975 resultados para Fermi-liquid Behavior
The shape and morphology of the northern Barbados Ridge complex is largely controlled by the sediment yield and failure behavior in response to high lateral loads imposed by convergence. Loads in excess of sediment yield strength result in nonrecoverable deformations within the wedge, and failure strength acts as an upper limit beyond which stresses are released through thrust faults. Relatively high loading rates lead to delayed consolidation and in-situ pore pressures greater than hydrostatic. The sediment yield and failure behavior is described for any stress path by a generalized constitutive model. A yield locus delineates the onset of plastic (non-recoverable) deformation, as defined from the isotropic and anisotropic consolidation responses of high-quality 38-mm triaxial specimens; a failure envelope was obtained by shearing the same specimens in both triaxial compression and extension. The yield locus is shown to be rotated into extension space and is centered about a K-line greater than unity, suggesting that the in-situ major principal stress has rotated into the horizontal plane, and that the sediment wedge is being subjected to extensional effective stress paths.
Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. One of the main issues in these programs is the problem of liquid metals breeder blanket behavior. Structural material of the blanket should meet high requirements because of extreme operating conditions. Therefore the knowledge of eutectic properties like optimal composition, physical and thermodynamic behavior or diffusion coefficients of Tritium are extremely necessary for current designs. In particular, the knowledge of the function linking the tritium concentration dissolved in liquid materials with the tritium partial pressure at a liquid/gas interface in equilibrium, CT=f(PT), is of basic importance because it directly impacts all functional properties of a blanket determining: tritium inventory, tritium permeation rate and tritium extraction efficiency. Nowadays, understanding the structure and behavior of this compound is a real goal in fusion engineering and materials science. Simulations of liquids can provide much information to the community; not only supplementing experimental data, but providing new tests of theories and ideas, making specific predictions that require experimental tests, and ultimately helping to lead to the deeper understanding and better predictive behavior.
Los polímeros cristales líquidos (LCP) son sistemas complejos que forman mesofases que presentan orden orientacional y polímeros amorfos. Con frecuencia, el estado amorfo isotrópico no puede ser estudiado debido a la rápida formación de mesofases. En este trabajo se ha sintetizado y estudiado un nuevo LCP: poli(trietilenglicol metil p, p '-bibenzoato), PTEMeB. Este polímero presenta una formación de mesofase bastante lenta haciendo posible estudiar de forma independiente tanto los estados amorfo y de cristal líquidos. La estructura y las transiciones de fase del PTEMeB han sido investigados por calorimetría (DSC), con MAXS / WAXS con temperatura variable que emplean radiación de sincrotrón y con difracción de rayos X. Estos estudios han mostrado la existencia de dos transiciones vítreas, relacionadas con las fases amorfa y cristal líquido. Se ha realizado un estudio de relajación dieléctrica en amplios intervalos de temperatura y presión. Se ha encontrado que la transición vítrea dinámica de la fase amorfa es más lenta que la del cristal líquido. El estudio de la relajación ? nos ha permitido seguir la formación isoterma de la mesofase a presión atmosférica. Además, con el estudio el comportamiento dinámico a alta presión se ha encontrado que se produce la formación rápida de la mesofase inducida por cambios bruscos de presión. Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) are complex systems that include features of both orientationally ordered mesophases and amorphous polymers. Frequently, the isotropic amorphous state cannot be studied due to the rapid mesophase formation. Here, a new main chain LCP, poly(triethyleneglycol methyl p,p'-bibenzoate), PTEMeB, has been synthesized. It shows a rather slow mesophase formation making possible to study independently both the amorphous and the liquid crystalline states. The structure and phase transitions of PTEMeB have been investigated by calorimetry, variable-temperature MAXS/WAXS employing synchrotron radiation, and X-ray diffraction in oriented fibers. These experiments have pointed out the presence of two glass transitions, related to the amorphous or to the liquid crystal phases. Additionally, the mesophase seems to be a coexistence of orthogonal and tilted smectic phases. A dielectric relaxation study of PTEMeB over broad ranges of temperature and pressure has been performed. The dynamic glass transition turns out to be slower for the amorphous state than for the liquid crystal. Monitoring of the α relaxation has allowed us to follow the isothermal mesophase formation at atmospheric pressure. Additionally, the dynamical behavior at high pressures has pointed out the fast formation of the mesophase induced by sudden pressure changes.
