251 resultados para Fricke
Various approximations which are possible for the theoretical description of colliding ion-atom systems are reviewed. With the emphasis on relativistic influences, a few comparisons of experimental results with relativistic calculations are made.
The concept of a "Superheavy Quasiatom" is discussed. Radiative transition times are compared with the lifetime of the intermediate system, cross sections are calculated within a two-collision model and induced transitions and their anisotropic emission are discussed. Recent experimental and theoretical results are presented from collision systems obtained with I-beams bombarding various heavy targets, giving combined Z-values between 120 and 145. Results include the energy dependence of the peak structure interpreted as M X-rays from superheavy quasiatoms and the anisotropy of X-ray emission referred to the beam direction. The data are discussed within the models available. These cannot explain the streng emission of anisotropic radiation in the X-ray energy range of quasiatomic M X-rays at small bombarding energies.
To describe the time dependence of an atomic collision system the Dirac equation usually is rewritten in a coupled channel equation. We first discuss part of the approximation used in this approach and the connection of the many particle with the one particle interpretation. The coupled channel equations are solved for the system F{^8+} - Ne using static selfconsistent many electron Dirac-Fock-Slater wavefunctions as basis. The resulting P(b) curves for the creation of a Ne K-hole are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results.
Non-relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater and relativistic Dirac-Slater self-consistent orbital models are applied for the analysis of the electronic structure of the chalcogen hexafluorides: SF_6, SeF_6, TeF_6 and PoF_6. The molecular eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are generated using the discrete variational method (DVM) with numerical basis functions. The results obtained for SF_6 are compared with other ab initio calculations. Information about relativistic level shifts and spin-orbit splitting has been obtained by comparison between the non-relativistic and relativistic results.
Quasi-molecular X-rays observed in heavy ion collisions are interpreted within a relativistic calculation of correlation diagrams using the Dirac-Slater model. A semiquantitative description of noncharacteristic M X rays is given for the system Au-I.
Multiconfiguration relativistic Dirac-Fock (MCDF) values were calculated for the first five ionization potentials of element 105 (unnilpentium) and of the other group 5b elements (V, Nb, and Ta). Some of these ionization potentials in electron volts (eV) with uncertainties are: 105(0), 7.4±0.4; 105(1 +), 16.3 ±0.2; 105(2 +), 24.3 ± 0.2; 105(3 + ), 34.9 ± 0.5; and 105(4 + ), 44.9 ± 0.1. Ionization potentials for Ta(1+), Ta(2 +), and Ta(3 + ) were also calculated. Accurate experimental values for these ionization potentials are not available. Ionic radii are presented for the 2+, 3+, 4 +, and 5+ ions of element 105 and for the + 2 ions of vanadium and niobium. These radii for vanadium and niobium are not available elsewhere. The ionization potentials and ionic radii obtained are used to determine some standard electrode potentials for element 105. Born-Haber cycles and a form of the Born equation for the Gibbs free energy of hydration of ions were used to calculate the standard electrode potentials.
To study the complex formation of group 5 elements (Nb, Ta, Ha, and pseudoanalog Pa) in aqueous HCI solutions of medium and high concentrations the electronic structures of anionic complexes of these elements [MCl_6]^-, [MOCl_4]^-, [M(OH)-2 Cl_4]^-, and [MOCl_5]^2- have been calculated using the relativistic Dirac-Slater Discrete-Variational Method. The charge density distribution analysis has shown that tantalum occupies a specific position in the group and has the highest tendency to form the pure halide complex, [TaCl_6-. This fact along with a high covalency of this complex explains its good extractability into aliphatic amines. Niobium has equal trends to form pure halide [NbCl_6]^- and oxyhalide [NbOCl_5]^2- species at medium and high acid concentrations. Protactinium has a slight preference for the [PaOCl_5]^2- form or for the pure halide complexes with coordination number higher than 6 under these conditions. Element 105 at high HCl concentrations will have a preference to form oxyhalide anionic complex [HaOCl_5]^2- rather than [HaCl_6]^-. For the same sort of anionic oxychloride complexes an estimate has been done of their partition between the organic and aqueous phases in the extraction by aliphatic amines, which shows the following succession of the partition coefficients: P_Nb < P_Ha < P_Pa.
The electronic structure of the group 6 oxyanions [MO_4]^2-, where M = Cr, Mo, W, and element 106 have been calculated using the Dirac-Slater Discrete Variational method. Results of the calculations show a relative decrease in the metal-oxygen bond strengths for the [E106O_4]^2- ion in the solid state compared to that for the [WO_4]^2- anion. Calculated energies of the electronic charge-transfer transitions are indicative of a strong possible luminescence of [El06O_4]^2- in the blue-violet area. In solutions [El06O_4]^2- will be the most stable ion out of the entire series. Estimated reduction potential E^0 (El06O^2-_4/E106O^3-_4) equal to -1.60V shows only a slightly increased stability of the +6 oxidation state for element 106 in comparison with W.
