243 resultados para COMPACTNESS


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The morphometric characterization of watersheds is of great importance in assisting the planning of these areas to preserve the environment and maintain the quantity and quality of water production. The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology and simulate the areas of permanent preservation according to the Brazilian Forest Code of watershed of the Água-Fria stream. The studied area is located in the municipality of Bofete-SP, between the geographic coordinates: 48° 09' 30" to 48° 18' 30" longitude (WGr) and 22° 58' 30" to 23° 04' 30" latitude S. The results showed a 5th order micro watershed with an area of 152.43 km2 and low drainage density of 1.04 km/km2. Circularity was 0.51 and form factor was 0.41, which is considered low, and therefore with an oblong/oval shape. The sinuosity index of 1.29 revealed a tendency of rectilinear channels with compactness coefficient value of 1.38 and distance of runoff flow of 520m. Simulation of areas of permanent preservation shows an ideal model as the way springs and watercourses should be protected according to the Brazilian Forest Code, amounting to an area of 10.02 km2.


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Topics include: Topological space and continuous functions (bases, the product topology, the box topology, the subspace topology, the quotient topology, the metric topology), connectedness (path connected, locally connected), compactness, completeness, countability, filters, and the fundamental group.


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We study local rigidity and multiplicity of constant scalar curvature metrics in arbitrary products of compact manifolds. Using (equivariant) bifurcation theory we determine the existence of infinitely many metrics that are accumulation points of pairwise non-homothetic solutions of the Yamabe problem. Using local rigidity and some compactness results for solutions of the Yamabe problem, we also exhibit new examples of conformal classes (with positive Yamabe constant) for which uniqueness holds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The use of cover crops affects the support capacity of soil and least limiting water range to crop growth. The objective of this study was to quantify preconsolidation pressure (sigma(p)), compression index (CI) and least limiting water range (LLWR) of a reclaimed coal mining soil under different cover crops, in Candiota, RS, Brazil. In the experiment, with randomized blocks design and four replicates, the following cover crops (treatments) were evaluated: Hemarthria altissima (Poir.) Stapf & C.E. Hubbard, treatment 1 (T1), Paspalum notatum Flugge, treatment 4 (T4), Cynodon dactilon (L) Pers., treatment 5 (T5), control Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst.) Stapf, treatment 7 (T7) and without cover crop treatment 8 (reference treatment, T8). Soil compression and least limiting water range were evaluated with undisturbed samples at a depth of 0.00-0.05 m. In order to evaluate parameters of soil compressibility, the soil samples were saturated with water and subjected to -10 kPa matric potential and then submitted to a uniaxial compression test under the following pressures: 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 kPa. Cover crops decreased the preconsolidation pressure of constructed soils after coal mining and the greatest soil reclamation was obtained with the H. altissima cover crop, where the lowest degree of soil compactness and soil load capacity were observed. Soils cultivated under H. altissima or B. brizantha presented the highest least limiting water range and these two cover crops generated similar soil critical bulk density obtained by least limiting water range and soil load support capacity. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mach number and thermal effects on the mechanisms of sound generation and propagation are investigated in spatially evolving two-dimensional isothermal and non-isothermal mixing layers at Mach number ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 and Reynolds number of 400. A characteristic-based formulation is used to solve by direct numerical simulation the compressible Navier-Stokes equations using high-order schemes. The radiated sound is directly computed in a domain that includes both the near-field aerodynamic source region and the far-field sound propagation. In the isothermal mixing layer, Mach number effects may be identified in the acoustic field through an increase of the directivity associated with the non-compactness of the acoustic sources. Baroclinic instability effects may be recognized in the non-isothermal mixing layer, as the presence of counter-rotating vorticity layers, the resulting acoustic sources being found less efficient. An analysis based on the acoustic analogy shows that the directivity increase with the Mach number can be associated with the emergence of density fluctuations of weak amplitude but very efficient in terms of noise generation at shallow angle. This influence, combined with convection and refraction effects, is found to shape the acoustic wavefront pattern depending on the Mach number.


