974 resultados para Cross-flow


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The flow of a stratified fluid in a channel with small and large deformations is investigated. The analogy of this flow with swirling flow in tubes with non-uniform cross-sections is studied. The flow near the wall is blocked when the Froude number takes certain critical values. The possibility of preventing the stagnation zones in the flow field is also discussed


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We report an experimental study of a new type of turbulent flow that is driven purely by buoyancy. The flow is due to an unstable density difference, created using brine and water, across the ends of a long (length/diameter=9) vertical pipe. The Schmidt number Sc is 670, and the Rayleigh number (Ra) based on the density gradient and diameter is about 108. Under these conditions the convection is turbulent, and the time-averaged velocity at any point is ‘zero’. The Reynolds number based on the Taylor microscale, Reλ, is about 65. The pipe is long enough for there to be an axially homogeneous region, with a linear density gradient, about 6–7 diameters long in the midlength of the pipe. In the absence of a mean flow and, therefore, mean shear, turbulence is sustained just by buoyancy. The flow can be thus considered to be an axially homogeneous turbulent natural convection driven by a constant (unstable) density gradient. We characterize the flow using flow visualization and particle image velocimetry (PIV). Measurements show that the mean velocities and the Reynolds shear stresses are zero across the cross-section; the root mean squared (r.m.s.) of the vertical velocity is larger than those of the lateral velocities (by about one and half times at the pipe axis). We identify some features of the turbulent flow using velocity correlation maps and the probability density functions of velocities and velocity differences. The flow away from the wall, affected mainly by buoyancy, consists of vertically moving fluid masses continually colliding and interacting, while the flow near the wall appears similar to that in wall-bound shear-free turbulence. The turbulence is anisotropic, with the anisotropy increasing to large values as the wall is approached. A mixing length model with the diameter of the pipe as the length scale predicts well the scalings for velocity fluctuations and the flux. This model implies that the Nusselt number would scale as Ra1/2Sc1/2, and the Reynolds number would scale as Ra1/2Sc−1/2. The velocity and the flux measurements appear to be consistent with the Ra1/2 scaling, although it must be pointed out that the Rayleigh number range was less than 10. The Schmidt number was not varied to check the Sc scaling. The fluxes and the Reynolds numbers obtained in the present configuration are much higher compared to what would be obtained in Rayleigh–Bénard (R–B) convection for similar density differences.


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The ladle constitutes a crucial element in the pouring system for developing process consistency and quality in the manufacture of castings. Flow of molten metal from T-spout ladles, with the spout projecting at an angle from the shell of the ladle, was investigated by simulation, modeling and analysis. This was followed by experimental validation for water flow in translucent models, and verification in a cast iron foundry. Key parameters in the design of a ladle (for its geometry) have been identified as the ladle size, spout diameter and its angle. Velocity and flow rate from a T-spout ladle are governed by and increase with increase in angle of tilt apart from the aforementioned design parameters. Cross section and profile of the issuing jet displaying a stable twisting pattern, during its free-fall of model fluid water and molten metal iron, are notable aspects in the design of the ladle, particularly the spout exit.


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Control of flow in duct networks has a myriad of applications ranging from heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning to blood flow networks. The system considered here provides vent velocity inputs to a novel 3-D wind display device called the TreadPort Active Wind Tunnel. An error-based robust decentralized sliding-mode control method with nominal feedforward terms is developed for individual ducts while considering cross coupling between ducts and model uncertainty as external disturbances in the output. This approach is important due to limited measurements, geometric complexities, and turbulent flow conditions. Methods for resolving challenges such as turbulence, electrical noise, valve actuator design, and sensor placement are presented. The efficacy of the controller and the importance of feedforward terms are demonstrated with simulations based upon an experimentally validated lumped parameter model and experiments on the physical system. Results show significant improvement over traditional control methods and validate prior assertions regarding the importance of decentralized control in practice.


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This paper deals with an experimental study of pressure-swirl hydraulic injector nozzles using non-intrusive optical techniques. Experiments were conducted to study atomization characteristics using two nozzles with different orifice diameters, 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm, and injection pressures, 0.3-3.5 Mpa, which correspond to Reynolds number (Re-p) = 7,000-45,000, depending on nozzle utilized. Three laser diagnostic techniques were utilized: Shadowgraph, PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), and PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry). Measurements made in the spray in both axial and radial directions indicate that velocity, average droplet diameter profiles, and spray dynamics are highly dependent on the nozzle characteristics and injection pressure. Limitations of these techniques in the different flow regimes, related to the primary and secondary breakups as well as coalescence, are provided. Results indicate that all three techniques provide similar results throughout the different regimes. Shadowgraph and PDPA were possible in the secondary atomization and coalescence regimes while PIV measurements could be made only at the end of secondary atomization and coalescence.


