16% for patients diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and about 70-90% when the disease is diagnosed and treated at earlier stages. Treatment of NSCLC is changed in the last years with the introduction of targeted agents, such as gefitinib and erlotinib, that have dramatically changed the natural history of NSCLC patients carrying specific mutations in the EGFR gene, or crizotinib, for patients with the EML4-ALK translocation. However, such patients represent only about 15-20% of all NSCLC patients, and for the remaining individuals conventional chemotherapy represents the standard choice yet, but response rate to thise type of treatment is only about 20%. Development of new drugs and new therapeutic approaches are so needed to improve patients outcome. In this project we aimed to analyse the antitumoral activity of two compounds with the ability to inhibit histone deacethylases (ACS 2 and ACS 33), derived from Valproic Acid and conjugated with H2S, in human cancer cell lines derived from NSCLC tissues. We showed that ACS 2 represents the more promising agent. It showed strong antitumoral and pro-apoptotic activities, by inducing membrane depolarization, cytocrome-c release and caspase 3 and 9 activation. It was able to reduce the invasive capacity of cells, through inhibition of metalloproteinases expression, and to induce a reduced chromatin condensation. This last characteristic is probably responsible for the observed high synergistic activity in combination with cisplatin. In conclusion our results highlight the potential role of the ACS 2 compound as new therapeutic option for NSCLC patients, especially in combination with cisplatin. If validated in in vivo models, this compound should be worthy for phase I clinical trials.


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OBJECTIVES: Biologic effects of high homeopathic potencies can be studied in cell cultures using cell lines or primary cells. We hypothesized that primary cells would be more apt to respond to high potencies than cell lines, especially cancer cell lines. We set out to investigate the effects of low doses and high homeopathic potencies of cadmium chloride, respectively, in an intoxication model with human primary lymphocytes compared to a human leukemia cell line (Jurkat). DESIGN: Cells were pretreated with either low concentrations (nM-microM) or high potencies (pool 15-20c) of cadmium for 120 hours, following which they were exposed to a toxic treatment with a range of cadmium concentrations (8-80 microM) during 24 hours. Cell viability was eventually assessed by use of the MTS/PES assay. Controls included a vehicle (NaCl 0.9%) for the low concentrations of cadmium or water 15-20c for cadmium 15-20c. A total of 34 experiments were conducted, 23 with low concentrations and 11 with high potencies of cadmium. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance. RESULTS: Pretreatment with low concentrations or high potencies of cadmium significantly increased cell viability in primary lymphocytes after toxic challenge, compared to control cells (mean effect +/- standard error = 19% +/- 0.9% for low concentrations respectively 8% +/- 0.6% for high potencies of cadmium; p < 0.001 in both cases). The pretreatment effect of low doses was significant also in cancerous lymphocytes (4% +/- 0.5%; p < 0.001), albeit weaker than in normal lymphocytes. However, high homeopathic potencies had no effect on cancerous lymphocytes (1% +/- 1.9%; p = 0.45). CONCLUSIONS: High homeopathic potencies exhibit a biologic effect on cell cultures of normal primary lymphocytes. Cancerous lymphocytes (Jurkat), having lost the ability to respond to regulatory signals, seem to be fairly unresponsive to high homeopathic potencies.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to evaluate the antiproliferative potency of Viscum album extract (VA-E) in human bladder carcinoma cell lines with regard to its possible use for intravesical therapy of superficial bladder cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Proliferation (MTT-test or 3H-thymidine incorporation), necrotic disintegration (3H-thymidine release of prelabelled cells) and portions of apoptotic and/or necrotic cells (Annexin-V binding, propidium iodide (PI) labelling and DNA-fluorescence profiles by flow cytometry) were measured in four different human bladder carcinoma cell lines (T24, TCCSUP, J82 and UM-UC3) cultured in vitro. RESULTS: Antiproliferative effects of VA-E were observed in the four bladder carcinoma cell lines tested. Metabolic activity could also be completely abrogated by short-time contact of the cells with VA-E. Apoptosis and necrosis, as underlying mechanisms of action, were differentially expressed by the different cell lines. CONCLUSION: VA-E and cytotoxic proteins, i.e., mistletoe lectins (ML) and viscotoxins (VT), were able to block the growth of bladder carcinoma cells. Together with the immunomodulating properties of VA-E, the observed antiproliferative potency might give a rationale for the topical intravesical application of VA-E for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer.


