991 resultados para Bomen (biologie)


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Background:Diagnosis of childhood active tuberculosis (aTB) or latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection (LTBI) remains a challenge, and replacement of tuberculin skin tests (TST) by commercialized interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) is not currently recommended.Methods:266 children between 1 month and 15 years of age, 214 being at risk of recent Mtb infection and 51 being included as controls, were prospectively enrolled. According results of clinical evaluation, TST, chest X-Ray and microbiology, children were classified as non-infected, LTBI or aTB. Long-incubation time PPD-, ESAT-6-, and CFP-10-IGRA were performed and evaluated for their accuracy to correctly classify the children.Results:Whereas both TST and PPD-IGRA were suboptimal to detect aTB, combining CFP-10-IGRA with TST or with PPD-IGRA allowed us to detect all the children with aTB, with 96% specificity for children who were positive for CFP-10-IGRA. Moreover, combination of CFP-10- and PPD-IGRA also detected 96% of children classified as LTBI, but a strong IFN-γ response to CFP-10 (>500 pg/ml) was highly suggestive of aTB at least among children less than 3 years old.Conclusions:Long-incubation time CFP-10- and PPD-IGRA should help the clinicians to identify quickly aTB or LTBI in young children.


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The Ets transcription factors of the PEA3 group - E1AF/PEA3, ETV1/ER81 and ERM - are almost identical in the ETS DNA-binding and the transcriptional acidic domains. To accelerate our understanding of the molecular basis of putative diseases linked to ETV1 such as Ewing's sarcoma we characterized the human ETV1 and the mouse ER81 genes. We showed that these genes are both encoded by 13 exons in more than 90 kbp genomic DNA, and that the classical acceptor and donor splicing sites are present in each junction except for the 5' donor site of intron 9 where GT is replaced by TT. The genomic organization of the ETS and acidic domains in the human ETV1 and mouse ER81 (localized to chromosome 12) genes is similar to that observed in human ERM and human E1AF/PEA3 genes. Moreover, as in human ERM and human E1AF/PEA3 genes, a first untranslated exon is upstream from the first methionine, and the mouse ER81 gene transcription is regulated by a 1.8 kbp of genomic DNA upstream from this exon. In human, the alternative splicing of the ETV1 gene leads to the presence (ETV1α) or the absence (ETV1β) of exon 5 encoding the C-terminal part of the transcriptional acidic domain, but without affecting the alpha helix previously described as crucial for transactivation. We demonstrated here that the truncated isoform (human ETV1β) and the full-length isoform (human ETV1α) bind similarly specific DNA Ets binding sites. Moreover, they both activate transcription similarly through the PKA-transduction pathway, so suggesting that this alternative splicing is not crucial for the function of this protein as a transcription factor. The comparison of human ETV1α and human ETV1β expression in the same tissues, such as the adrenal gland or the bladder, showed no clear-cut differences. Altogether, these data open a new avenue of investigation leading to a better understanding of the functional role of this transcription factor.


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E2F6 is widely expressed in human tissues and cell lines. Recent studies have demonstrated its involvement in developmental patterning and in the regulation of various genes implicated in chromatin remodelling. Despite a growing number of studies, nothing is really known concerning the E2F6 expression regulation. To understand how cells control E2F6 expression, we analysed the activity of the previously cloned promoter region of the human E2F6 gene. DNase I footprinting, gel electrophoretic-mobility shift, transient transfection and site-directed mutagenesis experiments allowed the identification of two functional NRF-1/α-PAL (nuclear respiratory factor-1/α-palindrome-binding protein)-binding sites within the human E2F6 core promoter region, which are conserved in the mouse and rat E2F6 promoter region. Moreover, ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation) analysis demonstrated that overexpressed NRF-1/α-PAL is associated in vivo with the E2F6 promoter. Furthermore, overexpression of full-length NRF-1/α-PAL enhanced E2F6 promoter activity, whereas expression of its dominant-negative form reduced the promoter activity. Our results indicate that NRF-1/α-PAL is implicated in the regulation of basal E2F6 gene expression.


