850 resultados para Construção civil - Controle de qualidade


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Along with the advance of technology, in terms of the expansion of medical exams that uses the ionizing radiation for diagnosis, there is also the concern about quality control for maintaining quality in radiographic imaging and for delivering low dose to the patient. Based on the Federal Order 453 of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance, which takes account of the practical and justification of individual medical exposures, the optimization of radiological protection, limitation of individual dose, and the prevention of accidents, were done through this paper radiodiagnostic tests on medical equipment in order to accept it or not, according to SVS-453. Along with the help and support of P&R Consulting and Medical Physics Marilia, SP, were made Quality Control and Radiometric Control in equipment from various cities across the state of São Paulo. The equipment discussed in this work is classified as conventional X-ray. According to the Federal Order SVS-453, the quality control in the program of quality assurance should include the following minimum set of constancy tests, with following minimum frequency: biennial tests for representative values of dose given to the patients of radiography and CT performed in the service; annual tests for accuracy of the indicator tube voltage (kVp), accuracy of exposure time, half-value layer, aligning the central axis of the beam of x-ray tube, performance (mGy / mA.min.m²), linearity of the rate of kerma on air with the mAs, reproducibility of the kerma on air rates, reproducibility of the automatic exposure, focal spot size, integrity of accessories and clothing for individual protection; semiannually for collimation system accuracy; weekly for temperature processing system and sensitometry processing system. For the room Radiometric Survey it was done a sketch...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper considers a study of the anatomical features of the cardiac system and a three-dimensional model of the different tunics that comprise the heart wall, for processing and quality control of radiological images. The structures are built by the layer overlapping method, where a layer can be understood as a slice of the three-dimensional object. The pericardium, myocardium and endocardium were represented with three-dimensional cylinders and hexagons. The spatial arrangement of the cardiac system is determined by an background image of a real model, which values are defined according to the shape of the region and on the anatomical patients characteristics. The results are significant, considering the anatomical structures details, as well as the representation of the thicknesses of the regions of the heart wall. The validation of the anatomical model was accomplished through comparisons with dimensions obtained from a real model and allows verifying that the model is appropriate. The degree of representation will allow the verification of the influence of radiological parameters, morphometric peculiarities and stage of the diseases on the quality of the images, as well as on the performance of the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) has published in recent years, laws that regulate the stages of the control of plants derivatives, including tests of macro and microscopic botanical identification, phytochemical determination, tests of authenticity and purity, microbiological testing, among other parameters. All the analytical procedures of plant drugs control required by law must be based on the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, other Pharmacopoeias recognized by ANVISA or quality control guides of plant species published by the World Health Organization (WHO). This study aimed to evaluate some pharmacognostic, phytochemical screening and microbiological control of plant species of the Brazilian cerrado, which have indicated ethnopharmacological: Byrsonima intermedia (Bi), Bauhinia holophylla (Bh) and Myrcia bella (Mb). In addition, certain parameters were determined for obtaining extracts from plants sprayed and dried. These data are important to obtain new scientific information from Brazilian plants with therapeutic potential.


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Vitamin C is vulnerable to oxidative degradation and then the aim of this study was conducting a literature review about quality control of vitamin C in finished products. The conclusion is determined multiple emulsions and products which contain encapsulant materials are able to protect it from oxidation ensuring its efficacy.


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Much has been discussed lately about reusing waste in new construction materials and countless studies have been carried out based on this objective. However, before these products can be called “sustainable” and a recycling system can be effectively implemented, it is fundamental for all the aspects involved in this action to be understood, and more important, what are the true gains for the productive sector and what are the benefits for the environment if this was to occur. In order to obtain a general framework for all environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with these products, over their entire life cycle, the most appropriate methodology is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In view of the above, the objective of this work is to provide an overview of current studies of LCA, its history, its importance, its standards and the methodology employed and its applications related to civil construction. It is expected, to obtain a more complete scenario of the influences from a study of LCA, as well as establishing a contribution for the assessment of specific products and processes for civil construction, disseminating the importance of the use of this tool within the sector.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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This paper had as emphasis the study of the mechanization and modernization of the construction job sites of the city of Lorena located in the Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo. From the literature review on this topic, it was possible to understand the main causes of the delay in the job sites relating to the new technology available. The research on the history of construction and equipment evolution, along with interviews with workers, engineers and architects, it was possible to analyze the current situation. One of the main intentions of this study was to propose guidelines for the modernization of the construction sites


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The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios


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This paper had as emphasis the study of the mechanization and modernization of the construction job sites of the city of Lorena located in the Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo. From the literature review on this topic, it was possible to understand the main causes of the delay in the job sites relating to the new technology available. The research on the history of construction and equipment evolution, along with interviews with workers, engineers and architects, it was possible to analyze the current situation. One of the main intentions of this study was to propose guidelines for the modernization of the construction sites


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The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios