915 resultados para Electronic Health Records


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The world has experienced a large increase in the amount of available data. Therefore, it requires better and more specialized tools for data storage and retrieval and information privacy. Recently Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems have emerged to fulfill this need in health systems. They play an important role in medicine by granting access to information that can be used in medical diagnosis. Traditional systems have a focus on the storage and retrieval of this information, usually leaving issues related to privacy in the background. Doctors and patients may have different objectives when using an EHR system: patients try to restrict sensible information in their medical records to avoid misuse information while doctors want to see as much information as possible to ensure a correct diagnosis. One solution to this dilemma is the Accountable e-Health model, an access protocol model based in the Information Accountability Protocol. In this model patients are warned when doctors access their restricted data. They also enable a non-restrictive access for authenticated doctors. In this work we use FluxMED, an EHR system, and augment it with aspects of the Information Accountability Protocol to address these issues. The Implementation of the Information Accountability Framework (IAF) in FluxMED provides ways for both patients and physicians to have their privacy and access needs achieved. Issues related to storage and data security are secured by FluxMED, which contains mechanisms to ensure security and data integrity. The effort required to develop a platform for the management of medical information is mitigated by the FluxMED's workflow-based architecture: the system is flexible enough to allow the type and amount of information being altered without the need to change in your source code.


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The aim of the study was to explore why the MuPSiNet project - a computer and network supported learning environment for the field of health care and social work - did not develop as expected. To grasp the problem some hypotheses were formulated. The hypotheses regarded the teachers' skills in and attitudes towards computing and their attitudes towards constructivist study methods. An online survey containing 48 items was performed. The survey targeted all the teachers within the field of health care and social work in the country, and it produced 461 responses that were analysed against the hypotheses. The reliability of the variables was tested using the Cronbach alpha coefficient and t-tests. Poor basic computing skills among the teachers combined with a vulnerable technical solution, and inadequate project management combined with lack of administrative models for transforming economic resources into manpower were the factors that turned out to play a decisive role in the project. Other important findings were that the teachers had rather poor skills and knowledge in computing, computer safety and computer supported instruction, and that these skills were significantly poorer among female teachers who were in majority in the sample. The fraction of teachers who were familiar with software for electronic patient records (EPR) was low. The attitudes towards constructivist teaching methods were positive, and further education seemed to utterly increase the teachers' readiness to use alternative teaching methods. The most important conclusions were the following: In order to integrate EPR software as a natural tool in teaching planning and documenting health care, it is crucial that the teachers have sufficient basic skills in computing and that more teachers have personal experience of using EPR software. In order for computer supported teaching to become accepted it is necessary to arrange with extensive further education for the teachers presently working, and for that further education to succeed it should be backed up locally among other things by sufficient support in matters concerning computer supported teaching. The attitudes towards computing showed significant gender differences. Based on the findings it is suggested that basic skills in computing should also include an awareness of data safety in relation to work in different kinds of computer networks, and that projects of this kind should be built up around a proper project organisation with sufficient resources. Suggestions concerning curricular development and further education are also presented. Conclusions concerning the research method were that reminders have a better effect, and that respondents tend to answer open-ended questions more verbosely in electronically distributed online surveys compared to traditional surveys. A method of utilising randomized passwords to guarantee respondent anonymity while maintaining sample control is presented. Keywords: computer-assisted learning, computer-assisted instruction, health care, social work, vocational education, computerized patient record, online survey


