798 resultados para Christian literature for children.
First published under title: Ante-Nicene Christian library, Edinburgh, 1867-97.
Includes bibliographical references.
O Apocalipse de João é uma obra instigante. Sua linguagem cheia de violência, com monstros aterrorizantes, pessoas clamando por justiça, anúncios de mortes e desespero, em um quadro de espetáculos celestes, fascina os que gostam de ficção e alimenta a esperança dos que esperam um dia entrar na Nova Jerusalém, onde não haverá mar nem morte, quando as lágrimas serão enxugadas. Contudo, o livro do Apocalipse será lido como uma narração da realidade. Nesse sentido, o texto não é visto como reflexo de qualquer opressão, mas construção discursiva a respeito do sistema que, para o visionário, é a negação da ordem. Neste trabalho, a partir dos conceitos de texto e memória cultural, à luz das pesquisas de I. Lótman, da escola russa de semiótica da cultura e das pesquisas dos Assmann, observar-se-á como as memórias de seres celestes caídos e aprisionados da tradição enoquita estão presentes na literatura judaico-cristã e servem para a construção narrativa do cenário de terror escatológico na quinta e sexta trombetas de Ap 9,1-21. Assim sendo, a tese defende o terror como instrumento de persuasão, o qual serviu, na estratégia do visionário, para descrever o seu contexto como realidade caótica. Por meio de estratégias narrativas, o narrador deseja que sua visão seja levada a sério e que seus interlocutores aceitem a sua interpretação da realidade, deixando a associação com a vida e sistema romanos, pois se assim procederem serão comparados aos selados e receberão as mesmas recompensas. Dessa maneira, sua descrição com linguagem escatológica joga com o futuro e com o presente; prevê o caos, mas o vive em nível narrativo. Por isso o livro do Apocalipse, com um dualismo extremamente radical, não dá espaços para dúvidas. A tese defende, portanto, que essa obra pode ser lida como instrumento retórico de terror e medo que leva seus leitores implícitos a não flertarem com Roma, a não aceitarem seus discursos ou os que com ela se associam.
A presente dissertação faz um resumo histórico-teológico das relações de Israel com nações estrangeiras. Estuda a origem deste povo, em seus aspectos antropológico-culturais na época do tribalismo e compara com a situação no período Babilônico e Persa. Compreendendo as diferentes posturas da nação em relação à presença de estrangeiros no meio do povo de Deus, investiga a origem do nacionalismo exclusivista a partir do livro do Dt, confrontando com as narrativas de Ed 9 e 10 e Ne 13 na questão dos casamentos mistos. Por fim traz propostas de inclusão da literatura pós-exílica na qual crianças e mulheres estrangeiras fazem ouvir sua voz de protesto.(AU)
Children are increasingly being recognised as a significant force in the retail market place, as primary consumers, influencers of others, and as future customers. This paper adds to the literature on children as consumers by exploring their attitudinal responses to a specific group of products: Fair Trade lines. There has been no research to date that has specifically addressed children as consumers of Fair Trade or the ethical purchase decision-making process in this area. The methodological approach taken here is an essentially interpretive and naturalistic analysis of two focus groups of school children. The analysis found that there is an urgent need to develop meaningful Fair Trade brands that combine strong brand knowledge and positive brand images to bridge the ethical purchase gap between the formation of clear ethical attitudes and actual ethical purchase behaviour. Such an approach would both capture more of the childrens primary market and influence future purchase behaviour. It is argued that Fair Trade actors should coordinate new marketing communications campaigns that build brand knowledge structures holistically around the Fair Trade process and that extend beyond merely raising consumer awareness.
In our work, we analyze some works of Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós that compose the “autobiographical cycle”, especially those ones that bring the image of father’s absence/presence, the relationship between life and writing, as well as the father’s figurations and his intermediates and substitutes. We especially investigated the aspect of repetition about how the family relations are articulated, highlighting those ones that happen between father and son and that appear in these texts. This problematic interested us as a research object, a priori, because the works of Bartholomeu Campos de Queirós are an exponent of literature for children field, as far as they show that the childhood is not always “colorful”, happy and perfect as several productions supposedly made “for children seek to have us believe. In addition, the selected texts that have an autobiographical characteristic and put the issue of child suffering because of the father’s absence are configured as a very rich corpus for studies related to the relation between life/work and investigations in the dialogue between Literature and Psychoanalysis. These aspects will permit us to understand why the pain of missing father be repetitive and insistent in these books. Thus, we problematize, by the selected works for this study, the concept of literature for children and young people and the notion of literary reading. We also analyzed in the “statements” given by the author the relationship between life and writing and we investigated, based on psychoanalytic studies, the literary writing as a possibility of both unconscious development of memory marked by the father’s absence – remedy – as of a perpetuation of this same conflict – poison. Furthermore, we analyzed how the relationship between son and father are processed considering the mother’s absence, since the works that have this person’s presence, she seems to mediate such relationships in a certain way.