This work is devoted to the theoretical study of the stability of two superposed horizontal liquid layers bounded by two solid planes and subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient. The liquids are supposed to be immiscible with a nondeformable interface. The forces acting on the system are buoyancy and interfacial tension. Four different flow patterns and temperature profiles are found for the basic state. A linear perturbative analysis with respect to two- and three-dimensional perturbations reveals the existence of three kinds of patterns. Depending on the relative height of both liquids several situations are predicted: either wave propa- gation from cold to the hot regions, or waves propagating in the opposite direction or still stationary longitu- dinal rolls. The behavior of three different pairs of liquids which have been used in experiments on bilayers under vertical gradient by other authors have been examined. The instability mechanisms are discussed and a qualitative interpretation of the different behaviors exhibited by the system is provided. In some configurations it is possible to find a codimension-two point created by the interaction of two Hopf modes with different frequencies and wave numbers. These results suggest to consider two liquid layers as an interesting prototype ? nard-Marangoni problem.
A new type of domain for nematic liquid crystals with a twisted-wedge structure is presented. This new type of domain appears from the low frequency range to 10 kHz. This behavior was observed for square and pulsed excitations. The liquid crystal was N-(p-methoxybenzylidene)-p'-butylaniline) (MBBA) used at room temperature. These domains offer a higher degree of complexity than conventional Williams domains. The corresponding stability chart is presented.
In this paper, the optical behavior of a nonlinear interface is studied. The nonlinear medium has been a nematic liquid crystal, namely MBBA, and the nonlinear one, glasses of different types (F-10 and F-2) depending on the experimental needs. The anchoring forces at the boundary have been found to inhibit the action of the evanescent field in the case of total internal reflection. Most of observed nonlinearities are due to thermal effects. As a consequence, liquid crystals do not seem to be good candidates for total internal reflection optical bistability.
This paper reports a new family of multimode fiber-optic switching devices based on nematic liquid crystal devices reported by us previously. These devices have a wedged structure as the main characteristic. Several modes of behavior cart arise depending on the internal configuration of the molecules. As we show, fhey have the possibility of total switching of unpolarized light with a very simple structure, low insertion losses, and very low operating voltages These new devices should find a wide range of applications in fiber-optic communication systems.
The mechanical behavior of three tungsten (W) alloys with vanadium (V) and lanthana (La2O3) additions (W–4%V, W–1%La2O3, W–4%V–1%La2O3) processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) have been compared with pure-W to analyze the influence of the dopants. Mechanical characterization was performed by three point bending (TPB) tests in an oxidizing air atmosphere and temperature range between 77 (immersion tests in liquid nitrogen) and 1273 K, through which the fracture toughness, flexural strength, and yield strength as function of temperature were obtained. Results show that the V and La2O3 additions improve the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior, respectively. Furthermore, a synergistic effect of both dopants results in an extraordinary increase of the flexure strength, fracture toughness and resistance to oxidation compared to pure-W, especially at higher temperatures. In addition, a new experimental method was developed to obtain a very small notch tip radius (around 5–7 μm) and much more similar to a crack through the use of a new machined notch. The fracture toughness results were lower than those obtained with traditional machining of the notch, which can be explained with electron microscopy, observations of deformation in the rear part of the notch tip. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of the microstructure and fracture surfaces was used to determine and analyze the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and the micromechanisms of failure involved, depending on the temperature and the dispersion of the alloy.
The control of carbon nanotubes conductivity is generating interest in several fields since it may be relevant for a number of applications. The self-organizing properties of liquid crystals may be used to impose alignment on dispersed carbon nanotubes,thus control-ling their conductivity and its anisotropy. This leads to a number of possible applications in photonic and electronic devices such as electrically controlled carbon nanotube switch- es and crossboards. In this work, cells of liquid crystals doped with multi-walled nanotubes have been prepared in different configurations. Their conductivity variations upon switching have been investigated. It turns out that conductivity evolution depends on the initial configuration (either homogeneous, homeotropic or in-plane switching), the cell thickness and the switching record. The control of these manufacturing paramenters allows the modulation of the electrical behavior of carbon nanotubes.