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Using recent results on the compactness of the space of solutions of the Yamabe problem, we show that in conformal classes of metrics near the class of a nondegenerate solution which is unique (up to scaling) the Yamabe problem has a unique solution as well. This provides examples of a local extension, in the space of conformal classes, of a well-known uniqueness criterion due to Obata.


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The aim of this paper is to find an odd homoclinic orbit for a class of reversible Hamiltonian systems. The proof is variational and it employs a version of the concentration compactness principle of P. L. Lions in a lemma due to Struwe.


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mitochondrial genomes are generally thought to be under selection for compactness, due to their small size, consistent gene content, and a lack of introns or intergenic spacers. As more animal mitochondrial genomes are fully sequenced, rearrangements and partial duplications are being identified with increasing frequency, particularly in birds (Class Ayes). In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of mitochondrial control region states within the avian order Psittaciformes (parrots and cockatoos). To this aim, we reconstructed a comprehensive multi-locus phylogeny of parrots, used PCR of three diagnostic fragments to classify the mitochondrial control region state as single or duplicated, and mapped these states onto the phylogeny. We further sequenced 44 selected species to validate these inferences of control region state. Ancestral state reconstruction using a range of weighting schemes identified six independent origins of mitochondrial control region duplications within Psittaciformes. Analysis of sequence data showed that varying levels of mitochondrial gene and tRNA homology and degradation were present within a given clade exhibiting duplications. Levels of divergence between control regions within an individual varied from 0-10.9% with the differences occurring mainly between 51 and 225 nucleotides 3' of the goose hairpin in domain I. Further investigations into the fates of duplicated mitochondrial genes, the potential costs and benefits of having a second control region, and the complex relationship between evolutionary rates, selection, and time since duplication are needed to fully explain these patterns in the mitochondrial genome. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We analyse a sample of 71 triplets of luminous galaxies derived from the work of O’Mill et al. We compare the properties of triplets and their members with those of control samples of compact groups, the 10 brightest members of rich clusters and galaxies in pairs. The triplets are restricted to have members with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.01 ≤ z ≤ 0.14 and absolute r-band luminosities brighter than Mr = −20.5. For these member galaxies, we analyse the stellar mass content, the star formation rates, the Dn(4000) parameter and (Mg − Mr) colour index. Since galaxies in triplets may finally merge in a single system, we analyse different global properties of these systems. We calculate the probability that the properties of galaxies in triplets are strongly correlated. We also study total star formation activity and global colours, and define the triplet compactness as a measure of the percentage of the system total area that is filled by the light of member galaxies. We concentrate in the comparison of our results with those of compact groups to assess how the triplets are a natural extension of these compact systems. Our analysis suggests that triplet galaxy members behave similarly to compact group members and galaxies in rich clusters. We also find that systems comprising three blue, star-forming, young stellar population galaxies (blue triplets) are most probably real systems and not a chance configuration of interloping galaxies. The same holds for triplets composed of three red, non-star-forming galaxies, showing the correlation of galaxy properties in these systems. From the analysis of the triplet as a whole, we conclude that, at a given total stellar mass content, triplets show a total star formation activity and global colours similar to compact groups. However, blue triplets show a high total star formation activity with a lower stellar mass content. From an analysis of the compactness parameter of the systems we find that light is even more concentrated in triplets than in compact groups. We propose that triplets composed of three luminous galaxies, should not be considered as an analogous of galaxy pairs with a third extra member, but rather they are a natural extension of compact groups.


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We study the action of a weighted Fourier–Laplace transform on the functions in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) associated with a positive definite kernel on the sphere. After defining a notion of smoothness implied by the transform, we show that smoothness of the kernel implies the same smoothness for the generating elements (spherical harmonics) in the Mercer expansion of the kernel. We prove a reproducing property for the weighted Fourier–Laplace transform of the functions in the RKHS and embed the RKHS into spaces of smooth functions. Some relevant properties of the embedding are considered, including compactness and boundedness. The approach taken in the paper includes two important notions of differentiability characterized by weighted Fourier–Laplace transforms: fractional derivatives and Laplace–Beltrami derivatives.


