942 resultados para Electrical impedance tomography, Calderon problem, factorization method
Since historical times, coastal areas throughout the eastern Mediterranean are exposed to tsunami hazard. For many decades the knowledge about palaeotsunamis was solely based on historical accounts. However, results from timeline analyses reveal different characteristics affecting the quality of the dataset (i.e. distribution of data, temporal thinning backward of events, local periodization phenomena) that emphasize the fragmentary character of the historical data. As an increasing number of geo-scientific studies give convincing examples of well dated tsunami signatures not reported in catalogues, the non-existing record is a major problem to palaeotsunami research. While the compilation of historical data allows a first approach in the identification of areas vulnerable to tsunamis, it must not be regarded as reliable for hazard assessment. Considering the increasing economic significance of coastal regions (e.g. for mass tourism) and the constantly growing coastal population, our knowledge on the local, regional and supraregional tsunami hazard along Mediterranean coasts has to be improved. For setting up a reliable tsunami risk assessment and developing risk mitigation strategies, it is of major importance (i) to identify areas under risk and (ii) to estimate the intensity and frequency of potential events. This approach is most promising when based on the analysis of palaeotsunami research seeking to detect areas of high palaeotsunami hazard, to calculate recurrence intervals and to document palaeotsunami destructiveness in terms of wave run-up, inundation and long-term coastal change. Within the past few years, geo-scientific studies on palaeotsunami events provided convincing evidence that throughout the Mediterranean ancient harbours were subject to strong tsunami-related disturbance or destruction. Constructed to protect ships from storm and wave activity, harbours provide especially sheltered and quiescent environments and thus turned out to be valuable geo-archives for tsunamigenic high-energy impacts on coastal areas. Directly exposed to the Hellenic Trench and extensive local fault systems, coastal areas in the Ionian Sea and the Gulf of Corinth hold a considerably high risk for tsunami events, respectively.Geo-scientific and geoarcheaological studies carried out in the environs of the ancient harbours of Krane (Cefalonia Island), Lechaion (Corinth, Gulf of Corinth) and Kyllini (western Peloponnese) comprised on-shore and near-shore vibracoring and subsequent sedimentological, geochemical and microfossil analyses of the recovered sediments. Geophysical methods like electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar were applied in order to detect subsurface structures and to verify stratigraphical patterns derived from vibracores over long distances. The overall geochronological framework of each study area is based on radiocarbon dating of biogenic material and age determination of diagnostic ceramic fragments. Results presented within this study provide distinct evidence of multiple palaeotsunami landfalls for the investigated areas. Tsunami signatures encountered in the environs of Krane, Lechaion and Kyllini include (i) coarse-grained allochthonous marine sediments intersecting silt-dominated quiescent harbour deposits and/or shallow marine environments, (ii) disturbed microfaunal assemblages and/or (iii) distinct geochemical fingerprints as well as (iv) geo-archaeological destruction layers and (v) extensive units of beachrock-type calcarenitic tsunamites. For Krane, geochronological data yielded termini ad or post quem (maximum ages) for tsunami event generations dated to 4150 ± 60 cal BC, ~ 3200 ± 110 cal BC, ~ 650 ± 110 cal BC, and ~ 930 ± 40 cal AD, respectively. Results for Lechaion suggest that the harbour was hit by strong tsunami impacts in the 8th-6th century BC, the 1st-2nd century AD and in the 6th century AD. At Kyllini, the harbour site was affected by tsunami impact in between the late 7th and early 4th cent. BC and between the 4th and 6th cent. AD. In case of Lechaion and Kyllini, the final destruction of the harbour facilities also seems to be related to the tsunami impact. Comparing the tsunami signals obtained for each study areas with geo-scientific data from palaeotsunami events from other sites indicates that the investigated harbour sites represent excellent geo-archives for supra-regional mega-tsunamis.
