950 resultados para Federal Coal Management Program (U.S.)
Chronic disease affects 80% of adults over the age of 65 and is expected to increase in prevalence. To address the burden of chronic disease, self-management programs have been developed to increase self-efficacy and improve quality of life by reducing or halting disease symptoms. Two programs that have been developed to address chronic disease are the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and Tomando Control de su Salud (TCDS). CDSMP and TCDS both focus on improving participant self-efficacy, but use different curricula, as TCDS is culturally tailored for the Hispanic population. Few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of CDSMP and TCDS when translated to community settings. In addition, little is known about the correlation between demographic, baseline health status, and psychosocial factors and completion of either CDSMP or TCDS. This study used secondary data collected by agencies of the Healthy Aging Regional Collaborative from 10/01/2008–12/31/2010. The aims of this study were to examine six week differences in self-efficacy, time spent performing physical activity, and social/role activity limitations, and to identify correlates of program completion using baseline demographic and psychosocial factors. To examine if differences existed a general linear model was used. Additionally, logistic regression was used to examine correlates of program completion. Study findings show that all measures showed improvement at week six. For CDSMP, self-efficacy to manage disease (p = .001), self-efficacy to manage emotions (p = .026), social/role activities limitations (p = .001), and time spent walking (p = .008) were statistically significant. For TCDS, self-efficacy to manage disease (p = .006), social/role activities limitations (p = .001), and time spent walking (p = .016) and performing other aerobic activity (p = .005) were significant. For CDSMP, no correlates predicting program completion were found to be significant. For TCDS, participants who were male (OR=2.3, 95%CI: 1.15–4.66), from Broward County (OR=2.3, 95%CI: 1.27–4.25), or living alone (OR=2.0, 95%CI: 1.29-–3.08) were more likely to complete the program. CDSMP and TCDS, when implemented through a collaborative effort, can result in improvements for participants. Effective chronic disease management can improve health, quality of life, and reduce health care expenditures among older adults.
FIRM, flood insurance rate map and street index, borough of Carteret, New Jersey, Middlesex County /
Relief shown by spot heights.
This review of preventative controls for fraud, waste, and abuse in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), administered by the Department of Social Services, was self-initiated by the State Inspector General as part of a broader statewide review of preventative fraud, waste, and abuse management controls of major benefit programs in State agencies. This review’s scope and objectives were: Assess SNAP’s preventative management controls for fraud, waste, and abuse; Identify SNAP preventative management control best practices; and Identify opportunities to improve SNAP management controls to cost/effectively mitigate risks of fraud, waste, and abuse.
This review was initiated based upon allegations from multiple sources of possible fraud in the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) administered by the South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS), which was implemented in response to the 10/3/2015 statewide flooding from Hurricane Joaquin. This review’s scope and objectives were: Assess SCDSS’s D-SNAP implementation for compliance with federal guidelines, with emphasis on fraud preventative controls; Assess the SCDSS’s post-disaster review and audit methodology for compliance with federal guidelines, with emphasis on understanding the fraud risks and resolution strategies; and Identify residual risk/suspected fraud not addressed through the SCDSS review and available opportunities to address.
O objetivo deste artigo ?? apresentar tr??s a????es empreendedoras em organiza????es p??blicas premiadas pela ENAP no concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. A partir da revis??o de literatura e estudo de caso, ser??o confrontados os diversos tipos e modelos de processos de inova????o, para identificar as dificuldades apontadas e as solu????es adotadas nas a????es premiadas. Foram selecionados tr??s casos de iniciativas inovadoras no INSS, apontando a origem, caracter??sticas, amplitude e o modelo do processo. Nosso quadro te??rico de refer??ncia est?? estruturado no sentido de aprofundar a percep????o, bem como nos dar condi????es de comparar alguns estudos e apontar lacunas, se existentes. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de metodologia qualitativa, explorat??ria e adotando a estrat??gia de investiga????o do estudo de caso. A revis??o de literatura teve como objetivo identificar o que se encontra dispon??vel em livros, artigos, teses e, inclusive, experi??ncias. A conclus??o alcan??ada no artigo ?? a de que, apesar dos alegados entraves e limita????es, o intraempreendedorismo se faz presente nas organiza????es p??blicas e vem crescentemente sendo adotado pelas chefias ou mesmo por funcion??rios sem nenhum tipo de fun????o comissionada, como relatado em um dos casos. A inova????o nas organiza????es p??blicas, representada pelo intraempreendedorismo das experi??ncias premiadas pelo concurso, confirma nosso quadro te??rico na medida em que a????es empreendedoras geradoras de inova????o se fazem presentes nas organiza????es p??blicas, em todos os seus processos e meios.
