968 resultados para Factor Beta


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Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies worldwide. It consists of a group of tumor cells that have the ability to grow uncontrollably, overcome replicative senescence (tumor progression) and metastasize within the body. Metastases are processes that consist of an array of complex gene dysregulation events. Although these processes are still not fully understood, the dysregulation of a number of key proteins must take place if the tumor cells are to disseminate and metastasize. It is now widely accepted that future effective and innovative treatments of cancer metastasis will have to encompass all the major components of malignant transformation. For this reason, much research is now being carried out into the mechanisms that govern the malignant transformation processes. Recent research has identified key genes involved in the development of metastases, as well as their mechanisms of action. A detailed understanding of the encoded proteins and their interrelationship generates the possibility of developing novel therapeutic approaches. This review will focus on a select group of proteins, often deregulated in breast cancer metastasis, which have shown therapeutic promise, notably, EMT, E-cadherin, Osteopontin, PEA3, Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β) and Ran.


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Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), a member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, induces regression of the Müllerian duct in male embryos. In this report, we demonstrate MIS type II receptor expression in normal breast tissue and in human breast cancer cell lines, breast fibroadenoma, and ductal adenocarcinomas. MIS inhibited the growth of both estrogen receptor (ER)-positive T47D and ER-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines, suggesting a broader range of target tissues for MIS action. Inhibition of growth was manifested by an increase in the fraction of cells in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle and induction of apoptosis. Treatment of breast cancer cells with MIS activated the NFkappaB pathway and selectively up-regulated the immediate early gene IEX-1S, which, when overexpressed, inhibited breast cancer cell growth. Dominant negative IkappaBalpha expression ablated both MIS-mediated induction of IEX-1S and inhibition of growth, indicating that activation of the NFkappaB signaling pathway was required for these processes. These results identify the NFkappaB-mediated signaling pathway and a target gene for MIS action and suggest a putative role for the MIS ligand and its downstream interactors in the treatment of ER-positive as well as negative breast cancers.


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BACKGROUND: Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a potent growth inhibitor in a wide range of cell types. A transducer of TGF-beta signaling known as Mothers against decapentaplegic homologue 4 (Smad4) is a known tumor suppressor found on chromosome 18q21.1 and is typically inactivated by deletion or mutation in pancreatic and colorectal cancers. The purpose of the article is to investigate Smad4 expression, gene copy number and methylation status in advanced cases of prostate cancer.

METHODS: We have employed Methylation Specific PCR (MSP) to identify methylation sites within the Smad4 promoter and combined this with quantitative real-time PCR to look for correlates between methylation status and Smad4 expression and to examine androgen receptor (AR) expression. Bacterial artificial chromosome-comparative genomic hybridization (BAC-CGH) has been used to look for genomic amplifications and deletions which may also contribute to expression changes.

RESULTS: We fail to find evidence of genomic deletions or amplifications affecting the Smad4 locus on chromosome 18 but show a correlation between promoter methylation and the loss of Smad4 expression in the same material. We confirm that the AR locus on the X chromosome is amplified in 30% of the advanced clinical samples and that this correlates with increased transcript levels as previously reported by other groups.

CONCLUSION: This indicates that epigenetic changes affect the expression of the Smad4 protein in prostate cancer and points to methylation of the promoter as a novel marker of and contributor to the disease warranting further study.


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Objectives: The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a soluble decoy receptor for Receptor Activator of NF kappa B Ligand (RANKL), preventing ligand binding to its receptor (RANK), thus inhibiting clastic cell formation. The aim of the study is to investigate the expression of OPG in human dental pulp and the effects of inflammatory mediators. This study will specifically investigate the effects of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 (TGF-β1) and Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1β) on the expression of OPG on pulp fibroblasts in vitro. Method: Five primary pulp fibroblast populations were obtained by explant culture of healthy pulp tissue. Triplicate cultures were grown to confluence in 12-well plates and stimulated for 48 hours with IL-1β (10ng/ml) or TGF-β1 (10ng/ml). The conditioned media was collected and OPG levels detected by ELISA (R+D Systems, UK). Results: All fibroblast populations produced quantifiable levels of OPG in a time-dependant fashion. IL-1β significantly increased the expression of OPG (p<0.05) in all cultures. In contrast, TGF-β1 had no significant effect on OPG expression levels. In addition, previous work in our laboratory demonstrated both TGF-β1 and IL-1β stimulated OPG expression by periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Conclusion: These data indicate that IL-1β-regulated expression of OPG by pulpal fibroblasts may mediate hard tissue turnover in the inflamed dental pulp.