Vor dem Hintergund der Integration des wissensbasierten Managementsystems Precision Farming in den Ökologischen Landbau wurde die Umsetzung bestehender sowie neu zu entwickelnder Strategien evaluiert und diskutiert. Mit Blick auf eine im Precision Farming maßgebende kosteneffiziente Ertragserfassung der im Ökologischen Landbau flächenrelevanten Leguminosen-Grasgemenge wurden in zwei weiteren Beiträgen die Schätzgüten von Ultraschall- und Spektralsensorik in singulärer und kombinierter Anwendung analysiert. Das Ziel des Precision Farming, ein angepasstes Management bezogen auf die flächeninterne Variabilität der Standorte umzusetzen, und damit einer Reduzierung von Betriebsmitteln, Energie, Arbeit und Umwelteffekten bei gleichzeitiger Effektivitätssteigerung und einer ökonomischen Optimierung zu erreichen, deckt sich mit wesentlichen Bestrebungen im Ökogischen Landbau. Es sind vorrangig Maßnahmen zur Erfassung der Variabilität von Standortfaktoren wie Geländerelief, Bodenbeprobung und scheinbare elektrische Leitfähigkeit sowie der Ertragserfassung über Mähdrescher, die direkt im Ökologischen Landbau Anwendung finden können. Dagegen sind dynamisch angepasste Applikationen zur Düngung, im Pflanzenschutz und zur Beseitigung von Unkräutern aufgrund komplexer Interaktionen und eines eher passiven Charakters dieser Maßnahmen im Ökologischen Landbau nur bei Veränderung der Applikationsmodelle und unter Einbindung weiterer dynamischer Daten umsetzbar. Beispiele hiefür sind einzubeziehende Mineralisierungsprozesse im Boden und organischem Dünger bei der Düngemengenberechnung, schwer ortsspezifisch zuzuordnende präventive Maßnamen im Pflanzenschutz sowie Einflüsse auf bodenmikrobiologische Prozesse bei Hack- oder Striegelgängen. Die indirekten Regulationsmechanismen des Ökologischen Landbaus begrenzen daher die bisher eher auf eine direkte Wirkung ausgelegten dynamisch angepassten Applikationen des konventionellen Precision Farming. Ergänzend sind innovative neue Strategien denkbar, von denen die qualitätsbezogene Ernte, der Einsatz hochsensibler Sensoren zur Früherkennung von Pflanzenkrankheiten oder die gezielte teilflächen- und naturschutzorientierte Bewirtschaftung exemplarisch in der Arbeit vorgestellt werden. Für die häufig große Flächenanteile umfassenden Leguminosen-Grasgemenge wurden für eine kostengünstige und flexibel einsetzbare Ertragserfassung die Ultraschalldistanzmessung zur Charakterisierung der Bestandeshöhe sowie verschiedene spektrale Vegetationsindices als Schätzindikatoren analysiert. Die Vegetationsindices wurden aus hyperspektralen Daten nach publizierten Gleichungen errechnet sowie als „Normalized Difference Spectral Index“ (NDSI) stufenweise aus allen möglichen Wellenlängenkombinationen ermittelt. Die Analyse erfolgte für Ultraschall und Vegetationsindices in alleiniger und in kombinierter Anwendung, um mögliche kompensatorische Effekte zu nutzen. In alleiniger Anwendung erreichte die Ultraschallbestandeshöhe durchweg bessere Schätzgüten, als alle einzelnen Vegetationsindices. Bei den letztgenannten erreichten insbesondere auf Wasserabsorptionsbanden basierende Vegetationsindices eine höhere Schätzgenauigkeit als traditionelle Rot/Infrarot-Indices. Die Kombination beider Sensorda-ten ließ eine weitere Steigerung der Schätzgüte erkennen, insbesondere bei bestandesspezifischer Kalibration. Hierbei kompensieren die Vegetationsindices Fehlschätzungen der Höhenmessung bei diskontinuierlichen Bestandesdichtenänderungen entlang des Höhengradienten, wie sie beim Ährenschieben oder durch einzelne hochwachsende Arten verursacht werden. Die Kombination der Ultraschallbestandeshöhe mit Vegetationsindices weist das Potential zur Entwicklung kostengünstiger Ertragssensoren für Leguminosen-Grasgemenge auf. Weitere Untersuchungen mit hyperspektralen Vegetationsindices anderer Berechnungstrukturen sowie die Einbindung von mehr als zwei Wellenlängen sind hinsichtlich der Entwicklung höherer Schätzgüten notwendig. Ebenso gilt es, Kalibrierungen und Validationen der Sensorkombination im artenreichen Grasland durchzuführen. Die Ertragserfassung in den Leguminosen-Grasgemengen stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erstellung einer Ertragshistorie in den vielfältigen Fruchtfolgen des Ökologischen Landbaus dar und ermöglicht eine verbesserte Einschätzung von Produktionspotenzialen und Defizitarealen für ein standortangepasstes Management.
