994 resultados para Colecciones - Literatura - S. V-XV
Este artÃculo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a investigación. - Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista
Este artÃculo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a investigación
Este artÃculo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a investigación
O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a relação existente entre as literatura sobre o ensino de Ciências Contábeis no Brasil e o ensino de Ciências Contábeis existente no Estado do Paraná (capÃtulo I). Na Revisão da Literatura apresenta-se a evolução do ensino de Contabilidade no Brasil, algumas considerações sobre o ensino de Contabilidade em outros paÃses, e os principais problemas do ensino de Contabilidade no Brasil, desenvolvendo- se um plano de referência sobre o ensino de Contabilidade para ser testado neste trabalho (capÃtulo II). A seguir apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada justificando-se as razões de seu emprego neste tipo de estudo exploratório (capÃtulo III). A obtenção dos dados foi providenciada através de um questionário contem:-.o, em sua maioria, perguntas fechadas; objetivando facilitar a organização dos dados que possibilitassem descrever as caracterÃsticas de cada caso estudado (capÃtulo IV). Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram uma análise das caracterÃsticas do ensino de Ciências Contábeis no Estado do Paraná e a sua relação com o ensino de Ciências Contábeis no Brasil, de acordo com a literatura (capÃtulo V). Finalmente, relacionando-se os resultados da literatura existente, pode-se chegar a importantes conclusões formular recomendações e sugerir novos estudos (capitulo VI).
Investiga-se a Viagem à Itália de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, obra que narra a viagem à penÃnsula italiana de 1786 a 1788, publicada em 1816-1817. Contudo, mais do que uma reconstrução de sua viagem através das memórias e diários, a Viagem importa, antes de mais, como uma narrativa da construção de um novo olhar para com a obra de arte, como a construção da própria estética goetheana.
Distance-learning language courses are gaining ground because they meet contemporary social demands and expand opportunities for access to new knowledge. They also favor interaction among people with similar goals but who live in places where no live learning arrangements are available. Taking Valente (2002), Garrison and Anderson (2000), and other authors for theoretical bases, this paper reflects on the criteria and aspects to be considered when one plans and ministers online teacher training courses. The data were taken from a distance-based university extension course offered on the Moodle learning platform by a university in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The objective was to encourage German language teachers to further develop their own language skills, reflect on aspects of inter-culturality in teaching the target language, and provide experience with current technological resources. This paper describes the elements that proved to be relevant in the creation and planning of the course, based on authors who deal with characteristics of computer-mediated teaching. The importance of this study is related to the fact that little information is available on the planning of courses in online formats.
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to assess the vascular response of overlapping Absorb stents compared with overlapping newer-generation everolimus-eluting metallic platform stents (Xience V [XV]) in a porcine coronary artery model. BACKGROUND: The everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb) is a novel approach to treating coronary lesions. A persistent inflammatory response, fibrin deposition, and delayed endothelialization have been reported with overlapping first-generation drug-eluting stents. METHODS: Forty-one overlapping Absorb and overlapping Xience V (XV) devices (3.0 × 12 mm) were implanted in the main coronary arteries of 17 nonatherosclerotic pigs with 10% overstretch. Implanted coronary arteries were evaluated by optical coherence tomography (OCT) at 28 days (Absorb n = 11, XV n = 7) and 90 days (Absorb n = 11, XV n = 8), with immediate histological evaluation following euthanasia at the same time points. One animal from each time point was evaluated with scanning electron microscopy alone. A total of 1,407 cross sections were analyzed by OCT and 148 cross sections analyzed histologically. RESULTS: At 28 days in the overlap, OCT analyses indicated 80.1% of Absorb struts and 99.4% of XV struts to be covered (p < 0.0001), corresponding to histological observations of struts with cellular coverage of 75.4% and 99.6%, respectively (p < 0.001). Uncovered struts were almost exclusively related to the presence of "stacked" Absorb struts, that is, with a direct overlay configuration. At 90 days, overlapping Absorb and overlapping XV struts demonstrated >99% strut coverage by OCT and histology, with no evidence of a significant inflammatory process, and comparable % volume obstructions. CONCLUSIONS: In porcine coronary arteries implanted with overlapping Absorb or overlapping XV struts, strut coverage is delayed at 28 days in overlapping Absorb, dependent on the overlay configuration of the thicker Absorb struts. At 90 days, both overlapping Absorb and overlapping XV have comparable strut coverage. The implications of increased strut thickness may have important clinical and design considerations for bioresorbable platforms.
Sign.: [flor]8, A-Z8, a-g8, h-i6
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