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Is oral health becoming a part of the global health culture? Oral health seems to turn out to be part of the global health culture, according to the findings of a thesis-research, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki. The thesis is entitled as “Preadolescents and Their Mothers as Oral Health-Promoting Actors: Non-biologic Determinants of Oral Health among Turkish and Finnish Preadolescents.” The research was supervised by Prof.Murtomaa and led by Dr.A.Basak Cinar. It was conducted as a cross-sectional study of 611 Turkish and 223 Finnish school preadolescents in Istanbul and Helsinki, from the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, aged 10 to 12, based on self-administered and pre-tested health behavior questionnaires for them and their mothers as well as the youth’s oral health records. Clinically assessed dental status (DMFT) and self-reported oral health of Turkish preadolescents was significantly poorer than the Finns`. A similar association occurred for well-being measures (height and weight, self-esteem), but not for school performance. Turkish preadolescents were more dentally anxious and reported lower mean values of toothbrushing self-efficacy and dietary self-efficacy than did Finns. The Turks less frequently reported recommended oral health behaviors (twice daily or more toothbrushing, sweet consumption on 2 days or less/week, decreased between-meal sweet consumption) than did the Finns. Turkish mothers reported less frequently dental health as being above average and recommended oral health behaviors as well as regular dental visits. Their mean values for dental anxiety was higher and self-efficacy on implementation of twice-daily toothbrushing were lower than those of the Finnish. Despite these differences between the Turks and Finns, the associations found in common for all preadolescents, regardless of cultural differences and different oral health care systems, assessed for the first time in a holistic framework, were as follows: There seems to be interrelation between oral health and general-well being (body height-weight measures, school performance, and self-esteem) among preadolescents: • The body height was an explanatory factor for dental health, underlining the possible common life-course factors for dental health and general well-being. • Better school performance, high levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy were interrelated and they contributed to good oral health. • Good school performance was a common predictor for twice-daily toothbrushing. Self-efficacy and maternal modelling have significant role for maintenance and improvement of both oral- and general health- related behaviors. In addition, there is need for integration of self-efficacy based approaches to promote better oral health. • All preadolescents with high levels of self-efficacy were more likely to report more frequent twice-daily toothbrushing and less frequent sweet consumption. • All preadolescents were likely to imitate toothbrushing and sweet consumption behaviors of their mothers. • High levels of self-efficacy contributed to low dental anxiety in various patterns in both groups. As a conclusion: • Many health-detrimental behaviors arise from the school age years and are unlikely to change later. Schools have powerful influences on children’s development and well-being. Therefore, oral health promotion in schools should be integrated into general health promotion, school curricula, and other activities. • Health promotion messages should be reinforced in schools, enabling children and their families to develop lifelong sustainable positive health-related skills (self-esteem, self-efficacy) and behaviors. • Placing more emphasis on behavioral sciences, preventive approaches, and community-based education during undergraduate studies should encourage social responsibility and health-promoting roles among dentists. Attempts to increase general well-being and to reduce oral health inequalities among preadolescents will remain unsuccessful if the individual factors, as well as maternal and societal influences, are not considered by psycho-social holistic approaches.


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This workshop is jointly organized by EFMI Working Groups Security, Safety and Ethics and Personal Portable Devices in cooperation with IMIA Working Group "Security in Health Information Systems". In contemporary healthcare and personal health management the collection and use of personal health information takes place in different contexts and jurisdictions. Global use of health data is also expanding. The approach taken by different experts, health service providers, data subjects and secondary users in understanding privacy and the privacy expectations others may have is strongly context dependent. To make eHealth, global healthcare, mHealth and personal health management successful and to enable fair secondary use of personal health data, it is necessary to find a practical and functional balance between privacy expectations of stakeholder groups. The workshop will highlight these privacy concerns by presenting different cases and approaches. Workshop participants will analyse stakeholder privacy expectations that take place in different real-life contexts such as portable health devices and personal health records, and develop a mechanism to balance them in such a way that global protection of health data and its meaningful use is realized simultaneously. Based on the results of the workshop, initial requirements for a global healthcare information certification framework will be developed.


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This workshop aims at discussing alternative approaches to resolving the problem of health information fragmentation, partially resulting from difficulties of health complex systems to semantically interact at the information level. In principle, we challenge the current paradigm of keeping medical records where they were created and discuss an alternative approach in which an individual's health data can be maintained by new entities whose sole responsibility is the sustainability of individual-centric health records. In particular, we will discuss the unique characteristics of the European health information landscape. This workshop is also a business meeting of the IMIA Working Group on Health Record Banking.


