998 resultados para Elements Constitutive


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By using the bender and extender elements tests, the travel times of the shear (S) and the primary (P) waves were measured for dry sand samples at different relative densities and effective confining pressures. Three methods of interpretations, namely, (i) the first time of arrival, (ii) the first peak to peak, and (iii) the cross-correlation method, were employed. All the methods provide almost a unique answer associated with the P-wave measurements. On contrary, a difference was noted in the arrival times obtained from the different methods for the S-wave due to the near field effect. The resonant column tests in the torsional mode were also performed to check indirectly the travel time of the shear wave. The study reveals that as compared to the S-wave, it is more reliable to depend on the arrival times' measurement for the P-wave. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By using the bender and extender elements tests, the travel times of the shear (S) and the primary (P) waves were measured for dry sand samples at different relative densities and effective confining pressures. Three methods of interpretations, namely, (i) the first time of arrival, (ii) the first peak to peak, and (iii) the cross-correlation method, were employed. All the methods provide almost a unique answer associated with the P-wave measurements. On contrary, a difference was noted in the arrival times obtained from the different methods for the S-wave due to the near field effect. The resonant column tests in the torsional mode were also performed to check indirectly the travel time of the shear wave. The study reveals that as compared to the S-wave, it is more reliable to depend on the arrival times’ measurement for the P-wave.


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By using the bender and extender elements tests, together with measurements of the travel times of shear (S) and primary (P) waves, the variation of Poisson ratio (nu) was determined for dry sands with respect to changes in relative densities and effective confining pressures (sigma(3)). The tests were performed for three different ranges of particle sizes. The magnitude of the Poisson ratio decreases invariably with an increase in both the relative density and the effective confining pressure. The effect of the confining pressure on the Poisson ratio was found to become relatively more significant for fine-grained sand as compared with the coarse-grained sand. For a given material, at a particular value of sigma(3), the magnitude of the Poisson ratio decreases, almost in a linear fashion, with an increase in the value of maximum shear modulus (G(max)). The two widely used correlations in literature, providing the relationships among G(max), void ratio (e) and effective confining pressure (sigma(3)), applicable for angular granular materials, were found to compare reasonably well with the present experimental data for the fine- and medium-grained sands. However, for the coarse-grained sand, these correlations tend to overestimate the values of G(max).


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Most of the existing research within the business network approach is based on companies that are operating on different levels within the same value chain, as a buyer and a supplier. Intercompetitor cooperation, i.e. cooperation between companies occupying the same level within different value chains, has not been studied to the same extent. Moreover scholars within the business network approach have usually described industrial relationships as long term, consisting of mutual commitment and trust. Industrial relationships are not static, but dynamic, and they contain situations of both harmony and conflict. There is consequently a need for more research both concerning intercompetitor cooperation and conflicts. The purpose of this study is to develop our theoretical and empirical understanding of the nature of conflicts in intercompetitor cooperation from a business network perspective. The focus of the study lies on issue and intensity of conflict. The issue of a conflict can be divided into cause and topic, while the intensity comprises the importance and outcome of a conflict. The empirical part of the study is based on two case studies of groups of cooperating competitors from two different industries. The applied research method is interviews. According to the findings of this study causes of conflicts in intercompetitor cooperation can be divided into three groups: focus, awareness and capacity. Topics of conflict can be related to domain, delivery, advertising or cooperation. Moreover the findings show that conflict situations may be grouped into not important, important or very important. Some conflicts may also be of varying importance, meaning that the importance varies from one point of time to another. Based on the findings of the study the outcome or status of a conflict can be analyzed both on a concrete and general level. The findings also indicate that several conflicts are partly hidden, which means that only one or some of the involved actors perceive the conflict. Furthermore several conflict situations can be related to external network actors.


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This is the second part of a two part review on the state-of-the-art in holographic optical elements (HOEs). The aspects of fabrication, evaluation, and applications of HOEs, are discussed in this part. It details the direction of future efforts towards finding work-horse type recording media, developing new methods for the evaluation of HOE, and identifying the areas of application where HOEs are to be considered as indispensable components/tools. Finally a summary of all the suggestions for future work made in the two parts is displayed in Table 2 of this part of the review.


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A state-of-the-art review on holographic optical elements (HOE) is presented in two parts. In Part I a conceptual overview and an assessment of the current status on the design of HOE have been included. It is pointed out that HOE development based on the use of squeezed light, speckle, non-linear recording, comparative studies between optics and communication approaches, are some of the promising directions for future research in this vital area of photonics.


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Conventional three-dimensional isoparametric elements are susceptible to problems of locking when used to model plate/shell geometries or when the meshes are distorted etc. Hybrid elements that are based on a two-field variational formulation are immune to most of these problems, and hence can be used to efficiently model both "chunky" three-dimensional and plate/shell type structures. Thus, only one type of element can be used to model "all" types of structures, and also allows us to use a standard dual algorithm for carrying out the topology optimization of the structure. We also address the issue of manufacturability of the designs.


