900 resultados para Dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas (DAE)
No contexto brasileiro, a investigação acerca das necessidades educacionais especiais concentra-se no estudo das dificuldades e possibilidades de inclusão desses alunos em classes regulares de ensino, enfatizando os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Poucos estudos, no Brasil, admitem a família como objeto de análise, embora não se questione a sua importância para o desenvolvimento infantil. Dessa forma, com base no modelo bioecológico e na teoria estrutural sistêmica, admitindo-se a família como um campo de desenvolvimento comum a todos os membros faz-se necessário conhecer o modo como ela se estrutura para atender as demandas decorrentes da necessidade especial de seu filho e os efeitos dessa dinâmica nos demais membros. A partir disso objetivou-se descrever, a estrutura e a dinâmica de famílias de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, além de: analisar as interações e relações estabelecidas dentro de cada subsistema (conjugal, fraternal, parental) e entre eles, assim como identificar a organização familiar, a partir dos mecanismos de coesão e hierarquia de acordo com o modelo estrutural sistêmico. Como estratégia de pesquisa utilizou-se o estudo de casos múltiplos, com duas famílias de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, sendo uma menina surda, de dez anos, e um menino, de doze anos, com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Os instrumentos e técnicas aplicados foram: Roteiro de Entrevista Semi-Estruturado, Inventário de Rotina (IR), Observação Sistemática, Diário de Campo, Family System Test (FAST) e Genograma. Os escores de proximidade obtidos no FAST foram coerentes com os resultados do IR, demonstrando maior coesão na díade mãe-filho que na díade pai-filho, nas duas famílias; quanto à flexibilidade das fronteiras, em geral, a percepção das famílias foi de fronteiras rígidas, nos sistemas, familiar, parental e fraternal, sendo que, a distribuição de hierarquia foi percebida pela díade parental, nas duas famílias, como sinal de prediletância, para o subsistema fraternal, e dominação, para o parental, o que interferiu nas estruturas relacionais desses subsistemas percebidas pelos membros. Na avaliação do subsistema fraternal, a ausência de poder, representada pelos pais e a representação dessa variável pelas crianças resultou em diferenças de percepção, no grupo. Portanto, esse estudo permitiu, por meio da identificação das relações e percepções dos membros das famílias, a compreensão de sua dinâmica e a influência desta, na trajetória desenvolvimental das crianças e do grupo, a partir, das demandas decorrentes do diagnóstico e das estratégias peculiares a cada família para enfrentar as necessidades especiais de suas crianças. Percebe-se que a família, sendo a principal parceira da escola na educação, precisa ser olhada como um sistema cujas estratégias relacionais são fundamentais para que a criança tenha suas habilidades estimuladas podendo, assim, superar suas dificuldades.
The aim of this study was to use systematic teaching in a clinical setting using software to teach reading and writing in one boy with learning difficulties and obtain accurate performance in dictation. In the pre-test, the student showed good performance in matching-to-sample tasks (96% in matching printed words to dictated words; 88% in matching pictures to dictated words), although he obtained a low percentage of correct answers in the dictation of constructed responses (52%) and manuscripts (24%). The teaching strengthened the selection of printed words matched to dictated words and copying words. The student obtained 100% correct answers in the teaching tasks. In post-tests of dictation, he obtained 100% correct answers in constructed response and 96% correct answers in manuscripts. The results indicate that carefully teaching copying may promote accuracy in the performance of responding to minimal units in dictation tasks.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Data presented here is the result of an extension project developed by UNESP which aims to support children who complain about learning disabilities. These students with reading and writing problems were part on intervention sessions, individually and/or in small groups, in which different games and non-usual activities were implemented. These intervention sessions seek an improvement in the non-learning situation and, above all, a change in the relationship that the children have established with these school subjects. So far, the main results indicate a development in the mentioned areas and a significant improvement in the entire student learning condition, which were verified during the intervention sessions and by the teachers’ and parents’ reports, as well. We also present here reflections on the process of assessment and intervention and about the way these subjects are dealt at school, and the meaning of not learning how to read and how to write for a child.
To contribute to formation of Childhood Education teachers for the Inclusive Education, this article had as its central objective describe how it was addressed the issue of learning difficulties and the impact of misdiagnosis assigned to a child in the initial phase formal learning of writing, in one of the theoretical-reflective meetings undertaken with 43 teachers for Pre II, of the ten schools of Childhood Education of the state of São Paulo. Such a description was guided through the of the collaborative approach taken subproject “understanding about the clinical diagnosis of dyslexia and its impact on the educational future of children enrolled in classes II Pre Childhood education”, developed as one of the phases and as part of larger project called “depathologization of the learning of the writing and Inclusive Education: Reflections and actions of the professor of Childhood Education”. At the and, was possible the identification by the reports arising from the participation of teachers mentioned, the need to resignification their didactical experiences for the systematization of new actions aimed at coping with learning difficulties that pervade the process of appropriation writing of the students, which may contribute to depathologization of the school environment to the extent that teachers can assist students in building a more positive relationship with writing, rather than adopting rigid and restricted procedures that do not consider the relationship of each subject with writing and the singularities present in this relationship.
