952 resultados para FALSE VOCAL CORDS


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The goal of this research was to investigate the changes in neural processing in mild cognitive impairment. We measured phase synchrony, amplitudes, and event-related potentials in veridical and false memory to determine whether these differed in participants with mild cognitive impairment compared with typical, age-matched controls. Empirical mode decomposition phase locking analysis was used to assess synchrony, which is the first time this analysis technique has been applied in a complex cognitive task such as memory processing. The technique allowed assessment of changes in frontal and parietal cortex connectivity over time during a memory task, without a priori selection of frequency ranges, which has been shown previously to influence synchrony detection. Phase synchrony differed significantly in its timing and degree between participant groups in the theta and alpha frequency ranges. Timing differences suggested greater dependence on gist memory in the presence of mild cognitive impairment. The group with mild cognitive impairment had significantly more frontal theta phase locking than the controls in the absence of a significant behavioural difference in the task, providing new evidence for compensatory processing in the former group. Both groups showed greater frontal phase locking during false than true memory, suggesting increased searching when no actual memory trace was found. Significant inter-group differences in frontal alpha phase locking provided support for a role for lower and upper alpha oscillations in memory processing. Finally, fronto-parietal interaction was significantly reduced in the group with mild cognitive impairment, supporting the notion that mild cognitive impairment could represent an early stage in Alzheimer’s disease, which has been described as a ‘disconnection syndrome’.


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Recent studies have indicated that research practices in psychology may be susceptible to factors that increase false-positive rates, raising concerns about the possible prevalence of false-positive findings. The present article discusses several practices that may run counter to the inflation of false-positive rates. Taking these practices into account would lead to a more balanced view on the false-positive issue. Specifically, we argue that an inflation of false-positive rates would diminish, sometimes to a substantial degree, when researchers (a) have explicit a priori theoretical hypotheses, (b) include multiple replication studies in a single paper, and (c) collect additional data based on observed results. We report findings from simulation studies and statistical evidence that support these arguments. Being aware of these preventive factors allows researchers not to overestimate the pervasiveness of false-positives in psychology and to gauge the susceptibility of a paper to possible false-positives in practical and fair ways.


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The Bloom filter is a space efficient randomized data structure for representing a set and supporting membership queries. Bloom filters intrinsically allow false positives. However, the space savings they offer outweigh the disadvantage if the false positive rates are kept sufficiently low. Inspired by the recent application of the Bloom filter in a novel multicast forwarding fabric, this paper proposes a variant of the Bloom filter, the optihash. The optihash introduces an optimization for the false positive rate at the stage of Bloom filter formation using the same amount of space at the cost of slightly more processing than the classic Bloom filter. Often Bloom filters are used in situations where a fixed amount of space is a primary constraint. We present the optihash as a good alternative to Bloom filters since the amount of space is the same and the improvements in false positives can justify the additional processing. Specifically, we show via simulations and numerical analysis that using the optihash the false positives occurrences can be reduced and controlled at a cost of small additional processing. The simulations are carried out for in-packet forwarding. In this framework, the Bloom filter is used as a compact link/route identifier and it is placed in the packet header to encode the route. At each node, the Bloom filter is queried for membership in order to make forwarding decisions. A false positive in the forwarding decision is translated into packets forwarded along an unintended outgoing link. By using the optihash, false positives can be reduced. The optimization processing is carried out in an entity termed the Topology Manger which is part of the control plane of the multicast forwarding fabric. This processing is only carried out on a per-session basis, not for every packet. The aim of this paper is to present the optihash and evaluate its false positive performances via simulations in order to measure the influence of different parameters on the false positive rate. The false positive rate for the optihash is then compared with the false positive probability of the classic Bloom filter.


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Some vocal disorders in teachers are associated with occupational factors, but there are few studies that analyze the influence of vocal habits, fluid intake, mastication, and sleep on these disorders. The objective was to analyze the Occurrence of vocal fatigue, hoarseness, and dry throat in elementary and high school teachers and their association with vocal habits, fluid intake, mastication, and sleep. A sample of 422 elementary and secondary school teachers was Studied using a specific questionnaire. The multiple regression analysis showed that hoarseness was associated with absence of water intake (odds ratio (OR) = 1.7; P = 0.047), yelling/speaking loudly (OR = 1.6; P = 0.058), jaw-opening limitations (OR = 3.8; P = 0.003). average of: 6 hours of sleep/light (OR = 1.7; P = 0.039), and waking-up feeling replenished (OR = 2.0; P = 0.020). The presence of vocal fatigue was significantly associated with yelling/speaking loudly (OR = 2.2: P = 0.013), speaking excessively (OR = 2.4; P = 0.023), difficulty to open the mouth to masticate (OR = 6.6; P = 0.003), less than 6 hours of sleep (OR = 4.0; P = 0.008), and waking-up feeling replenished (sometimes OR = 2.8: P = 0.003; or never OR = 3.3 P = 0.002). The presence of dry throat was associated with being a former smoker (OR = 3.3; P = 0.011) and having jaw-opening limitations (OR = 3.9; P = 0.021). In recent years, speech and hearing interventions with teachers have focused on health-care promotion actions and prevention of vocal disorders, prioritizing issues related with hydration and healthy vocal use habits. However, the findings in the present study show the need to further focus on lifestyle habits related to sleep and eating habits.