El gran esfuerzo realizado durante la última década con el fin de integrar los diferentes materiales superconductores en el campo de los sistemas eléctricos y en otras aplicaciones tecnológicas ha dado lugar a un campo de investigación amplio y prometedor. El comportamiento eléctrico de los Superconductores de Alta Temperatura (SAT) crítica (masivo y cintas) depende de diferentes parámetros desde su fabricación hasta la aplicación final con imanes o cables. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones prácticas de estos materiales están fuertemente vinculadas con su comportamiento mecánico tanto a temperatura ambiente (manipulación durante fabricación o instalación) como a temperaturas criogénicas (condiciones de servicio). En esta tesis se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico de materiales masivos y cintas de alta temperatura crítica a 300 y 77 K (utilizando nitrógeno líquido). Se han obtenido la resistencia en flexión, la tenacidad de fractura y la resistencia a tracción a la temperatura de servicio y a 300 K. Adicionalmente, se ha medido la dureza mediante el ensayo Vickers y nanoindentación. El módulo Young se midió mediante tres métodos diferentes: 1) nanoindentación, 2) ensayos de flexión en tres puntos y 3) resonancia vibracional mediante grindosonic. Para cada condición de ensayo, se han analizado detalladamente las superficies de fractura y los micromecanismos de fallo. Las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales se han comparado con el fin de entender la influencia de las técnicas de procesado y de las características microestructurales de los monocristales en su comportamiento mecánico. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento electromecánico de cintas comerciales superconductoras de YBCO mediante ensayos de tracción y fatiga a 77 y 300 K. El campo completo de deformaciones en la superficie del material se ha obtenido utilizando Correlación Digital de Imágenes (DIC, por sus siglas en inglés) a 300 K. Además, se realizaron ensayos de fragmentación in situ dentro de un microscopio electrónico con el fin de estudiar la fractura de la capa superconductora y determinar la resistencia a cortante de la intercara entre el substrato y la capa cerámica. Se ha conseguido ver el proceso de la fragmentación aplicando tensión axial y finalmente, se han implementado simulaciones mediante elementos finitos para reproducir la delaminación y el fenómeno de la fragmentación. Por último, se han preparado uniones soldadas entre las capas de cobre de dos cintas superconductoras. Se ha medido la resistencia eléctrica de las uniones con el fin de evaluar el metal de soldadura y el proceso. Asimismo, se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización mecánica de las uniones mediante ensayos "single lap shear" a 300 y 77 K. El efecto del campo magnético se ha estudiado aplicando campo externo hasta 1 T perpendicular o paralelo a la cinta-unión a la temperatura de servicio (77 K). Finalmente, la distribución de tensiones en cada una de las capas de la cinta se estudió mediante simulaciones de elementos finitos, teniendo en cuenta las capas de la cinta mecánicamente más representativas (Cu-Hastelloy-Cu) que influyen en su comportamiento mecánico. The strong effort that has been made in the last years to integrate the different superconducting materials in the field of electrical power systems and other technological applications led to a wide and promising research field. The electrical behavior of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) materials (bulk and coated conductors) depends on different parameters since their processing until their final application as magnets or cables. However, practical applications of such materials are strongly related with their mechanical performance at room temperature (handling) as well as at cryogenic temperatures (service conditions). In this thesis, the mechanical behavior of HTS bulk and coated conductors was investigated at 300 and 77 K (by immersion in liquid nitrogen). The flexural strength, the fracture toughness and the tensile strength were obtained at service temperature as well as at 300 K. Furthermore, their hardness was determined by Vickers measurements and nanoindentation and the Young's modulus was measured by three different techniques: 1) nanoindentation, 2) three-point bending tests and 3) vibrational resonance with a grindosonic device. The fracture and deformation micromechanics have been also carefully analyzed for each testing condition. The comparison between the studied materials has been performed in order to understand the influence of the main sintering methods and the microstructural characteristics of the single grains on the macroscopic mechanical behavior. The electromechanical behavior of commercial YBCO coated conductors was studied. The mechanical behavior of the tapes was studied under tensile and fatigue tests at 77 and 300 K. The complete strain field on the surface of the sample was obtained by applying Digital Image Correlation (DIC) at 300 K. Addionally, in situ fragmentation tests inside a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) were carried out in order to study the fragmentation of the superconducting layer and determine the interfacial shear strength between substrate and ceramic layer. The fragmentation process upon loading of the YBCO layer has been observed and finally, Finite Element Simulations were employed to reproduce delamination and fragmentation phenomena. Finally, joints between the stabilizing Cu sides of two coated conductors have been prepared. The electrical resistivity of the joints was measured for the purpose of qualifying the soldering material and evaluating the soldering process. Additionally, mechanical characterization under single lap shear tests at 300 and 77 K has been carried out. The effect of the applied magnetic field has been studied by applying external magnetic field up to 1 T perpendicular and parallel to the tape-joint at service temperature (77 K). Finally, finite element simulations were employed to study the distribution of the stresses in earch layer, taking into account the three mechanically relevant layers of the coated conductor (Cu-Hastelloy-Cu) that affect its mechanical behavior
The dynamics of inviscid, axisymmetric liquid bridges permits a simplified treatment if the bridge is long enough. Under such condition the evolution of the liquid zone is satisfactorily explained through a non-linear one-dimensional model. In the case of breaking, the one-dimensional model fails when the neck radius of the liquid column is close to zero; however, the model allows the calculation of the time variation of the liquid-bridge interface as well as of the fluid velocity field and, because the last part of the evolution is not needed, the overall results such as the breaking time and the volume of each of the two drops resulting after breakage can be calculated. In this paper numerical results concerning the behavior of clinical liquid bridges subjected to a small axial gravitational field are presented.
