179 resultados para FPGAs
The current trend in the evolution of sensor systems seeks ways to provide more accuracy and resolution, while at the same time decreasing the size and power consumption. The use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provides specific reprogrammable hardware technology that can be properly exploited to obtain a reconfigurable sensor system. This adaptation capability enables the implementation of complex applications using the partial reconfigurability at a very low-power consumption. For highly demanding tasks FPGAs have been favored due to the high efficiency provided by their architectural flexibility (parallelism, on-chip memory, etc.), reconfigurability and superb performance in the development of algorithms. FPGAs have improved the performance of sensor systems and have triggered a clear increase in their use in new fields of application. A new generation of smarter, reconfigurable and lower power consumption sensors is being developed in Spain based on FPGAs. In this paper, a review of these developments is presented, describing as well the FPGA technologies employed by the different research groups and providing an overview of future research within this field.
The retina is a very complex neural structure, which performs spatial, temporal, and chromatic processing on visual information and converts it into a compact ‘digital’ format composed of neural impulses. This paper presents a new compiler-based framework able to describe, simulate and validate custom retina models. The framework is compatible with the most usual neural recording and analysis tools, taking advantage of the interoperability with these kinds of applications. Furthermore it is possible to compile the code to generate accelerated versions of the visual processing models compatible with COTS microprocessors, FPGAs or GPUs. The whole system represents an ongoing work to design and develop a functional visual neuroprosthesis. Several case studies are described to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of the framework.
Em Bioinformática são frequentes problemas cujo tratamento necessita de considerável poder de processamento/cálculo e/ou grande capacidade de armazenamento de dados e elevada largura de banda no acesso aos mesmos (de forma não comprometer a eficiência do seu processamento). Um exemplo deste tipo de problemas é a busca de regiões de similaridade em sequências de amino-ácidos de proteínas, ou em sequências de nucleótidos de DNA, por comparação com uma dada sequência fornecida (query sequence). Neste âmbito, a ferramenta computacional porventura mais conhecida e usada é o BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) [1]. Donde, qualquer incremento no desempenho desta ferramenta tem impacto considerável (desde logo positivo) na atividade de quem a utiliza regularmente (seja para investigação, seja para fins comerciais). Precisamente, desde que o BLAST foi inicialmente introduzido, foram surgindo diversas versões, com desempenho melhorado, nomeadamente através da aplicação de técnicas de paralelização às várias fases do algoritmo (e. g., partição e distribuição das bases de dados a pesquisar, segmentação das queries, etc. ), capazes de tirar partido de diferentes ambientes computacionais de execução paralela, como: máquinas multi-core (BLAST+ 2), clusters de nós multi-core (mpiBLAST3J e, mais recentemente, co-processadores aceleradores como GPUs" ou FPGAs. É também possível usar as ferramentas da família BLAST através de um interface/sítio WEB5, que permite, de forma expedita, a pesquisa de uma variedade de bases de dados conhecidas (e em permanente atualização), com tempos de resposta suficientemente pequenos para a maioria dos utilizadores, graças aos recursos computacionais de elevado desempenho que sustentam o seu backend. Ainda assim, esta forma de utilização do BLAST poderá não ser a melhor opção em algumas situações, como por exemplo quando as bases de dados a pesquisar ainda não são de domínio público, ou, sendo-o, não estão disponíveis no referido sitio WEB. Adicionalmente, a utilização do referido sitio como ferramenta de trabalho regular pressupõe a sua disponibilidade permanente (dependente de terceiros) e uma largura de banda de qualidade suficiente, do lado do cliente, para uma interacção eficiente com o mesmo. Por estas razões, poderá ter interesse (ou ser mesmo necessário) implantar uma infra-estrutura BLAST local, capaz de albergar as bases de dados pertinentes e de suportar a sua pesquisa da forma mais eficiente possível, tudo isto levando em conta eventuais constrangimentos financeiros que limitam o tipo de hardware usado na implementação dessa infra-estrutura. Neste contexto, foi realizado um estudo comparativo de diversas versões do BLAST, numa infra-estrutura de computação paralela do IPB, baseada em componentes commodity: um cluster de 8 nós (virtuais, sob VMWare ESXi) de computação (com CPU Í7-4790K 4GHz, 32GB RAM e 128GB SSD) e um nó dotado de uma GPU (CPU Í7-2600 3.8GHz, 32GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, 1 TB HD, NVIDIA GTX 580). Assim, o foco principal incidiu na avaliação do desempenho do BLAST original e do mpiBLAST, dado que são fornecidos de base na distribuição Linux em que assenta o cluster [6]. Complementarmente, avaliou-se também o BLAST+ e o gpuBLAST no nó dotado de GPU. A avaliação contemplou diversas configurações de recursos, incluindo diferentes números de nós utilizados e diferentes plataformas de armazenamento das bases de dados (HD, SSD, NFS). As bases de dados pesquisadas correspondem a um subconjunto representativo das disponíveis no sitio WEB do BLAST, cobrindo uma variedade de dimensões (desde algumas dezenas de MBytes, até à centena de GBytes) e contendo quer sequências de amino-ácidos (env_nr e nr), quer de nucleótidos (drosohp. nt, env_nt, mito. nt, nt e patnt). Para as pesquisas foram 'usadas sequências arbitrárias de 568 letras em formato FASTA, e adoptadas as opções por omissão dos vários aplicativos BLAST. Salvo menção em contrário, os tempos de execução considerados nas comparações e no cálculo de speedups são relativos à primeira execução de uma pesquisa, não sendo assim beneficiados por qualquer efeito de cache; esta opção assume um cenário real em que não é habitual que uma mesma query seja executada várias vezes seguidas (embora possa ser re-executada, mais tarde). As principais conclusões do estudo comparativo realizado foram as seguintes: - e necessário acautelar, à priori, recursos de armazenamento com capacidade suficiente para albergar as bases de dados nas suas várias versões (originais/compactadas, descompactadas e formatadas); no nosso cenário de teste a coexistência de todas estas versões consumiu 600GBytes; - o tempo de preparação (formataçâo) das bases de dados para posterior pesquisa pode ser considerável; no nosso cenário experimental, a formatação das bases de dados mais pesadas (nr, env_nt e nt) demorou entre 30m a 40m (para o BLAST), e entre 45m a 55m (para o mpiBLAST); - embora economicamente mais onerosos, a utilização de discos de estado sólido, em alternativa a discos rígidos tradicionais, permite melhorar o tempo da formatação das bases de dados; no entanto, os benefícios registados (à volta de 9%) ficam bastante aquém do inicialmente esperado; - o tempo de execução do BLAST é fortemente penalizado quando as bases de dados são acedidas através da rede, via NFS; neste caso, nem sequer compensa usar vários cores; quando as bases de dados são locais e estão em SSD, o tempo de execução melhora bastante, em especial com a utilização de vários cores; neste caso, com 4 cores, o speedup chega a atingir 3.5 (sendo o ideal 4) para a pesquisa de BDs de proteínas, mas não passa de 1.8 para a pesquisa de BDs de nucleótidos; - o tempo de execução do mpiBLAST é muito prejudicado quando os fragmentos das bases de dados ainda não se encontram nos nós do cluster, tendo que ser distribuídos previamente à pesquisa propriamente dita; após a distribuição, a repetição das mesmas queries beneficia de speedups de 14 a 70; porém, como a mesma base de dados poderá ser usada para responder a diferentes queries, então não é necessário repetir a mesma query para amortizar o esforço de distribuição; - no cenário de teste, a utilização do mpiBLAST com 32+2 cores, face ao BLAST com 4 cores, traduz-se em speedups que, conforme a base de dados pesquisada (e previamente distribuída), variam entre 2 a 5, valores aquém do máximo teórico de 6.5 (34/4), mas ainda assim demonstradores de que, havendo essa possibilidade, compensa realizar as pesquisas em cluster; explorar vários cores) e com o gpuBLAST, realizada no nó com GPU (representativo de uma workstation típica), permite aferir qual a melhor opção no caso de não serem possíveis pesquisas em cluster; as observações realizadas indicam que não há diferenças significativas entre o BLAST e o BLAST+; adicionalmente, o desempenho do gpuBLAST foi sempre pior (aproximadmente em 50%) que o do BLAST e BLAST+, o que pode encontrar explicação na longevidade do modelo da GPU usada; - finalmente, a comparação da melhor opção no nosso cenário de teste, representada pelo uso do mpiBLAST, com o recurso a pesquisa online, no site do BLAST5, revela que o mpiBLAST apresenta um desempenho bastante competitivo com o BLAST online, chegando a ser claramente superior se se considerarem os tempos do mpiBLAST tirando partido de efeitos de cache; esta assunção acaba por se justa, Já que BLAST online também rentabiliza o mesmo tipo de efeitos; no entanto, com tempos de pequisa tão reduzidos (< 30s), só é defensável a utilização do mpiBLAST numa infra-estrutura local se o objetivo for a pesquisa de Bds não pesquisáveis via BLAS+ online.