To estimate a parameter in an elliptic boundary value problem, the method of equation error chooses the value that minimizes the error in the PDE and boundary condition (the solution of the BVP having been replaced by a measurement). The estimated parameter converges to the exact value as the measured data converge to the exact value, provided Tikhonov regularization is used to control the instability inherent in the problem. The error in the estimated solution can be bounded in an appropriate quotient norm; estimates can be derived for both the underlying (infinite-dimensional) problem and a finite-element discretization that can be implemented in a practical algorithm. Numerical experiments demonstrate the efficacy and limitations of the method.
Objectives: Although behavioral studies have demonstrated that normative affective traits modulate the processing of facial and emotionally charged stimuli, direct electrophysiological evidence for this modulation is still lacking. Methods: Event-related potential (ERP) data associated with personal, traitlike approach- or withdrawal-related attitude (assessed post-recording and 14 months later) were investigated in 18 subjects during task-free (i.e. unrequested, spontaneous) emotional evaluation of faces. Temporal and spatial aspects of 27 channel ERP were analyzed with microstate analysis and low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), a new method to compute 3 dimensional cortical current density implemented in the Talairach brain atlas. Results: Microstate analysis showed group differences 132-196 and 196-272 ms poststimulus, with right-shifted electric gravity centers for subjects with negative affective attitude. During these (over subjects reliably identifiable) personality-modulated, face-elicited microstates, LORETA revealed activation of bilateral occipito-temporal regions, reportedly associated with facial configuration extraction processes. Negative compared to positive affective attitude showed higher activity right temporal; positive compared to negative attitude showed higher activity left temporo-parieto-occipital. Conclusions: These temporal and spatial aspects suggest that the subject groups differed in brain activity at early, automatic, stimulus-related face processing steps when structural face encoding (configuration extraction) occurs. In sum, the brain functional microstates associated with affect-related personality features modulate brain mechanisms during face processing already at early information processing stages.
Conceptualization of groundwater flow systems is necessary for water resources planning. Geophysical, hydrochemical and isotopic characterization methods were used to investigate the groundwater flow system of a multi-layer fractured sedimentary aquifer along the coastline in Southwestern Nicaragua. A geologic survey was performed along the 46 km2 catchment. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was applied along a 4.4 km transect parallel to the main river channel to identify fractures and determine aquifer geometry. Additionally, three cross sections in the lower catchment and two in hillslopes of the upper part of the catchment were surveyed using ERT. Stable water isotopes, chloride and silica were analyzed for springs, river, wells and piezometers samples during the dry and wet season of 2012. Indication of moisture recycling was found although the identification of the source areas needs further investigation. The upper-middle catchment area is formed by fractured shale/limestone on top of compact sandstone. The lower catchment area is comprised of an alluvial unit of about 15 m thickness overlaying a fractured shale unit. Two major groundwater flow systems were identified: one deep in the shale unit, recharged in the upper-middle catchment area; and one shallow, flowing in the alluvium unit and recharged locally in the lower catchment area. Recharged precipitation displaces older groundwater along the catchment, in a piston flow mechanism. Geophysical methods in combination with hydrochemical and isotopic tracers provide information over different scales and resolutions, which allow an integrated analysis of groundwater flow systems. This approach provides integrated surface and subsurface information where remoteness, accessibility, and costs prohibit installation of groundwater monitoring networks.
This article describes a knowledge-based application in the domain of road traffic management that we have developed following a knowledge modeling approach and the notion of problem-solving method. The article presents first a domain-independent model for real-time decision support as a structured collection of problem solving methods. Then, it is described how this general model is used to develop an operational version for the domain of traffic management. For this purpose, a particular knowledge modeling tool, called KSM (Knowledge Structure Manager), was applied. Finally, the article shows an application developed for a traffic network of the city of Madrid and it is compared with a second application developed for a different traffic area of the city of Barcelona.
