889 resultados para Holomorphic functions
Minutes of the Meeting of the Public Health Functions Project Team 21 February 2006
For a quasilinear operator on the semiaxis a reduction theorem is proved on the cones of monotone functions in Lp - Lq setting for 0 < q < ∞, 1<= p < ∞. The case 0 < p < 1 is also studied for operators with additional properties. In particular, we obtain critera for three-weight inequalities for the Hardy-type operators with Oinarov' kernel on monotone functions in the case 0 < q < p <= 1.
The Government Decision1 on the Structural, Organisational, Financial Management and Systems Reform of the Health Sector of June, 2003 acknowledged that in order to increase the effectiveness of the health service generally, and its capacity to deliver the reform agenda, it was important that the service was fully concentrated on addressing its core health objectives. The Minister for Health and Children and Minister for Finance felt that there could be scope to transfer certain functions out of the health service and locate them more appropriately within other functional areas of Government. As part of the overall decision, it was agreed that a working group would be established, to include the Departments of Health and Children, Finance and An Taoiseach, to examine the scope for transfer of certain activities to other, more appropriate, Departments and agencies and that on completion of this review, the Minister for Health and Children would bring proposals to Government. Read the Report (PDF, 70kb) Â
In case Krein's strings with spectral functions of polynomial growth a necessary and su fficient condition for the Krein's correspondence to be continuous is given.
The costs of coping with stressful situations are traded-off against other functions such as immune responses. This trade-off may explain why corticosterone secretion reduces immune reactions. Corticosterone differentially affects various immunity components. However, which component is suppressed varies between studies. It remains unclear whether the trade-off in energy, nutrition, autoimmunity or oxidative stress accounts for differential immunosuppression. In this study, we investigated whether corticosterone differentially affects the constitutive innate and humoral acquired immunity. We used barn owl nestlings, implanting 50% with a corticosterone-releasing pellet and the other 50% with a placebo pellet. To measure the effect on humoral immunity we vaccinated 50% of the corticosterone-nestlings and 50% of the placebo-nestlings with the antigens 'Tetravac' and the other 50% were injected with PBS. To assess the costs of elevated corticosterone, we measured body mass and resistance to oxidative stress. Administration of corticosterone increased corticosterone levels whereas vaccination induced the production of antibodies. Corticosterone reduced the production of antibodies, but it did not significantly affect the constitutive innate immunity. Corticosterone reduced body growth and resistance to oxidative stress. Under stressful conditions barn owl nestlings seem to keep the constitutive innate immunity, whereas elevated corticosterone levels negatively affected inducible immune responses. We found evidence that mounting a humoral immune reaction is not costly in terms of growth, but reduces the resistance to oxidative stress independently of corticosterone administration. We suggest that humoral immunity is suppressed because the risk of immunopathologies may be disproportionately high when mounting an antibody response under stressful situations.
We introduce an algebraic operator framework to study discounted penalty functions in renewal risk models. For inter-arrival and claim size distributions with rational Laplace transform, the usual integral equation is transformed into a boundary value problem, which is solved by symbolic techniques. The factorization of the differential operator can be lifted to the level of boundary value problems, amounting to iteratively solving first-order problems. This leads to an explicit expression for the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of the penalty function.
Vaginal delivery can cause lesions of the various pelvic structures responsible for the mechanisms of continence. These lesions may perhaps be prevented in the future by measuring pressure generated during childbirth. Tear of the anal sphincter during childbirth is a marker of a global impairment of the urinary, ano-rectal and sexual pelvic functions in the short and medium term. Persistence of a defect of the anal sphincter is frequent in spite of immediate suture. The correlation between these defects and ano-rectal incontinence are not established in our experience. The quality of the contraction of the sphincter complex and pubo-rectal sling seems to play a more important role in ano-rectal continence after a traumatic childbirth.
