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This paper investigates public acceptance towards congestion charge in Australia by taking Brisbane as a case study. Public acceptance to congestion charge has often been investigated in the literature. However, few were in the context of an Australian city. This paper fills the gap. A face-to-face survey was conducted to solicit public opinions on the congestion charge, should a congestion charge scheme be implemented in the Brisbane City area. The survey data were analysed to pinpoint important factors relevant to people’s attitudes towards congestion charge and to measure their relationships. Main findings from our analysis are: (1) the residents’ attitudes towards congestion charge differ by genders and by user groups of transport modes; (2) for each of the three groups (i.e., the auto users, the transit riders, and the whole participants), a positive and stable correlation was found between a participant’s attitude towards congestion charge and the effectiveness of congestion charge on reducing traffic congestion. A negative and stable correlation was also found for all three groups between a participant’s attitude towards congestion charge and congestion charge’s negative impact on the attractiveness of working in the city; (3) the auto users tended to be more sceptical about the service capacity of existing transit systems in coping with extra passengers induced by the implementation of congestion charge; and (4) for people with high income, introducing the congestion charge may have no impact on their travelling to the city.


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There is a continuing need to improve safety at Railway Level Crossings (RLX) particularly those that do not have gates and lights regulating traffic flow. A number of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) interventions have been proposed to improve drivers’ awareness and reduce errors in detecting and responding appropriately at level crossings. However, as with other technologies, successful implementation and ultimately effectiveness rests with the acceptance of the technology by the end user. In the current research, four focus groups were held (n=38) with drivers in metropolitan and regional locations in Queensland to examine their perceptions of potential in-vehicle and road-based ITS interventions to improve safety at RLX. The findings imply that further development of the ITS interventions, in particular the design and related promotion of the final product, must consider ease of use, usefulness and relative cost.


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The majority of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) present with advanced disease, with targeted therapies providing some improvement in clinical outcomes. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase (TK) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of NSCLC. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), which target the EGFR TK domain, have proven to be an effective treatment strategy; however, patient responses to treatment vary considerably. Therefore, the identification of patients most likely to respond to treatment is essential to optimise the benefit of TKIs. Tumour-associated activating mutations in EGFR can identify patients with NSCLC who are likely to have a good response to TKIs. Nonetheless, the majority of patients relapse within a year of starting treatment. Studies of tumours at relapse have demonstrated expression of a T790M mutation in exon 20 of the EGFR TK domain in approximately 50% of cases. Although conferring resistance to reversible TKIs, these patients may remain sensitive to new-generation irreversible/panerb inhibitors. A number of techniques have been employed for genotypic assessment of tumourassociated DNA to identify EGFR mutations, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. This review presents an overview of the current methodologies used to identify such molecular markers. Recent developments in technology may make the monitoring of changes in patients' tumour genotypes easier in clinical practice, which may enable patients' treatment regimens to be tailored during the course of their disease, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes.


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A crucial task in contractor prequalification is to establish a set of decision criteria through which the capabilities of contractors are measured and judged. However, in the UK, there are no nationwide standards or guidelines governing the selection of decision criteria for contractor prequalification. The decision criteria are usually established by individual clients on an ad hoc basis. This paper investigates the divergence of decision criteria used by different client and consultant organisations in contractor prequalification through a large empirical survey conducted in the UK. The results indicate that there are significant differences in the selection and use of decision criteria for prequalification.


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Using a quasi-natural voting experiment encompassing a 160-year period (1848–2009) in Switzerland, we investigate whether a higher level of complexity leads to increased reliance on trusted parliamentary representatives. We find that when more referenda are held on the same day, constituents are more likely to refer to parliamentary recommendations when making their decisions. This finding holds true even when we narrow our focus to referenda with a relatively lower voter turnout on days on which more than one referendum is held. We also demonstrate that when constituents face a higher level of complexity, they follow the parliamentary recommendations rather than those of interest groups. "Viewed as a geometric figure, the ant’s path is irregular, complex, hard to describe. But its complexity is really a complexity in the surface of the beach, not a complexity in the ant." ([1] p. 51)