Considerando que o petróleo quando extraído dos poços em águas profundas chega a ter teor de água superior a 50% e que antes de ser enviado à refinaria deve ter uma quantidade de água inferior a 1%, torna-se necessário o uso de técnicas de redução da quantidade de água. Durante a extração do petróleo formam-se emulsões de água em óleo que são muito estáveis devido a um filme interfacial contendo asfaltenos e/ou resinas ao redor das gotas de água. Nesse trabalho é apresentada a utilização de ondas estacionárias de ultrassom para realizar a quebra dessas emulsões. Quando gotículas de água com dimensões da ordem de 10m, muito menores que o comprimento de onda, são submetidas a um campo acústico estacionário em óleo, a força de radiação acústica empurra as gotículas para os nós de pressão da onda. Uma célula de coalescência com frequência central ao redor de 1 MHz, constituída por quatro camadas sendo uma piezelétrica, uma de acoplamento sólido, uma com o líquido e outra refletora, foi modelada empregando o método da matriz de transferência, que permite calcular a impedância elétrica em função da frequência. Para minimizar o efeito do gradiente de temperatura entre a entrada e a saída da cavidade da célula, quando está em operação, foram utilizados dois transdutores piezelétricos posicionados transversalmente ao fluxo que são excitados e controlados independentemente. Foi implementado um controlador digital para ajustar a frequência e a potência de cada transdutor. O controlador tem como entrada o módulo e a fase da corrente elétrica no transdutor e como saída a amplitude da tensão elétrica e a frequência. Para as células desenvolvidas, o algoritmo de controle segue um determinado pico de ressonância no interior da cavidade da célula no intervalo de frequência de 1,09 a 1,15 MHz. A separação acústica de emulsões de água em óleo foi realizada em uma planta de laboratório de processamento de petróleo no CENPES/PETROBRAS. Foram testados a variação da quantidade de desemulsificante, o teor inicial de água na emulsão e a influência da vazão do sistema, com uma potência de 80 W. O teor final de água na emulsão mostrou que a aplicação de ultrassom aumentou a coalescência de água da emulsão, em todas as condições testadas, quando comparada a um teste sem aplicação de ultrassom. Identificou-se o tempo de residência no interior da célula de separação como um fator importante no processo de coalescência de emulsões de água e óleo. O uso de desemulsificante químico é necessário para realizar a separação, porém, em quantidades elevadas implicaria no uso de processos adicionais antes do repasse final do petróleo à refinaria. Os teores iniciais de água na emulsão de 30 e 50% indicam que o uso da onda estacionária na coalescência de emulsões não tem limitação quanto a esse parâmetro. De acordo com os resultados obtidos em laboratório, essa técnica seria indicada como uma alternativa para integrar um sistema de processamento primário em conjunto com um separador eletrostático.
Includes bibliographical references (76-77)
We present a new approach for crosshole radio tomography. Conductivity images of the investigated area are reconstructed from the ratio of the electric field intensities measured at two similar frequencies. The method largely avoids assumptions about the radiation pattern and in-situ intensity of the transmitting antenna, which introduce errors in conventional single-frequency crosshole electromagnetic-absorption tomography. Application of the method to field data achieved an improvement in resolution of anomalies over traditional single-frequency absorption tomography. The dual-frequency method is not a universal approach; it is suitable for moderately conductive media (>0.01 S/m) over the approximate frequency range 1-100 MHz.
The existence of undesirable electricity price spikes in a competitive electricity market requires an efficient auction mechanism. However, many of the existing auction mechanism have difficulties in suppressing such unreasonable price spikes effectively. A new auction mechanism is proposed to suppress effectively unreasonable price spikes in a competitive electricity market. It optimally combines system marginal price auction and pay as bid auction mechanisms. A threshold value is determined to activate the switching between the marginal price auction and the proposed composite auction. Basically when the system marginal price is higher than the threshold value, the composite auction for high price electricity market is activated. The winning electricity sellers will sell their electricity at the system marginal price or their own bid prices, depending on their rights of being paid at the system marginal price and their offers' impact on suppressing undesirable price spikes. Such economic stimuli discourage sellers from practising economic and physical withholdings. Multiple price caps are proposed to regulate strong market power. We also compare other auction mechanisms to highlight the characteristics of the proposed one. Numerical simulation using the proposed auction mechanism is given to illustrate the procedure of this new auction mechanism.