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Stochastic modelling is a useful way of simulating complex hard-rock aquifers as hydrological properties (permeability, porosity etc.) can be described using random variables with known statistics. However, very few studies have assessed the influence of topological uncertainty (i.e. the variability of thickness of conductive zones in the aquifer), probably because it is not easy to retrieve accurate statistics of the aquifer geometry, especially in hard rock context. In this paper, we assessed the potential of using geophysical surveys to describe the geometry of a hard rock-aquifer in a stochastic modelling framework. The study site was a small experimental watershed in South India, where the aquifer consisted of a clayey to loamy-sandy zone (regolith) underlain by a conductive fissured rock layer (protolith) and the unweathered gneiss (bedrock) at the bottom. The spatial variability of the thickness of the regolith and fissured layers was estimated by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles, which were performed along a few cross sections in the watershed. For stochastic analysis using Monte Carlo simulation, the generated random layer thickness was made conditional to the available data from the geophysics. In order to simulate steady state flow in the irregular domain with variable geometry, we used an isoparametric finite element method to discretize the flow equation over an unstructured grid with irregular hexahedral elements. The results indicated that the spatial variability of the layer thickness had a significant effect on reducing the simulated effective steady seepage flux and that using the conditional simulations reduced the uncertainty of the simulated seepage flux. As a conclusion, combining information on the aquifer geometry obtained from geophysical surveys with stochastic modelling is a promising methodology to improve the simulation of groundwater flow in complex hard-rock aquifers. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A droplet introduced in an external convective flow field exhibits significant multimodal shape oscillations depending upon the intensity of the aerodynamic forcing. In this paper, a theoretical model describing the temporal evolution of normal modes of the droplet shape is developed. The fluid is assumed to be weakly viscous and Newtonian. The convective flow velocity, which is assumed to be incompressible and inviscid, is incorporated in the model through the normal stress condition at the droplet surface and the equation of motion governing the dynamics of each mode is derived. The coupling between the external flow and the droplet is approximated to be a one-way process, i.e., the external flow perturbations effect the droplet shape oscillations and the droplet oscillation itself does not influence the external flow characteristics. The shape oscillations of the droplet with different fluid properties under different unsteady flow fields were simulated. For a pulsatile external flow, the frequency spectra of the normal modes of the droplet revealed a dominant response at the resonant frequency, in addition to the driving frequency and the corresponding harmonics. At driving frequencies sufficiently different from the resonant frequency of the prolate-oblate oscillation mode of the droplet, the oscillations are stable. But at resonance the oscillation amplitude grows in time leading to breakup depending upon the fluid viscosity. A line vortex advecting past the droplet, simulated as an isotropic jump in the far field velocity, leads to the resonant excitation of the droplet shape modes if and only if the time taken by the vortex to cross the droplet is less than the resonant period of the P-2 mode of the droplet. A train of two vortices interacting with the droplet is also analysed. It shows clearly that the time instant of introduction of the second vortex with respect to the droplet shape oscillation cycle is crucial in determining the amplitude of oscillation. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In order to suppress chronic inflammation while supporting cell proliferation, there has been a continuous surge toward development of polymers with the intention of delivering anti-inflammatory molecules in a sustained manner. In the above backdrop, we report the synthesis of a novel, stable, cross-linked polyester with salicylic acid (SA) incorporated in the polymeric backbone and propose a simple synthesis route by melt condensation. The as-synthesized polymer was hydrophobic with a glass transition temperature of 1 degrees C, which increases to 17 degrees C upon curing. The combination of NMR and FT-IR spectral techniques established the ester linkages in the as-synthesized SA-based polyester. The pH-dependent degradation rate and the rate of release of salicylic acid from the as-synthesized SA-based polymer were studied at physiological conditions in vitro. The polyester underwent surface erosion and exhibited linear degradation kinetics in which a change in degradation rate is observed after 4-10 days and 24% mass loss was recorded after 4 months at 37 degrees C and pH 7.4. The delivery of salicylic acid also showed a similar change in slopes, with a sustained release rate of 3.5% in 4 months. The cytocompatibility studies of these polyesters were carried out with C2C12 murine myoblast cells using techniques like MTT assay and flow cytometry. Our results strongly suggest that SA-based polyester supports cell proliferation for 3 days in culture and do not cause cell death (<7%), as quantified by propidium iodide (PI) stained cells. Hence, these polyesters can be used as implant materials for localized, sustained delivery of salicylic acid and have applications in adjuvant cancer therapy, chronic wound healing, and as an alternative to commercially available polymers like poly(lactic acid) and poly(glycolic acid) or their copolymers.