We report on the assembly of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNF-R1) prior to ligand activation and its ligand-induced reorganization at the cell membrane. We apply single-molecule localization microscopy to obtain quantitative information on receptor cluster sizes and copy numbers. Our data suggest a dimeric pre-assembly of TNF-R1, as well as receptor reorganization toward higher oligomeric states with stable populations comprising three to six TNF-R1. Our experimental results directly serve as input parameters for computational modeling of the ligand-receptor interaction. Simulations corroborate the experimental finding of higher-order oligomeric states. This work is a first demonstration how quantitative, super-resolution and advanced microscopy can be used for systems biology approaches at the single-molecule and single-cell level.
The identification of the lebranche mullet in the western south Atlantic has long been problematical. In most recent works either Mugil liza Valenciennes and M. platanus Gunther, 1880 or M. liza and M. cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 were recognized from the region and more rarely the occurrence of only one species has been proposed but without sufficient morphological, biochemical or molecular data to allow the designation of the taxonomically appropriate name. Analysis of meristic and morphometric data taken from samples collected from Venezuela to Argentina, clearly indicates that there is only one species of lebranche mullet in the Caribbean Sea region and the Atlantic coast of South America and that Mugil liza is the appropriate name. The comparison of the combined data from all the samples of M. liza with the data taken from one sample of M. cephalus that originated in the Mediterranean, the possible locality from which type specimens were collected (Eschmeyer and Fricke, 2009), revealed significant differences indicating that they are different species. It is also suggested that individuals from the western north Atlantic identified as M. cephalus might represent a population of M. liza in this region.
In medical processes where ionizing radiation is used, dose planning and dose delivery are the key elements to patient safety and treatment success, particularly, when the delivered dose in a single session of treatment can be an order of magnitude higher than the regular doses of radiotherapy. Therefore, the radiation dose should be well defined and precisely delivered to the target while minimizing radiation exposure to surrounding normal tissues [1]. Several methods have been proposed to obtain three-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution [2, 3]. In this paper, we propose an alternative method, which can be easily implemented in any stereotactic radiosurgery center with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facility. A phantom with or without scattering centers filled with Fricke gel solution is irradiated with Gamma Knife(A (R)) system at a chosen spot. The phantom can be a replica of a human organ such as head, breast or any other organ. It can even be constructed from a real 3-D MR image of an organ of a patient using a computer-aided construction and irradiated at a specific region corresponding to the tumor position determined by MRI. The spin-lattice relaxation time T (1) of different parts of the irradiated phantom is determined by localized spectroscopy. The T (1)-weighted phantom images are used to correlate the image pixels intensity to the absorbed dose and consequently a 3-D dose distribution with a high resolution is obtained.
In this paper, we propose a new method of measuring the very slow paramagnetic ion diffusion coefficient using a commercial high-resolution spectrometer. If there are distinct paramagnetic ions influencing the hydrogen nuclear magnetic relaxation time differently, their diffusion coefficients can be measured separately. A cylindrical phantom filled with Fricke xylenol gel solution and irradiated with gamma rays was used to validate the method. The Fricke xylenol gel solution was prepared with 270 Bloom porcine gelatin, the phantom was irradiated with gamma rays originated from a (60)Co source and a high-resolution 200 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer was used to obtain the phantom (1)H profile in the presence of a linear magnetic field gradient. By observing the temporal evolution of the phantom NMR profile, an apparent ferric ion diffusion coefficient of 0.50 mu m(2)/ms due to ferric ions diffusion was obtained. In any medical process where the ionizing radiation is used, the dose planning and the dose delivery are the key elements for the patient safety and success of treatment. These points become even more important in modern conformal radio therapy techniques, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, where the delivered dose in a single session of treatment can be an order of magnitude higher than the regular doses of radiotherapy. Several methods have been proposed to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution. Recently, we proposed an alternative method for the 3-D radiation dose mapping, where the ionizing radiation modifies the local relative concentration of Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) in a phantom containing Fricke gel and this variation is associated to the MR image intensity. The smearing of the intensity gradient is proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) in the phantom. There are several methods for measurement of the ionic diffusion using NMR, however, they are applicable when the diffusion is not very slow.
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