278 resultados para Filial piety


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Discurso del Director General de Ense??anza Media, Profesor D. ??ngel Gonz??lez ??lvarez, en la inauguraci??n de la Secci??n Filial y el Colegio Menor de las Aliadas de Le??n, el 30 de octubre de 1966. En su intervenci??n, el Director General se centra en tres temas: 1. El cumplimiento de los objetivos del Plan de Desarrollo en materia de ense??anza media, mediante la creaci??n de nuevos centros y puestos de estudio. 2. La ense??anza religiosa y las interpretaciones al Concilio Vaticano II. 3. El derecho a la educaci??n integral. 4. El deber universal de educar. 5. Los medios de ense??anza y en concreto, las escuelas y centros de ense??anza media.


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Se reproduce el discurso pronunciado por el Director General de Enseñanza Media, Profesor D. Ángel González Álvarez en la inauguración de la Sección Filial número 6 del Instituto 'Luis Vives', situada en la localidad de Alboraya en Valencia. El Sr. González Álvarez en su intervención insistió en la importancia del derecho universal a la educación que se hace extensible a la creación de las Secciones Filiales, puesto que son estos centros los que se ocupan de dar formación a aquellos con menos recursos y les permite realizar los cuatro cursos de bachillerato elemental.


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Varias fotografías ilustran los actos de inauguración y las instalaciones del Centro


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Se intercalan fotografías ilustrativas de varias de estas actividades


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Noticia sobre el ingreso en la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua del escritor e hispanista Alfonso Junco en la conmemoraci??n del LXXV aniversario de la constituci??n de la Academia Mexicana como filial de la Real Academia Espa??ola.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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The first mycetome was discovered more than 340 yr ago in the human louse. Despite the remarkable biology and medical and social importance of human lice, its primary endosymbiont has eluded identification and characterization. Here, we report the host-symbiont interaction of the mycetomic bacterium of the head louse Pediculus humanus capitis and the body louse P. h. humanus. The endosymbiont represents a new bacterial lineage in the -Proteobacteria. Its closest sequenced relative is Arsenophonus nasoniae, from which it differs by more than 10%. A. nasoniae is a male-killing endosymbiont of jewel wasps. Using microdissection and multiphoton confocal microscopy, we show the remarkable interaction of this bacterium with its host. This endosymbiont is unique because it occupies sequentially four different mycetomes during the development of its host, undergoes three cycles of proliferation, changes in length from 2–4 µm to more than 100 µm, and has two extracellular migrations, during one of which the endosymbionts have to outrun its host’s immune cells. The host and its symbiont have evolved one of the most complex interactions: two provisional or transitory mycetomes, a main mycetome and a paired filial mycetome. Despite the close relatedness of body and head lice, differences are present in the mycetomic provisioning and the immunological response.—Perotti, M. A., Allen, J. M., Reed, D. L., Braig, H. R. Host-symbiont interactions of the primary endosymbiont of human head and body lice.


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Although the benefits of maternal care have been investigated in many species, the caring role of males in species with exclusive paternal care has received less attention. We experimentally quantified the protective role of paternal care in the harvestman Iporangaia pustulosa. Additionally, we compared the effectiveness of paternal care against predation in this species with a syntopic harvestman with maternal care, Acutisoma proximum. We demonstrated that nearly one-third of the unprotected Iporangaia clutches disappeared entirely in 12 days, while the other two-thirds suffered a mean reduction of 55% in egg number. Conversely, 50% of the control clutches did not suffer any reduction, and only one was entirely consumed by predators. We also demonstrated that the mucus coat that covers Iporangaia clutches has an important deterrent role against predation by conspecifics: 58.3% of the clutches without mucus were attacked and three of them were entirely consumed, whereas only three clutches with mucus were attacked, suffering a reduction of up to three eggs. Iporangaia males were as efficient as Acutisoma females in protecting eggs. However, unattended Acutisoma eggs were attacked 20% more frequently than unattended Iporangaia eggs. Unattended Iporangaia eggs are protected by a mucus coat that prevents or decreases predation rate, whereas Acutisoma eggs are more susceptible to predation, probably because they lack this mucus coat. Thus, besides the fact that Iporangaia males efficiently protect the offspring against egg predators, females also contribute to egg protection by providing a mucus coat that deters egg predators. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Few studies have investigated how attachment bonds between older parents and their adult children influence adult children’s provision of care and older parents’ seeking of support from kin. The aim of this study was to investigate how the attachment orientations of adult children (N = 119) and older parents (N = 148) predict family caregiving and perceptions of carer burden. Across both samples (that were unrelated), attachment dimensions were associated with current and future caregiving and care receiving and perceptions of carer burden, even when accounting for demographic variables, parental dependence and filial obligation. Specifically, attachment avoidance was associated negatively with adult children’s future care of parents and positively with burden. In contrast, attachment anxiety was positively associated with older parents’ seeking current support, perceptions of carer burden, and intentions to seek future support.


