992 resultados para GALAXIES: STAR FORMATION


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We present late-time ( 590 - 994 days) mid-IR photometry of the normal but highly reddened Type IIP supernova SN 2002hh. Bright, cool, slowly fading emission is detected from the direction of the supernova. Most of this flux appears not to be driven by the supernova event but instead probably originates in a cool, obscured star formation region or molecular cloud along the line of sight. We also show, however, that the declining component of the flux is consistent with an SN-powered IR echo from a dusty progenitor CSM. Mid-IR emission could also be coming from newly condensed dust and/or an ejecta/CSM impact, but their contributions are likely to be small. For the case of a CSM-IR echo, we infer a dust mass of as little as 0.036 M-. with a corresponding CSM mass of 3.6(0.01/ r(dg)) M-., where rdg is the dust-to-gas mass ratio. Such a CSM would have resulted from episodic mass loss whose rate declined significantly about 28,000 years ago. Alternatively, an IR echo from a surrounding, dense, dusty molecular cloud might also have been responsible for the fading component. Either way, this is the first time that an IR echo has been clearly identified in a Type IIP supernova. We find no evidence for or against the proposal that Type IIP supernovae produce large amounts of dust via grain condensation in the ejecta. However, within the CSM-IR echo scenario, the mass of dust derived implies that the progenitors of the most common of core-collapse supernovae may make an important contribution to the universal dust content.


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We present an extensive set of photometric and spectroscopic data for SN 2009jf, a nearby Type Ib supernova (SN), spanning from ˜20 d before B-band maximum to 1 yr after maximum. We show that SN 2009jf is a slowly evolving and energetic stripped-envelope SN and is likely from a massive progenitor (25-30 Msun). The large progenitor's mass allows us to explain the complete hydrogen plus helium stripping without invoking the presence of a binary companion. The SN occurred close to a young cluster, in a crowded environment with ongoing star formation. The spectroscopic similarity with the He-poor Type Ic SN 2007gr suggests a common progenitor for some SNe Ib and Ic. The nebular spectra of SN 2009jf are consistent with an asymmetric explosion, with an off-centre dense core. We also find evidence that He-rich Ib SNe have a rise time longer than other stripped-envelope SNe, however confirmation of this result and further observations are needed. This paper is based on observations with several telescopes, including NTT(184.D-1151), VLT-UT1(085.D-0750,386.D-0126), NOT, WHT, TNG, PROMPT, Ekar, Calar Alto and Liverpool Telescope.


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The B5 dark cloud has been identified as a site of low-mass star formation. We report a survey of a selection of the molecular species modelled by the B5 dynamical and chemical model of Charnley et al. at the positions of circumstellar HCN clumps in B5 IRS1. All of the key species observed yield either abundances or upper limits to abundances below both the standard and the predicted values, appearing to show evidence of depletion and/or destruction if the transitions observed are thermalized. Our results are not in good agreement with the model, and they bring into question the interpretation of the structure of B5 IRS1 proposed by Fuller et al. It was expected that HCN clump C might exhibit a higher excitation than HCN clump A, since it appeared to be located within the blueshifted molecular outflow. However, there is no significant difference observed between the two clumps, suggesting that the near-infrared and optical nebulosity is evidence of a reflection nebula rather than shocked material in the outflow. Finally, it is observed that our results are more consistent with gas-grain models than with those models excluding gas-grain interaction.


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I have used recent laboratory studies on the reactions of the phosphorus hydride ions, PH(n)+ (n = 0-4) to construct a new model of phosphorus chemistry in interstellar clouds. I find that the non-detection of PN in cold, dark clouds in consistent with the chemical models only if the depletion of phosphorus in large, approximately 10(4) in TMC-1. Although the laboratory studies indicate that organo-phosphorus chains C(n)P can be formed, this large depletion precludes the detection of any phosphorus-bearing moleclues in cold clouds. However, in warm clouds associated with star formation, the depletion of phosphorus may be reduced. In this case one can reproduce the PN abundance toward Orion KL with a depletion factor of about 300. Interestingly, if the organo-phosphorus species are not destroyed by O atoms, I predict fractional abundances in Ori KL of between 10(-11) and 10(-10) for C(n)P (n = 2-4) and HCCP.


