986 resultados para Equações de Gross-Pitaevskii


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A adsorção de Cu e Zn é um dos principais fenômenos responsáveis pela disponibilidade desses elementos para as plantas. Portanto, estudos sobre a adsorção desses elementos em solos podem ser ferramentas úteis para compreensão da relação entre características dos solos e retenção desses micronutrientes. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a adsorção de Cu e Zn em amostras de seis Latossolos de Minas Gerais e as influências de características dos solos sobre os parâmetros de adsorção obtidos pelas equações de Langmuir e de Freundlich. Para tanto, foram utilizadas soluções de cloreto de cobre e cloreto de zinco nas concentrações 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 e 140 mg L-1, ajustadas a pH 5,5. As equações de Langmuir e Freundlich foram eficientes na determinação dos parâmetros de adsorção de Zn e Cu, sendo os teores de argila e de matéria orgânica, respectivamente, as características mais bem relacionadas com a capacidade de adsorção desses elementos pelos solos. Os solos estudados apresentaram maior energia de ligação dos sítios de troca e maior capacidade de adsorção máxima para Cu relativamente ao Zn. O P remanescente não se correlacionou com os parâmetros de adsorção de Zn, em virtude, provavelmente, da influência da matéria orgânica em sua determinação. Este fato pode limitar sua eficiência na previsão da adsorção deste elemento em solos com alto teor de C orgânico.


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Gross-to-Net is a payroll calculator modeled after the actual payroll calculation program used for state employees’ pay warrants. This calculator can be used to project changes in deduction amounts and net pay when there are changes in pay amounts, hours worked, mandatory and voluntary deductions, including all pre-tax deductions such as retirement, insurances, deferred compensation or flexible spending plans. Federal and state tax withholding, retirement rates, OASDI and Medicare (FICA), and insurance deductions are calculated using current rates on HRIS Production.


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The Gross-Neveu model in an S^1 space is analyzed by means of a variational technique: the Gaussian effective potential. By making the proper connection with previous exact results at finite temperature, we show that this technique is able to describe the phase transition occurring in this model. We also make some remarks about the appropriate treatment of Grassmann variables in variational approaches.


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Gross-to-Net is a payroll calculator modeled after the actual payroll calculation program used for state employees’ pay warrants. This calculator can be used to project changes in deduction amounts and net pay when there are changes in pay amounts, hours worked, mandatory and voluntary deductions, including all pre-tax deductions such as retirement, insurances, deferred compensation or flexible spending plans. Federal and state tax withholding, retirement rates, OASDI and Medicare (FICA), and insurance deductions are calculated using current rates on HRIS Production.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com os objetivos de testar as equações globais obtidas por Macedo para determinar a capacidade de campo (CC) in situ em um solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo; avaliar a câmara de fluxo desenvolvida por Fabian & Ottoni Filho; e verificar se os valores de CC obtidos com esse equipamento se comparam aos determinados pelo método da Embrapa. Os testes foram realizados em 1994, num Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, em Itaguaí, RJ. A motivação desta comparação é o fato de o movimento lateral da água ser praticamente eliminado dentro da câmara. Confirmou-se que os valores medidos de CC em tal equipamento reproduziram as determinações de CC obtidas pelo método da Embrapa. Como a área da câmara é de 0,50 m², o resultado sugere a possibilidade de reduzir a dimensão dos tabuleiros de inundação. Foram também validadas as equações globais de regressão para determinar a CC a partir de porcentagens texturais e de matéria orgânica, ou a partir da microporosidade (umidade a 60 cm de tensão).


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Com o objetivo de estudar a variação temporal do índice de área foliar (IAF) da cultura de café, utilizando um método simples e não-destrutivo, foi instalado um experimento no Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizou-se a cultivar Mundo Novo IAC 388-17, enxertada sobre a cultivar Apoatã IAC 2258 (de 15 até 35 meses de idade), no espaçamento de 2,5 x 1,0 m. Foram coletadas todas as folhas de duas plantas de café, em intervalos de 60 a 150 dias, para a mensuração da área foliar com o equipamento LI-COR (modelo 3100). Para obter a relação funcional entre IAF e diferentes variáveis de crescimento (altura da planta, número e massa total de folhas e área foliar) e arquitetura da copa (área da seção inferior, média e superior do dossel, área lateral do dossel, diâmetro inferior, médio e superior do dossel, volume do dossel da planta e altura do primeiro par de ramos), assumiu-se que a parte aérea do cafeeiro tem a forma cônica. O diâmetro da seção inferior do dossel (primeiro par de ramos) e a altura da planta podem ser utilizadas para estimar o índice de área foliar do cafeeiro.