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Make-buy decisions are an important aspect of the overall strategic plans for most firms, and the introduction of a new and potentially radical technology into an industry should therefore be a cue for managers to review their make-buy policies. Should a company make in-house the components and processes underpinning the technology, or should it buy them from an outside supplier? Earlier attempts to answer this question may have failed to agree on a single verdict because they have overlooked two important market forces: supplier relations and industry clockspeed. Based on an intensive three-year study at the University of Cambridge which analyzed supply chain management practices from a broad range of manufacturers around the world, this book helps to resolve this classic technology outsourcing dilemma and gives managers the tools they will need to determine if they should make or buy the components and processes that go into a potentially radical innovation.


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This paper explores the potential for online video as a mechanism to transform the ways students learn, as measured by research, user experience and usage following surveys and trials of patron-driven acquisition collaboratively undertaken by Queensland University of Technology, La Trobe University and Kanopy.


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Quality of experience (QoE) measures the overall perceived quality of mobile video delivery from subjective user experience and objective system performance. Current QoE computing models have two main limitations: 1) insufficient consideration of the factors influencing QoE, and; 2) limited studies on QoE models for acceptability prediction. In this paper, a set of novel acceptability-based QoE models, denoted as A-QoE, is proposed based on the results of comprehensive user studies on subjective quality acceptance assessments. The models are able to predict users’ acceptability and pleasantness in various mobile video usage scenarios. Statistical regression analysis has been used to build the models with a group of influencing factors as independent predictors, including encoding parameters and bitrate, video content characteristics, and mobile device display resolution. The performance of the proposed A-QoE models has been compared with three well-known objective Video Quality Assessment metrics: PSNR, SSIM and VQM. The proposed A-QoE models have high prediction accuracy and usage flexibility. Future user-centred mobile video delivery systems can benefit from applying the proposed QoE-based management to optimize video coding and quality delivery decisions.


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Background: Health policy, guidelines, and standards advocate giving patients comprehensive information and facilitating their involvement in health-related decision-making. Routine assessment of patient reports of these processes is needed. Our objective was to examine decision-making processes, specifically information provision and consumer involvement in decision-making, for nine pregnancy, labour, and birth procedures, as reported by maternity care consumers in Queensland, Australia. Methods: Participants were women who had a live birth in Queensland in a specified time period and were not found to have had a baby that died since birth, who completed the extended Having a Baby in Queensland Survey, 2010 about their maternity care experiences, and who reported at least one of the nine procedures of interest. For each procedure, women answered two questions that measured perceived (i) receipt of information about the benefits and risks of the procedure and (ii) role in decision-making about the procedure. Results: In all, 3,542 eligible women (34.2%) completed the survey. Between 4% (for pre-labour caesarean section) and 60% (for vaginal examination) of women reported not being informed of the benefits and risks of the procedure they experienced. Between 2% (epidural) and 34% (episiotomy) of women reported being unconsulted in decision-making. Over one quarter (26%) of the women who experienced episiotomy reported being neither informed nor consulted. Conclusions: There is an urgent need for interventions that facilitate information provision and consumer involvement in decision-making about several perinatal procedures, especially those performed within the time-limited intrapartum care episode.


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Human Resources (HR) policies and practices have changed due to global environmental instability. These policies and practices are key factors for successful environmental management. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, this article aims to understand the critical factors which influence senior management’s decision to adopt ‘green’ HR practices. Data were collected from 210 organisations in Australia using two separate surveys. Survey one, which was addressed directly to HR managers and directors, contained questions relating to HR policies (the dependent variables), while survey two, which was addressed directly to CEOs and senior managers, contained questions about environmental-related attitudes, subjective norms and perceived control (the independent variables). Results indicated that senior management’s environmental-related attitudes, subjective norms from stakeholders and perceived green resource readiness influenced their decision to adopt green HR initiatives. However, attitudes and green resource readiness in particular had greater impacts than subjective norms. Limitations, implications and future research are also outlined.