Al evaluar los contactos de Plutarco con otras culturas contemporáneas, los investigadores todavía no han llegado a un consenso acerca de la relación entre el queronense y la literatura cristiano-primitiva. Un buen ejemplo de esto aparece al atender al motivo de la creación del alma humana. La intención de las próximas páginas es, tras un análisis de los textos plutarqueos, atender a estos posibles contactos con NHC, los heresiólogos y el Corpus Hermeticum a fin de dilucidar sus similitudes y diferencias.
A partir de un abordaje retórico-literario, nuestro objetivo es indagar las representaciones discursivas de los elementos supersticiosos en la biografía de Nicias y en la de Dión. Tomaremos como ejemplo el eclipse de luna narrado en Nicias 23 y reiterado en Dión 24, para demostrar que mediante la repetición del ejemplo en dos contextos distintos Plutarco nos invita a reflexionar sobre la superstición de un modo más atractivo que la mera exposición teórica de doctrinas filosóficas.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação – Especialização em Educação Especial
Though the trend rarely receives attention, since the 1970s many American filmmakers have been taking sound and music tropes from childrens films, television shows, and other forms of media and incorporating those sounds into films intended for adult audiences. Initially, these references might seem like regressive attempts at targeting some nostalgic desire to relive childhood. However, this dissertation asserts that these childrens sounds are instead designed to reconnect audience members with the multi-faceted fantasies and coping mechanisms that once, through childrens media, helped these audience members manage life’s anxieties. Because sound is the sense that Western audiences most associate with emotion and memory, it offers audiences immediate connection with these barely conscious longings. The first chapter turns to childrens media itself and analyzes Disney’s 1950s forays into television. The chapter argues that by selectively repurposing the gentlest sonic devices from the studio’s films, television shows like Disneyland created the studio’s signature sentimental “Disney sound.” As a result, a generation of baby boomers like Steven Spielberg comes of age and longs to recreate that comforting sound world. The second chapter thus focuses on Spielberg, who incorporates Disney music in films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). Rather than recreate Disney’s sound world, Spielberg uses this music as a springboard into a new realm I refer to as “sublime refuge” - an acoustic haven that combines overpowering sublimity and soothing comfort into one fantastical experience. The second half of the dissertation pivots into more experimental childrens cartoons like Gerald McBoing-Boing (1951) - cartoons that embrace audio-visual dissonance in ways that soothe even as they create tension through a phenomenon I call “comfortable discord.” In the final chapter, director Wes Anderson reveals that these sonic tensions have just as much appeal to adults. In films like The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), Anderson demonstrates that comfortable discord can simultaneously provide a balm for anxiety and create an open-ended space that makes empathetic connections between characters possible. The dissertation closes with a call to rethink nostalgia, not as a romanticization of the past, but rather as a reconnection with forgotten affective channels.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
In evaluating Plutarch’s contacts with other cultures of his era, scholars have not reached consensus so far regarding the relationship between the Chaironean and Early Christian writers. A good example of this lack of consensus rises when we come to the views of the creation of human soul. The aim of the following paper is to deal with those contacts by, after an analysis of Plutarch’s texts, taking into an account the sources of NHC, heresiologists, and also the contemporary Corpus Hermeticum in order to highlight their similitudes and/or differences about the motif of the soul’s birth.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Les Homélies et les Reconnaissances du Pseudo-Clément, aussi appelées Pseudo-Clémentines, sont des témoins privilégiés du foisonnement intellectuel et théologique des premiers siècles chrétiens. Alors que la recherche moderne a longtemps tenté de déterminer les différentes étapes de leur constitution (ne posant pour seule conclusion certaine que l’existence d’un « Écrit de base » à leur origine), le présent mémoire offre une enquête littéraire qui permettra de situer l’état final des Pseudo-Clémentines dans leur contexte rédaction, en établissant comment elles dialoguent avec les principaux groupes religieux de leur milieu (chrétiens, judéo-chrétiens, juifs, gnostiques et païens). Dans ce cadre, cette étude définit le dualisme pseudo-clémentin selon ses quatre aspects : la règle de syzygies ou des couples antagonistes, qui veut que tout, dans la création, soit organisé par Dieu en couples opposés ; les prophéties masculine et féminine, dont la première apporte la vérité alors que la seconde apporte le mensonge ; la doctrine des deux rois, dont l’un, qui est bon, gouverne le royaume du monde à venir, alors que l’autre, qui est mauvais, règne sur le monde présent ; la doctrine des deux voies, dont l’une mène au salut et l’autre à la perdition. Après une analyse de ces thèmes au sein des Pseudo-Clémentines, qui révèle les différences qui existent entre les deux textes, ces mêmes motifs sont recherchés dans la littérature apparentée, en particulier dans les textes gnostiques de la bibliothèque de Nag Hammadi, les textes découverts à Qumrân et la littérature judéo-chrétienne. Les conclusions dégagées permettent de définir précisément le dualisme des Homélies et celui des Reconnaissances, d’identifier des fonctions polémiques et rhétoriques de ce dualisme et de cerner des groupes religieux possiblement alliés et ennemis des Pseudo-Clémentines.