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Objectives: The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. The aim of the study is to investigate the presence and regulation of expression of neuropeptide receptors on human pulp fibroblasts and whole pulp tissue. This study will investigate the expression of Substance P (NK-1) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY-Y1) receptors on pulp fibroblasts, determine the effects of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 (TGF-b1) and Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1b) on the expression of NK-1 and NPY-Y1 receptors on pulp fibroblasts and examine the levels of receptor expression in whole pulp samples. Methods: Primary pulp fibroblast cell lines were obtained from patients undergoing extractions for orthodontic reasons. The cells were grown to confluence and stimulated for 5 days with IL-1b or TGF-b1. Pulp tissue fragments were obtained from freshly extracted sound and carious teeth, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and cracked open using a vice. The monolayer was removed with cell scrapers and pelleted. The cell membranes of the cultured cells and the whole tissue were isolated using a Mem-PER® Eukaryotic Membrane Protein Extraction Reagent Kit (Pierce, UK). The membrane proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting was used to detect the presence of NK-1 and NPY-Y1. Results: Initial results demonstrated the presence of NK-1 and NPY-Y1 in cultured pulp fibroblasts. Following the 5 day incubation with TGF-b1, the cells appeared not to express NK-1. IL-1b had a slight stimulatory effect on NK-1 expression. The NPY-Y1 expression was not affected by either TGF-b1 or IL-1b. In whole pulp samples, levels of NK-1 were increased in carious teeth compared to caries-free teeth. The NPY-Y1 levels were similar in carious and non-carious teeth. Conclusion: These findings give an insight into how pulp cells react to inflammatory stimuli with regards to neuropeptide receptor expression and their roles in health and disease


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We have shown previously that a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE) containing significant quantities of fetal ovine gamma globin chain (Hbgamma) and LPS injected into aged (>20 months) mice could reverse the altered polarization (increased IL-4 and IL-10 with decreased IL-2 and IFNgamma) in cytokine production seen from ConA stimulated lymphoid cells of those mice. The mechanism(s) behind this change in cytokine production were not previously investigated. We report below that aged mice show a >60% decline in numbers and suppressive function of both CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg and so-called Tr3 (CD4(+)TGFbeta(+)), and that their number/function is restored to levels seen in control (8-week-old) mice by FSLE. In addition, on a per cell basis, CD4(+)CD25(-)Treg from aged mice were >4-fold more effective in suppression of proliferation and IL-2 production from ConA-activated lymphoid cells of a pool of CD4(+)CD25(-)T cells from 8-week-old mice than similar cells from young animals, and this suppression by CD25(-)T cells was also ameliorated following FSLE treatment. Infusion of anti-TGFbeta and anti-IL-10 antibodies in vivo altered Treg development following FSLE treatment, and attenuated FSLE-induced alterations in cytokine production profiles.


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The mechanisms regulating systemic and mucosal IgA responses in the respiratory tract are incompletely understood. Using virus-like particles loaded with single-stranded RNA as a ligand for TLR7, we found that systemic vs mucosal IgA responses in mice were differently regulated. Systemic IgA responses following s.c. immunization were T cell independent and did not require TACI or TGFbeta, whereas mucosal IgA production was dependent on Th cells, TACI, and TGFbeta. Strikingly, both responses required TLR7 signaling, but systemic IgA depended upon TLR7 signaling directly to B cells whereas mucosal IgA required TLR7 signaling to lung dendritic cells and alveolar macrophages. Our data show that IgA switching is controlled differently according to the cell type receiving TLR signals. This knowledge should facilitate the development of IgA-inducing vaccines.


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Autosomal recessive cutis laxa type I (ARCL type I) is characterized by generalized cutis laxa with pulmonary emphysema and/or vascular complications. Rarely, mutations can be identified in FBLN4 or FBLN5. Recently, LTBP4 mutations have been implicated in a similar phenotype. Studying FBLN4, FBLN5, and LTBP4 in 12 families with ARCL type I, we found bi-allelic FBLN5 mutations in two probands, whereas nine probands harbored biallelic mutations in LTBP4. FBLN5 and LTBP4 mutations cause a very similar phenotype associated with severe pulmonary emphysema, in the absence of vascular tortuosity or aneurysms. Gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract involvement seems to be more severe in patients with LTBP4 mutations. Functional studies showed that most premature termination mutations in LTBP4 result in severely reduced mRNA and protein levels. This correlated with increased transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) activity. However, one mutation, c.4127dupC, escaped nonsense-mediated decay. The corresponding mutant protein (p.Arg1377Alafs(*) 27) showed reduced colocalization with fibronectin, leading to an abnormal morphology of microfibrils in fibroblast cultures, while retaining normal TGFβ activity. We conclude that LTBP4 mutations cause disease through both loss of function and gain of function mechanisms.