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Background: High risk medications are commonly prescribed to older US patients. Currently, less is known about high risk medication prescribing in other Western Countries, including the UK. We measured trends and correlates of high risk medication prescribing in a subset of the older UK population (community/institutionalized) to inform harm minimization efforts. Methods: Three cross-sectional samples from primary care electronic clinical records (UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, CPRD) in fiscal years 2003/04, 2007/08 and 2011/12 were taken. This yielded a sample of 13,900 people aged 65 years or over from 504 UK general practices. High risk medications were defined by 2012 Beers Criteria adapted for the UK. Using descriptive statistical methods and regression modelling, prevalence of ‘any’ (drugs prescribed at least once per year) and ‘long-term’ (drugs prescribed all quarters of year) high risk medication prescribing and correlates were determined. Results: While polypharmacy rates have risen sharply, high risk medication prevalence has remained stable across a decade. A third of older (65+) people are exposed to high risk medications, but only half of the total prevalence was long-term (any = 38.4 % [95 % CI: 36.3, 40.5]; long-term = 17.4 % [15.9, 19.9] in 2011/12). Long-term but not any high risk medication exposure was associated with older ages (85 years or over). Women and people with higher polypharmacy burden were at greater risk of exposure; lower socio-economic status was not associated. Ten drugs/drug classes accounted for most of high risk medication prescribing in 2011/12. Conclusions: High risk medication prescribing has not increased over time against a background of increasing polypharmacy in the UK. Half of patients receiving high risk medications do so for less than a year. Reducing or optimising the use of a limited number of drugs could dramatically reduce high risk medications in older people. Further research is needed to investigate why the oldest old and women are at greater risk. Interventions to reduce high risk medications may need to target shorter and long-term use separately.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the health status of prisoners in Switzerland. The aim of this study was to provide a detailed description of the health problems presented by detainees in Switzerland's largest remand prison. METHODS: In this retrospective cross-sectional study we reviewed the health records of all detainees leaving Switzerland's largest remand prison in 2007. The health problems were coded using the International Classification for Primary Care (ICPC-2). Analyses were descriptive, stratified by gender. RESULTS: A total of 2195 health records were reviewed. Mean age was 29.5 years (SD 9.5); 95% were male; 87.8% were migrants. Mean length of stay was 80 days (SD 160). Illicit drug use (40.2%) and mental health problems (32.6%) were frequent, but most of these detainees (57.6%) had more generic primary care problems, such as skin (27.0%), infectious diseases (23.5%), musculoskeletal (19.2%), injury related (18.3%), digestive (15.0%) or respiratory problems (14.0%). Furthermore, 7.9% reported exposure to violence during arrest by the police. CONCLUSION: Morbidity is high in this young, predominantly male population of detainees, in particular in relation to substance abuse. Other health problems more commonly seen in general practice are also frequent. These findings support the further development of coordinated primary care and mental health services within detention centers.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of changing a nursing documentation system, developed from King's Conceptual Framework, on the use of the nursing process. The null hypothesis was that there would be no significant increase in the reflection of the use of the nursing process on the nursing care plan or nurses' notes, as a result of using a nursing documentation system developed using King's Conceptual Framework (1981). The design involved the development of a questionnaire that was used to review health records pre and post implementation of a documentation system developed based on King's Conceptual Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment (1981). A Record Completeness Score was obtained from some of the questions. The null hypothesis was rejected. The results of the study have implications for nursing administration and the evaluation of nursing practice. If the use of a documentation system developed from a conceptual framework increases the reflection of the nursing process on the patient's health record, nursing will have the means to measure patient outcomes/goal attainment. All health care organizations and levels of government are focusing on methods to monitor and control the health-care dollar. In order for nursing to clearly determine the costs associated with nursing care, measurement of patient outcomes/goal attainment will need to be possible. In order to measure patient outcomes/goals attainment nurses will need to be able to collect data on their practice. It will be critical that nursing have a documentation system in place which facilitates the reflection of the nursing process within a theoretical framework.


