809 resultados para Eddy
In boreal bogs plant species are low in number, but they differ greatly in their growth forms and photosynthetic properties. We assessed how ecosystem carbon (C) sink dynamics were affected by seasonal variations in photosynthetic rate and leaf area of different species. Photosynthetic properties (light-response parameters), leaf area development and areal cover (abundance) of the species were used to quantify species-specific net and gross photosynthesis rates (PN and PG, respectively), which were summed to express ecosystem-level PN and PG. The ecosystem-level PG was compared with a gross primary production (GPP) estimate derived from eddy covariance measurements (EC). Species areal cover rather than differences in photosynthetic properties determined the species with the highest PG of both vascular plants and Sphagna. Species-specific contributions to the ecosystem PG varied over the growing season, which in turn determined the seasonal variation in ecosystem PG. The upscaled growing-season PG estimate, 230 g C/m**2, agreed well with the GPP estimated by the EC, 243 g C/m**2. Sphagna were superior to vascular plants in ecosystem-level PG throughout the growing season but had a lower PN. PN results indicated that areal cover of the species together with their differences in photosynthetic parameters shape the ecosystem-level C balance. Species with low areal cover but high photosynthetic efficiency appear to be potentially important for the ecosystem C sink. Results imply that functional diversity may increase the stability of C sink of boreal bogs.
Large-eddy simulation is used to predict heat transfer in the separated and reattached flow regions downstream of a backward-facing step. Simulations were carried out at a Reynolds number of 28 000 (based on the step height and the upstream centreline velocity) with a channel expansion ratio of 1.25. The Prandtl number was 0.71. Two subgrid-scale models were tested, namely the dynamic eddy-viscosity, eddy-diffusivity model and the dynamic mixed model. Both models showed good overall agreement with available experimental data. The simulations indicated that the peak in heat-transfer coefficient occurs slightly upstream of the mean reattachment location, in agreement with experimental data. The results of these simulations have been analysed to discover the mechanisms that cause this phenomenon. The peak in heat-transfer coefficient shows a direct correlation with the peak in wall shear-stress fluctuations. It is conjectured that the peak in these fluctuations is caused by an impingement mechanism, in which large eddies, originating in the shear layer, impact the wall just upstream of the mean reattachment location. These eddies cause a 'downwash', which increases the local heat-transfer coefficient by bringing cold fluid from above the shear layer towards the wall.
In most magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, pulsed magnetic gradient fields induce eddy currents in the conducting structures of the superconducting magnet. The eddy currents induced in structures within the cryostat are particularly problematic as they are characterized by long time constants by virtue of the low resistivity of the conductors. This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme in cylindrical coordinates for eddy-current calculation in conductors. This model is intended to be part of a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The singularity apparent in the governing equations is removed by using a series expansion method and the conductor-air boundary condition is handled using a variant of the surface impedance concept. The numerical difficulty due to the asymmetry of Maxwell equations for low-frequency eddy-current problems is circumvented by taking advantage of the known penetration behavior of the eddy-current fields. A perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition in 3-D cylindrical coordinates is also incorporated. The numerical method has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases. Finally, the algorithm is illustrated by modeling a pulsed field gradient coil system within an MRI magnet system. The results demonstrate that the proposed FDTD scheme can be used to calculate large-scale eddy-current problems in materials with high conductivity at low frequencies.
CFD simulations of the 75 mm, hydrocyclone of Hsieh (1988) have been conducted using Fluent TM. The simulations used 3-dimensional body fitted grids. The simulations were two phase simulations where the air core was resolved using the mixture (Manninen et al., 1996) and VOF (Hirt and Nichols, 1981) models. Velocity predictions from large eddy simulations (LES), using the Smagorinsky-Lilly sub grid scale model (Smagorinsky, 1963; Lilly, 1966) and RANS simulations using the differential Reynolds stress turbulence model (Launder et al., 1975) were compared with Hsieh's experimental velocity data. The LES simulations gave very good agreement with Hsieh's data but required very fine grids to predict the velocities correctly in the bottom of the apex. The DRSM/RANS simulations under predicted tangential velocities, and there was little difference between the velocity predictions using the linear (Launder, 1989) and quadratic (Speziale et al., 1991) pressure strain models. Velocity predictions using the DRSM turbulence model and the linear pressure strain model could be improved by adjusting the pressure strain model constants.
Most magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) spatial encoding techniques employ low-frequency pulsed magnetic field gradients that undesirably induce multiexponentially decaying eddy currents in nearby conducting structures of the MRI system. The eddy currents degrade the switching performance of the gradient system, distort the MRI image, and introduce thermal loads in the cryostat vessel and superconducting MRI components. Heating of superconducting magnets due to induced eddy currents is particularly problematic as it offsets the superconducting operating point, which can cause a system quench. A numerical characterization of transient eddy current effects is vital for their compensation/control and further advancement of the MRI technology as a whole. However, transient eddy current calculations are particularly computationally intensive. In large-scale problems, such as gradient switching in MRI, conventional finite-element method (FEM)-based routines impose very large computational loads during generation/solving of the system equations. Therefore, other computational alternatives need to be explored. This paper outlines a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method in cylindrical coordinates for the modeling of low-frequency transient eddy currents in MRI, as an extension to the recently proposed time-harmonic scheme. The weakly coupled Maxwell's equations are adapted to the low-frequency regime by downscaling the speed of light constant, which permits the use of larger FDTD time steps while maintaining the validity of the Courant-Friedrich-Levy stability condition. The principal hypothesis of this work is that the modified FDTD routine can be employed to analyze pulsed-gradient-induced, transient eddy currents in superconducting MRI system models. The hypothesis is supported through a verification of the numerical scheme on a canonical problem and by analyzing undesired temporal eddy current effects such as the B-0-shift caused by actively shielded symmetric/asymmetric transverse x-gradient head and unshielded z-gradient whole-body coils operating in proximity to a superconducting MRI magnet.
We have recently introduced the concept of whole-body asymmetric MRI systems [1]. In this theoretical study, we investigate the PNS characteristics of whole-body asymmetric gradient systems as compared to conventional symmetric systems. Recent experimental evidence [2] supports the hypothesis of transverse gradients being the largest contributor of PNS due to induced electric currents. Asymmetric head gradient coils have demonstrated benefits in the past [3]. The numerical results are based on an anatomically-accurate 2mm-human voxel-phantom NORMAN [4]. The results of this study can facilitate the optimization of whole-body asymmetric gradients in terms of patient comfort/safety (less PNS), while prospering the use of asymmetric MRI systems for in-vivo medical interventions.