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In this paper, conversations between a group of white, middle class, adult Australian mothers and daughters are examined to disclose the symbolic dimensions that mark girlhood, womanhood, motherhood and the mother– daughter dyad within Catholic discourse. In their conversations,women unravel and produce understandings of themselves as women, and as mothers and daughters that operate at both a symbolic and real material level. Thewomen in their intergenerational dialogue depict a visceral account of Catholic desire, guilt, pleasure, piety and anger. They offer insights into the curious patriarchal religious rituals; logic and superstition that shaped their Catholic upbringings and that still permeate their adult lives. For it becomes evident that they are still affected by, and living out, the intensity of this religious force. By constructing traces of the Catholic mother–daughter nexus which relates back to women’s conversations, the intention is not to construct a closed off space but, rather, to construct a place in which women actively talk, listen and read, and by so doing come to a better understanding of their own social gendered embodied selves.


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Esta dissertação aborda a satisfação dos operadores de uma empresa de telemarketing, com filial no Rio Grande do Sul, com o sistema de pausas para descanso no trabalho. Foi feito um levantamento com base em observação direta, entrevistas e questionários respondidos por 170 teleoperadores dos três turnos da empresa e evidenciada insatisfação com o sistema de pausas utilizado, principalmente pelos operadores com maior tempo de serviço, possivelmente pelo desgaste com o trabalho, conforme constatado pela baixa motivação e alta pressão psicológica informada por estes operadores. O sistema de pausas utilizado pela empresa (uma pausa de cinco minutos, denominada particular) não satisfaz as necessidades dos teleoperadores, não é compatível com a natureza de sua atividade e não atende aos dispositivos da NR 17 - Ergonomia do MTE - Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego para trabalhadores ocupados com processamento eletrônico de dados. Levando-se em consideração o anseio por pausas sem horários pré-determinados manifestado pela maioria dos teleoperadores entrevistados, propõese um regime de pausas mais flexível, desde que previamente acordado mediante convenção coletiva nos termos da NR 17 - Ergonomia do MTE


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This study has the objective to evaluate until which extent the adoption of the strategic planning by the Presbyterian Church of Manaus (IPM) expresses its effective fitting within the strategic management paradigm, whose ethos is the predominance of the instrumental-strategic rationality and the market-orientated logic in the managerial actions. It is assumed as a research initial hypothesis that the adoption of this technique by IPM represented an instrumental-strategic managerial action and a deliberated incorporation of market-orientated managerial parameters, strengthening some of the organizational studies¿ ultimate conclusions about the colonization of the third sector¿s organizations by the capitalist system logic. The research method foresees: (a) a bibliographical review about the themes ¿critical social theories¿, ¿strategic management¿, ¿third sector¿ and ¿religious organizations sociology¿; and (b) a case study at IPM, religious organization established at the state of Amazonas, branch of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPB) and socially active according to religious aims and related (social care, cultural, etc.).


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Esta tese analisa a relação da cultura organizacional com a cultura regional brasileira. O nosso pressuposto de diferenciação regional está embasado em uma literatura que considera as distinções culturais no nível subnacional e sua influência na cultura das organizações. O interesse de nossa investigação parte de duas questões principais: 1) A cultura organizacional de uma filial, que atua em uma região cultural brasileira diferente de sua matriz, muda em relação a esta matriz e ainda em relação a outras filiais? Como a organização lida com isso? 2) Existe diferenciação nos valores e nas práticas entre a matriz e as filiais de outras regiões culturais brasileiras e ainda entre as filiais entre si em diferentes regiões? Como a organização lida com isso? Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é o de investigar uma organização empresarial brasileira e suas filiais em diferentes regiões do Brasil de forma a identificar: 1) As diferenças entre a cultura e as práticas organizacionais da matriz e das filiais e entre as filiais; 2) As diferenças no relacionamento da matriz com as filiais de outras regiões e como isso influencia nas práticas e políticas organizacionais. Para o alcance desses objetivos, nos apoiamos em uma pesquisa de epistemologia interpretativista, de natureza exploratória e de orientação qualitativa, que utilizou como estratégia de investigação o estudo de caso, com o uso de entrevista semi-estruturada para comparar a matriz e duas filiais de uma empresa do setor de alimentos, presente em diferentes regiões do país. A escolha de uma empresa tradicional com presença nacional poderia ilustrar a questão regional de nosso pressuposto, contudo os dados nos levam a outra direção. O momento que a empresa está vivendo, desde que operou uma mudança de foco estratégico, sinaliza a relevância de aspectos fundamentais da cultura organizacional em processo de transição que torna a questão regional tênue. Percebemos que a cultura antiga ainda não deu lugar a uma nova e que os dados apontam para uma fragmentação cultural, em decorrência: 1) Da diminuição da importância do fundador; 2) Da profissionalização da diretoria; 3) Da transferência progressiva do poder de Fortaleza para São Paulo; 4) Do redirecionamento para o mercado de consumo; 5) Do controle mais complexo e metas mais agressivas; 6) Da redução da autonomia das unidades.