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The origin of linear instability resulting in rotating sheared accretion flows has remained a controversial subject for a long time. While some explanations of such non-normal transient growth of disturbances in the Rayleigh stable limit were available for magnetized accretion flows, similar instabilities in the absence of magnetic perturbations remained unexplained. This dichotomy was resolved in two recent publications by Chattopadhyay and co-workers Mukhopadhyay and Chattopadhyay, J. Phys. A 46, 035501 (2013); Nath et al., Phys. Rev. E 88, 013010 (2013)] where it was shown that such instabilities, especially for nonmagnetized accretion flows, were introduced through interaction of the inherent stochastic noise in the system (even a ``cold'' accretion flow at 3000Kis too ``hot'' in the statistical parlance and is capable of inducing strong thermal modes) with the underlying Taylor-Couette flow profiles. Both studies, however, excluded the additional energy influx (or efflux) that could result from nonzero cross correlation of a noise perturbing the velocity flow, say, with the noise that is driving the vorticity flow (or equivalently the magnetic field and magnetic vorticity flow dynamics). Through the introduction of such a time symmetry violating effect, in this article we show that nonzero noise cross correlations essentially renormalize the strength of temporal correlations. Apart from an overall boost in the energy rate (both for spatial and temporal correlations, and hence in the ensemble averaged energy spectra), this results in mutual competition in growth rates of affected variables often resulting in suppression of oscillating Alfven waves at small times while leading to faster saturations at relatively longer time scales. The effects are seen to be more pronounced with magnetic field fluxes where the noise cross correlation magnifies the strength of the field concerned. Another remarkable feature noted specifically for the autocorrelation functions is the removal of energy degeneracy in the temporal profiles of fast growing non-normal modes leading to faster saturation with minimum oscillations. These results, including those presented in the previous two publications, now convincingly explain subcritical transition to turbulence in the linear limit for all possible situations that could now serve as the benchmark for nonlinear stability studies in Keplerian accretion disks.


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Precise information on streamflows is of major importance for planning and monitoring of water resources schemes related to hydro power, water supply, irrigation, flood control, and for maintaining ecosystem. Engineers encounter challenges when streamflow data are either unavailable or inadequate at target locations. To address these challenges, there have been efforts to develop methodologies that facilitate prediction of streamflow at ungauged sites. Conventionally, time intensive and data exhaustive rainfall-runoff models are used to arrive at streamflow at ungauged sites. Most recent studies show improved methods based on regionalization using Flow Duration Curves (FDCs). A FDC is a graphical representation of streamflow variability, which is a plot between streamflow values and their corresponding exceedance probabilities that are determined using a plotting position formula. It provides information on the percentage of time any specified magnitude of streamflow is equaled or exceeded. The present study assesses the effectiveness of two methods to predict streamflow at ungauged sites by application to catchments in Mahanadi river basin, India. The methods considered are (i) Regional flow duration curve method, and (ii) Area Ratio method. The first method involves (a) the development of regression relationships between percentile flows and attributes of catchments in the study area, (b) use of the relationships to construct regional FDC for the ungauged site, and (c) use of a spatial interpolation technique to decode information in FDC to construct streamflow time series for the ungauged site. Area ratio method is conventionally used to transfer streamflow related information from gauged sites to ungauged sites. Attributes that have been considered for the analysis include variables representing hydrology, climatology, topography, land-use/land- cover and soil properties corresponding to catchments in the study area. Effectiveness of the presented methods is assessed using jack knife cross-validation. Conclusions based on the study are presented and discussed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Imaging flow cytometry is an emerging technology that combines the statistical power of flow cytometry with spatial and quantitative morphology of digital microscopy. It allows high-throughput imaging of cells with good spatial resolution, while they are in flow. This paper proposes a general framework for the processing/classification of cells imaged using imaging flow cytometer. Each cell is localized by finding an accurate cell contour. Then, features reflecting cell size, circularity and complexity are extracted for the classification using SVM. Unlike the conventional iterative, semi-automatic segmentation algorithms such as active contour, we propose a noniterative, fully automatic graph-based cell localization. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we have successfully classified unstained label-free leukaemia cell-lines MOLT, K562 and HL60 from video streams captured using custom fabricated cost-effective microfluidics-based imaging flow cytometer. The proposed system is a significant development in the direction of building a cost-effective cell analysis platform that would facilitate affordable mass screening camps looking cellular morphology for disease diagnosis. Lay description In this article, we propose a novel framework for processing the raw data generated using microfluidics based imaging flow cytometers. Microfluidics microscopy or microfluidics based imaging flow cytometry (mIFC) is a recent microscopy paradigm, that combines the statistical power of flow cytometry with spatial and quantitative morphology of digital microscopy, which allows us imaging cells while they are in flow. In comparison to the conventional slide-based imaging systems, mIFC is a nascent technology enabling high throughput imaging of cells and is yet to take the form of a clinical diagnostic tool. The proposed framework process the raw data generated by the mIFC systems. The framework incorporates several steps: beginning from pre-processing of the raw video frames to enhance the contents of the cell, localising the cell by a novel, fully automatic, non-iterative graph based algorithm, extraction of different quantitative morphological parameters and subsequent classification of cells. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we have successfully classified unstained label-free leukaemia cell-lines MOLT, K562 and HL60 from video streams captured using cost-effective microfluidics based imaging flow cytometer. The cell lines of HL60, K562 and MOLT were obtained from ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) and are separately cultured in the lab. Thus, each culture contains cells from its own category alone and thereby provides the ground truth. Each cell is localised by finding a closed cell contour by defining a directed, weighted graph from the Canny edge images of the cell such that the closed contour lies along the shortest weighted path surrounding the centroid of the cell from a starting point on a good curve segment to an immediate endpoint. Once the cell is localised, morphological features reflecting size, shape and complexity of the cells are extracted and used to develop a support vector machine based classification system. We could classify the cell-lines with good accuracy and the results were quite consistent across different cross validation experiments. We hope that imaging flow cytometers equipped with the proposed framework for image processing would enable cost-effective, automated and reliable disease screening in over-loaded facilities, which cannot afford to hire skilled personnel in large numbers. Such platforms would potentially facilitate screening camps in low income group countries; thereby transforming the current health care paradigms by enabling rapid, automated diagnosis for diseases like cancer.


