985 resultados para Engineering teachers


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This paper first describes a new three-year, longitudinal project that is implementing engineering education in three middle schools in Australia (grade levels 7-9). This important domain is untapped in Australia. Hence, as a starting point, we conducted a context analysis to help situate engineering education in a school system. We report on this analysis with respect to findings from one of two literature-based surveys that gathered middle-school student responses in mathematics (n=172) and science (n=166) towards understanding their dispositions for engineering education. ANOVA indicated gender differences for 3 out of 23 items in both mathematics and science. In addition, the majority of students agreed or strongly agreed with 17 of the 23 survey items, however, there were some differences between mathematics and science. We conclude the paper with some recommendations for establishing engineering education in schools, including the development of partnerships among engineering and education faculties, school systems, and industry to develop contemporary engineering resources to support school-level mathematics, science, and technology.


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President’s Message Hello fellow AITPM members, Due to three colliding forces of nature I find myself writing this month’s message from home – today, I am still getting over a persistent virus that seemed to set in just after returning from Singapore a couple of weeks ago, which my diabetes won’t let me get away with too easily (no Kermit the Frog swine flu jokes please). Combine this with a very wet day in Brisbane – in fact the wettest for 20 years (how can we complain, except for flash flooding?). And in Queensland today is a state school teachers’ strike, so one half of our brood is over watching TV. Family snapshots aside, the biggest news for our industry of late is the $8.5 billion announced in the Federal Budget for transport infrastructure projects; many “shovel ready”, but some – and fortunate for our profession – desktop ready. This newsletter provides nationwide coverage on the transport infrastructure aspects of the Federal Budget. We’ll need a bit more time to carefully look at the ensuing State Budgets’ announcements. Regarding the federal budget announcements, I am pleased to see serious attention being paid to upgrading the M1 system – I hope to see a motorway standard facility connecting Adelaide to at least Rockhampton in my lifetime. But some other important roads are of course missing out in this particular budget. Various levels of commitment are being made to urban passenger rail – some project significant while others planning significant. Enhancement of suburban rail is important across the capitals and Australia’s medium sized cities such as the Gold Coast and Newcastle. Not much on road safety initiatives jumped out at me, but I believe it is implied in the large road projects and in some of the detail elsewhere. I do believe it’s about time a ‘Vision Zero’ style policy is adopted at the National level, since any death is unacceptable on the road, just as it is in any other workplace. So, overall some good news on building transport infrastructure to keep the economy purring during this recession, and strongly supporting it during future boom times. The other edge to the sword, of course, is that we tax payers will be paying a considerable amount for borrowings for these projects over a long period of time. I close again in reminding everyone again that AITPM’s flagship event, the 2009 AITPM National Conference, Traffic Beyond Tomorrow, is being held in Adelaide from 5 to 7 August. www.aitpm.com has all of the details about how to register, sponsor a booth, session, etc. Best regards all, Jon Bunker


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Little research has been conducted on how students work when they are required to plan, build and evaluate artefacts in technology rich learning environments such as those supported by tools including flow charts, Labview programming and Lego construction. In this study, activity theory was used as an analytic tool to examine the social construction of meaning. There was a focus on the effect of teachers’ goals and the rules they enacted upon student use of the flow chart planning tool, and the tools of the programming language Labview and Lego construction. It was found that the articulation of a teacher’s goals via rules and divisions of labour helped to form distinct communities of learning and influenced the development of different problem solving strategies. The use of the planning tool flow charting was associated with continuity of approach, integration of problem solutions including appreciation of the nexus between construction and programming, and greater educational transformation. Students who flow charted defined problems in a more holistic way and demonstrated more methodical, insightful and integrated approaches to their use of tools. The findings have implications for teaching in design dominated learning environments.


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Over 3000 cases of child sexual abuse are identified every year in Australia, but the real incidence is higher still. As a strategy to identify child sexual abuse, Australian States and Territories have enacted legislation requiring members of selected professions, including teachers, to report suspected cases. In addition, policy-based reporting obligations have been developed by professions, including the teaching profession. These legislative and industry-based developments have occurred in a context of growing awareness of the incidence and consequences of child sexual abuse. Teachers have frequent contact and close relationships with children, and possess expertise in monitoring changes in children’s behaviour. Accordingly, teachers are seen as being well-placed to detect and report suspected child sexual abuse. To date, however, there has been little empirical research into the operation of these reporting duties. The extent of teachers’ awareness of their duties to report child sexual abuse is unknown. Further, there is little evidence about teachers’ past reporting practice. Teachers’ duties to report sexual abuse, especially those in legislation, differ between States, and it is not known whether or how these differences affect reporting practice. This article presents results from the first large-scale Australian survey of teachers in three States with different reporting laws: New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia. The results indicate levels of teacher knowledge of reporting duties, reveal evidence about past reporting practice, and provide insights into anticipated future reporting practice and legal compliance. The findings have implications for reform of legislation and policy, training of teachers about the reporting of child sexual abuse, and enhancement of child protection.