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We have studied the optical spectra of a sample of 28 O- and early B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 22 of which are associated with the young star forming region N11. Our observations sample the central associations of LH9 and LH10, and the surrounding regions. Stellar parameters are determined using an automated fitting method ( Mokiem et al. 2005), which combines the stellar atmosphere code fastwind ( Puls et al. 2005) with the genetic algorithm based optimisation routine PIKAIA ( Charbonneau 1995). We derive an age of 7.0 +/- 1.0 and 3.0 +/- 1.0 Myr for LH9 and LH10, respectively. The age difference and relative distance of the associations are consistent with a sequential star formation scenario in which stellar activity in LH9 triggered the formation of LH10. Our sample contains four stars of spectral type O2. From helium and hydrogen line fitting we find the hottest three of these stars to be similar to 49- 54 kK ( compared to similar to 45- 46 kK for O3 stars). Detailed determination of the helium mass fraction reveals that the masses of helium enriched dwarfs and giants derived in our spectroscopic analysis are systematically lower than those implied by non-rotating evolutionary tracks. We interpret this as evidence for efficient rotationally enhanced mixing leading to the surfacing of primary helium and to an increase of the stellar luminosity. This result is consistent with findings for SMC stars by Mokiem et al. ( 2006). For bright giants and supergiants no such mass discrepancy is found; these stars therefore appear to follow tracks of modestly or non-rotating objects. The set of programme stars was sufficiently large to establish the mass loss rates of OB stars in this Z similar to 1/2 Z(circle dot) environment sufficiently accurate to allow for a quantitative comparison with similar objects in the Galaxy and the SMC. The mass loss properties are found to be intermediate to massive stars in the Galaxy and SMC. Comparing the derived modified wind momenta D-mom as a function of luminosity with predictions for LMC metallicities by Vink et al. ( 2001) yields good agreement in the entire luminosity range that was investigated, i.e. 5.0


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Context. The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey has an extensive view of the copious number of massive stars in the 30 Doradus (30 Dor) star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. These stars play a crucial role in our understanding of the stellar feedback in more distant, unresolved star forming regions. Aims. The first comprehensive census of hot luminous stars in 30 Dor is compiled within a 10 arcmin (150 pc) radius of its central cluster, R136. We investigate the stellar content and spectroscopic completeness of the early type stars. Estimates were made for both the integrated ionising luminosity and stellar wind luminosity. These values were used to re-assess the star formation rate (SFR) of the region and determine the ionising photon escape fraction. Methods. Stars were selected photometrically and combined with the latest spectral classifications. Spectral types were estimated for stars lacking spectroscopy and corrections were made for binary systems, where possible. Stellar calibrations were applied to obtain their physical parameters and wind properties. Their integrated properties were then compared to global observations from ultraviolet (UV) to far-infrared (FIR) imaging as well as the population synthesis code, Starburst99. Results. Our census identified 1145 candidate hot luminous stars within 150 pc of R136 of which >700 were considered to be genuine early type stars and contribute to feedback. We assess the survey to be spectroscopically complete to 85% in the outer regions (>5 pc) but only 35% complete in the region of the R136 cluster, giving a total of 500 hot luminous stars in the census which had spectroscopy. Only 31 were found to be Wolf-Rayet (W-R) or Of/WN stars, but their contribution to the integrated ionising luminosity and wind luminosity was ~ 40% and ~ 50%, respectively. Similarly, stars with M > 100 M (mostly H-rich WN stars) also showed high contributions to the global feedback, ~ 25% in both cases. Such massive stars are not accounted for by the current Starburst99 code, which was found to underestimate the integrated ionising luminosity of R136 by a factor ~ 2 and the wind luminosity by a factor ~ 9. The census inferred a SFR for 30 Dor of 0.073 ± 0.04 M yr . This was generally higher than that obtained from some popular SFR calibrations but still showed good consistency with the far-UV luminosity tracer as well as the combined Hα and mid-infrared tracer, but only after correcting for Hα extinction. The global ionising output was also found to exceed that measured from the associated gas and dust, suggesting that ~6 % of the ionising photons escape the region. Conclusions. When studying the most luminous star forming regions, it is essential to include their most massive stars if one is to determine a reliable energy budget. Photon leakage becomes more likely after including their large contributions to the ionising output. If 30 Dor is typical of other massive star forming regions, estimates of the SFR will be underpredicted if this escape fraction is not accounted for.