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OBJECT: The aim of this study was to develop and characterize a new orthotopic, syngeneic, transplantable mouse brain tumor model by using the cell lines Tu-9648 and Tu-2449, which were previously isolated from tumors that arose spontaneously in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-v-src transgenic mice. METHODS: Striatal implantation of a 1-microl suspension of 5000 to 10,000 cells from either clone into syngeneic B6C3F1 mice resulted in tumors that were histologically identified as malignant gliomas. Prior subcutaneous inoculations with irradiated autologous cells inhibited the otherwise robust development of a microscopically infiltrating malignant glioma. Untreated mice with implanted tumor cells were killed 12 days later, when the resultant gliomas were several millimeters in diameter. Immunohistochemically, the gliomas displayed both the astroglial marker GFAP and the oncogenic form of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (Stat3). This form is called tyrosine-705 phosphorylated Stat3, and is found in many malignant entities, including human gliomas. Phosphorylated Stat3 was particularly prominent, not only in the nucleus but also in the plasma membrane of peripherally infiltrating glioma cells, reflecting persistent overactivation of the Janus kinase/Stat3 signal transduction pathway. The Tu-2449 cells exhibited three non-random structural chromosomal aberrations, including a deletion of the long arm of chromosome 2 and an apparently balanced translocation between chromosomes 1 and 3. The GFAP-v-src transgene was mapped to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 18. CONCLUSIONS: The high rate of engraftment, the similarity to the high-grade malignant glioma of origin, and the rapid, locally invasive growth of these tumors should make this murine model useful in testing novel therapies for human malignant gliomas.


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Interactions between follicular epithelial cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) are supposed to play an important role in the development and maintenance of thyroid tissue architecture. In the present study we have therefore investigated the synthesis of ECM components by a feline thyroid cell line which is able to form follicle-like structures in vitro, and also in v-ras-transfected and control-transfected sublines. Transfections were performed by lipofection with pZSR (viral Harvey ras gene; neo) and pSV2-neo (control, neo only) plasmids. We have adapted a semisolid culture system composed exclusively of polymerized alginate and therefore devoid of ECM components. Feline cells embedded in alginate gels as single cells and cultured for up to 90 days formed cell clusters within 10 days. Follicle-like structures were formed in the original cell lines and also in the v-ras- and control-transfected cells. Differences in proliferation rates were observed, the v-ras-transfected cells growing up to two to three times faster than the non-transfected cells. Immunostaining was done using rabbit first antibodies directed against mouse collagen IV, human fibronectin, laminin (tumor Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm laminin), perlecan and other ECM components. For comparison, immunostaining was also performed on cryosections of nodular goiters of six hyperthyroid cats. The cell lines and their transfected clones stained strongly positive for collagen IV and fibronectin, and positively but less strongly for laminin and perlecan. The cat goiter tissue stained positively for collagen IV, laminin, perlecan, and fibronectin, and positive staining for S-laminin (containing the beta2-chain) was seen in blood vessel walls in this tissue. In conclusion, cat cell lines grow three-dimensionally in alginate beads over several weeks, they form follicle-like structures and express the same ECM components as the native cat goiter tissue. Transfection with v-ras does increase proliferation rate, but does not fundamentally alter formation of follicle-like structures and ECM expression. Alginate gel culture is a promising new tool for the study of follicular morphogenesis, polarity, the expression pattern of ECM components and of the interaction between thyrocytes and ECM. It avoids interference caused by gels composed of ECM components.


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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is excreted in a high concentration in human saliva and modulates the growth and differentiation of various cancer cells. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which EGF affects oral cancer growth and invasion, we analyzed the Matrigel invasion activity of the cultured oral cancer cell line. Cells grown under the influence of EGF were subjected to Matrigel invasion assays and cells grown in the absence of EGF were used as controls. Gelatin-zymography and Northern blot analyses quantified the invasiveness and tumorigenicity. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay (CAT assay) determined the EGF stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. EGF increased the number of cells penetrating a Matrigel membrane. Gelatin-zymography and Northern blot analysis revealed that MMP9 and Ets1 expressions correlated with EGF but MMP2 was not changed. a transient transfection assay revealed that EGF increased the promoter activities of the MMP9 genes in HSC3 and SAS cells. These results suggest that EGF increases the invasion activity of oral cancer cells partly by increasing MMP9.