The hypothalamic damage induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) induces several metabolic abnormalities, resulting in a rat hyperleptinemic-hyperadipose phenotype. This study was conducted to explore the impact of the neonatal MSG treatment, in the adult (120 days old) female rat on: (a) the in vivo and in vitro mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and angiotensin II (AII); (b) the effect of leptin on ACTH- and AII-stimulated mineralocorticoid secretions by isolated corticoadrenal cells; and (c) abdominal adiposity characteristics. Our data indicate that, compared with age-matched controls, MSG rats displayed: (1) enhanced and reduced mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and AII treatments, respectively, effects observed in both in vivo and in vitro conditions; (2) adrenal refractoriness to the inhibitory effect of exogenous leptin on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone output by isolated adrenocortical cells; and (3) distorted omental adiposity morphology and function. This study supports that the adult hyperleptinemic MSG female rat is characterized by enhanced ACTH-driven mineralocorticoid function, impaired adrenal leptin sensitivity, and disrupted abdominal adiposity function. MSG rats could counteract undesirable effects of glucocorticoid excess, by developing a reduced AII-driven mineralocorticoid function. Thus, chronic hyperleptinemia could play a protective role against ACTH-mediated allostatic loads in the adrenal leptin resistant, MSG female rat phenotype.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are central player in immunity by bridging the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system (IS). Interferons (IFNs) are one of the most important factors that regulate both innate and adaptive immunity too. Thus, the understanding of how type II and I IFNs modulate the immune-regulatory properties of DCs is a central issue in immunology. In this paper, we will address this point in the light of the most recent literature, also highlighting the controversial data reported in the field. According to the wide literature available, type II as well as type I IFNs appear, at the same time, to collaborate, to induce additive effects or overlapping functions, as well as to counterregulate each one's effects on DC biology and, in general, the immune response. The knowledge of these effects has important therapeutic implications in the treatment of infectious/autoimmune diseases and cancer and indicates strategies for using IFNs as vaccine adjuvants and in DC-based immune therapeutic approaches.
Resistance and susceptibility to infection with the intracellular parasite, Leishmania major, are mediated by parasite-specific CD4+ Th1 and Th2 cells, respectively. It is well established that the protective effect of parasite-specific CD4+ Th1 cells is largely dependent upon the IFN-gamma produced. However, recent results indicate that the effect of Th1 cells on resolution of lesions induced by L. major in genetically resistant mice also requires a functional Fas-FasL pathway of cytotoxicity. In contrast to resistant mice, susceptible BALB/c mice develop aberrant Th2 responses following infection with L. major and consequently suffer progressive disease. These outcomes clearly depends upon the production of interleukin 4 (IL-4) early after infection. We have shown that a burst of IL-4 mRNA, peaking in draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice 16 hrs after infection, occurs within CD4+ T cells that express V beta 4-V alpha 8 T cell receptors. In contrast to control and V beta 6-deficient mice, V beta 4-deficient BALB/c mice were resistant to infection, demonstrating the role of these cells in Th2 development. The early IL-4 response was absent in these mice, and Th1 responses occurred following infection. The LACK antigen of L. major induced comparable IL-4 production in V beta 4-V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells. Thus, the IL-4 required for Th2 development and susceptibility to L. major is produced by a restricted population of V beta 4-V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells after cognate interaction with a single antigen from this complex parasite. The IL-4 produced rapidly by these CD4+ T cells induces within 48 hours a state of unresponsiveness to IL-12 among parasite-specific CD4+ T cell precursors by downregulating the IL-12 receptor beta 2 chain expression.
Transnational study of roles/functions and associated ICT competencies for Higher Education teachers
Aquest estudi forma part del projecte eLene-TLC1 Virtual Campus (2007-2008) recolzat pel programa eLearning de la Comissió Europea. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és que els professors i els estudiants facin el millor ús possible de les TIC en l'educació superior, preparant als professors per als estudiants de la generació xarxa, permetent als estudiants a la transferència de coneixements i pràctiques de la vida quotidiana per al seu aprenentatge i estimular tant la integració plena de pràctiques innovadores d'ensenyament i d'aprenentatge possibilitades per un entorn tecnològic en constant evolució. Per tal de cobrir part d'aquest objectiu general, es va concebre un estudi per examinar les competències en TIC professors d'Educació Superior en entorns d'aprenentatge en línia.
Functional Data Analysis (FDA) deals with samples where a whole function is observedfor each individual. A particular case of FDA is when the observed functions are densityfunctions, that are also an example of infinite dimensional compositional data. In thiswork we compare several methods for dimensionality reduction for this particular typeof data: functional principal components analysis (PCA) with or without a previousdata transformation and multidimensional scaling (MDS) for diferent inter-densitiesdistances, one of them taking into account the compositional nature of density functions. The difeerent methods are applied to both artificial and real data (householdsincome distributions)
Compositional data analysis motivated the introduction of a complete Euclidean structure in the simplex of D parts. This was based on the early work of J. Aitchison (1986) and completed recently when Aitchinson distance in the simplex was associated with an inner product and orthonormal bases were identified (Aitchison and others, 2002; Egozcue and others, 2003). A partition of the support of a random variable generates a composition by assigning the probability of each interval to a part of the composition. One can imagine that the partition can be refined and the probability density would represent a kind of continuous composition of probabilities in a simplex of infinitely many parts. This intuitive idea would lead to a Hilbert-space of probability densitiesby generalizing the Aitchison geometry for compositions in the simplex into the set probability densities