948 resultados para Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
La maggior parte dei moderni dispositivi e macchinari, sia ad uso civile che industriale, utilizzano sistemi elettronici che ne supervisionano e ne controllano il funzionamento. All’ interno di questi apparati è quasi certamente impiegato un sistema di controllo digitale che svolge, anche grazie alle potenzialità oggi raggiunte, compiti che fino a non troppi anni or sono erano dominio dell’ elettronica analogica, si pensi ad esempio ai DSP (Digital Signal Processor) oggi impiegati nei sistemi di telecomunicazione. Nonostante l'elevata potenza di calcolo raggiunta dagli odierni microprocessori/microcontrollori/DSP dedicati alle applicazioni embedded, quando è necessario eseguire elaborazioni complesse, time-critical, dovendo razionalizzare e ottimizzare le risorse a disposizione, come ad esempio spazio consumo e costi, la scelta ricade inevitabilmente sui dispositivi FPGA. I dispositivi FPGA, acronimo di Field Programmable Gate Array, sono circuiti integrati a larga scala d’integrazione (VLSI, Very Large Scale of Integration) che possono essere configurati via software dopo la produzione. Si differenziano dai microprocessori poiché essi non eseguono un software, scritto ad esempio in linguaggio assembly oppure in linguaggio C. Sono invece dotati di risorse hardware generiche e configurabili (denominate Configurable Logic Block oppure Logic Array Block, a seconda del produttore del dispositivo) che per mezzo di un opportuno linguaggio, detto di descrizione hardware (HDL, Hardware Description Language) vengono interconnesse in modo da costituire circuiti logici digitali. In questo modo, è possibile far assumere a questi dispositivi funzionalità logiche qualsiasi, non previste in origine dal progettista del circuito integrato ma realizzabili grazie alle strutture programmabili in esso presenti.
Les techniques des directions d’arrivée (DOA) sont une voie prometteuse pour accroitre la capacité des systèmes et les services de télécommunications en permettant de mieux estimer le canal radio-mobile. Elles permettent aussi de suivre précisément des usagers cellulaires pour orienter les faisceaux d’antennes dans leur direction. S’inscrivant dans ce contexte, ce présent mémoire décrit étape par étape l’implémentation de l’algorithme de haut niveau MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification) sur une plateforme FPGA afin de déterminer en temps réel l’angle d’arrivée d’une ou des sources incidentes à un réseau d’antennes. Le concept du prototypage rapide des lois de commande (RCP) avec les outils de XilinxTM System generator (XSG) et du MBDK (Model Based Design Kit) de NutaqTM est le concept de développement utilisé. Ce concept se base sur une programmation de code haut niveau à travers des modèles, pour générer automatiquement un code de bas niveau. Une attention particulière est portée sur la méthode choisie pour résoudre le problème de la décomposition en valeurs et vecteurs propres de la matrice complexe de covariance par l’algorithme de Jacobi. L’architecture mise en place implémentant cette dernière dans le FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) est détaillée. Par ailleurs, il est prouvé que MUSIC ne peut effectuer une estimation intéressante de la position des sources sans une calibration préalable du réseau d’antennes. Ainsi, la technique de calibration par matrice G utilisée dans ce projet est présentée, en plus de son modèle d’implémentation. Enfin, les résultats expérimentaux du système mis à l’épreuve dans un environnement réel en présence d’une source puis de deux sources fortement corrélées sont illustrés et analysés.
Safety concerns in the operation of autonomous aerial systems require safe-landing protocols be followed during situations where the a mission should be aborted due to mechanical or other failure. On-board cameras provide information that can be used in the determination of potential landing sites, which are continually updated and ranked to prevent injury and minimize damage. Pulse Coupled Neural Networks have been used for the detection of features in images that assist in the classification of vegetation and can be used to minimize damage to the aerial vehicle. However, a significant drawback in the use of PCNNs is that they are computationally expensive and have been more suited to off-line applications on conventional computing architectures. As heterogeneous computing architectures are becoming more common, an OpenCL implementation of a PCNN feature generator is presented and its performance is compared across OpenCL kernels designed for CPU, GPU and FPGA platforms. This comparison examines the compute times required for network convergence under a variety of images obtained during unmanned aerial vehicle trials to determine the plausibility for real-time feature detection.