The deformation and failure micromechanisms of a hybrid 3D woven composite were studied in tension. Plain and open-hole composite coupons were tested in tension until failure in the fill and warp directions, as well as fiber tows extracted from the dry fabric and impregnated with the matrix. The macroscopic evolution of damage in the composite coupons was assessed by means of periodic unloading–reloading (to obtain the elastic modulus and the residual strain), whereas the microscopic mechanism were established by means of X-ray computed microtomography. To this end, specimens were periodically removed from the mechanical testing machine and infiltrated with ZnI-containing liquid to assess the main damage modes as a function of the applied strain. The experimental observations and the predictions of an isostrain model were used to understand the key factors controlling the elastic modulus, strength and notch sensitivity of hybrid 3D woven composites in tension. It was found that the full contribution of the glass fibers to the composite strength was not employed, due to the premature fracture of the carbon fibers, but their presence increased the fracture strain and the energy dissipated during fracture. Thus, hybridization of the 3D woven composite led to a notch-insensitive behavior as demonstrated by open-hole tests
A numerical method has been developed to determine the stability limits for liquid bridges held between noncircular supporting disks and the application to a configuration with a circular and an elliptical disk subjected to axial acceleration has been made. The numerical method led to results very different from the available analytical solution which has been revisited and a better approximation has been obtained. It has been found that just retaining one more term in the asymptotic analysis the solution reproduces the real behavior of the configuration and the numerical results.
Conductive nanoparticles, especially elongated ones such as carbon nanotubes, dramatically modify the electrical behavior of liquid crystal cells. These nanoparticles are known to reorient with liquid crystals in electric fields, causing significant variations of conductivity at minute concentrations of tens or hundreds ppm. The above notwithstanding, impedance spectroscopy of doped cells in the frequency range customarily employed by liquid crystal devices, 100 Hz?10 kHz, shows a relatively simple resistor/capacitor response where the components of the cell can be univocally assigned to single components of the electrical equivalent circuit. However, widening the frequency range up to 1 MHz or beyond reveals a complex behavior that cannot be explained with the same simple EEC. Moreover, the system impedance varies with the application of electric fields, their effect remaining after removing the field. Carbon nanotubes are reoriented together with liquid crystal reorientation when applying voltage, but barely reoriented back upon liquid crystal relaxation once the voltage is removed. Results demonstrate a remarkable variation in the impedance of the dielectric blend formed by liquid crystal and carbon nanotubes, the irreversible orientation of the carbon nanotubes and possible permanent contacts between electrodes.
A new mathematical model is proposed for the spreading of a liquid film on a solid surface. The model is based on the standard lubrication approximation for gently sloping films (with the no-slip condition for the fluid at the solid surface) in the major part of the film where it is not too thin. In the remaining and relatively small regions near the contact lines it is assumed that the so-called autonomy principle holds—i.e., given the material components, the external conditions, and the velocity of the contact lines along the surface, the behavior of the fluid is identical for all films. The resulting mathematical model is formulated as a free boundary problem for the classical fourth-order equation for the film thickness. A class of self-similar solutions to this free boundary problem is considered.