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The laser driven ion acceleration is a burgeoning field of resarch and is attracting a growing number of scientists since the first results reported in 2000 obtained irradiating thin solid foils by high power laser pulses. The growing interest is driven by the peculiar characteristics of the produced bunches, the compactness of the whole accelerating system and the very short accelerating length of this all-optical accelerators. A fervent theoretical and experimental work has been done since then. An important part of the theoretical study is done by means of numerical simulations and the most widely used technique exploits PIC codes (“Particle In Cell'”). In this thesis the PIC code AlaDyn, developed by our research group considering innovative algorithms, is described. My work has been devoted to the developement of the code and the investigation of the laser driven ion acceleration for different target configurations. Two target configurations for the proton acceleration are presented together with the results of the 2D and 3D numerical investigation. One target configuration consists of a solid foil with a low density layer attached on the irradiated side. The nearly critical plasma of the foam layer allows a very high energy absorption by the target and an increase of the proton energy up to a factor 3, when compared to the ``pure'' TNSA configuration. The differences of the regime with respect to the standard TNSA are described The case of nearly critical density targets has been investigated with 3D simulations. In this case the laser travels throughout the plasma and exits on the rear side. During the propagation, the laser drills a channel and induce a magnetic vortex that expanding on the rear side of the targer is source of a very intense electric field. The protons of the plasma are strongly accelerated up to energies of 100 MeV using a 200PW laser.


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Während ausgedehnter Weltraumflüge zum Mond und Mars wäre die Besatzung eines Raumschiffs dicht ionisierender Schwerionenstrahlung, der sogenannten kosmischen Strahlung, ausgesetzt. Da bei vielen Krebspatienten die orale Mukositis als eine gravierende Nebenwirkung bei der herkömmlichen Strahlentherapie auftritt, könnte diese Erkrankung ein medizinisches Problem während ausgedehnter Weltraumflüge darstellen. Allerdings liegen bislang keine Untersuchungen über eine mögliche Mukositis-induzierte Wirkung von Schwerionenstrahlung vor. Um das Risiko strahlungsinduzierter oraler Mukositis durch kosmische Strahlung abzuschätzen, wurden dreidimensionale organotypische Mundschleimhaut-Modelle 12C Schwerionen- bzw. Röntgenstrahlung ausgesetzt und nach definierten Inkubationszeiten kryokonserviert. Aus dem Material wurden Kryoschnitte gefertigt, mit denen anschließend histologische und immunhistologische Fluoreszenzfärbungen zum Nachweis von zum Beispiel Kompaktheitsverlust, Doppelstrangbrüchen der DNA und NF-κB-Aktivierung durchgeführt wurden. Die Ausschüttung von Tumornekrosefaktor α, Interleukin 1β, Interleukin 6 und Interleukin 8 wurde in Probenüberständen mittels ELISA analysiert. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Studie lag dabei auf den frühen durch Strahlung verursachten Effekten. rnIm Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde ein dreidimensionales Mundschleimhaut-Modell etabliert, das verglichen mit humaner Mundschleimhaut viele organotypische Differenzierungsmarker und in vivo-ähnliche Reaktionen auf bestimmte Reize zeigte. Nach einer Bestrahlung mit schweren Kohlenstoffionen bzw. mit Röntgenstrahlung wurden strahlungsinduzierte Effekte auf mehreren Ebenen detektiert. Bereits 1 h nach Bestrahlung konnten dosisabhängig vermehrte Doppelstrangbrüche in der DNA detektiert werden, wobei bei gleicher Dosis Schwerionenstrahlung im Durchschnitt doppelt so viele DSB verursachte wie Röntgenstrahlung. Das Mundschleimhaut-Modell reagierte auf beide Strahlungsarten mit einer Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-κB p50, wobei Röntgenstrahlung diese Aktivierung früher induzierte als Schwerionen. Eine strahlungsinduzierte Aktivierung von NF-κB p65 wurde in den organotypischen Kulturen zu den untersuchten Zeitpunkten nicht beobachtet. Im Vergleich zu nicht bestrahlten Kulturen waren die Konzentrationen von Interleukin 6 und Interleukin 8 unabhängig von der Strahlungsqualität nach Bestrahlung signifikant erhöht. Interleukin-1β dagegen wurde nur nach Röntgenbestrahlung signifikant vermehrt ausgeschüttet. In Schwerionen-bestrahlten Proben wurden zwar tendenziell höhere Konzentrationen beobachtet, statistische Signifikanzen ergaben sich aber nicht. Die Analysen zur TNF-α- und IFN-γ-Ausschüttung in bestrahlten organotypischen Kulturen ergaben innerhalb des gewählten Beobachtungszeitraums von 48 h keine strahlungsinduzierten Effekte. Bei den Untersuchungen der Proliferation in den Zellen der bestrahlten organotypischen Kulturen wurde bereits 24 h nach Röntgenstrahlung und 3 Tage nach Schwerionenstrahlung eine deutliche verminderte Proliferation beobachtet. Des Weiteren zeigte das Mundschleimhaut-Modell unabhängig von Strahlungsqualitäten einen eindeutigen Verlust in der Zellintegrität und daraus resultierenden Kompaktheitsverlust des Gewebes, was in der in vivo-Situation wahrscheinlich einer Gewebedegeneration entspricht. rnNach Bestrahlung mit sowohl Röntgenstrahlung als auch schweren Ionen wurden im gewählten Mukosa-Modell innerhalb von 48 h nach Behandlung strahlungsinduzierte proinflammatorische Marker eindeutig und reproduzierbar detektiert. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass während langer extraterrestrischer Expeditionen das Risiko der oralen Mukositis einkalkuliert und mit den daraus folgenden Konsequenzen gerechnet werden muss.rn