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The pericentric inversion on chromosome 16 [inv(16)(p13q22)] and related t(16;16)(p13;q22) are recurrent aberrations associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M4 Eo. Both abberations result in a fusion of the core binding factor beta (CBFB) and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain gene (MYH11). A selected genomic 6.9-kb BamHl probe detects MYH11 DNA rearrangements in 18 of 19 inv(16)/t(16;16) patients tested using HindIII digested DNA. The rearranged fragments were not detectable after remission in two cases tested, while they were present after relapse in one of these two cases tested.


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Regulatory T cells control immune responses to self- and foreign-antigens and play a major role in maintaining the balance between immunity and tolerance. This article reviews recent key developments in the field of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (TREG) cells. It presents their characteristics and describes their range of activity and mechanisms of action. Some models of diseases triggered by the imbalance between TREG cells and effector pathogenic T cells are described and their potential therapeutic applications in humans are outlined.


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The TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA) regulates the induction, morphogenesis and/or maintenance of skin-derived structures such as teeth, hair, sweat glands and several other glands. Deficiencies in the EDA - EDA receptor (EDAR) signalling pathway cause hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED). This syndrome is characterized by the absence or malformation of several skin-derived appendages resulting in hypotrychosis, hypodontia, heat-intolerance, dry skin and dry eyes, susceptibility to airways infections and crusting of various secretions. The EDA-EDAR system is an important effector of canonical Wnt signalling in developing skin appendages. It functions by stimulating NF-κB-mediated transcription of effectors or inhibitors of the Wnt, Sonic hedgehog (SHH), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) pathways that regulate interactions within or between epithelial and mesenchymal cells and tissues. In animal models of Eda-deficiency, soluble EDAR agonists can precisely correct clinically relevant symptoms with low side effects even at high agonist doses, indicating that efficient negative feedback signals occur in treated tissues. Hijacking of the placental antibody transport system can help deliver active molecules to developing foetuses in a timely manner. EDAR agonists may serve to treat certain forms of ectodermal dysplasia.


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Affiliation: Unité de recherche en Arthrose, Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame


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Plusieurs expériences et études cliniques ont démontré que l’activation du système rénine-angiotensine (RAS) peut induire l’hypertension, un facteur de risque majeur pour les maladies cardiovasculaires et rénales. L’angiotensinogène (Agt) est l’unique substrat du RAS. Cependant, il n’a pas encore été démontré si l’activation du RAS intrarénal peut à elle seule induire des dommages rénaux, indépendamment de l’hypertension systémique, et ainsi jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la progression de la néphropathie diabétique. Afin d’explorer le rôle du RAS intrarénal dans les dommages rénaux, un diabète a été induit par l’injection de streptozotocin chez des souris transgéniques (Tg) surexprimant l’Agt de rat dans les cellules des tubules proximaux du rein (RPTC). Les souris Tg diabétiques ont été traitées soit avec des inhibiteurs du RAS (perindopril et losartan), de l’insuline ou une combinaison des deux pour 4 semaines avant d’être euthanasiées. Pour une autre étude, des souris Tg non-diabétiques ont été traitées soit avec des inhibiteurs du RAS, l’hydralazine (vasodilatateur) ou l’apocynine (inhibiteur de la NADPH oxydase) pour une période de 8 semaines avant l’euthanasie. Des souris non-Tg ont été utilisées comme contrôles. Des cellules immortalisées de tubule proximal de rat (IRPTC) transfectées de manière stable avec un plasmide contenant l’Agt ou un plasmide contrôle ont été employées comme modèle in vitro. Nos résultats ont démontré que les souris Tg présentaient une augmentation significative de la pression systolique, l’albuminurie, l’apoptose des RPTC et l’expression de gènes pro-apoptotiques par rapport aux souris non-Tg. Les mêmes changements ont été observés chez les souris Tg diabétiques par rapport aux souris non-Tg diabétiques. L’insuline et/ou les inhibiteurs du RAS ont permis d’atténuer ces changements, sauf l’hypertension qui n’était réduite que par les inhibiteurs du RAS. Chez les IRPTC transfectées avec l’Agt in vitro, les hautes concentrations de glucose augmentent l’apoptose et l’activité de la caspase-3 par rapport aux cellules contrôles et l’insuline et/ou les inhibiteurs du RAS empêchent ces augmentations. En plus des changements physiologiques, les RPTC des souris Tg présentent aussi une augmentation significative de la production des espèces réactive de l’oxygène (ROS) et de l’activité de la NADPH oxydase, ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’expression du facteur de croissance transformant-beta 1 (TGF-β1), de l’inhibiteur activateur du plasminogène de type 1 (PAI-1), des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire, du collagène de type IV et de la sousunité p47 de la NADPH oxydase. Le traitement des souris Tg avec l’apocynine et le perindopril a permis d’améliorer tous ces changements, sauf l’hypertension qui n’était pas corrigée par l’apocynine. D’autre part, l’hydralazine a prévenu l’hypertension, sans modifier l’albuminurie, l’apoptose des RPTC ou l’expression des gènes pro-apoptotiques. Ces résultats montrent bien que l’activation du RAS intrarénal et l’hyperglycémie agissent de concert pour induire l’albuminurie et l’apoptose des RPTC, indépendamment de l’hypertension systémique. La génération des ROS via l’activation de la NADPH oxydase induit en partie l’action du RAS intrarénal sur l’apoptose des RPTC, la fibrose tubulo-interstitielle et l’albuminurie chez les souris Tg. D’autre part, une expérience en cours a tenté d’encore mieux délimiter les effets de l’activation du RAS intrarénal, tout en éliminant la néphrotoxicité du STZ. Pour cette étude, les souris Tg surexprimant l’Agt de rat dans leurs RPTC ont été croisées aux souris Ins2Akita, un modèle spontané de diabète de type I, afin de générer des souris Akita-rAgt-Tg. Les résultats préliminaires indiquent que le RAS intrarénal est activé dans les souris Akita et que la combinaison avec l’hyperglycémie induit du stress du réticulum endoplasmique (ER) dans les RPTC in vivo. Le stress du ER contribue à l’apoptose des RPTC observée dans le diabète, à tout le moins dans le modèle Akita. Le traitement avec des inhibiteurs du RAS permet d’atténuer certains des dommanges rénaux observés dans les souris Akita-rAgt-Tg.


