866 resultados para Conference title: Risk-informed Disaster Management : Planning for Response, Recovery


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The goal of this work was developing a query processing system using software agents. Open Agent Architecture framework is used for system development. The system supports queries in both Hindi and Malayalam; two prominent regional languages of India. Natural language processing techniques are used for meaning extraction from the plain query and information from database is given back to the user in his native language. The system architecture is designed in a structured way that it can be adapted to other regional languages of India. . This system can be effectively used in application areas like e-governance, agriculture, rural health, education, national resource planning, disaster management, information kiosks etc where people from all walks of life are involved.


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La presente investigación diagnóstica tiene como propósito responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Que tan preparada se encuentra Bogotá D.C., para afrontar la materialización de un fenómeno natural, como lo es un terremoto? Y ¿Es lo suficientemente eficaz para garantizar la seguridad, la gobernabilidad y la estabilidad socioeconómica de sus habitantes?.


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El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación desarrollada como proyecto de grado para optar el título de Magister en Dirección en la cual se identifican los impactos que en materia ambiental son generados a lo largo de los procesos realizados dentro de los frigoríficos en Colombia y evaluar la manera como se realiza la gestión ambiental de los frigoríficos cárnicos más representativos en Colombia, como parte de esta gestión es importante revisar la política de Estado y finalmente, se proponen algunas acciones de tipo directivo en las cuáles todos los actores de la cadena cárnica pueden participar con el objetivo de mejorar el tema ambiental de éstas organizaciones en Colombia.


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La implementación del MCS es una necesidad que demandan las organizaciones en la medida en que incrementan de tamaño, pero la experiencia muestra que esta metodología tiene casos de éxito como de fracaso, por lo que es importante identificar y contemplar los factores que influyen en la implementación para que el sistema sea efectivo. Este proyecto pretende analizar las variables y herramientas para la implementación de un MCS en una organización. Para este análisis se hizo una amplia revisión literaria teórica y práctica. Finalmente el resultado que se obtuvo fue definir cuáles son los factores determinantes para la implementación de un MCS efectivo en una empresa.


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Este proyecto busca determinar que utilización se hace de los conceptos de caos y complejidad en las empresas del sector financiero colombiano, para así encontrar la relación entre estos conceptos y la ocurrencia de eventos en la economía actual. Se adoptó un método descriptivo, donde se tomará como unidad de análisis una empresa representativa del sector financiero de Colombia. La compañía escogida para el análisis fue Bancolombia, la cual debido a su larga trayectoria dentro de la economía colombiana, ha demostrado un buen desempeño y el logro de sus objetivos a nivel nacional e internacional. El análisis realizado permitió tener una visión amplia y representativa del significado que el caos y la complejidad tienen para el sector financiero; y como sus respectivos conceptos se aplican a la hora de enfrentar condiciones extremas en la industria o la economía. Pero también como el comportamiento de variables pertenecientes a otras industrias, tienen la capacidad de afectar e influir en el normal comportamiento de la compañía. Se concluyó además que Bancolombia en épocas de crisis logra ser mucho más realista al afrontar los momentos. Las crisis se muestran como caos dentro de un sistema simple y organizado que afecta a sus diferentes variables no lineales, y que puede llegar a una interacción entre otros sistemas, produciendo así comportamientos críticos y complicados. Se muestra también que la complejidad dentro de un sistema financiero es una creación de interacciones simples que muestran un parámetro claro, casi deducible, que al interactuar entre todas se convierte en complejidad para las organizaciones como Bancolombia.


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: Los métodos imagenológicos para evaluar los nódulos tiroideos han sido motivo de estudio en las últimas décadas, especialmente la ecografía sobresale sobre las otras modalidades diagnósticas por su accesibilidad, portabilidad, y seguridad. A pesar de ello, las características ecográficas de cada nódulo han sido objeto de controversia en cuanto a su potencial detección de malignidad o benignidad. Se presenta un estudio de concordancia entre el estudio citopatológico y la ecografía para la caracterización nódulos tiroideos de naturaleza maligna y benigna, y su análisis de pruebas diagnósticas. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de concordancia con estudio de pruebas diagnósticas anidado. Se escogieron todos los pacientes con nódulos tiroideos a quienes se les realizó ecografía y estudio citopatológico de la lesión y se estudiaron los hallazgos ecográficos para evaluar su potencial diagnóstico para malignidad. Se incluyeron un total de 100 pacientes con nódulos tiroideos potencialmente malignos. La concordancia entre la ecografía en modo B y el estudio citopatológico fue moderada (índice kappa 0.55). La característica con mayor potencial para detectar malignidad fue la presencia de Microcalcificaciones (sensibilidad 75%, especificidad 92%).


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The paper aims to inform readers of the themes that emerged at the 2007 Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management and challenges academics and practitioners to rethink the basics of branding. The paper encourages academics and practitioners to escape from the continued confines of industrial age branding and the â˜influencingâ mindset and embrace the age of openness and co-creation. It is argued that we need to evolve from the industrial age paradigm of branding that informed brand management for decades and adjust practice and research accordingly.


