285 resultados para Fusions


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As análises citogenéticas de diversos Falconiformes mostraram que os acipitrídeos têm uma organização cromossômica atípica na classe Aves, com um número diplóide relativamente baixo (média de 2n= 66) e poucos pares de microcromossomos (4 a 6 pares). Propostas baseadas em citogenética clássica sugeriram que esse fato devia-se à fusão de microcromossomos presentes no cariótipo ancestral das Aves. No intuito de contribuir para o esclarecimento das questões referentes à evolução cromossômica e filogenética dessa família, três espécies da subfamília Buteoninae (Rupornis magnirostris, Buteogallus meridionales e Asturina nitida) e duas espécies da subfamília Harpiinae (Harpia harpyja e Morphnus guianensis) foram analisados citogeneticamente através da aplicação de técnicas de citogenética clássica e molecular. As espécies de Buteoninae apresentaram cariótipos muito semelhantes, com número diplóide igual a 68; o número de cromossomos de dois braços entre 17 e 21, o cromossomo Z submetacêntrico e o W metacêntrico em R. magnirostris e submetacêntrico em Asturina nitida. O uso de sondas de 18/28S rDNA mostrou a localização de regiões organizadoras de nucléolo em um par submetacêntrico médio nas três espécies, correspondendo ao braço curto do par 7. Sequências teloméricas foram mapeadas não só na região terminal dos braços, mas também em algumas posições intersticiais. Sondas de cromossomo inteiro derivadas dos pares 1 a 10 de Gallus gallus (GGA) produziram o mesmo número de sinais nessas três espécies. A disponibilidade das sondas de cromossomos totais derivadas de Leucopternis albicollis confirmou a existência de uma assinatura citogenética comum para as espécies de Buteoninae analisadas por FISH, que se trata da associação entre GGA1p e GGA6, inclusive com um sítio de sequência telomérica intersticial reforçando esse fato. As espécies de Harpiinae analisadas mostraram que o número diplóide das espécies de H. harpyja e M. guianensis foi igual a 58 e 54, respectivamente, e que ambas as espécies apresentam vinte e dois pares de cromossomos de dois braços, mesmo Harpia apresentando dois pares a mais. 18/28S rDNA produziram sinais no braço curto do par 1 em M. guianensis e em dois pares em H. harpyja (pares 6 e 25). Sequências teloméricas intersticiais também foram observadas em alguns pares. Apesar da similaridade na morfologia cromossômica, não foram observadas associações compartilhadas por essas duas espécies. As diferentes associações observadas em Morphnus e Harpia mostram que essas espécies sofreram uma reorganização genômica expressiva após sua separação em linhagens independentes. Além disso, ausência de associações semelhantes sugere que houve fissões nos macrocromossomos do ancestral em comum desse grupo, e as fusões foram subsequentes ao seu isolamento como linhagens diferentes. Os resultados aqui apresentados, somados àqueles publicados anteriormente com outras espécies de Accipitridae indicam que os processos de fissões envolvendo os macrocromossomos de GGA e fusões entre esses segmentos e entre esses e microcromossomos são rearranjos recorrentes nesse grupo. Apesar dos Falconidae também apresentarem cariótipos atípicos, e números diploides baixos, os dados globais da citogenética de Accipitridae indicam que, assim como postulado para as semelhanças morfológicas entre esses dois grupos, os cariótipos rearranjados corresponderiam a homoplasias, do ponto de vista evolutivo, apoiando que essas duas famílias não formam um grupo monofilético.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The paper analyses the concentration degree in the global steel industry in the 1990-2010 period. Using the Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) index, the paper has concluded that concentration in the world steel industry increased, mainly because the increase of acquisitions and fusions among firms.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Skull represents the segment with conspicuous adaptations that, in lizards, may be conservative or promoted by selective pressures. The aim of assisting the morphological knowledge of reptiles, we provide a detailed description of the neurocranium of Iguana iguana iguana based on analysis of three dried adult skeletons. The skull of this species has basal characteristics in lizards without closure of cranial openings and general triangular shape. Bony structures that form the caudal base have many fusions, especially on the floor. In the caudal face the exoccipital and the opisthotic are fused and form the otooccipital, which contributes to the formation of the lateral part of the condyle. The central part is formed by the condyle supraocciopital. Fusions and skeletal structures in Iguana are similar to other lizards. There are no autopomorphies in the neurocranium for this species.


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Karyotypes are compared of 14 species of Brazilian Columbiformes (family Columbidae): Claravis pretiosa (2n=74), Columba cayennensis (2n=76), Columba picazuro (2n=76), Columba speciosa (2n=76), Columbina minuta (2n=76), Columbina passerina (2n=76), Columbina picui (2n=76), Columbina talpacoti (2n=76), Geotrygon montana (2n=86), Leptotila rufaxilla (2n=76), Leptotila verreauxi (2n=78), Scardafella squammata (2n=78), Uropelia campestris (2n=68) and Zenaida auriculata (2n=76). The macrochromosomes of each species were analysed by conventional Giemsa staining, cytobiometrically and with G-and C-banding. All species studied are characterized by typical bird karyotypes with a few pairs of macrochromosomes and many microchromosomes. The morphology and relative length of the Z chromosome are nearly the same in all species, but the W chromosome shows variation. The G-band patterns of the first pair in Columbiformes show a large positive band distally in the long arm, common to all species of the order. The constitutive heterochromatin is restricted to the centromeres of the macro- and microchromosomes. The W is the most heterochromatic chromosome in all species studied. Studies of relative lengths, arm ratios and G- and C-banding patterns showed that in Columbiformes pairs 3, 4 and 5 are the most stable. The types of rearrangements distinguishing between species vary among the genera: pericentric inversions in Columba; fusions and translocations in Uropelia; centric fissions in Geotrygon; fusions, translocations, para and pericentric inversions in Columbina, Leptotila, Zenaida and Scardafella. On the basis of the karyological findings the phylogenetic relationships of the Brazilian Columbiformes are discussed. © 1984 Dr W. Junk Publishers.


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Cold shock proteins (CSPs) are nucleic acid binding chaperones, first described as being induced to solve the problem of mRNA stabilization after temperature downshift. Caulobacter crescentus has four CSPs: CspA and CspB, which are cold induced, and CspC and CspD, which are induced only in stationary phase. In this work we have determined that the synthesis of both CspA and CspB reaches the maximum levels early in the acclimation phase. The deletion of cspA causes a decrease in growth at low temperature, whereas the strain with a deletion of cspB has a very subtle and transient cold-related growth phenotype. The cspA cspB double mutant has a slightly more severe phenotype than that of the cspA mutant, suggesting that although CspA may be more important to cold adaptation than CspB, both proteins have a role in this process. Gene expression analyses were carried out using cspA and cspB regulatory fusions to the lacZ reporter gene and showed that both genes are regulated at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. Deletion mapping of the long 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of each gene identified a common region important for cold induction, probably via translation enhancement. In contrast to what was reported for other bacteria, these cold shock genes have no regulatory regions downstream from ATG that are important for cold induction. This work shows that the importance of CspA and CspB to C. crescentus cold adaptation, mechanisms of regulation, and pattern of expression during the acclimation phase apparently differs in many aspects from what has been described so far for other bacteria.


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Aspergillus flavus, a haploid organism found worldwide in a variety of crops, including maize, cottonseed, almond, pistachio, and peanut, causes substantial and recurrent worldwide economic liabilities. This filamentous fungus produces aflatoxins (AFLs) B1 and B2, which are among the most carcinogenic compounds from nature, acutely hepatotoxic and immunosuppressive. Recent efforts to reduce AFL contamination in crops have focused on the use of nonaflatoxigenic A. flavus strains as biological control agents. Such agents are applied to soil to competitively exclude native AFL strains from crops and thereby reduce AFL contamination. Because the possibility of genetic recombination in A. flavus could influence the stability of biocontrol strains with the production of novel AFL phenotypes, this article assesses the diversity of vegetative compatibility reactions in isolates of A. flavus to identify heterokaryon self-incompatible (HSI) strains among nonaflatoxigenic isolates, which would be used as biological controls of AFL contamination in crops. Nitrate nonutilizing (nit) mutants were recovered from 25 A. flavus isolates, and based on vegetative complementation between nit mutants and on the microscopic examination of the number of hyphal fusions, five nonaflatoxigenic (6, 7, 9 to 11) and two nontoxigenic (8 and 12) isolates of A. flavus were phenotypically characterized as HSI. Because the number of hyphal fusions is reduced in HSI strains, impairing both heterokaryon formation and the genetic exchanges with aflatoxigenic strains, the HSI isolates characterized here, especially isolates 8 and 12, are potential agents for reducing AFL contamination in crops