Safety concerns in the operation of autonomous aerial systems require safe-landing protocols be followed during situations where the mission should be aborted due to mechanical or other failure. This article presents a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) to assist in the vegetation classification in a vision-based landing site detection system for an unmanned aircraft. We propose a heterogeneous computing architecture and an OpenCL implementation of a PCNN feature generator. Its performance is compared across OpenCL kernels designed for CPU, GPU, and FPGA platforms. This comparison examines the compute times required for network convergence under a variety of images to determine the plausibility for real-time feature detection.
In this paper, the validity of'single fault assumption in deriving diagnostic test sets is examined with respect to crosspoint faults in programmable logic arrays (PLA's). The control input procedure developed here can be used to convert PLA's having undetectable crosspoint faults to crosspoint-irredundant PLA's for testing purposes. All crosspoints will be testable in crosspoint-irredundant PLA's. The control inputs are used as extra variables during testing. They are maintained at logic I during normal operation. A useful heuristic for obtaining a near-minimal number of control inputs is suggested. Expressions for calculating bounds on the number of control inputs have also been obtained.
An on-line algorithm is developed for the location of single cross point faults in a PLA (FPLA). The main feature of the algorithm is the determination of a fault set corresponding to the response obtained for a failed test. For the apparently small number of faults in this set, all other tests are generated and a fault table is formed. Subsequently, an adaptive procedure is used to diagnose the fault. Functional equivalence test is carried out to determine the actual fault class if the adaptive testing results in a set of faults with identical tests. The large amount of computation time and storage required in the determination, a priori, of all the fault equivalence classes or in the construction of a fault dictionary are not needed here. A brief study of functional equivalence among the cross point faults is also made.
An on-line algorithm is developed for the location of single cross point faults in a PLA (FPLA). The main feature of the valgorithm is the determination of a fault set corresponding to the response obtained for a failed test. For the apparently small number of faults in this set, all other tests are generated and a fault table is formed. Subsequently, an adaptive procedure is used to diagnose the fault. Functional equivalence test is carried out to determine the actual fault class if the adaptive testing results in a set of faults with identical tests. The large amount of computation time and storage required in the determination, a priori, of all the fault equivalence classes or in the construction of a fault dictionary are not needed here. A brief study of functional equivalence among the cross point faults is also made.
This paper describes a switching theoretic algorithm for the folding of programmable logic arrays (PLA). The algorithm is valid for both column and row folding, although it has been presented considering only the simple column folding. The pairwise compatibility relations among all the pairs of the columns of the PLA are mapped into a square matrix, called the compatibility matrix of the PLA. A foldable compatibility matrix (FCM), a new concept introduced by the author, is then derived from the compatibility matrix. A new theorem called the folding theorem is then proved. The theorem states that the existence of an m by 2m FCM is both necessary and sufficient to fold 2m columns of the n column PLA (2m ≤ n). Once an FCM is obtained, the ordered pairs of foldable columns and the re-ordering of the rows are readily determined.
[ES]El proyecto presentado a continuación muestra la elaboración de un core para ser embebido dentro de las denominadas FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array), cuya finalidad es la creación de una referencia temporal, en arquitectura de 64bits, gracias a un módulo GPS (Global Positioning System), lo más cercana posible al orden de las decenas de nano-segundos, para poder ser insertado en un equipo PTP-Master (Precision Time Protocol - Master) (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - 1588), a bajo coste y con calidad comparable a la de los dispositivos Grand Master.