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Dans l’espoir d'améliorer l'efficacité, l’efficience, la qualité et la sécurité des soins de santé, la plupart des pays investissent dans l’informatisation de leur système de santé. Malgré l’octroi de ressources substantielles, les projets d'implantation d’un Dossier médical électronique (DME) font parfois l’objet d’une résistance importante de la part des utilisateurs au moment de leur implantation sur le terrain. Pour expliquer l’adoption d’un DME par les professionnels de la santé, plusieurs modèles théoriques ont été développés et appliqués. Une diversité de facteurs agissant à différents niveaux (individuel, organisationnel et liés à la technologie elle-même) a ainsi été identifiée. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’approfondir les connaissances empiriques quant aux facteurs influençant l’utilisation du DME chez les professionnels de la santé. Le devis de recherche repose sur une étude de cas unique avec douze entrevues et une observation non participante réalisées un an suite au lancement du processus d’implantation d’un DME auprès d’un groupe de médecine famille (GMF) au sein du Centre de santé et de services sociaux du Sud-Ouest-Verdun (Montréal, Canada). Dans le cadre de cette étude, l’analyse a permis l’identification de facilitateurs et de barrières influençant l’adoption du DME. Les facilitateurs étaient l’utilité perçue, la décision du GMF d’implanter le DME, le support de la direction ainsi que la présence de champions et de superutilisateurs. Les barrières les plus importantes étaient l’impact négatif sur le travail clinique, la fragmentation de l’information dans le DME ainsi que les problèmes liés à l’infrastructure technique. Cette connaissance permettra d’alimenter des stratégies visant à mieux répondre aux défis suscités par l’implantation du dossier médical électronique.


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À l’instar de plusieurs systèmes de santé, les centres hospitaliers québécois ont amorcé l’informatisation du dossier patient sous forme papier pour la transition vers un dossier clinique informatisé (DCI). Ce changement complexe s’est parfois traduit par des répercussions sur les pratiques de soins, la sécurité et la qualité des soins offerts. L’adoption de la part des utilisateurs de technologies de l’information (TI) est considérée comme un facteur critique de succès pour la réalisation de bénéfices suite au passage à un DCI. Cette étude transversale multicentrique avait pour objectifs d’examiner des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption, de l’utilisation réelle d’un DCI, de la satisfaction des infirmières et de comparer les résultats au regard du sexe, de l’âge, de l’expérience des infirmières et des stades de déploiement du DCI. Un modèle théorique s’appuyant sur la Théorie unifiée de l’adoption et de l’utilisation de la technologie a été développé et testé auprès d’un échantillon comptant 616 infirmières utilisant un DCI hospitalier dans quatre milieux de soins différents. Plus particulièrement, l’étude a testé 20 hypothèses de recherche s’intéressant aux relations entre huit construits tels la compatibilité du DCI, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des infirmières, les attentes liées à la performance, celles qui sont liées aux efforts à déployer pour adopter le DCI, l'influence sociale dans l’environnement de travail, les conditions facilitatrices mises de l’avant pour soutenir le changement et ce, relativement à l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Au terme des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles, 13 hypothèses de recherche ont été confirmées. Les résultats tendent à démontrer qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes des infirmières quant à l’amélioration de leur performance et des efforts à déployer, la présence de conditions facilitatrices dans l’environnement de travail et un DCI compatible avec leur style de travail, leurs pratiques courantes et leurs valeurs sont les facteurs les plus déterminants pour influencer positivement l’utilisation du DCI et leur satisfaction. Les facteurs modélisés ont permis d’expliquer 50,2 % de la variance des attentes liées à la performance, 52,9 % des attentes liées aux efforts, 33,6 % de l’utilisation réelle du DCI et 54,9 % de la satisfaction des infirmières. La forte concordance du modèle testé avec les données de l’échantillon a notamment mis en lumière l’influence des attentes liées à la performance sur l’utilisation réelle du DCI (r = 0,55 p = 0,006) et sur la satisfaction des infirmières (r = 0,27 p = 0,010), des conditions facilitatrices sur les attentes liées aux efforts (r = 0,45 p = 0,009), de la compatibilité du DCI sur les attentes liées à la performance (r = 0,39 p = 0,002) et sur celles qui sont liées aux efforts (r = 0,28 p = 0,009). Les nombreuses hypothèses retenues ont permis de dégager l’importance des effets de médiation captés par le construit des attentes liées à la performance et celui des attentes liées aux efforts requis pour utiliser le DCI. Les comparaisons fondées sur l’âge, l’expérience et le sexe des répondants n’ont décelé aucune différence statistiquement significative quant à l’adoption, l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Par contre, celles qui sont fondées sur les quatre stades de déploiement du DCI ont révélé des différences significatives quant aux relations modélisées. Les résultats indiquent que plus le stade de déploiement du DCI progresse, plus on observe une intensification de certaines relations clés du modèle et une plus forte explication de la variance de la satisfaction des infirmières qui utilisent le DCI. De plus, certains résultats de l’étude divergent des données empiriques produites dans une perspective prédictive de l’adoption des TI. La présente étude tend à démontrer l’applicabilité des modèles et des théories de l’adoption des TI auprès d’infirmières œuvrant en centre hospitalier. Les résultats indiquent qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes liées à la performance des infirmières est le facteur le plus déterminant pour influencer positivement l’utilisation réelle du DCI et leur satisfaction. Pour la gestion du changement, l’étude a relevé des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption et de l’utilisation d’un DCI. La modélisation a aussi mis en lumière les interrelations qui évoluent en fonction de stades de déploiement différents d’un DCI. Ces résultats pourront orienter les décideurs et les agents de changement quant aux mesures à déployer pour optimiser les bénéfices d’une infostructure entièrement électronique dans les systèmes de santé.