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In questa tesi viene presentato il modello di Keller-Segel per la chemiotassi, un sistema di tipo parabolico-ellittico che appare nella descrizione di molti fenomeni in ambito biologico e medico. Viene mostrata l'esistenza globale della soluzione debole del modello, per dati iniziali sufficientemente piccoli in dimensione N>2. La scelta di dati iniziali abbastanza grandi invece può causare il blow-up della soluzione e viene mostrato sotto quali condizioni questo si verifica. Infine il modello della chemiotassi è stato applicato per descrivere una fase della malattia di Alzheimer ed è stata effettuata un'analisi di stabilità del sistema.


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Statistical shape models (SSMs) have been used widely as a basis for segmenting and interpreting complex anatomical structures. The robustness of these models are sensitive to the registration procedures, i.e., establishment of a dense correspondence across a training data set. In this work, two SSMs based on the same training data set of scoliotic vertebrae, and registration procedures were compared. The first model was constructed based on the original binary masks without applying any image pre- and post-processing, and the second was obtained by means of a feature preserving smoothing method applied to the original training data set, followed by a standard rasterization algorithm. The accuracies of the correspondences were assessed quantitatively by means of the maximum of the mean minimum distance (MMMD) and Hausdorf distance (H(D)). Anatomical validity of the models were quantified by means of three different criteria, i.e., compactness, specificity, and model generalization ability. The objective of this study was to compare quasi-identical models based on standard metrics. Preliminary results suggest that the MMMD distance and eigenvalues are not sensitive metrics for evaluating the performance and robustness of SSMs.


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Peptide dendrimers are synthetic tree-like molecules composed of amino acids. There are at least two kinds of preferential structural behaviors exhibited by these molecules, which acquire either compact or noncompact shapes. However, the key structural determinants of such behaviors remained, until now, unstudied. Herein, we conduct a comprehensive investigation of the structural determinants of peptide dendrimers by employing long molecular dynamics simulations to characterize an extended set of third generation dendrimers. Our results clearly show that a trade-off between electrostatic effects and hydrogen bond formation controls structure acquisition in these systems. Moreover, by selectively changing the dendrimers charge we are able to manipulate the exhibited compactness. In contrast, the length of branching residues does not seem to be a major structural determinant. Our results are in accordance with the most recent experimental evidence and shed some light on the key molecular level interactions controlling structure acquisition in these systems. Thus, the results presented constitute valuable insights that can contribute to the development of truly tailor-made dendritic systems.