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SN 2012ec is a Type IIP supernova (SN) with a progenitor detection and comprehensive photospheric phase observational coverage. Here, we present Very Large Telescope and Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects observations of this SN in the nebular phase. We model the nebular [O I] lambda lambda 6300, 6364 lines and find their strength to suggest a progenitor main-sequence mass of 13-15 M-circle dot. SN2012ec is unique among hydrogen-rich SNe in showing a distinct line of stable nickel [Ni II] lambda 7378. This line is produced by Ni-58, a nuclear burning ash whose abundance is a sensitive tracer of explosive burning conditions. Using spectral synthesis modelling, we use the relative strengths of [Ni II] lambda 7378 and [Fe II] lambda 7155 (the progenitor of which is Ni-56) to derive a Ni/Fe production ratio of 0.20 +/- 0.07 (by mass), which is a factor 3.4 +/- 1.2 times the solar value. High production of stable nickel is confirmed by a strong [Ni II] 1.939 mu m line. This is the third reported case of a core-collapse SN producing a Ni/Fe ratio far above the solar value, which has implications for core-collapse explosion theory and galactic chemical evolution models.


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In the last 40 years a wide range of molecules, including neutrals, cations and anions, containing up to 13 atoms—in addition to detections of C60 and C70 — have been found in the harsh environment of the interstellar medium. The exquisite sensitivity and very high spectral and, more recently, spatial resolution, of modern telescopes has enabled the physics of star formation to be probed through rotational line emission. In this article, I review the basic properties of interstellar clouds and the processes that initiate the chemistry and generate chemical complexity, particularly in regions of star and planet formation. Our understanding of astrochemistry has evolved over the years. Before 1990, the general consensus was that molecules were formed in binary, gas-phase, or volume, reactions, most importantly ion-neutral reactions despite the very low ionization in clouds. Since then, observations have indicated unambiguously that there is also a contribution from surface processes, particularly on the icy mantles that form around refractory grain cores in cold, dense gas. The balance between these two processes depends on particular physical conditions and can vary during the life cycle of a particular volume of interstellar cloud.The complex chemistry that occurs in space is driven mostly through interaction of thegas with cosmic ray protons, a source of ionization that enables a rich ion-neutral chemistry. In addition, I show that the interaction between the gas and the dust in cold, dense regionsalso leads to additional chemical complexity through reactions that take place in ices at onlya few tens of degrees above absolute zero. Although densities are low compared to those in terrestrial environments, the extremely long life times of interstellar clouds and their enormous sizes, enable complex molecules to be synthesised and detected. I show that in some instances, particularly in reactions involving deuterium, the rotational populations of reactants, together with spin-selection rules, can determine the detailed abundances. Although the review is mainly focused on regions associated with star formation, I also consider chemistry in other interesting astronomical regions — in the early Universe and in the envelopes formed by mass loss during the final stages of stellar evolution.


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We present the Pan-STARRS1 discovery of PS1-10afx, a unique hydrogen-deficient superluminous supernova (SLSN) at redshift z = 1.388. The light curve peaked at z P1 = 21.7 mag, making PS1-10afx comparable to the most luminous known SNe, with Mu = -22.3 mag. Our extensive optical and near-infrared observations indicate that the bolometric light curve of PS1-10afx rose on the unusually fast timescale of ~12 days to the extraordinary peak luminosity of 4.1 × 1044 erg s-1 (M bol = -22.8 mag) and subsequently faded rapidly. Equally important, the spectral energy distribution is unusually red for an SLSN, with a color temperature of ~6800 K near maximum light, in contrast to previous hydrogen-poor SLSNe, which are bright in the ultraviolet (UV). The spectra more closely resemble those of a normal SN Ic than any known SLSN, with a photospheric velocity of ~11, 000 km s-1 and evidence for line blanketing in the rest-frame UV. Despite the fast rise, these parameters imply a very large emitting radius (gsim 5 × 1015 cm). We demonstrate that no existing theoretical model can satisfactorily explain this combination of properties: (1) a nickel-powered light curve cannot match the combination of high peak luminosity with the fast timescale; (2) models powered by the spindown energy of a rapidly rotating magnetar predict significantly hotter and faster ejecta; and (3) models invoking shock breakout through a dense circumstellar medium cannot explain the observed spectra or color evolution. The host galaxy is well detected in pre-explosion imaging with a luminosity near L*, a star formation rate of ~15 M ⊙ yr-1, and is fairly massive (~2 × 1010 M ⊙), with a stellar population age of ~108 yr, also in contrast to the young dwarf hosts of known hydrogen-poor SLSNe. PS1-10afx is distinct from known examples of SLSNe in its spectra, colors, light-curve shape, and host galaxy properties, suggesting that it resulted from a different channel than other hydrogen-poor SLSNe.