Computational performance increasingly depends on parallelism, and many systems rely on heterogeneous resources such as GPUs and FPGAs to accelerate computationally intensive applications. However, implementations for such heterogeneous systems are often hand-crafted and optimised to one computation scenario, and it can be challenging to maintain high performance when application parameters change. In this paper, we demonstrate that machine learning can help to dynamically choose parameters for task scheduling and load-balancing based on changing characteristics of the incoming workload. We use a financial option pricing application as a case study. We propose a simulation of processing financial tasks on a heterogeneous system with GPUs and FPGAs, and show how dynamic, on-line optimisations could improve such a system. We compare on-line and batch processing algorithms, and we also consider cases with no dynamic optimisations.
This thesis describes advances in the characterisation, calibration and data processing of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Femtosecond (fs) laser inscription was used for producing OCT-phantoms. Transparent materials are generally inert to infra-red radiations, but with fs lasers material modification occurs via non-linear processes when the highly focused light source interacts with the materials. This modification is confined to the focal volume and is highly reproducible. In order to select the best inscription parameters, combination of different inscription parameters were tested, using three fs laser systems, with different operating properties, on a variety of materials. This facilitated the understanding of the key characteristics of the produced structures with the aim of producing viable OCT-phantoms. Finally, OCT-phantoms were successfully designed and fabricated in fused silica. The use of these phantoms to characterise many properties (resolution, distortion, sensitivity decay, scan linearity) of an OCT system was demonstrated. Quantitative methods were developed to support the characterisation of an OCT system collecting images from phantoms and also to improve the quality of the OCT images. Characterisation methods include the measurement of the spatially variant resolution (point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function (MTF)), sensitivity and distortion. Processing of OCT data is a computer intensive process. Standard central processing unit (CPU) based processing might take several minutes to a few hours to process acquired data, thus data processing is a significant bottleneck. An alternative choice is to use expensive hardware-based processing such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). However, recently graphics processing unit (GPU) based data processing methods have been developed to minimize this data processing and rendering time. These processing techniques include standard-processing methods which includes a set of algorithms to process the raw data (interference) obtained by the detector and generate A-scans. The work presented here describes accelerated data processing and post processing techniques for OCT systems. The GPU based processing developed, during the PhD, was later implemented into a custom built Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) system. This system currently processes and renders data in real time. Processing throughput of this system is currently limited by the camera capture rate. OCTphantoms have been heavily used for the qualitative characterization and adjustment/ fine tuning of the operating conditions of OCT system. Currently, investigations are under way to characterize OCT systems using our phantoms. The work presented in this thesis demonstrate several novel techniques of fabricating OCT-phantoms and accelerating OCT data processing using GPUs. In the process of developing phantoms and quantitative methods, a thorough understanding and practical knowledge of OCT and fs laser processing systems was developed. This understanding leads to several novel pieces of research that are not only relevant to OCT but have broader importance. For example, extensive understanding of the properties of fs inscribed structures will be useful in other photonic application such as making of phase mask, wave guides and microfluidic channels. Acceleration of data processing with GPUs is also useful in other fields.