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Efforts to improve mathematics and science content knowledge have in many institutions required redefining teacher education through new teaching and learning. See, for example, Peard & Pumadevi (2007) for an account of one such attempt involving the development of a Foundations Unit, Scientific and Quantitative Literacy. This unit is core for all first year pre-service primary teacher education students at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and two Education Institutes in Malaysia, Institute Perguruan Raja Melewar (IPRM), and Institute Perguruan Teknik (IPT) Kuala Lumpur. Since then, QUT has modified the unit to adopt a thematic approach to the same content. An aim of the unit rewrite was the development of a positive attitude and disposition to the teaching and learning of mathematics and science, with a curiosity and willingness to speculate about and explore the world. Numeracy was specifically identified within the mathematics encountered and appropriately embedded in the science learning area. The importance of the ability to engage in communication of and about mathematics and science was considered crucial to the development of pre-service primary teachers. Cognisance was given to the appropriate selection and use of technology to enhance learning - digital technologies were embedded in the teaching, learning and assessment of the unit to avoid being considered as an optional extra. This was achieved around the theme of “the sustainable school”. This „sustainability‟ theme was selected due to its prominence in Australia‟s futures-oriented National Curriculum which will be implemented in 2011. This paper outlines the approach taken to the implementation of the unit and discusses early indicators of its effectiveness.


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Increasing the scientific literacy of Australians has become an educational priority in recent times. The ‘Science State – Smart State’ initiative of the Queensland Government involves an action plan for improving science education that includes a Science for Life action. A desired outcome is for an increased understanding of the natural world so that responsible decisions concerning our future wellbeing can be made in an age of science and technology. Biotechnology is a technology that is having profound impact on our lives. This paper describes how 15-16 year old students and biology teachers revealed a mismatch in both attitudes and interests towards biotechnology between the students and teachers. The findings are of interest as the teachers are writing biotechnology into their work programs in response to new syllabus documents. The teacher’s areas of interest did not match those of the students, possibly resulting in a curriculum the teachers want to teach, but the students do not want to learn.


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Efforts to improve mathematics and science content knowledge have in many institutions required redefining teacher education through new teaching and learning. See, for example, Peard & Pumadevi (2007) for an account of one such attempt involving the development of a Foundations Unit, Scientific and Quantitative Literacy. This unit is core for all first year pre-service primary teacher education students at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and two Education Institutes in Malaysia, Institute Perguruan Raja Melewar (IPRM), and Institute Perguruan Teknik (IPT) Kuala Lumpur. Since then, QUT has modified the unit to adopt a thematic approach to the same content. An aim of the unit rewrite was the development of a positive attitude and disposition to the teaching and learning of mathematics and science, with a curiosity and willingness to speculate about and explore the world. Numeracy was specifically identified within the mathematics encountered and appropriately embedded in the science learning area. The importance of the ability to engage in communication of and about mathematics and science was considered crucial to the development of pre-service primary teachers. Cognisance was given to the appropriate selection and use of technology to enhance learning - digital technologies were embedded in the teaching, learning and assessment of the unit to avoid being considered as an optional extra. This was achieved around the theme of “the sustainable school”. This ‘sustainability’ theme was selected due to its prominence in Australia’s futures-oriented National Curriculum which will be implemented in 2011. This paper outlines the approach taken to the implementation of the unit and discusses early indicators of its effectiveness.


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A continuing challenge for pre-service teacher education is the learning transfer between the university based components and the practical school based components of their training. It is not clear how easily pre-service teachers can transfer university learnings into ‘in school’ practice. Similarly, it is not clear how easily knowledge learned in the school context can be disembedded from this particular context and understood more generally by the pre-service teacher. This paper examines the effect of a community of practice formed specifically to explore learning transfer via collaboration and professional enquiry, in ‘real time’, across the globe. “Activity Theory” (Engestrom, 1999) provided the theoretical framework through which the cognitive, physical and social processes involved could be understood. For the study, three activity systems formed community of practice network. The first activity system involved pre-service teachers at a large university in Queensland, Australia. The second activity system was introduced by the pre-service teachers and involved Year 12 students and teachers at a private secondary school also in Queensland, Australia. The third activity system involved university staff engineers at a large university in Pennsylvania, USA. The common object among the three activity systems was to explore the principles and applications of nanotechnology. The participants in the two Queensland activity systems, controlled laboratory equipment (a high powered Atomic Force Microscope – CPII) in Pennsylvania, USA, with the aim of investigating surface topography and the properties of nano particles. The pre-service teachers were to develop their remote ‘real time’ experience into school classroom tasks, implement these tasks, and later report their findings to other pre-service teachers in the university activity system. As an extension to the project, the pre-service teachers were invited to co-author papers relating to the project. Data were collected from (a) reflective journals; (b) participant field notes – a pre-service teacher initiative; (c) surveys – a pre-service teacher initiative; (d) lesson reflections and digital recordings – a pre-service teacher initiative; and (e) interviews with participants. The findings are reported in terms of the major themes: boundary crossing, the philosophy of teaching, and professional relationships The findings have implications for teacher education. The researchers feel that deliberate planning for networking between activity systems may well be a solution to the apparent theory/practice gap. Proximity of activity systems need not be a hindering issue.