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A new set of experimental pressure drop data, collected aboard the Russian IL-76MDK, is reported for bubbly airwater two-phase flow in a square channel with a cross-sectional area of 12x 12mm(2). The present data are compared to several frequently used empirical models, e.g. homogeneous model, Lockhart-Martinelli-Chisholm correlation and Friedel's model. It is shown that the predictions of the models mentioned above are generally not satisfied. A new homogeneous model is developed based on the analysis of the characteristics of bubbly two-phase flow at reduced gravity. It is tested with the present data and other data collected by other researchers in circular pipes. Some questions related to the present model are also discussed. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chaotic phenomena in the wake of thermal convection flow fields above a heating flat plate were investigated experimentally. A newly developed electron beam fluorescence technique (EBF) was used to simultaneously measure density fluctuation at 7 points in a cross section above the plate. Correlation dimensions, intermittence coefficients, Fourier spectrum have been obtained for different Grashof numbers. Spatial distribution of correlation dimensions are presented. The experimental result shows that there is a certain relationship between the density fluctuation and the Gr number. And time-spacial characteristic of chaos evolution is also given.


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An investigation into the three-dimensional propagation of the transmitted shock wave in a square cross-section chamber was described in this paper, and the work was carried out numerically by solving the Euler equations with a dispersion-controlled scheme. Computational images were constructed from the density distribution of the transmitted shock wave discharging from the open end of the square shock tube and compared directly with holographic interferograms available for CFD validation. Two cases of the transmitted shock wave propagating at different Mach numbers in the same geometry were simulated. A special shock reflection system near the corner of the square cross-section chamber was observed, consisting of four shock waves: the transmitted shock wave, two reflection shock waves and a Mach stem. A contact surface may appear in the four-shock system when the transmitted shock wave becomes stronger. Both the secondary shock wave and the primary vortex loop are three-dimensional in the present case due to the non-uniform flow expansion behind the transmitted shock.


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The characterization of air-water two-phase vertical flow in a 12 m flow loop with 1.5 m of vertical section is studied by using electrical resistance tomography (ERT). By applying a fast data collection to a dual-plane ERT sensor and an iterative image reconstruction algorithm, relevant information is gathered for implementation of flow characteristics, particularly for flow regime recognition. A cross-correlation method is also used to interpret the velocity distribution of the gas phase on the cross section. The paper demonstrates that ERT can now be deployed routinely for velocity measurements and this capability will increase as faster measurement systems evolve.