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This study examined gross motor performance of 101 typically developing children between 3 and 5 years of age (48 boys, 53 girls, M age = 3.9 yr., SD = 0.5). All children performed 7 different gross motor tasks which were rated on a 5-point scale. Age and sex were assessed by an ordinal-logistic model, and odds ratios were calculated for each task using age and sex as covariates. For standing on one leg, walking on a beam, hopping on one leg, running, and taking stairs, statistically significant age differences were found, while for rising and jumping down, none were apparent. Mean motor performance did not differ between boys and girls on the tasks. The older the children were, the better they performed on the tasks.


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The determination of gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural waters is useful in a wide range of environmental studies. Furthermore, gross alpha and gross beta parameters are included in international legislation on the quality of drinking water [Council Directive 98/83/EC].1 In this work, a low-background liquid scintillation counter (Wallac, Quantulus 1220) was used to simultaneously determine gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural water samples. Sample preparation involved evaporation to remove 222Rn and its short-lived decay daughters. The evaporation process concentrated the sample ten-fold. Afterwards, a sample aliquot of 8 mL was mixed with 12 mL of Ultima Gold AB scintillation cocktail in low-diffusion vials. In this study, a theoretical mathematical model based on secular equilibrium conditions between 226Ra and its short-lived decay daughters is presented. The proposed model makes it possible to determine 226Ra activity from two measurements. These measurements also allow determining gross alpha and gross beta simultaneously. To validate the proposed model, spiked samples with different activity levels for each parameter were analysed. Additionally, to evaluate the model's applicability in natural water, eight natural water samples from different parts of Spain were analysed. The eight natural water samples were also characterised by alpha spectrometry for the naturally occurring isotopes of uranium (234U, 235U and 238U), radium (224Ra and 226Ra), 210Po and 232Th. The results for gross alpha and 226Ra activity were compared with alpha spectrometry characterization, and an acceptable concordance was obtained.


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In the ornamental plant production region of Girona (Spain), which is one of the largest of its kind in southern Europe, most of the surface is irrigated using wide blocked-end furrows. The objectives of this paper were: (1) to evaluate the irrigation scheduling methods used by ornamental plant producers; (2) to analyse different scenarios in order to assess how they affect irrigation performance; (3) to evaluate the risk of deep percolation; and (4) to calculate gross water productivity. A two-year study in a representative commercial field, planted with Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’, was carried out. The irrigation dose applied by the farmers was slightly smaller than the required water dose estimated by the use of two different methods: the first based on soil water content, and the second based on evapotranspiration. Distribution uniformity and application eff iciency were high, with mean values above 87%. Soil water content measurements revealed that even at the end of the furrow, where the infiltrated water depth was greatest, more than 90% of the infiltrated water was retained in the shallowest 40 cm of the soil; accordingly, the risk of water loss due to deep percolation was minimal. Gross water productivity for ornamental tree production was € 11.70 m–3, approximately 20 times higher than that obtained with maize in the same region.


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The determination of gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural waters is useful in a wide range of environmental studies. Furthermore, gross alpha and gross beta parameters are included in international legislation on the quality of drinking water [Council Directive 98/83/EC].1 In this work, a low-background liquid scintillation counter (Wallac, Quantulus 1220) was used to simultaneously determine gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural water samples. Sample preparation involved evaporation to remove 222Rn and its short-lived decay daughters. The evaporation process concentrated the sample ten-fold. Afterwards, a sample aliquot of 8 mL was mixed with 12 mL of Ultima Gold AB scintillation cocktail in low-diffusion vials. In this study, a theoretical mathematical model based on secular equilibrium conditions between 226Ra and its short-lived decay daughters is presented. The proposed model makes it possible to determine 226Ra activity from two measurements. These measurements also allow determining gross alpha and gross beta simultaneously. To validate the proposed model, spiked samples with different activity levels for each parameter were analysed. Additionally, to evaluate the model's applicability in natural water, eight natural water samples from different parts of Spain were analysed. The eight natural water samples were also characterised by alpha spectrometry for the naturally occurring isotopes of uranium (234U, 235U and 238U), radium (224Ra and 226Ra), 210Po and 232Th. The results for gross alpha and 226Ra activity were compared with alpha spectrometry characterization, and an acceptable concordance was obtained.


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The Michaelis-Menten equation is used in many biochemical and bioinorganic kinetic studies involving homogeneous catalysis. Otherwise, it is known that determination of Michaelis-Menten parameters K M, Vmax, and k cat by the well-known Lineweaver-Burk double reciprocal linear equation does not produce the best values for these parameters. In this paper we present a discussion on different linear equations which can be used to calculate these parameters and we compare their results with the values obtained by the more reliable nonlinear least-square fit.