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The increase in the number of natural disasters, as well as their social and economic effects, in recent years, has raised a larger collection, by the media, population and control organs, in the members of the Civil Defense system on the reduction of their effects on society, given that the same has been increasingly overwhelming. To this end, the research analyzes the screen because of the Civil Defense system, historically, have focused their actions, programs and public policies on disaster management, i.e. in the response and recovery at the expense of disaster risk management, i.e. on prevention, preparedness and mitigation of the same, given that the same cannot be avoided, but its effects Yes decreased.This arrangement is studied from the literature review, interviews and field visits. Thus, it was found that the resposabilização ratio and Reduction of risk of disasters that the higher the enforcement and accountability greater and consistent are the number of actions, programmes and public policies aimed at prevention, preparedness and mitigation, i.e. for disaster risk reduction management.


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The computational program called GIS_EM (Geographic Information System for Environmental Monitoring), a software devised to manage geographic information for monitoring soil, surface, and ground water, developed for use in the Health, Safety, and Environment Division of Paulinia Refinery is presented. This program enables registering and management of alphanumeric information pertaining to specific themes such as drilling performed for sample collection and for installation of monitoring wells, geophysical and other tests, results of chemical analyses of soil, surface, and groundwater, as well as reference values providing orientation for soil and water quality, such as EPA, Dutch List, etc. Management of such themes is performed by means of alphanumeric search tools, with specific filters and, in the case of spatial search, through the selection of spatial elements (themes) in map view. Documents existing in digital form, such as reports, photos, maps, may be registered and managed in the network environment. As the system centralizes information generated upon environmental investigations, it expedites access to and search of documents produced and stored in the network environment, minimizing search time and the need to file printed documents. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase (Cincinnati, OH 10/30/2005-11/4/2005).


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This work, presented in order to obtain the environmental engeneer title, is to raise the current status of environmental conditions in the watershed of the stream of Olga and thus contribute to environmental planning for the recovery, conservation and preservation. To this end, we conducted literature surveys and survey of the characteristics of the watershed, analysis of water fron stream of Olga and making use of remote sensingand of the soil, environmental fragiityand spatialization of APPs in order to carry out further research on the environmental conditions of the basin, as well as inferences about possible causes of degradation of watershed.Most of the basin of the stream Olga had a high environmental fargility and the main problem was the lack of riparian vegetation is also considered the cause of environmental problems of the watershed.The results will be available to municipal governments in order to contribute to their planning and management of UGRHI the teh watershed pertence


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Overabundance of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) continues to challenge wildlife professionals nationwide, especially in urban settings. Moreover, wildlife managers often lack general site-specific information on deer movements, survival, and reproduction that are critical for management planning. We conducted radio-telemetry research concurrent with deer culling in forest preserves in northeastern Illinois and used empirical data to construct predictive population models. We culled 2,826 deer from 16 forest preserves in DuPage County (1992-1999) including 1,736 from the 10 km2 Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve. We also radio-marked 129 deer from 8 preserves in DuPage and adjacent Cook County (1994-1998). Recruitment was inversely associated with deer density suggesting a classic density-dependent response. Female deer were philopatric and 20% of adult males dispersed. Survival was high for all sex and age classes, and deer-vehicle collisions accounted for >55% of known mortalities. Based upon data from other areas, early attempts to apply population models to deer at Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve were not useful. The subsequent quantification of the density-dependent recruitment response and use of other empirical data strengthened the predictive capability of models. Our experience illustrates the importance of understanding demographics of overabundant deer in order to set realistic objectives and make sound management decisions.


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Coordinating organizational activity across different sectors is crucial in disaster management. We analysed the response of 291 aid workers to the Haiti earthquake in 2010 and found that common incentives and a high degree of equality among aid organizations positively affected perceived network coordination. Large and public organizations were more likely to take leadership roles and high numbers of public organizations involved in the disaster response network led to improved network coordination. These results indicate the need for mechanisms that enable smaller and non-profit organizations to participate in network coordination and leadership.


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With research on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) becoming more and more mature in the past five years, researchers from universities all over the world have set up testbeds of wireless sensor networks, in most cases to test and evaluate the real-world behavior of developed WSN protocol mechanisms. Although these testbeds differ heavily in the employed sensor node types and the general architectural set up, they all have similar requirements with respect to management and scheduling functionalities: as every shared resource, a testbed requires a notion of users, resource reservation features, support for reprogramming and reconfiguration of the nodes, provisions to debug and remotely reset sensor nodes in case of node failures, as well as a solution for collecting and storing experimental data. The TARWIS management architecture presented in this paper targets at providing these functionalities independent from node type and node operating system. TARWIS has been designed as a re-usable management solution for research and/or educational oriented research testbeds of wireless sensor networks, relieving researchers intending to deploy a testbed from the burden to implement their own scheduling and testbed management solutions from scratch.