559 resultados para Gino Germani
RESUMOCrambe (Crambe abyssinica) has a cropping cycle of around 90 days, being suitable as an alternative to the second grain crop planted after soybean is harvested in the Center West region of Brazil. It is necessary to understand the growth and development dynamics of crambe plants in order to allow correct management of the production factors. This study aimed to describe the growth and development parameters of crambe plants under presence or absence of interspecific competition. The experiment was installed in the fall-winter 2011 in an Oxisoil, in completely randomized blocks design with three replications. Treatments comprised crambe plants growing either in presence or absence of interspecific simulated competition, throughout the cropping cycle. Plants were collected for the growth analysis every 15 days from harvest until 75 days after emergence. Growth parameters leaf area (AF), dry mass of stems/culms (MSC), leaves (MSF) and total (MST) dry mass, leaf area index (IAF), absolute (TCA) and relative (TCR) growth rates, net assimilation rate (TAL), specific leaf area (AFE), leaf area duration (DAF), leaf area ratio (RAF) and leaf mass ratio (RMF) were determined for the crop plants, subjected or not to competition, as well as for the simulated competitor. Crambe is a low competitive crop, being the competition more severe until 60-70 days after emergence. Besides, crop performance under field conditions was properly described by the net assimilation rate (TAL), which is also affected by the leaf area duration (DAF) and leaf mass ratio (RMF).
OBJETIVO: Estudar a distribuição espacial da população de Aedes albopictus, visando fornecer subsídios para construção de planos de amostragem e decisão sobre o controle deste vetor em levantamentos em campo. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em área urbana próxima de resquícios de vegetação primária, no distrito Picadinha, distante 20 km do município de Dourados, MS. Dez amostragens foram realizadas entre 28/1/2003 e 9/4/2003, utilizando-se armadilhas do tipo ovitrampas e monitoradas semanalmente, distribuídas em uma área amostral fixa com 10 pontos de coleta por amostragem, espaçadas em 300 m. Foram calculados os índices de agregação e ajuste às seguintes distribuições teóricas de freqüência: binomial negativa, binomial positiva e de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A variância amostral foi superior à média nas amostragens, resultando nos índices de razão variância-média sempre acima da unidade (32,066, 29,410, 14,444, 58,840, 56,042, 111,262, 70,140, 50,701, 93,221 e 8,481). O índice de Morisita apresentou valores significativamente acima da unidade em todas as amostragens (6,275, 3,947, 1,484, 3,725, 3,014, 5,450, 3,214, 3,886, 3,954 e 5,810). O parâmetro K resultou em valores entre 0 e 8 (0,174, 0,309, 1,867, 0,332, 0,449, 0,203, 0,408, 0,314, 0,306 e 0,200). Os testes do qui-quadrado de ajuste às distribuições binominal negativa, binomial positiva e de Poisson não foram significativos. CONCLUSÕES: A população de Aedes albopictus da localidade estudada apresentou distribuição espacial padrão agregada. Isso implica que ao encontrar alguns indivíduos do vetor em um determinado local, é provável que outros sejam encontrados nas áreas circunvizinhas, preconizando a aplicação de inseticidas sem a necessidade de amostrar outros pontos dessa localidade.
OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à auto-avaliação da saúde em adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostra de 2.051 adultos de 20 a 59 anos de Lages, SC, em 2007. Foram aplicados questionários domiciliares para obter dados sobre auto-avaliação da saúde, condições socioeconômicas e demográficas, tabagismo, de estilo de vida e morbidades auto-referidas. Foram aferidos pressão arterial, peso, altura e circunferência abdominal. A análise multivariável foi realizada por regressão de Poisson, ajustada pelo efeito do delineamento amostral e estratificada por sexo. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de auto-avaliação da saúde positiva foi de 74,2% (IC 95%: 71,3;77,0), significativamente maior nos homens (82,3%, IC 95%: 79,3;85,0) do que nas mulheres (66,9%, IC 95%: 63,2;70,7). Homens mais pobres, menos escolarizados e mais velhos apresentaram maiores prevalências de auto-avaliação da saúde negativa. Após o ajuste, níveis pressóricos elevados e referir chiado no peito foram fortemente associados à auto-avaliação negativa entre os homens. A prevalência de auto-avaliação negativa foi maior em mulheres mais pobres, menos escolarizadas e mais velhas e dentre as que apresentaram obesidade abdominal. Níveis pressóricos elevados, diabetes, chiado no peito e sintomas de falta de ar permaneceram associados ao desfecho após o ajuste nas mulheres. O número de morbidades auto-referidas por homens e mulheres associou-se à auto-avaliação da saúde negativa. CONCLUSÕES: Os mais velhos, as mulheres, os mais pobres e menos escolarizados avaliam sua condição de saúde como regular ou ruim. Quanto maior o número de morbidades auto-referidas, maior a proporção de indivíduos com auto-avaliação de saúde negativa, sendo o efeito das morbidades maior entre as mulheres.
É objectivo deste artigo explorar a ideia de teatro que os textos de crítica teatral de Fernando Amado encerram ou ajudam a revelar. Para tal, importará dar conta do momento de renovação cénica e actualização cultural, de que a segunda metade dos anos quarenta é expoente, e das relações que o ideário formado por Fernando Amado, Redondo Júnior ou Gino Saviotti, entre outros, pode estabelecer com o que pela Europa Teatral se vai apelidando de teatro moderno.