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Das Elektronentransportsystem von E. coli enthält zwei verschiedene NADH-Dehydrogenasen. Die NADH-DehydrogenaseI (nuoA-N) koppelt im Gegensatz zur NADH-DehydrogenaseII die Oxidation von NADH an eine Protonentranslokation und trägt zur Energiekonservierung bei. Die NADH-DehydrogenaseI wird über die Promotoren P1 und P2 exprimiert und besitzt mehrere Bindestellen für verschiedene Regulatoren.Die separate Klonierung der Promotoren, lacZ-Fusionen, Inaktivierung von Transkriptionsfaktoren, sowie die Nutzung mutierter Regulatorbindestellen in vivo zeigen, dass P1 im wesentlichen die Expressionshöhe bestimmt und ist unter aeroben und anaeroben Bedingungen aktiv. P2 trägt in wesentlich geringerem Maße als P1 zur Expression des Enzyms bei. Er ist stark abhängig von ArcA und IHF. Beide Promotoren wirken nicht additiv.Unter anaeroben Bedingungen wird die Transkription von nuo durch das Zweikomponenten-System ArcB/A reprimiert. ArcA bindet unabhängig und mit unterschiedlicher Affinität an die beiden Bindestellen arc1 und arc2. Von den 8 ArcA-Konsensussequenzen führen nur Mutationen der Konsensussequenzen arc1ab in vitro zu verminderter Bindungsaffinität von ArcA an die Bindestelle arc1. Dieselben führen in vivo unter anaeroben Bedingungen zur Derepression des Promotors P1 bzw. P1+P2. Unter aeroben Bedingungen zeigen nur Mutationen in arc2 eine Derepression, die nicht durch ArcA vermittelt wird. Der veröffentliche ArcA-Konsensus scheint deshalb hier in dieser einfachen Form nicht gültig zu sein.


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Ein wesentliches Ziel des COMPASS Experiments am CERN istdie direkte Messung der Gluonpolarisation in derinelastischen Streuung von polarisierten 160 GeV Myonen aneinem polarisierten Nukleon Target. In der inelastischenLepton-Nukleon-Streuung erlaubt der sog.Photon-Gluon-Fusions-Prozess (PGF) die Untersuchung derGluonverteilung.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Triggersystementwickelt und aufgebaut, das gezielt PGF-Reaktionenselektiert. Das System basiert auf demkoinzidenten Nachweis der gestreuten Myonen zusammen mit denproduzierten Hadronen und generiert innerhalb 600 ns einhochselektives Triggersignal. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt derPGF wird von Ereignissen mit quasi-reellen Photonendominiert, d.h. der Myonstreuwinkel ist kein geeignetesKriterium um die gestreuten Myonen von den Strahlmyonen zutrennen, deshalb muss der Energieverlust des Myons verwendetwerden. Der sog. Energieverlusttrigger besteht aus Paarenvon Plastikszintillatorhodoskopen mit exzellenter Zeitaufloesung, die zusammen mit einer selbstentwickeltenschnellen Koinzidenzelektronik eine Koinzidenzzeit vonweniger als 3ns möglich macht. Fuer den gleichzeitigenNachweis der Hadronen wurden die beiden Hadronkalorimeterdes COMPASS--Spektrometers mit einer eigens entwickeltenElektronik versehen.