PURPOSE: to describe a proposal that may contribute to the development of actions promoting health to back Speech therapists performance in school, based on educators' investigation on conceptions about the written language development process. METHOD: descriptive study performed through application of questionnaires in nineteen elementary school teachers in three public schools in a city in the State of Parana. The questionnaires contained questions on the development of written language, factors that favor and/or hinder this process. Data analysis was carried out through transcription of discursive replies and quantification of multiple-choice answers. From the content submitted in the replies, it was possible to create subject areas to be discussed. RESULTS: seven reports (35%) showing that the development process of written language starts at school were recorded; contact with writing was quoted twelve times (30%) as support for the development of written language; individual aspects were reported sixteen times (38%) as causes for learning difficulties; and there were twelve reports (39%) on forwarding to other professionals as a solution for such difficulties. CONCLUSION: educators have lack of fundamental knowledge for their educational practice regarding the literacy process, although most have training being consistent with what is advocated by LDB. It is not possible to generalize this conclusion, due to the small sized study sample.
Nowadays, we understand the childhood as a result of historical and social changes. This work aims to comprehend representations and expectations made by children from the popular classes in the initial years of Fundamentaql Education. We conducted a research with six students from a public school that attends children from urban popular layer's families. The research examines the meanings and representations of educational practices developed in the relationships established among teachers, students and families through their life stories. Among the results, we can say that the environment of differentiation in the school id perceived to the students because they introject teacher's representations about their performance. Scientific studies show that children crystallize a positive image of the shool when the speech and posture of the institution value and encourage learning. However, the students are challenged to produce better results in order to participate in extracurricular activities, which they are excluded todue indiscipline or learning difficulties. The mean of the schooling is highly influenced by the performance of students and also by the attitude of educators in the family and in the school. The theoretical review points out that when students have a good performance, the merit is attributed to stress and ease they have to acquire the learning contents. In other hand, struggling students or with a lag of content explains the academic problems stems from the lack of capacity and potential for acquisition of learning compatible with age, defining schooling as something necessary for training, but which is inaccessible in their life stories
O trabalho consiste em fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a Psicopedagogia, tendo como objetivo conhecer seu processo histórico identificando sua origem, suas formas e ambientes de atuação, suas funções e os profissionais que buscam adentrar nessa área de conhecimento. Pretende-se entender o trabalho e as atividades do psicopedagogo, assim como suas formas de identificar as dificuldades de aprendizagem do aluno através de estratégias e instrumentos específicos da psicopedagogia. Além disso, visa compreender o uso de suas técnicas para possibilitar o avanço da aprendizagem do aluno. Para isso, será feita uma discussão teórica, buscando conhecer os recursos e os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados por esses profissionais
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
The motivation of the pupils has been pointed as one of the factors that have influenced directly about what and as they learn. The boardings social-cognitivists of the motivation point two orientations: the intrinsic, that it is seen as natural trend of the individual, in which it executes an activity for considering it attractive, and the extrinsical, with the purpose to take care of to requests or pressures of other people, or to demonstrate to aptitudes and abilities. This research investigates the extrinsical motivation and its consequences in the pertaining to school performance of a pupil considered for the professors as having learning difficulties. The results of the research indicate the influence of the pertaining to school and familiar environment in the motivation and, this in the pertaining to school performance of the pupil, pointing the relevance of studies on the thematic one.
The qualitative study, in its descriptive and interpretive modality, was based on Piaget's theoretical framework in order to analyze the significances of fifty-two students attending classes with tutors. The results indicated that the significances of students about difficulties on learning, errors and tutoring have to do with stereotypes, stigmas and inferiority of their condition to achieve learning objectives. Learning difficulties are seen as a problem of their own personal or family situation, while tutoring a place of punishment for those who have learning difficulties.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Animais idosos podem mostrar dificuldades de aprendizagem e queda no desempenho de atividades que exigem a memória. O declínio no aprendizado e na memória pode ser demonstrado em cães já aos 7 anos de idade, usando uma variedade de testes neuropsicológicos. Diferentes testes vêm sendo desenvolvidos para avaliar o aprendizado e os diferentes sistemas de memória em cães, os quais são uma medida mais objetiva e mais sensível que a avaliação do dono, já que mensuram o aprendizado e a memória ao invés de observações clínicas. Por meio do uso destas provas, muitos avanços têm sido realizados no entendimento da disfunção cognitiva em animais de companhia e no desenvolvimento de agentes terapêuticos que sejam efetivos no aperfeiçoamento do aprendizado e da memória e no tratamento da síndrome da disfunção cognitiva em cães idosos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo dissertar acerca da execução de diferentes testes cognitivos que vêm sendo realizados em cães, o tipo de memória avaliada por estes e expor alguns resultados obtidos com experimentos prévios.
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)