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Cette thèse porte sur la capacité à détecter des compagnons de faible intensité en présence de bruit de tavelures dans le contexte de l’imagerie à haute gamme dynamique pour l’astronomie spatiale. On s’intéressera plus particulièrement à l’imagerie spectrale différentielle (ISD) obtenue en utilisant un étalon Fabry-Pérot comme filtre accordable. Les performances d’un tel filtre accordable sont présentées dans le cadre du Tunable Filter Imager (TFI), instrument conçu pour le télescope spatial James Webb (JWST). La capacité de l’étalon à supprimer les tavelures avec ISD est démontrée expérimentalement grâce à un prototype de l’étalon installé sur un banc de laboratoire. Les améliorations de contraste varient en fonction de la séparation, s’étendant d’un facteur 10 pour les séparations supérieures à 11 lambda/D jusqu’à un facteur 60 à 5 lambda/D. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec une étude théorique qui utilise un modèle basé sur la propagation de Fresnel pour montrer que les performances de suppression de tavelures sont limitées par le banc optique et non pas par l’étalon. De plus, il est démontré qu’un filtre accordable est une option séduisante pour l’imagerie à haute gamme dynamique combinée à la technique ISD. Une seconde étude basée sur la propagation de Fresnel de l’instrument TFI et du télescope, a permis de définir les performances de la technique ISD combinée avec un étalon pour l’astronomie spatiale. Les résultats prévoient une amélioration de contraste de l’ordre de 7 jusqu’à 100, selon la configuration de l’instrument. Une comparaison entre ISD et la soustraction par rotation a également été simulée. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce chapitre porte sur les performances de la technique ISD dans le cadre de l’instrument Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS), conçu pour remplacer TFI comme module scientifique à bord du Fine Guidance Sensor du JWST. Cent quatre objets localisés vers la région centrale de la nébuleuse d’Orion ont été caractérisés grâce à un spectrographe multi-objet, de basse résolution et multi-bande (0.85-2.4 um). Cette étude a relevé 7 nouvelles naines brunes et 4 nouveaux candidats de masse planétaire. Ces objets sont utiles pour déterminer la fonction de masse initiale sous-stellaire et pour évaluer les modèles atmosphériques et évolutifs futurs des jeunes objets stellaires et sous-stellaires. Combinant les magnitudes en bande H mesurées et les valeurs d’extinction, les objets classifiés sont utilisés pour créer un diagramme de Hertzsprung-Russell de cet amas stellaire. En accord avec des études antérieures, nos résultats montrent qu’il existe une seule époque de formation d’étoiles qui a débuté il y a environ 1 million d’années. La fonction de masse initiale qui en dérive est en accord avec des études antérieures portant sur d’autres amas jeunes et sur le disque galactique.


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Recent work, has produced a wealth of data concerning the chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge, both for stars and nebulae. Present theoretical models generally adopt it limited range of such constraints, frequenfly using it single chemical element (usually iron), which is not enough to describe it unambiguously. In this work, we take into account contraints involving,9 Many chemical elements as possible, basically obtained from bulge nebulae and stars. Our main goal is to show that different scenarios can describe, at least partially the abundance distribution and several dishuice-independent correlations for these objects . Three classes of models were developed. The first is it one-zone, single-infall model, the. Second is it one-zone, double-infall model and the third is a multizone, double-infall model. We show that a one-zone model with it single infall episode is able to reproduce some of the observational data, but the best results tire achieved using it multizone, double-infall model.