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L’apoptose des cellules endothéliales (CE) représente un évènement initial dans le développement de plusieurs pathologies fibrotiques telles que le rejet chronique d’allogreffe et la sclérose systémique. Nous avons démontré que les médiateurs issus des CE apoptotiques entraîne la différenciation myofibroblastique et la résistance à l’apoptose, deux mécanismes centraux à la fibrogénèse. L’activation de PI3K (phospatidylinositol-3 kinase) caractérise ces deux mécanismes. Un fragment C-terminal du perlécan (LG3) produit par les CE apoptotiques inhibe l’apoptose des fibroblastes. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de : 1. définir les récepteurs et la signalisation impliqués dans la réponse anti-apoptotique et 2. caractériser les médiateurs fibrogéniques responsables de la différenciation myofibroblastique. En ce qui a trait à la réponse anti-apoptotique, l’inhibition des intégrines 21 ou des kinases de la famille Src (SFK) chez les fibroblastes prévient la résistance à l’apoptose et la phosphorylation d’Akt normalement induites par le milieu conditionné par des CE apoptotiques (SSC) ou le LG3. Ces résultats suggèrent que le LG3 produit par les CE apoptotiques initie un état de résistance à l’apoptose chez les fibroblastes par des voies α2β1integrines/SFK/PI3K dépendantes. Le LG3 n’induit cependant pas la différenciation myofibroblastique. Nous avons donc caractérisé le milieu SSC de façon à identifier les médiateurs responsables de la différenciation myofibroblastique. Les milieux conditionnés par des CE apoptotiques et non-apoptotiques (respectivement SSC et SSC-ZVAD) ont été analysés comparativement par chromatographie liquide bi-dimensionnelle, immunobuvardage et spectrométrie de masse. Le connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) est le seul facteur fibrogénique connu augmenté dans le milieu SSC. L’inhibition de la caspase-3 chez les CE prévient la relâche de CTGF. Au niveau du fibroblaste, l’inhibition de SFK ou de Pyk2 (proline-rich tyrosine kinase-2) prévient la différenciation myofibroblastique induite par le SSC ou le CTGF in vitro. L’anticorps neutralisant contre le TGF- (Transforming growth factor beta) n’est pas en mesure de bloquer la différenciation myofibroblastique induite par le SSC ou le CTGF. Des injections quotidiennes sous-cutanées de SSC chez la souris C3H pour 3 semaines entraîne une augmentation de l’épaisseur de la peau et des niveaux protéiques d’SMA, de vimentine et de collagène I. Cette réponse fibrogénique est réduite chez les souris qui ont reçu le SSC-ZVAD ou le SSC immunodéplété de son CTGF. Ces résultats apportent de nouvelles issues mécanistiques au niveau de la réponse fibrogénique activée par la mort des CE. L’activation des caspases chez les CE apoptotiques entraîne la production de LG3 et de CTGF qui, à leur tour, activent des voies de signalisation pro-fibrotiques SFK/PI3K dépendantes chez les fibroblastes, et ce indépendamment du TGF-.