It is known the power of ideas is tremendous. But there are employees in many companies who have good ideas but not put them into practice. On the other hand, there are many others who have good ideas and are encouraged to contribute their ideas for innovation in the company. This study attempts to identify factors that contribute to success in managing ideas and consequent business innovation. The method used was the case study applied to two companies. During the investigation, factors considered essential for the success of an idea management program were identified, of which we highlight, among others, evidences the results, involvement of the top management, establishment of goals and objectives; recognition; dissemination of good results. Companies with these implemented systems, capture the best ideas from their collaborators and apply them internally. This study intends to contribute to business innovation in enterprises through creation and idea management, mainly through collecting the best ideas of their own employees. The results of this study can be used to help improving deployed suggestions systems, as well as, all managers who wish to implement suggestions systems/ideas management systems.
Introdução: Programas de self-management têm como objectivo habilitar os pacientes com estratégias necessárias para levar a cabo procedimentos específicos para a patologia. A última revisão sistemática sobre selfmanagament em DPOC foi realizada em 2007, concluindo-se que ainda não era possível fornecer dados claros e suficientes acerca de recomendações sobre a estrutura e conteúdo de programas de self-managament na DPOC. A presente revisão tem o intuito de complementar a análise da revisão anterior, numa tentativa de inferir a influência do ensino do self-management na DPOC. Objectivos: verificar a influência dos programas de self-management na DPOC, em diversos indicadores relacionados com o estado de saúde do paciente e na sua utilização dos serviços de saúde. Estratégia de busca: pesquisa efectuada nas bases de dados PubMed e Cochrane Collaboration (01/01/2007 – 31/08/2010). Palavras-chave: selfmanagement education, self-management program, COPD e pulmonary rehabilitation. Critérios de Selecção: estudos randomizados sobre programas de selfmanagement na DPOC. Extracção e Análise dos Dados: 2 investigadores realizaram, independentemente, a avaliação e extracção de dados de cada artigo. Resultados: foram considerados 4 estudos randomizados em selfmanagement na DPOC nos quais se verificaram benefícios destes programas em diversas variáveis: qualidade de vida a curto e médio prazo, utilização dos diferentes recursos de saúde, adesões a medicação de rotina, controle das exacerbações e diminuição da sintomatologia. Parece não ocorrer alteração na função pulmonar e no uso de medicação de emergência, sendo inconclusivo o seu efeito na capacidade de realização de exercício. Conclusões: programas de self-management aparentam ter impacto positivo na qualidade de vida, recurso a serviços de saúde, adesão à medicação, planos de acção e níveis de conhecimento da DPOC. Discrepâncias nos critérios de selecção das amostras utilizadas, períodos de seguimento desiguais, consistência das variáveis mensuradas, condicionam a informação disponibilizada sobre este assunto.
Education towards sustainability in Chemical Engineering (CEng) gave birth to awaste management program (WMP) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, in Portugal. It involves students, teachers, and laboratory technicians. It aims to enhance the conscientiousness of the decision-maker next generation for saving resources, managing wastes, and at same time to develop applied chemistry understanding. This program was implemented in 1999 and is responsible for management and fate of all inorganic wastewater providing from training experimental activities of the CEng degree. An immediate reduction of wastes at their source was first defined. Wastes were collected separately and were reused, recycled or chemically treated, and after analytically controlled as legally imposed. Solids formed after this program were recycled, purified or followed suitable elimination. Global results point out environmental, pedagogical, and social benefits. Active participants are aware, in agreement, and publicly committed to the WMP.
This paper presents a framework of competences developed for Industrial Engineering and Management that can be used as a tool for curriculum analysis and design, including the teaching and learning processes as well as the alignment of the curriculum with the professional profile. The framework was applied to the Industrial Engineering and Management program at University of Minho (UMinho), Portugal, and it provides an overview of the connection between IEM knowledge areas and the competences defined in its curriculum. The framework of competences was developed through a process of analysis using a combination of methods and sources for data collection. The framework was developed according to four main steps: 1) characterization of IEM knowledge areas; 2) definition of IEM competences; 3) survey; 4) application of the framework at the IEM curriculum. The findings showed that the framework is useful to build an integrated vision of the curriculum. The most visible aspect in the learning outcomes of IEM program is the lack of balance between technical and transversal competences. There was not almost any reference to the transversal competences and it is fundamentally concentrated on Project-Based Learning courses. The framework presented in this paper provides a contribution to the definition of IEM professional profile through a set of competences which need to be explored further. In addition, it may be a relevant tool for IEM curriculum analysis and a contribution for bridging the gap between universities and companies.