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Our numerical simulations show that the reconnection of magnetic field becomes fast in the presence of weak turbulence in the way consistent with the Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) model of fast reconnection. We trace particles within our numerical simulations and show that the particles can be efficiently accelerated via the first order Fermi acceleration. We discuss the acceleration arising from reconnection as a possible origin of the anomalous cosmic rays measured by Voyagers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe the public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanning the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey will take 1929 h of observations with the 4-m VISTA telescope during 5 years (2010-2014), covering similar to 10(9) point sources across an area of 520 deg(2), including 33 known globular clusters and similar to 350 open clusters. The final product will be a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 mu m) and a catalogue of more than 106 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. It will yield important information on the ages of the populations. The observations will be combined with data from MACHO, OGLE, EROS, VST, Spitzer, HST, Chandra, INTEGRAL, WISE, Fermi LAT, XMM-Newton, GAIA and ALMA for a complete understanding of the variable sources in the inner Milky Way. This public survey will provide data available to the whole community and therefore will enable further studies of the history of the Milky Way, its globular cluster evolution, and the population census of the Galactic Bulge and center, as well as the investigations of the star forming regions in the disk. The combined variable star catalogues will have important implications for theoretical investigations of pulsation properties of stars. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diffusion of astrophysical magnetic fields in conducting fluids in the presence of turbulence depends on whether magnetic fields can change their topology via reconnection in highly conducting media. Recent progress in understanding fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of turbulence reassures that the magnetic field behavior in computer simulations and turbulent astrophysical environments is similar, as far as magnetic reconnection is concerned. This makes it meaningful to perform MHD simulations of turbulent flows in order to understand the diffusion of magnetic field in astrophysical environments. Our studies of magnetic field diffusion in turbulent medium reveal interesting new phenomena. First of all, our three-dimensional MHD simulations initiated with anti-correlating magnetic field and gaseous density exhibit at later times a de-correlation of the magnetic field and density, which corresponds well to the observations of the interstellar media. While earlier studies stressed the role of either ambipolar diffusion or time-dependent turbulent fluctuations for de-correlating magnetic field and density, we get the effect of permanent de-correlation with one fluid code, i.e., without invoking ambipolar diffusion. In addition, in the presence of gravity and turbulence, our three-dimensional simulations show the decrease of the magnetic flux-to-mass ratio as the gaseous density at the center of the gravitational potential increases. We observe this effect both in the situations when we start with equilibrium distributions of gas and magnetic field and when we follow the evolution of collapsing dynamically unstable configurations. Thus, the process of turbulent magnetic field removal should be applicable both to quasi-static subcritical molecular clouds and cores and violently collapsing supercritical entities. The increase of the gravitational potential as well as the magnetization of the gas increases the segregation of the mass and magnetic flux in the saturated final state of the simulations, supporting the notion that the reconnection-enabled diffusivity relaxes the magnetic field + gas system in the gravitational field to its minimal energy state. This effect is expected to play an important role in star formation, from its initial stages of concentrating interstellar gas to the final stages of the accretion to the forming protostar. In addition, we benchmark our codes by studying the heat transfer in magnetized compressible fluids and confirm the high rates of turbulent advection of heat obtained in an earlier study.


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We present results of a sensitive Chandra X-ray observation and Spitzer mid-infrared (mid-IR) observations of the IR cluster lying north of the NGC 2071 reflection nebula in the Orion B molecular cloud. We focus on the dense cluster core known as NGC 2071-IR, which contains at least nine IR sources within a 40 `` x 40 `` region. This region shows clear signs of active star formation including powerful molecular outflows, Herbig-Haro objects, and both OH and H(2)O masers. We use Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) images to aid in X-ray source identification and to determine young stellar object (YSO) classes using mid-IR colors. Spitzer IRAC colors show that the luminous source IRS 1 is a class I protostar. IRS 1 is believed to be driving a powerful bipolar molecular outflow and may be an embedded B-type star or its progenitor. Its X-ray spectrum reveals a fluorescent Fe emission line at 6.4 keV, arising in cold material near the protostar. The line is present even in the absence of large flares, raising questions about the nature of the ionizing mechanism responsible for producing the 6.4 keV fluorescent line. Chandra also detects X-ray sources at or near the positions of IRS 2, IRS 3, IRS 4, and IRS 6 and a variable X-ray source coincident with the radio source VLA 1, located just 2 `` north of IRS 1. No IR data are yet available to determine a YSO classification for VLA 1, but its high X-ray absorption shows that it is even more deeply embedded than IRS 1, suggesting that it could be an even younger, less-evolved protostar.