984 resultados para Charge-carrier mobility


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Two dimensional (2D) materials demonstrate several novel electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties which are quite distinctive to those of their bulk form. Among many others, one important potential application of the 2D material is its use in the field of energy harvesting. Owing to that, here we present a detailed study on electrical as well as thermal transport of monolayer MoS2, in quasi ballistic regime. Besides the perfect monolayer in its pristine form, we also consider various line defects which have been experimentally observed in mechanically exfoliated MoS2 samples. For calculating various parameters related to the electrical transmission, we employ the non-equilibrium Green's function-density functional theory combination. However, to obtain the phonon transmission, we take help of the parametrized Stillinger-Weber potential which can accurately delineate the inter-atomic interactions for the monolayer MoS2. Due to the presence of line defects, we observed significant reductions in both the charge carrier and the phonon transmissions through a monolayer MoS2 flake. Moreover, we also report a comparative analysis showing the temperature dependency of the thermoelectric figure of merit values, as obtained for the perfect as well as the other defective 2D samples. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The electronic structure of amorphous diamond-like carbon is studied. Analysis of the participation ratio shows that π states within the σ-σ* gap are localized. The localization arises from dihedral angle disorder. The localization of π states causes the mobility gap to exceed the optical gap, which accounts for the low carrier mobility and the flat photoluminesence excitation spectrum. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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强外加电场与大调制度在光折变效应的研究中已经得到了广泛应用。采用PDECOL算法, 严格求解光折变带输运方程, 得到外加电场时不同调制度下光折变晶体中随时间变化的空间电荷场、载流子浓度, 并讨论了外加电场对它们的影响。通过将物质方程与耦合波方程联立数值求解, 可得到光折变光栅形成过程中两波耦合增益系数以及光束条纹相位的变化。模拟结果表明, 在强外加电场作用下, 两束记录光之间的光强与相位耦合都得到了增强, 而原有的解析式忽视了强外加电场与大调制度对空间电荷场相位耦合的影响, 此时不再适用。同时发现折射率光


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o comportamento dos potenciais superficiais e do perfil de potencial atraves da membrana de eritr ocito em func ao da forca i onica e das cargas superficiais, usando um modelo que leva em conta as cargas el etricas do glicoc alix e das proteınas citoplasm aticas, al em das cargas superficiais da bicamada lipıdica e os efeitos dos eletr olitos divalentes. Programas especıficos em linguagem C foram elaborados para o c alculo desses potenciais, tomando como dados num ericos resultados experimentais de medidas de mobilidade eletrofor etica de eritr ocitos para diferentes valores de forca i onica. Neste c alculo, o metodo para tratamento dos dados eletrofor eticos indicado por Hsu et al.[57] foi incluıdo em nosso modelo. A equac ao de Poisson-Boltzmann nao linear foi resolvida por computac ao num erica, usando o metodo de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem, obtendo-se os perfis de potencial. Os resultados mostraram que a estimativa da densidade de carga el etrica na superfıcie de c elulas usando a equac ao cl assica de Helmholtz-Smoluchowski conduz a valores que nao conseguem refletir as forcas que regem o comportamento eletrofor etico das mesmas. O presente modelo gerou valores de potenciais superficiais e perfis de potencial para a membrana do eritr ocito bem distintos daqueles obtidos anteriormente para um modelo descrito por uma equac ao de Poisson-Boltzmann linear. Nossos resultados confirmam que a avaliac ao de parametros el etricos superficiais da membrana de eritr ocito, envolvendo dados oriundos de eletroforese, deve incluir c alculos hidrodin amicos al em de eletroest aticos, como sugerido por Hsu et al. [57].