Since 1998 the highly polluted Havana Bay ecosystem has been the subject of a mitigation program. In order to determine whether pollution-reduction strategies were effective, we have evaluated the historical trends of pollution recorded in sediments of the Bay. A sediment core was dated radiometrically using natural and artificial fallout radionuclides. An irregularity in the (210)Pb record was caused by an episode of accelerated sedimentation. This episode was dated to occur in 1982, a year coincident with the heaviest rains reported in Havana over the XX century. Peaks of mass accumulation rates (MAR) were associated with hurricanes and intensive rains. In the past 60 years, these maxima are related to strong El Niño periods, which are known to increase rainfall in the north Caribbean region. We observed a steady increase of pollution (mainly Pb, Zn, Sn, and Hg) since the beginning of the century to the mid 90s, with enrichment factors as high as 6. MAR and pollution decreased rapidly after the mid 90s, although some trace metal levels remain high. This reduction was due to the integrated coastal zone management program introduced in the late 90s, which dismissed catchment erosion and pollution.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) is continually improving the pavement management program and striving to reduce maintenance needs. Through a 1979 pavement management study, the Iowa DOT became a participant in a five state Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) study of "Transverse Cracking of Asphalt Pavements". There were numerous conclusions and recommendations but no agreement as to the major factors contributing to transverse cracking or methods of preventing or reducing the occurrence of transverse cracking. The project did focus attention on the problem and generated ideas for research. This project is one of two state funded research projects that were a direct result of the FHWA project. Iowa DOT personnel had been monitoring temperature susceptibility of asphalt cements by the Norman McLeod Modified Penetration Index. Even though there are many variables from one asphalt mix to another, the trend seemed to indicate that the frequency of transverse cracking was highly dependent on the temperature susceptibility. Research project HR-217 "Reducing the Adverse Effects of Transverse Cracking" was initiated to verify the concept. A final report has been published after a four-year evaluation. The crack frequency with the high temperature susceptible asphalt cement was substantially greater than for the low temperature susceptible asphalt cement. An increased asphalt cement content in the asphalt treated base also reduced the crack frequency. This research on prevention of transverse cracking with fabric supports the following conclusions: 1. Engineering fabric does not prevent transverse cracking of asphalt cement concrete. 2. Engineering fabric may retard the occurrence of transverse cracking. 3. Engineering fabric does not contribute significantly to the structural capability of an asphalt concrete pavement.
The purpose of this project was to determine the feasibility of using pavement condition data collected for the Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) as input to the Iowa Quadrennial Need Study. The need study, conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) every four years, currently uses manually collected highway infrastructure condition data (roughness, rutting, cracking, etc.). Because of the Iowa DOT's 10-year data collection cycles, condition data for a given highway segment may be up to 10 years old. In some cases, the need study process has resulted in wide fluctuations in funding allocated to individual Iowa counties from one study to the next. This volatility in funding levels makes it difficult for county engineers to plan and program road maintenance and improvements. One possible remedy is to input more current and less subjective infrastructure condition data. The IPMP was initially developed to satisfy the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requirement that federal-aid-eligible highways be managed through a pavement management system. Currently all metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in Iowa and 15 of Iowa's 18 RPAs participate in the IPMP. The core of this program is a statewide data base of pavement condition and construction history information. The pavement data are collected by machine in two-year cycles. Using pilot areas, researchers examined the implications of using the automated data collected for the IPMP as input to the need study computer program, HWYNEEDS. The results show that using the IPMP automated data in HWYNEEDS is feasible and beneficial, resulting in less volatility in the level of total need between successive quadrennial need studies. In other words, the more current the data, the smaller the shift in total need.
Managing existing and newly constructed highway corridors has recently become a significant concern in many states, including Iowa. As urban land and land on the urban fringe develops, there is pressure to add features such as commercial driveways, at-grade public road intersections, and traffic signals to arterial highway routes that should primarily serve high-speed traffic. This diminishes the speed and traffic capacity of such roadways and can also cause significant safety issues. if mobility and safety are diminished, the value of the highway investment is diminished. Since a major highway corridor improvement may cost tens of millions of dollars or more, corridor management is as critical to preserving that investment as is more "hard side" management practices such as pavement or bridge management. Corridor management is a process that applies access management principles to highway corridors in an attempt to balance the competing needs of traffic service, safety, and support for land development. This project helped to identify routes that should be given high priority for corridor management. The pilot study in the form of two corridor management case studies provides an analytical process that can be replicated along the other Iowa commuting corridors using commonly available transportation and land use data resources. It also offers a general set of guidelines for the Iowa Department of Transportation to use in the development of its own comprehensive corridor management program.