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La hemorragia de vías digestivas altas (HVDA) es una emergencia frecuente. La etiología más común es la úlcera péptica. La restauración del volumen intravascular y la presión arterial son la prioridad del manejo. La endoscopia (EGD) debe realizarse luego de la reanimación inicial y lograda la estabilización hemodinámica, tratar la lesión subyacente mediante hemostasia. Se realiza un estudio en un hospital de referencia de tercer nivel, Cundinamarca, Colombia Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, datos obtenidos de la historia clínica electrónica de pacientes adultos que consultaron por urgencias en el Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana (HUS) por HVDA, diagnosticada por hematemesis, melenas, hematoquezia y/o anemia; a quienes se les realizó EGD durante abril del 2010 - abril del 2011. Resultados: Se atendieron 385 pacientes en el período de estudio, 100 fueron excluidos debido a hemorragia secundaria a várices esofágicas, historia incompleta y hemorragia digestiva baja, para un total de 285 pacientes analizados. El 69.1% eran mayores de 60 años. El 73.3% presentaba hipertensión arterial, el 55.1% reportaba ingesta de Anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES) y Aspirina (ASA). El 19.6% reportaba episodios de sangrado previos y 17.9% presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica. Sesenta y tres pacientes (22,1%) requirieron hemostasia endoscópica, treinta y dos (11.2%) presentaron resangrado. La mortalidad reportada fue del 13.1%, del cual 55.3% correspondía a hombres. Discusión: La mayoría de la población atendida en el HUS por HVDA son adultos mayores de 60 años. La úlcera péptica, continúa siendo el diagnóstico más frecuente asociado al uso de AINES y ASA.