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Anuran amphibians exhibit different patterns of energy substrate utilization that correlate with the intensity of vocal and locomotor activities. Given the remarkable differences among species in breeding and feeding strategies, and the different ways energy is used in the whole animal, the suggested correlations between calling and locomotor behavior and the level of energy substrates in the muscles responsible for such activities are more complex than previously reported. We explored the relationships between calling and locomotor behavior and energy supply to trunk and hindlimb muscles, respectively, within the ecologically diverse tree-frog genus Scinax. Specifically, we measured the relative amount of carbohydrates and lipids in these two groups of muscles, and in the liver of three species of Scinax that differ in vocal and locomotor performance, and compared our results with those of two other species for which comparable data are available. We also compared the contents of lipids and carbohydrates of conspecific males collected at the beginning and after 4 h of calling activity. The stomach content to potential feeding opportunities across species was also assessed in both groups of males. Scinax hiemalis and S. rizibilis exhibit comparatively low and episodic calling during long periods of activity whereas S. crospedospilus calls at higher rates over shorter periods. Male S. hiemalis had highest levels of trunk muscle glycogen followed by those of S. rizilbilis and S. crospedospilus, respectively. There was no correlation between total lipid content in trunk muscle and calling rate among different species, suggesting that other metabolic aspects may be responsible for the energetic support for vocal activity. The levels of lipids and carbohydrates in trunk and hindlimb muscles and liver of males collected at the beginning and 4 h into the calling period were similar across species, so the extent of energetic reserves does not appear to constrain vocal or locomotor activity. Finally, we found exceptionally high levels of carbohydrates and lipids in the liver of S. rizibilis, a trait perhaps related to a long and demanding breeding period.


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Brachycephalus hermogenesi is an endemic leaf litter inhabitant of the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil, whose original distribution included a restricted area near the boundaries of the States of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. We were surprised to find out, while conducting herpetofaunal surveys at Estacao Biologica de Boraceia (EBB), that the background forest insect-like sound we have been searching for corresponded to calling individuals of the species. Males call during the day at high densities, hidden under the leaf litter. Individuals do not answer playback, seem to move very infrequently, and seem to ignore nearby calling activity. We gathered data on annual and daily vocal activity of the species at EBB, observing a total of 1,549 calls given by 31 focal individuals in November 2003 and 2005. The call varies from short single note calls to calls composed of groups of two to seven similar notes emitted at regular intervals. We also extend the known distribution of the species southward to the State of Sao Paulo.


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Background: The definitive diagnosis of visceral. leishmaniasis (VL) requires invasive procedures with demonstration of amastigotes in tissue or promastigotes in culture. Unfortunately, these approaches require laboratory materials not available in poor countries where the disease is endemic. The correct diagnosis of VL is important, and made more difficult by the fact that several common tropical diseases such as malaria, disseminated tuberculosis, and enteric fever share the same clinical presentation. Serological tests have been developed to replace parasitological diagnosis in the field. A commercially available K39-based strip test for VL has been developed for this purpose. The endemic area of leishmaniasis in Brazil overlaps the endemic area of Chagas disease, a disease that can cause false-positive serological test results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of false-positive exams using a rapid test for VL in patients with Chagas disease. Methods: A rapid test based on the recombinant K39 antigen of Leishmania was used in: (1) 30 patients with confirmed Chagas disease, (2) 30 patients with a serological diagnosis of Chagas disease by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination, and chemiluminescence, (3) 30 healthy patients from a non-endemic area as the control group, (4) 30 patients with confirmed VL, and (5) 20 patients with proved cutaneous leishmaniasis. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of the rapid strip test were 100% when compared with healthy volunteers and those with confirmed Chagas disease. One false-positive result occurred in the group with Chagas disease diagnosed by serological tests (specificity of 96%). Conclusion: The rapid test based on recombinant K39 is a useful diagnostic assay, and a false-positive result rarely occurs in patients with a serological diagnosis of Chagas disease. (C) 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: Studies of the viscoelastic properties of the vocal folds are normally performed with rheometers that use parallel assigned a fixed value. In tissues subject to variation of thickness plates whose interplate space is usually at between samples, fixed gaps could result in different compressions, compromising the comparison among them. We performed,in experimental study to determine whether different compressions call lead to different results in measurements of dynamic viscosity (DV) of vocal fold samples. Methods: We Measured the DV of vocal fold samples of 10 larynges of cadavers under 3 different compression levels, corresponding to 0.2, 0.5, and 10 N on an 8-mm-diameter parallel-plate rheometer. Results: The DV directly varied with compression. We observed statistically significant differences between the results of 0.2 and 10 N (p = 0.0396) and 0.5 and 10 N (p = 0.0442). Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the level of compression influences the DV measure and Suggests that a defined compression level should be used in rheometric studies of biological tissues.


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Some unexpected promiscuous inhibitors were observed in a virtual screening protocol applied to select cruzain inhibitors from the ZINC database. Physical-chemical and pharmacophore model filters were used to reduce the database size. The selected compounds were docked into the cruzain active site. Six hit compounds were tested as inhibitors. Although the compounds were designed to be nucleophilically attacked by the catalytic cysteine of cruzain, three of them showed typical promiscuous behavior, revealing that false positives are a prevalent concern in VS programs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.