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This paper reports results from a study comparing teachers’ and students’ perceptions about the relative degree of influence parents, teachers, friends, older students and careers advisors have on students’ decisions about enrolling in non-compulsory high school science subjects. The comparison was carried out as part of the Choosing Science project - a large-scale Australian study of 15 year-old students’ experiences of school science and intentions regarding further participation. The study found that students considered their science teachers to have had the greatest influence, followed by parents and then friends. In contrast, however, science teachers believed their students to be most influenced in their decisions by friends and peers, followed by older students and siblings and parents, with teachers themselves having relatively little influence. Both groups believed that advice from careers advisors was of little influence. The findings are unique in the science education literature in providing an insight into differences and similarities in the perceptions of students and their teachers. In particular they indicate that teachers play a far greater role in students’ decisions about enrolling in science than they believe. This has important implications for science teachers and teacher educators in terms of appreciating their influence and applying it in ways that encourage participation in science courses.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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Because of their limited number of senior positions and fewer alternative career paths, small businesses have a more difficult time attracting and retaining skilled information systems (IS) staff and are thus dependent upon external expertise. Small businesses are particularly dependent on outside expertise when first computerizing. Because small businesses suffer from severe financial constraints. it is often difficult to justify the cost of custom software. Hence. for many small businesses, engaging a consultant to help with identifying suitable packaged software and related hardware, is their first critical step toward computerization. This study explores the importance of proactive client involvement when engaging a consultant to assist with computer system selection in small businesses. Client involvement throughout consultant engagement is found to be integral to project success and frequently lacking due to misconceptions of small businesses regarding their role. Small businesses often overestimate the impact of consultant and vendor support in achieving successful computer system selection and implementation. For consultant engagement to be successful, the process must be viewed as being directed toward the achievement of specific organizational results where the client accepts responsibility for direction of the process.


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Too often the relationship between client and external consultants is perceived as one of protagonist versus antogonist. Stories on dramatic, failed consultancies abound, as do related anecdotal quips. A contributing factor to many "apparently" failed consultancies is a poor appreciation by both the client and consultant of the client's true goals for the project and how to assess progress toward these goals. This paper presents and analyses a measurement model for assessing client success when engaging an external consultant. Three main areas of assessment are identified: (1) the consultant;s recommendations, (2) client learning, and (3) consultant performance. Engagement success is emperically measured along these dimensions through a series of case studies and a subsequent survey of clients and consultants involved in 85 computer-based information system selection projects. Validation fo the model constructs suggests the existence of six distinct and individually important dimensions of engagement success. both clients and consultants are encouraged to attend to these dimensions in pre-engagement proposal and selection processes, and post-engagement evaluation of outcomes.


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Objectives Given increasing trends of obesity being noted from early in life and that active lifestyles track across time, it is important that children at a very young age be active to combat a foundation of unhealthy behaviours forming. This study investigated, within a theory of planned behaviour (TPB) framework, factors which influence mothers’ decisions about their child’s 1) adequate physical activity (PA) and 2) limited screen time behaviours. Methods Mothers (N = 162) completed a main questionnaire, via on-line or paper-based administration, which comprised standard TPB items in addition to measures of planning and background demographic variables. One week later, consenting mothers completed a follow-up telephone questionnaire which assessed the decisions they had made regarding their child’s PA and screen time behaviours during the previous week. Results Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed support for the predictive model, explaining an overall 73% and 78% of the variance in mothers’ intention and 38% and 53% of the variance in mothers’ decisions to ensure their child engages in adequate PA and limited screen time, respectively. Attitude and subjective norms predicted intention in both target behaviours, as did intentions with behaviour. Contrary to predictions, perceived behavioural control (PBC) in PA behaviour and planning in screen time behaviour were not significant predictors of intention, neither was PBC a predictor of either behaviour. Conclusions The findings illustrate the various roles that psycho-social factors play in mothers’ decisions to ensure their child engages in active lifestyle behaviours which can help to inform future intervention programs aimed at combating very young children’s inactivity.