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Results are given for bistable effects in closely coupled twin stripe lasers. These devices use controlled adjustment of asymmetric transverse optical gain to obtain bistability. Various bistable effects have been observed. Initially the authors reported a large light/current hysteresis loop obtained as the drive current to the laser was raised and lowered. Information concerning the bistable mechanisms was then obtained by applying small current pulses into each stripe. It was thus found that bistability was involved with the switching from one stable laser waveguiding mechanism to another. More recently the experimental measurement system has been much improved. Through the use of computer control of motorised micromovements and computer controlled data management, time resolved near and far field, and charge carrier concentration distribution measurements have been more accurately carried out. The paper will outline briefly this system, and report on how it has helped to reveal new mechanisms of bistability in twin stripe lasers.


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Graphene exhibits electrical and optical properties promising for future applications in ultra-fast photonics[1]. High carrier mobility and Fermi velocity[2, 3] combined with its constant absorption over the visible wavelength range to the near-infrared[4] potentially allow its application for photodetection over a broad wavelength spectrum, operating at high frequencies. However, absorption being 2.3% per monolayer[4], responsiv-ity of these devices is rather low[5, 6]. Here we show that by combining graphene-based photodetectors with metal-nanostructures, plasmonic effects lead to an increased respon-sivity. © 2011 by the Author(s); licensee Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina, Italy.


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We report on the photoresponse characteristics of tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanotubes. Field effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated by using individual WS2 multiwall nanotubes. Photo-sensitivity to visible light is clearly observed, with enhancement of the channel conductivity, carrier mobility and carrier concentration upon illumination in the visible regime. Polarization-sensitive measurements reveal a strong anisotropy of the photocurrent on the polarization angle of the incident light with respect to the WS2 nanotube axis. This nano-scale transistor capable of detecting visible light would have a wide range of applications in medical and consumer electronics. © 2008 IEEE. Crown Copyright.


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The unique optoelectronic properties of graphene make it an ideal platform for a variety of photonic applications, including fast photodetectors, transparent electrodes in displays and photovoltaic modules, optical modulators, plasmonic devices, microcavities, and ultra-fast lasers. Owing to its high carrier mobility, gapless spectrum and frequency-independent absorption, graphene is a very promising material for the development of detectors and modulators operating in the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum (wavelengths in the hundreds of micrometres), still severely lacking in terms of solid-state devices. Here we demonstrate terahertz detectors based on antenna-coupled graphene field-effect transistors. These exploit the nonlinear response to the oscillating radiation field at the gate electrode, with contributions of thermoelectric and photoconductive origin. We demonstrate room temperature operation at 0.3 THz, showing that our devices can already be used in realistic settings, enabling large-area, fast imaging of macroscopic samples. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Accurately measuring the electronic properties of nanowires is a crucial step in the development of novel semiconductor nanowire-based devices. With this in mind, optical pump-terahertz probe (OPTP) spectroscopy is ideally suited to studies of nanowires: it provides non-contact measurement of carrier transport and dynamics at room temperature. OPTP spectroscopy has been used to assess key electrical properties, including carrier lifetime and carrier mobility, of GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires. The measurements revealed that InAs nanowires exhibited the highest mobilities and InP nanowires exhibited the lowest surface recombination velocity. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.


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In organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) the electrical characteristics of polymeric semiconducting materials suffer from the presence of structural/morphological defects and grain boundaries as well as amorphous domains within the film, hindering an efficient transport of charges. To improve the percolation of charges we blend a regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with newly designed N = 18 armchair graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The latter, prepared by a bottom-up solution synthesis, are expected to form solid aggregates which cannot be easily interfaced with metallic electrodes, limiting charge injection at metal-semiconductor interfaces, and are characterized by a finite size, thus by grain boundaries, which negatively affect the charge transport within the film. Both P3HT and GNRs are soluble/dispersible in organic solvents, enabling the use of a single step co-deposition process. The resulting OFETs show a three-fold increase in the charge carrier mobilities in blend films, when compared to pure P3HT devices. This behavior can be ascribed to GNRs, and aggregates thereof, facilitating the transport of the charges within the conduction channel by connecting the domains of the semiconductor film. The electronic characteristics of the devices such as the Ion/Ioff ratio are not affected by the addition of GNRs at different loads. Studies of the electrical characteristics under illumination for potential use of our blend films as organic phototransistors (OPTs) reveal a tunable photoresponse. Therefore, our strategy offers a new method towards the enhancement of the performance of OFETs, and holds potential for technological applications in (opto)electronics.