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PURPOSE: The Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is frequently activated in human cancers and plays an important role in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) biology. We investigated the potential of targeting mTOR signaling as a novel antitumor approach in SCLC. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The expression of mTOR in patient specimens and in a panel of SCLC cell lines was analyzed. The effects on SCLC cell survival and downstream signaling were determined following mTOR inhibition by the rapamycin derivative RAD001 (Everolimus) or down-regulation by small interfering RNA. RESULTS: We found elevated expression of mTOR in patient specimens and SCLC cell lines, compared with normal lung tissue and normal lung epithelial cells. RAD001 treatment impaired basal and growth factor-stimulated cell growth in a panel of SCLC cell lines. Cells with increased Akt pathway activation were more sensitive to RAD001. Accordingly, a constitutive activation of the Akt/mTOR pathway was sufficient to sensitize resistant SCLC cells to the cytotoxic effect of RAD001. In the sensitive cells, RAD001 showed a strong additive effect to the proapoptotic action of the chemotherapeutic agent etoposide. Intriguingly, we observed low Bcl-2 family proteins levels in the SCLC cells with a constitutive Akt pathway activation, whereas an increased expression was detected in the RAD001-resistant SCLC cells. An antisense construct targeting Bcl-2 or a Bcl-2-specific inhibitor was able to sensitize resistant SCLC cells to RAD001. Moreover, SCLC tumor growth in vivo was significantly inhibited by RAD001. CONCLUSION: Together, our data show that inhibiting mTOR signaling with RAD001 potently disrupts growth and survival signaling in human SCLC cells.


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BACKGROUND: Arginine metabolism in tumor cell lines can be influenced by various cytokines, including recombinant human interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma), a cytokine that shows promising clinical activity in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). METHODS: We examined EOC cell lines for the expression of arginase in an enzymatic assay and for transcripts of arginase I and II, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The effects of rIFN-gamma on arginase activity and on tumor cell growth inhibition were determined by measuring [3H]thymidine uptake. RESULTS: Elevated arginase activity was detected in 5 of 8 tumor cell lines, and analysis at the transcriptional level showed that arginase II was involved but arginase I was not. rIFN-gamma reduced arginase activity in 3 EOC cell lines but increased activity in the 2008 cell line and its platinum-resistant subline, 2008.C13. iNOS transcripts were not detected in rIFN-gamma-treated or untreated cell lines. In contrast, IDO activity was induced or increased by rIFN-gamma. Suppression of arginase activity by rIFN-gamma in certain cell lines suggested that such inhibition might contribute to its antiproliferative effects. However, supplementation of the medium with polyamine pathway products did not interfere with the growth-inhibitory effects of rIFN-gamma EOC cells. CONCLUSIONS: Increased arginase activity, specifically identified with arginase II, is present in most of the tested EOC cell lines. rIFN-gamma inhibits or stimulates arginase activity in certain EOC cell lines, though the decrease in arginase activity does not appear to be associated with the in vitro antiproliferative activity of rIFN-gamma. Since cells within the stroma of EOC tissues could also contribute to arginine metabolism following treatment with rIFN-gamma or rIFN-gamma-inducers, it would be helpful to examine these effects in vivo.


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Numerous co-factors, genetic, environmental and physical, play an important role in development and prognosis of cancer. Each year in the USA, more than 31,000 cases of oral and 13,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed. Substantial epidemiological data supports a high correlation between development of these cancers and the presence of specific types of human papillomaviruses (HPV). Molecular biological studies show that not only are several of the viral genes necessary and sufficient to cause transformation but they also function synergistically with other co-factors. Evidence suggests that prevention of infection or inhibition of viral gene expression may alter the course of malignant transition. The main objective of this project was to test the hypothesis that some human carcinoma cells, containing HPV, behave in malignant manner because the viral genes function in the maintenance of some aspect of the transformed phenotype.^ The specific aims were (1) to select oral and cervical cancer cell lines which were HPV-negative or which harbored transcriptionally active HPV-18, (2) to construct and determine the effects of recombinant sense or antisense expressing vectors, (3) to test the effects of synthetic antisense oligodeoxynucleotides on the transformed behavior of these cells.^ To screen cells, we performed Southern and Northern analysis and polymerase chain reactions. When antisense-expressing vectors were used, cells harboring low numbers of HPV-18 where unable to survive transfection but they were readily transfected with all other constructs. Rare antisense transfectants obtained from HPV-positive cells showed significantly altered characteristics including malignant potential in nude mice. The HPV-negative cells showed no differences in transfection efficiencies or growth characteristics with any construct.^ In addition, treatment of the HPV-positive cells with antisense, but not random oligodeoxynucleotides, resulted in decreased cell proliferation and even cell death. These effects were dose-dependent, synergistic and HPV-specific.^ These results suggest that expression of viral genes play an important role in the maintenance of the transformed phenotype which implies that inhibition of expression, by antisense molecules, may be therapeutic in HPV-induced tumors. ^