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Under hot-forming conditions characterized by high homologous temperatures and strain-rates, metals usually exhibit rate-dependent inelastic behavior. An elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model is presented here to describe metal behavior during hot-forming. The model uses an isotropic internal variable to represent the resistance offered to plastic deformation by the microstructure. Evolution equations are developed for the inelastic strain and the deformation resistance based on experimental results. A methodology is presented for extracting model parameters from constant true strain-rate compression tests performed at different temperatures. Model parameters are determined for an Al-1Mn alloy and an Al-Mg-Si alloy, and the predictions of the model are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental data. (C) 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of a number of multiple strip footings, identically spaced and equally loaded to failure at the same time,is computed by using the lower bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements. The efficiency factor due to the component of soil unit weight, is computed with respect to changes in the clear spacing (xi(gamma)) between the footings. It is noted that the failure load for a footing in the group becomes always greater than that of a single isolated footing. The values of xi(gamma) for the smooth footings are found to be always lower than the rough footings. The values ofxi(gamma) are found to increase continuously with a decrease in the spacing between footings. As compared to the available theoretical and experimental results reported in literature, the present analysis provides generally a little lower values of xi(gamma). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, elastic wave propagation is studied in a nanocomposite reinforced with multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Analysis is performed on a representative volume element of square cross section. The frequency content of the exciting signal is at the terahertz level. Here, the composite is modeled as a higher order shear deformable beam using layerwise theory, to account for partial shear stress transfer between the CNTs and the matrix. The walls of the multiwall CNTs are considered to be connected throughout their length by distributed springs, whose stiffness is governed by the van der Waals force acting between the walls of nanotubes. The analyses in both the frequency and time domains are done using the wavelet-based spectral finite element method (WSFEM). The method uses the Daubechies wavelet basis approximation in time to reduce the governing PDE to a set of ODEs. These transformed ODEs are solved using a finite element (FE) technique by deriving an exact interpolating function in the transformed domain to obtain the exact dynamic stiffness matrix. Numerical analyses are performed to study the spectrum and dispersion relations for different matrix materials and also for different beam models. The effects of partial shear stress transfer between CNTs and matrix on the frequency response function (FRF) and the time response due to broadband impulse loading are investigated for different matrix materials. The simultaneous existence of four coupled propagating modes in a double-walled CNT-composite is also captured using modulated sinusoidal excitation.


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A new elasto-plastic cracking constitutive model for reinforced concrete is presented. The nonlinear effects considered cover almost all the nonlinearities exhibited by reinforced concrete under short term monotonic loading. They include concrete cracking in tension, plasticity in compression, aggregate interlock, tension softening, elasto-plastic behavior of steel, bond-slip between concrete, and steel reinforcement and tension stiffening. A new procedure for incorporating bondslip in smeared steel elements is described. A modified Huber-Hencky-Mises failure criterion for plastic deformation of concrete, which fits the experimental results under biaxial stresses better, is proposed. Multiple cracking at Gauss points and their opening and closing are considered. Matrix expressions are developed and are incorporated in a nonlinear finite element program. After the objectivity of the model is demonstrated, the model is used to analyze two different types of problems: one, a set of four shear panels, and the other, a reinforced concrete beam without shear reinforcement. The results of the analysis agree favorably with the experimental results.


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Human platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is composed of two polypeptide chains, PDGF-1 and PDGF-2,the human homolog of the v-sis oncogene. Deregulation of PDGF-2 expression can confer a growth advantage to cells possessing the cognate receptor and, thus, may contribute to the malignant phenotype. We investigated the regulation of PDGF-2 mRNA expression during megakaryocytic differentiation of K562 cells. Induction by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) led to a greater than 200-fold increase in PDGF-2 transcript levels in these cells. Induction was dependent on protein synthesis and was not enhanced by cycloheximide exposure.In our initial investigation of the PDGF-2 promoter, a minimal promoter region, which included sequences extending only 42 base pairs upstream of the TATA signal, was found to be as efficient as 4 kilobase pairs upstream of the TATA signal in driving expression of a reporter gene in uninduced K562 cells. We also functionally identified different regulatory sequence elements of the PDGF-2 promoter in TPA-induced K562 cells. One region acted as a transcriptional silencer, while another region was necessary for maximal activity of the promoter in megakaryoblasts. This region was shown to bind nuclear factors and was the target for trans-activation in normal and tumor cells. In one tumor cell line, which expressed high PDGF-2 mRNA levels, the presence of the positive regulatory region resulted in a 30-fold increase in promoter activity. However, the ability of the minimal PDGF-2 promoter to drive reporter gene expression in uninduced K562 cells and normal fibroblasts, which contained no detectable PDGF-2 transcripts, implies the existence of other negative control mechanisms beyond the regulation of promoter activity.


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The use of appropriate finite elements in different regions of a stressed solid can be expected to be economical in computing its stress response. This concept is exploited here in studying stresses near free edges in laminated coupons. The well known free edge problem of [0/90], symmetric laminate is considered to illustrate the application of the concept. The laminate is modelled as a combination of three distinct regions. Quasi-three-dimensional eight-noded quadrilateral isoparametric elements (Q3D8) are used at and near the free edge of the laminate and two-noded line elements (Q3D2) are used in the region away from the free edge. A transition element (Q3DT) provides a smooth inter-phase zone between the two regions. Significant reduction in the problem size and hence in the computational time and cost have been achieved at almost no loss of accuracy.