Gordon E. Moore, co-fundador de Intel, predijo en una publicación del año 1965 que aproximadamente cada dos años se duplicaría el número de transistores presentes en un circuito integrado, debido a las cada vez mejores tecnologías presentes en el proceso de elaboración. A esta ley se la conoce como Ley de Moore y su cumplimiento se ha podido constatar hasta hoy en día. Gracias a ello, con el paso del tiempo cada vez se presentan en el mercado circuitos integrados más potentes, con mayores prestaciones para realizar tareas cada vez más complejas. Un tipo de circuitos integrados que han podido evolucionar de forma importante por dicho motivo, son los dispositivos de lógica programable, circuitos integrados que permiten implementar sobre ellos las funciones lógicas que desee implementar el usuario. Hasta hace no muchos años, dichos dispositivos eran capaces de implementar circuitos compuestos por unas pocas funciones lógicas, pero gracias al proceso de miniaturización predicho por la Ley de Moore, hoy en día son capaces de implementar circuitos tan complejos como puede ser un microprocesador; dichos dispositivos reciben el nombre de FPGA, siglas de Field Programmable Gate Array. Debido a la mayor capacidad y por lo tanto a diseños más complejos implementados sobre las FPGA, en los últimos años han aparecido herramientas cuyo objetivo es hacer más fácil el proceso de ingeniería dentro de un desarrollo en este tipo de dispositivos, como es la herramienta HDL Coder de la compañía MathWorks, creadores también Matlab y Simulink, unas potentes herramientas usadas ampliamente en diferentes ramas de la ingeniería. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar el uso de dicha herramienta para el procesado digital de señales, usando para ello una FPGA Cyclone II de la casa Altera. Para ello, se empezará analizando la herramienta escogida comparándola con herramientas de la misma índole, para a continuación seleccionar una aplicación de procesado digital de señal a implementar. Tras diseñar e implementar la aplicación escogida, se deberá simular en PC para finalmente integrarla en la placa de evaluación seleccionada y comprobar su correcto funcionamiento. Tras analizar los resultados de la aplicación de implementada, concretamente un analizador de la frecuencia fundamental de una señal de audio, se ha comprobado que la herramienta HDL Coder, es adecuada para este tipo de desarrollos, facilitando enormemente los procesos tanto de implementación como de validación gracias al mayor nivel de abstracción que aporta.
New embedded predictive control applications call for more eficient ways of solving quadratic programs (QPs) in order to meet demanding real-time, power and cost requirements. A single precision QP-on-a-chip controller is proposed, implemented in afield-programmable gate array (FPGA) with an iterative linear solver at its core. A novel offline scaling procedure is introduced to aid the convergence of the reduced precision solver. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) experimental setup where an ML605 FPGA board controls a nonlinear model of a Boeing 747 aircraft running on a desktop PC through an Ethernet link. Simulations show that the quality of the closed-loop control and accuracy of individual solutions is competitive with a conventional double precision controller solving linear systems using a Riccati recursion. © 2012 IFAC.
根据OIF-VSR5-01.0的CWDM协议,对40 Gb/s甚短距离(VSR)并行光传输电信号转换实现原理和方法进行了研究,在高速的可编程逻辑器件FPGA(field programmable gate array)上,使用硬件描述语言,完成了对时钟数据恢复、信道去斜移、64 b/66 b转换、帧对准和扰码与解扰等功能模块的设计,实现了SFI-5接口与OIF-VSR5-01.0接口电信号格式的相互转换,建立了符合4信道CWDM协议的IP核.
The design and implementation of a programmable cyclic redundancy check (CRC) computation circuit architecture, suitable for deployment in network related system-on-chips (SoCs) is presented. The architecture has been designed to be field reprogrammable so that it is fully flexible in terms of the polynomial deployed and the input port width. The circuit includes an embedded configuration controller that has a low reconfiguration time and hardware cost. The circuit has been synthesised and mapped to 130-nm UMC standard cell [application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)] technology and is capable of supporting line speeds of 5 Gb/s. © 2006 IEEE.