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This paper presents the findings of a survey that investigates the biotechnology topics of interest according to students and teachers for inclusion in biology lessons and reports on the similarities and differences in teachers’ and students’ biotechnology topics of interest. The study is of significance as biotechnology has been identified as a key area of technological and economic importance worldwide yet there is scant literature relating to teachers’ and students’ interests concerning biotechnology education topics. 500 students and their 15 teachers completed the survey. Interviews were conducted with 3 teachers and 60 students. Responses indicate there is a mismatch in the interests of students and teachers, and what they perceive as being possible topics for inclusion in biology and biotechnology lessons. Where teachers are provided with the freedom to design and assess their own units of work, this mismatch of interests causes problems. The study found students withdrawing from biology courses in post compulsory settings due to lack of interest, and perceived lack of relevance of the course. It is possible that this lack of agreement on topics of interest is a factor in the world wide decline of enrolments in the sciences.


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The middle years of schooling has emerged as an important focus in Australian education. Student disengagement and alienation, the negative effects of non-completion of the senior years of schooling and underachievement have raised concerns about the quality of education during the middle years. For many schools, reshaping the middle years has involved incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to motivate students. However, simultaneously there is a need to ensure that programs are academically rigorous. There is little doubt that there are potential benefits to integrating ICT into programs for middle years’ students. However, little is known about how middle years’ teachers perceive higher order thinking, which is a component of academic rigour. This paper investigates the question of What are teachers’ perceptions of higher order thinking in an ICT environment? The study is underpinned by socio-cultural theory which is based on the belief that learning occurs through social interaction and that individuals are shaped by the social and cultural tools and instruments they engage with. This investigation used a collective case study design. Two methods were used for data collection. These methods are semi-structured interviews with individual teachers and a class and a focus group discussion with teachers. Findings indicate that teachers hold various perceptions of higher order thinking that lead to productive approaches to integrating ICT in middle years’ classrooms. The paper highlights that there may be a continuum of perceptions of higher order thinking with ICT. This continuum may inform professional developers who are guiding and supporting teachers to integrate ICT into middle years’ classrooms.


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Action research proved a useful strategy for monitoring the evolution of microteaching task as an authentic assessment for post-graduate pre-service teachers. Through four iterations of continually reflecting on the structure, purpose and outcomes of utilising microteaching as assessment, unit coordinators implemented an authentic assessment task that simulated real world experience.


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Articular cartilage damage is a persistent and increasing problem with the aging population, and treatments to achieve biological repair or restoration remain a challenge. Cartilage tissue engineering approaches have been investigated for over 20 years, but have yet to achieve the consistency and effectiveness for widespread clinical use. One of the potential reasons for this is that the engineered tissues do not have or establish the normal zonal organization of cells and extracellular matrix that appears critical for normal tissue function. A number of approaches are being taken currently to engineer tissue that more closely mimics the organization of native articular cartilage. This review focuses on the zonal organization of native articular cartilage, strategies being used to develop such organization, the reorganization that occurs after culture or implantation, and future prospects for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage with biomimetic zones.


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The impact of the Internet on our lives has been pervasive. People are increasingly turning to the social interaction available on the Internet to satisfy their needs, whether these are professional or personal. The Internet offers users fast access to social contacts such as online chat groups and discussion lists,helping us to make connections with others. Online communities are being increasingly used by teachers for professional support, guidance and inspiration. These are often organised around subject areas and offer teachers opportunities to develop both personally and professionally. Online communities may present as a source of continuous professional development for teachers as they are able to deliver authentic and personalised opportunities for learning. This paper will present the findings of a study that was conducted on three online communities for teachers. It will explore the nature of online community membership and offer some conclusions regarding their potential as a source of professional learning for teachers.