Reverberation is caused by the reflection of the sound in adjacent surfaces close to the sound source during its propagation to the listener. The impulsive response of an environment represents its reverberation characteristics. Being dependent on the environment, reverberation takes to the listener characteristics of the space where the sound is originated and its absence does not commonly sounds like “natural”. When recording sounds, it is not always possible to have the desirable characteristics of reverberation of an environment, therefore methods for artificial reverberation have been developed, always seeking a more efficient implementations and more faithful to the real environments. This work presents an implementation in FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays ) of a classic digital reverberation audio structure, based on a proposal of Manfred Schroeder, using sets of all-pass and comb filters. The developed system exploits the use of reconfigurable hardware as a platform development and implementation of digital audio effects, focusing on the modularity and reuse characteristics
The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which is one of the branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI), are being employed as a solution to many complex problems existing in several areas. To solve these problems, it is essential that its implementation is done in hardware. Among the strategies to be adopted and met during the design phase and implementation of RNAs in hardware, connections between neurons are the ones that need more attention. Recently, are RNAs implemented both in application specific integrated circuits's (Application Specific Integrated Circuits - ASIC) and in integrated circuits configured by the user, like the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which have the ability to be partially rewritten, at runtime, forming thus a system Partially Reconfigurable (SPR), the use of which provides several advantages, such as flexibility in implementation and cost reduction. It has been noted a considerable increase in the use of FPGAs for implementing ANNs. Given the above, it is proposed to implement an array of reconfigurable neurons for topologies Description of artificial neural network multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) in FPGA, in order to encourage feedback and reuse of neural processors (perceptrons) used in the same area of the circuit. It is further proposed, a communication network capable of performing the reuse of artificial neurons. The architecture of the proposed system will configure various topologies MLPs networks through partial reconfiguration of the FPGA. To allow this flexibility RNAs settings, a set of digital components (datapath), and a controller were developed to execute instructions that define each topology for MLP neural network.
The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which is one of the branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI), are being employed as a solution to many complex problems existing in several areas. To solve these problems, it is essential that its implementation is done in hardware. Among the strategies to be adopted and met during the design phase and implementation of RNAs in hardware, connections between neurons are the ones that need more attention. Recently, are RNAs implemented both in application specific integrated circuits's (Application Specific Integrated Circuits - ASIC) and in integrated circuits configured by the user, like the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which have the ability to be partially rewritten, at runtime, forming thus a system Partially Reconfigurable (SPR), the use of which provides several advantages, such as flexibility in implementation and cost reduction. It has been noted a considerable increase in the use of FPGAs for implementing ANNs. Given the above, it is proposed to implement an array of reconfigurable neurons for topologies Description of artificial neural network multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) in FPGA, in order to encourage feedback and reuse of neural processors (perceptrons) used in the same area of the circuit. It is further proposed, a communication network capable of performing the reuse of artificial neurons. The architecture of the proposed system will configure various topologies MLPs networks through partial reconfiguration of the FPGA. To allow this flexibility RNAs settings, a set of digital components (datapath), and a controller were developed to execute instructions that define each topology for MLP neural network.
A lo largo de la historia, nuestro planeta ha atravesado numerosas y diferentes etapas. Sin embargo, desde finales del cretácico no se vivía un cambio tan rápido como el actual. Y a la cabeza del cambio, nosotros, el ser humano. De igual manera que somos la causa, debemos ser también la solución, y el análisis a gran escala de la tierra está siendo un punto de interés para la comunidad científica en los últimos años. Prueba de ello es que, cada vez con más frecuencia, se lanzan gran cantidad de satélites cuya finalidad es el análisis, mediante fotografías, de la superficie terrestre. Una de las técnicas más versátiles para este análisis es la toma de imágenes hiperespectrales, donde no solo se captura el espectro visible, sino numerosas longitudes de onda. Suponen, eso sí un reto tecnológico, pues los sensores consumen más energía y las imágenes más memoria, ambos recursos escasos en el espacio. Dado que el análisis se hace en tierra firme, es importante una transmisión de datos eficaz y rápida. Por ello creemos que la compresión en tiempo real mediante FPGAs es la solución idónea, combinando un bajo consumo con una alta tasa de compresión, posibilitando el análisis ininterrumpido del astro en el que vivimos. En este trabajo de fin de grado se ha realizado una implementación sobre FPGA, utilizando VHDL, del estándar CCSDS 123. Este está diseñado para la compresión sin pérdida de imágenes hiperespectrales, y permite una amplia gama de configuraciones para adaptarse de manera óptima a cualquier tipo de imagen. Se ha comprobado exitosamente la validez de la implementación comparando los resultados obtenidos con otras implementaciones (software) existentes. Las principales ventajas que presentamos aquí es que se posibilita la compresión en tiempo real, obteniendo además un rendimiento energético muy prometedor. Estos resultados mejoran notablemente los de una implementación software del algoritmo, y permitirán la compresión de las imágenes a bordo de los satélites que las toman.