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Background: Sexual risk behaviors associated with poor information on sexuality have contributed to major public health problems in the area of sexual and reproductive health in teenagers and young adults in Colombia. Objective: To measure the perception of changes in sexual and reproductive risk behavior after the use of a teleconsultation service via mobile devices in a sample of young adults. Methods: A before and after observational study was designed, where a mobile application to inquire about sexual and reproductive health was developed. The perception of changes in sexual and reproductive health risk behaviors in a sample of young adults after the use of the application was measured using the validated survey “Family Health International (FHI) – Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) – Survey for Adults between 15 to 40 Years”. Non-probabilistic convenience recruitment was undertaken through the study´s web page. Participants answered the survey online before and after the use of the mobile application for a six month period (intervention). For the inferential analysis, data was divided into three groups (dichotomous data, discrete quantitative data, and ordinal data), to compare the results of the questions between the first and the second survey. For all tests, a confidence interval of 95% was established. For dichotomous data, the Chi-squared test was used. For quantitative data, we used the Student’s t-test, and for ordinal data, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. Results: A total of 257 subjects were registered in the study and met the selection criteria. The pre-intervention survey was answered by 232 subjects, and 127 completely answered the post-intervention survey, of which 54.3% did not use the application, leaving an effective population of 58 subjects for analysis. 53% (n=31) were female, and 47% (n=27) were male. The mean age was 21 years, ranging between 18 and 40 years. The differences between the answers on the first and the second survey were not statistically significant. The main risk behaviors identified in the population were homosexual relations, non-use of condoms, sexual relations with non-regular and commercial partners, the use of psychoactive substances, and ignorance about the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV transmission. Conclusions: Although there were no differences between the pre- and post-intervention results, the study revealed different risk behaviors among the participating subjects. These findings highlight the importance of promoting educational strategies on this matter and the importance of providing patients with easily accessible tools with reliable health information.


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BACKGROUND: Reminder systems in electronic patient records (EPR) have proven to affect both health care professionals' behaviour and patient outcomes. The aim of this cluster randomised trial was to investigate the effects of implementing a clinical practice guideline (CPG) for peripheral venous catheters (PVCs) in paediatric care in the format of reminders integrated in the EPRs, on PVC-related complications, and on registered nurses' (RNs') self-reported adherence to the guideline. An additional aim was to study the relationship between contextual factors and the outcomes of the intervention. METHODS: The study involved 12 inpatient units at a paediatric university hospital. The reminders included choice of PVC, hygiene, maintenance, and daily inspection of PVC site. Primary outcome was documented signs and symptoms of PVC-related complications at removal, retrieved from the EPR. Secondary outcome was RNs' adherence to a PVC guideline, collected through a questionnaire that also included RNs' perceived work context, as measured by the Alberta Context Tool. Units were allocated into two strata, based on occurrence of PVCs. A blinded simple draw of lots from each stratum randomised six units to the control and intervention groups, respectively. Units were not blinded. The intervention group included 626 PVCs at baseline and 618 post-intervention and the control group 724 PVCs at baseline and 674 post-intervention. RNs included at baseline were 212 (65.4 %) and 208 (71.5 %) post-intervention. RESULTS: No significant effect was found for the computer reminders on PVC-related complications nor on RNs' adherence to the guideline recommendations. The complication rate at baseline and post-intervention was 40.6 % (95 % confidence interval (CI) 36.7-44.5) and 41.9 % (95 % CI 38.0-45.8), for the intervention group and 40.3 % (95 % CI 36.8-44.0) and 46.9 % (95 % CI 43.1-50.7) for the control. In general, RNs' self-rated work context varied from moderately low to moderately high, indicating that conditions for a successful implementation to occur were less optimal. CONCLUSIONS: The reminders might have benefitted from being accompanied by a tailored intervention that targeted specific barriers, such as the low frequency of recorded reasons for removal, the low adherence to daily inspection of PVC sites, and the lack of regular feedback to the RNs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN44819426.


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This article asks whether medical practitioners' duty of care to their patients will encompass participation in the HealthConnect shared electronic records initiative. Medico-legal aspects of the HeathConnect scheme relating to the nature of shared electronic health record summaries (SEHRS) are examined, focusing on their function as an element of patient care and their ultimate purpose. The analysis is based on the premise that an incomplete and hence inaccurate shared electronic health record summary is clinically and legally more perilous than no record at all.