1000 resultados para ESTADO LIBERAL
Los intelectuales del liberal-conservadurismo argentino fueron protagonistas centrales de diversos fenómenos propios de los años extendidos entre el golpe de Estado de 1955 y el final de la última dictadura, el "Proceso de Reorganización Nacional" (PRN), en 1983. Fue precisamente en torno del último gobierno de facto que estos actores articularon profusas líneas de acción en diversos planos políticos, sociales, culturales y económicos que profundizaron ejes ya presentes en su ideario y accionar desde los años de la "Revolución Libertadora". En este artículo, entonces, y tras presentar una aproximación a los conceptos de intelectual y liberal-conservadurismo, nos concentraremos en la trayectoria y las ideas de Ricardo Zinn. En el primero de los tópicos, partiremos del rol jugado por el nucleamiento del que formó parte, el grupo Azcuénaga, para luego dar cuenta de su biografía. En el segundo, relevaremos su concepción decadentista de la historia argentina, y el rol del PRN como punto de quiebre de tal ciclo y posibilidad de reconstrucción de una democracia de carácter elitista
The object of this doctoral thesis is the analysis of the political and administrative purpose that is given to the reform process of a vital sector of State powers within the framework of delegate democracy, such as the administration of Justice. The object is also to analyze if State reform in a diminished or non-liberal surrounding increase or improve conditions of democracy in a given situation, based on the constitutional “what should be”, or if what occurs is a process of “seizure” of the functions of State, which becomes an institutional risk. Finally, we will examine the real and effective existence of a horizontal accountability process through the use of institutional resources, which would evidence the existence of an incomplete model of democracy. This analysis implies the relationship between two institutions within public administration: State Reform, as an act of change in State structure in order to improve qualitatively the outcomes and outputs of public policies, and in sum, to make the system work better. This, as it will be examined later, is the case of Latin America as a response of the State to three processes in crisis: fiscal, as in government intervention or in the form of bureaucratic administration. In that scheme of things, this thesis examines the present state of the art in public administration science of this process to prove that in delegate democracy, this type of instruments disregard the constitutive elements of democracy and serve, especially in critical areas of the administration, allowing for Power to dismiss Law. This research seeks to contribute towards an area seldom analyzed regarding public administration doctrine under the light of the theory of law, which is the connection between previous conditions or principal inputs of an execution process of a democracy and, on the other hand, regarding the effects of introducing a reform within models of a changing democracy and new concepts of the rule of law. While reviewing writings regarding State reform, it is clear that no approximations have been previously made in reference to prior conditions of the political system in order to begin operating a reform which respects fundamental rights as an object of this procedure. Furthermore, no analysis has been found regarding structural change of strategic areas in State services as to the effect caused on democratic exercise and the outcome in an open society...
Este trabajo se inscribe en un proyecto de investigación, que también integran María Sierra y María Antonia Peña, sobre la idea de la representación política en la España liberal (1845-1890), del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología con financiación FEDER (BHA2002-01007).
This paper explores the significant influences of European liberalism, and in particular French liberalism, in the Chilean thought and political culture/praxis during the construction of the State in the mid-19th century. It reveals and discusses the significant circulation of ideas that an array of Chilean travelers and exiles in several European countries generated and promoted in Chile in the middle of the 19th century. Among the intellectuals and politicians treated by this article are Andrés Bello, Manuel Antonio Tocornal, Santiago Arcos, Francisco Bilbao, Manuel Antonio Matta and Ángel Custodio Gallo.
Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Políticas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2016
The present study on “organization education on Amapá’s Federal Territory (1943-1958)”, looked forward to answering the following questions: Was there an educational policy, in a systemic way, on the former Amapá’s federal territory? On the other hand, what were the main initiatives of the first intervenors for the education dissemination? After facing these questions, we established, as hypothesis, that the developed actions in the education’s scope on that territory back in the 40’s and 50’s were not able to implant an educational project in Amapá, since there was no preoccupation to understanding the sociocultural reality of Amapá’s population. Given this hypothesis, we analyzed the relation between the political practices developed by the first intervenor on the territory and the brazilian political scenario, from the legal-administrative nature of the federal entities and political conjuncture of the “New State” (1937-1945). To achieve that, we sought some similarities between Janary Gentil Nunes’s ways of governing and Getúlio Vargas’s political actions. To make this happen, it was necessary to check official documents out, as well as unofficial ones, especially the old articles published by “Amapá”, the local newspaper, official press tool back then, which disseminated the beliefs and values of the constituted authorities, with the purpose of “strengthen” the “modernization” ideal on the people. Such practice was based on the attempt of breaking off sociocultural economic backwardness of the territory, hiding out the reality of the Amapá’s population, marked by poverty, a high illiteracy rate and the typical tropical diseases from Amazon (Malaria). During the rupture’s process between the old and the modern, the education takes on a major role in the official speech, being used as political advertisement and as essential element to the modernization and to the development of a “new man”: now “civilized”. However, the investigation on the expansion of the elementary education in Amapá, showed us the presence of a significant number of rural schools, in contradiction to the disseminated urban modernization promise around there. In this sense, we can affirm that educational policy on Amapá’s territory failed by reasons of being based on the “transplantation” of the Federal District’s educational project, and it is important to recall that, back then, the brazilian Federal District was Rio de Janeiro. Despite the public agents had established uncountable schools on rural areas, these were not carried out from a more systemic process, this is, considering the reality of the Amazon’s "cabloco". So, we observed the existence of the separation between the modern speech and the maintenance of old oligarchic practices by that time.
Se trata de abordar el tratamiento que Aristóteles realiza de la compasión tratando de mostrar la complejidad que ese concepto comporta cuando se lo pone en relación con las categorías de virtud y con la de frónesis -como se sabe- centrales en su reflexión. Trazado el bosquejo del concepto en Aristóteles, se abordará la redefinición actual de la compasión por parte de Martha Nussbaum, con la pretensión de recuperar su valor desde una posición liberal de raigambre rawlsiana. En el planteo de Nussbum se destaca la recuperación y puesta en valor político de aspectos cognitivos y afectivos que conforman las condiciones subjetivas del orden institucional
Georg Jellinek is known as one of the most prominent representative of German legal positivism. This article aims at identifying and discussing the more theoretical- political connotation of Jellinek’s thought with a particular focus on his liberal inspiration. According to the perspective of the history of political thought, this article shows how some intellectual premises to Jellinek’s liberalism take shape and emerge from a series of young Jellinek’s writings on history of philosophy and history of ideas.
El entorno económico colombiano ha estado dominado desde 1990 por los programas de reforma estructural que lanzó tímidamente la Administración Barco y adoptó con ímpetu y velocidades poco conocidos en el país la Administración Gaviria. La radicalidad de los cambios se basa en un diagnóstico según el cual, en ausencia de medidas radicales que abrieran la economía a las libres fuerzas del mercado, el país estaba abocado a una severa crisis de desarrollo. Obviamente, dichas reformas tienen como marco general esfuerzos paralelos que vienen teniendo lugar a lo largo y ancho del mundo, como respuesta al desencanto generalizado por el excesivo intervencionismo estatal y al resurgimiento consecuente de un claro espiritu neo-liberal.