Recently, the occurrence of multiple events in static tests has been investigated by checking the statistical distribution of the difference between the addresses of the words containing bitflips. That method has been successfully applied to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and the original authors indicate that it is also valid for SRAMs. This paper presents a modified methodology that is based on checking the XORed addresses with bitflips, rather than on the difference. Irradiation tests on CMOS 130 & 90 nm SRAMs with 14-MeV neutrons have been performed to validate this methodology. Results in high-altitude environments are also presented and cross-checked with theoretical predictions. In addition, this methodology has also been used to detect modifications in the organization of said memories. Theoretical predictions have been validated with actual data provided by the manufacturer.
FPGAs and GPUs are often used when real-time performance in video processing is required. An accelerated processor is chosen based on task-specific priorities (power consumption, processing time and detection accuracy), and this decision is normally made once at design time. All three characteristics are important, particularly in battery-powered systems. Here we propose a method for moving selection of processing platform from a single design-time choice to a continuous run time one.We implement Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) detectors for cars and people and Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) motion detectors running across FPGA, GPU and CPU in a heterogeneous system. We use this to detect illegally parked vehicles in urban scenes. Power, time and accuracy information for each detector is characterised. An anomaly measure is assigned to each detected object based on its trajectory and location, when compared to learned contextual movement patterns. This drives processor and implementation selection, so that scenes with high behavioural anomalies are processed with faster but more power hungry implementations, but routine or static time periods are processed with power-optimised, less accurate, slower versions. Real-time performance is evaluated on video datasets including i-LIDS. Compared to power-optimised static selection, automatic dynamic implementation mapping is 10% more accurate but draws 12W extra power in our testbed desktop system.
With security and surveillance, there is an increasing need to process image data efficiently and effectively either at source or in a large data network. Whilst a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has been seen as a key technology for enabling this, the design process has been viewed as problematic in terms of the time and effort needed for implementation and verification. The work here proposes a different approach of using optimized FPGA-based soft-core processors which allows the user to exploit the task and data level parallelism to achieve the quality of dedicated FPGA implementations whilst reducing design time. The paper also reports some preliminary
progress on the design flow to program the structure. An implementation for a Histogram of Gradients algorithm is also reported which shows that a performance of 328 fps can be achieved with this design approach, whilst avoiding the long design time, verification and debugging steps associated with conventional FPGA implementations.
Hyperspectral instruments have been incorporated in satellite missions, providing data of high spectral resolution of the Earth. This data can be used in remote sensing applications, such as, target detection, hazard prevention, and monitoring oil spills, among others. In most of these applications, one of the requirements of paramount importance is the ability to give real-time or near real-time response. Recently, onboard processing systems have emerged, in order to overcome the huge amount of data to transfer from the satellite to the ground station, and thus, avoiding delays between hyperspectral image acquisition and its interpretation. For this purpose, compact reconfigurable hardware modules, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used. This paper proposes a parallel FPGA-based architecture for endmember’s signature extraction. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral data sets collected by the NASA’s Airborne Visible Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) over the Cuprite mining district in Nevada. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems, opening new perspectives for onboard hyperspectral image processing.
In this paper, we develop a fast implementation of an hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA) algorithm on different platforms using OpenCL, an open standard for parallel programing on heterogeneous systems, which includes a wide variety of devices, from dense multicore systems from major manufactures such as Intel or ARM to new accelerators such as graphics processing units (GPUs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), the Intel Xeon Phi and other custom devices. Our proposed implementation of HYCA significantly reduces its computational cost. Our experiments have been conducted using simulated data and reveal considerable acceleration factors. This kind of implementations with the same descriptive language on different architectures are very important in order to really calibrate the possibility of using heterogeneous platforms for efficient hyperspectral imaging processing in real remote sensing missions.