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This work presents a study of the correlation between the electrical properties and the structural defects in nominally undoped InN films. It is found that the density of edge-type threading dislocations (TDs) considerably affects the electron concentration and mobility in InN films. The Hall-effect measured electron concentration increases, while the Hall mobility decreases with the increase in the edge-type TD density. With the combination of secondary ion mass spectrometry and positron annihilation analysis, we suggest that donor-type point defects at the edge-type TD lines may serve as dominant donors in InN films and affect the carrier mobility.


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AlGaN/GaN heterostructures have been irradiated by neutrons with different influences and characterized by means of temperature-dependent Hall measurements and Micro-Raman scattering techniques. It is found that the carrier mobility of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is very sensitive to neutrons. At a low influence of 6.13 x 10(15) cm(-2), the carrier mobility drops sharply, while the sheet carrier density remains the same as that of an unirradiated sample. Moreover, even for a fluence of up to 3.66 x 10(16) cm(-2), the sheet carrier density shows only a slight drop. We attribute the degradation of the figure-of-merit (product of n(s) x mu) of 2DEG to the defects induced by neutron irradiation. Raman measurements show that neutron irradiation does not yield obvious change to the strain state of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures, which proves that degradation of sheet carrier density has no relation to strain relaxation in the present study. The increase of the product of n(s) x mu of 2DEG during rapid thermal annealing processes at relatively high temperature has been attributed to the activation of Ge-Ga transmuted from Ga and the recovery of displaced defects.


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We studied the effects of hydrogen plasma treatment on the electrical and optical properties of ZnO films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. It is found that the ZnO H film is highly transparent with the average transmittance of 92% in the visible range. Both carrier concentration and mobility are increased after hydrogen plasma treatment, correspondingly, the resistivity of the ZnO H films achieves the order of 10(-3) cm. We suggest that the incorporated hydrogen not only passivates most of the defects and/or acceptors present, but also introduces shallow donor states such as the V-O-H complex and the interstitial hydrogen H-i. Moreover, the annealing data indicate that H-i is unstable in ZnO, while the V-O-H complex remains stable on the whole at 400 degrees C, and the latter diffuses out when the annealing temperature increases to 500 degrees C. These results make ZnO H more attractive for future applications as transparent conducting electrodes.


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A theory of scattering by charged dislocation lines in a quasitriangle potential well of AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures is developed. The dependence of mobility on carrier sheet density and dislocation density is obtained. The results are compared with those obtained from a perfect two-dimensional electron gas and the reason for discrepancy is given.


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The tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) thin films were prepared by reactive thermal evaporation on the glass substrates. The effects of substrate temperatures (T-s) on the grain preferred orientation, the electrical and optical properties of ITO films were studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicated that the preferred orientation of film changes from (222) to (400) as T, > 200 degrees C. It can be explained by that the low-index crystallographic planes are easier to be formed when the adatoms have high surface mobility. The Hall measurements indicated that both the concentration and mobility of carrier increase with increasing T,,,. The grain orientation of film does not influence the transmissivity and the carrier concentration, but enhances the carrier mobility. The transmissivity of ITO films is over 90% in the visible wavelength region (except that of the film deposited at 125 degrees C). A minimum resistivity of 5 X 10-4 Omega cm is achieved for the (400) preferred orientation film. Thus, the highest figure of merit of 3.5 x 10(-2) square/Omega is obtained for the film with (400) preferred orientation. The correlation between the preferred orientation and electrical and optical properties are discussed.