The exponential increase in clinical research has profoundly changed medical sciences. Evidence that has accumulated in the past three decades from clinical trials has led to the proposal that clinical care should not be based solely on clinical expertise and patient values, and should integrate robust data from systematic research. As a consequence, clinical research has become more complex and methods have become more rigorous, and evidence is usually not easily translated into clinical practice. Therefore, the instruction of clinical research methods for scientists and clinicians must adapt to this new reality. To address this challenge, a global distance-learning clinical research-training program was developed, based on collaborative learning, the pedagogical goal of which was to develop critical thinking skills in clinical research. We describe and analyze the challenges and possible solutions of this course after 5 years of experience (2008-2012) with this program. Through evaluation by students and faculty, we identified and reviewed the following challenges of our program: 1) student engagement and motivation, 2) impact of heterogeneous audience on learning, 3) learning in large groups, 4) enhancing group learning, 5) enhancing social presence, 6) dropouts, 7) quality control, and 8) course management. We discuss these issues and potential alternatives with regard to our research and background.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Contemporânea
INTRODUCTION : Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated water and foods, by soil contaminated with cat feces, especially while handling it, and congenitally via the placenta. The diagnosis of maternal infection is made by serological detection of either IgM or IgG antibodies. This study assessed the seropositivity in pregnant women followed up by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: The study was performed in 19 FHS units and included 148 childbearing women. The outcomes evaluated were IgM and IgG seropositivity and behavioral variables. RESULTS: IgG yielded positive results in 16% of the pregnant women, whereas IgM was positive in only 1%. CONCLUSIONS: The 1% IgM positivity rate for T. gondii indicates congenital toxoplasmosis is not common in Lages.
Hyperbaric oxygen has been successfully used on treatment of acute ischemic injuries involving soft tissues and chronic injuries. In nerve crush injuries, the mechanisms involved are very similar to those found in ischemic injuries. Consequently, it is logical to hypothesize that hyperbaric oxygen should improve nerve repair, which is a critical step on functional recovery. In the present study, we created standard nerve crush injuries on sciatic nerves of rats, which underwent treatment with hyperbaric oxygen. Results were assessed by functional evaluation using walking-track analysis. The functional recovery indexes observed did not differ from control group. We concluded that hyperbaric oxygen therapy, in the schedule used, had no influence on functional recovery after nerve crush injuries.
The authors analysed a series of 22 patients undergoing surgical correction of congenital hand syndactyly by the rectangular flap technique. Using our evaluation method, we found that good functional and aesthetic results were obtained in 77.3% of the patients, with a complication rate of 13.6%. We concluded that the rectangular flap technique has a simple design, is easily reproducible by in-training staff, has good results, and can be applied on the majority of the syndactyly cases.
La búsqueda de mejoras de costo dentro de las empresas se basa en lograr eficiencias dentro del campo de gestión de la propia empresa, muy rara vez estos estudios y acciones se enfocan en integrar acciones entre diferentes empresas. De este modo dentro de lo que denominamos “cadena de valor” existen recursos utilizados en forma ineficiente en diferentes grados. La intención de la investigación es analizar en qué grado existe la oportunidad de integrar recursos de diferentes actores de la vida económica, de modo que bajo la visión que los recursos ineficientes se pueden compartir, se detecten oportunidades de mejora, que exceden lo únicamente empresario, ya que abarcan incluso al conjunto de la sociedad. Esta visión es conocida como “Gestión Colaborativa de las Cadenas de Abastecimiento” (CSCM, por sus siglas en inglés) y si bien ya está en aplicación en economías más desarrolladas, aún es poco implementada en Argentina como visión estratégica de negocios.
In a world where poor countries provide weak protection for intellectual property rights (IPRs), market integration shifts technical change in favor of rich nations. Through this channel, free trade may amplify international income differences. At the same time, integration with countries where IPRs are weakly protected can slow down the world growth rate. An important implication of these results is that protection of intellectual property is most beneficial in open countries. This prediction, which is novel in the literature, is consistent with evidence from a panel of 53 countries observed in the years 1965-1990. The paper also provides empirical support for the mechanism linking North-South trade to the direction of technical change: an increase in import penetration from low-wage, low-IPRs, countries is followed by a sharp fall in R&D investment in a panel of US manufacturing sectors.
Partiendo de una concepción del teatro como espacio político por excelencia, se analizan las relaciones entre este, el trauma colectivo y la memoria histórica en un contexto de violencia político a partir del estudio de dos montajes de Antígona, de José Watanabe y el Grupo Yuyachkani: su estreno en Lima (2000) y su reposición en Huanta (2001). El análisis del texto en sus contextos originales de recepción permite reflexionar desde nuevas perspectivas sobre un problema relacionado con el conflicto armado interno ocurrido en el Perú entre los años 1980 y 2000: la responsabilidad ética y política de los sobrevivientes
This paper formalizes in a fully-rational model the popular idea that politicians perceive an electoral cost in adopting costly reforms with future benefits and reconciles it with the evidence that reformist governments are not punished by voters. To do so, it proposes a model of elections where political ability is ex-ante unknown and investment in reforms is unobservable. On the one hand, elections improve accountability and allow to keep well-performing incumbents. On the other, politicians make too little reforms in an attempt to signal high ability and increase their reappointment probability. Although in a rational expectation equilibrium voters cannot be fooled and hence reelection does not depend on reforms, the strategy of underinvesting in reforms is nonetheless sustained by out-of-equilibrium beliefs. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, uncertainty makes reforms more politically viable and may, under some conditions, increase social welfare. The model is then used to study how political rewards can be set so as to maximize social welfare and the desirability of imposing a one-term limit to governments. The predictions of this theory are consistent with a number of empirical regularities on the determinants of reforms and reelection. They are also consistent with a new stylized fact documented in this paper: economic uncertainty is associated to more reforms in a panel of 20 OECD countries.