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The final step of the transduction pathway is the activation of gene transcription, which is driven by kinase cascades leading to changes in the activity of many transcription factors. Among these latter, PEA3/E1AF, ER81/ETV1, and ERM, members of the well conserved PEA3 group from the Ets family are involved in these processes. We show here that protein kinase A (PKA) increases the transcriptional activity of human ERM and human ETV1, through a Ser residue situated at the edge of the ETS DNA-binding domain. PKA phosphorylation does not directly affect the ERM transactivation domains but does affect DNA binding activity. Unphosphorylated wild-type ERM bound DNA avidly, whereas after PKA phosphorylation it did so very weakly. Interestingly, S367A mutation significantly reduced the ERM-mediated transcription in the presence of the kinase, and the DNA binding of this mutant, although similar to that of unphosphorylated wild-type protein, was insensitive to PKA treatment. Mutations, which may mimic a phosphorylated serine, converted ERM from an efficient DNA-binding protein to a poor DNA binding one, with inefficiency of PKA phosphorylation. The present data clearly demonstrate a close correlation between the capacity of PKA to increase the transactivation of ERM and the drastic down-regulation of the binding of the ETS domain to the targeted DNA. What we thus demonstrate here is a relatively rare transcription activation mechanism through a decrease in DNA binding, probably by the shift of a non-active form of an Ets protein to a PKA-phosphorylated active one, which should be in a conformation permitting a transactivation domain to be active.


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There has been a significant body of literature on species flock definition but not so much about practical means to appraise them. We here apply the five criteria of Eastman and McCune for detecting species flocks in four taxonomic components of the benthic fauna of the Antarctic shelf: teleost fishes, crinoids (feather stars), echinoids (sea urchins) and crustacean arthropods. Practical limitations led us to prioritize the three historical criteria (endemicity, monophyly, species richness) over the two ecological ones (ecological diversity and habitat dominance). We propose a new protocol which includes an iterative fine-tuning of the monophyly and endemicity criteria in order to discover unsuspected flocks. As a result nine « full » species flocks (fulfilling the five criteria) are briefly described. Eight other flocks fit the three historical criteria but need to be further investigated from the ecological point of view (here called « core flocks »). The approach also shows that some candidate taxonomic components are no species flocks at all. The present study contradicts the paradigm that marine species flocks are rare. The hypothesis according to which the Antarctic shelf acts as a species flocks generator is supported, and the approach indicates paths for further ecological studies and may serve as a starting point to investigate the processes leading to flock-like patterning of biodiversity. © 2013 Lecointre et al.


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E-cadherin is involved in the formation of cell-junctions and the maintenance of epithelial integrity. Direct evidence of E-cadherin mutations triggering tumorigenesis has come from the finding of inactivating germline mutations of the gene (CDH1) in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). We screened a series of 66 young gastric cancer probands for germline CDH1 mutations, and two novel missense alterations together with an intronic variant were identified. We then analysed the functional significance of the exonic missense variants found here as well as a third germline missense variant that we previously identified in a HGDC family. cDNAs encoding either the wild-type protein or mutant forms of E-cadherin were stably transfected into CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) E-cadherin-negative cells. Transfected cell-lines were characterized in terms of aggregation, motility and invasion. We show that a proportion of apparently sporadic early-onset diffuse gastric carcinomas are associated with germline alterations of the E-cadherin gene. We also demonstrate that a proportion of missense variants are associated with significant functional consequences, suggesting that our cell model can be used as an adjunct in deciding on the potential pathogenic role of identified E-cadherin germline alterations.


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E2F6 protein belongs to the family of the E2F transcription factors. Here, we showed that the human E2F6 gene contains nine exons distributed along 20.4kbp of genomic DNA on chromosome 2 leading to the transcription of six alternatively spliced E2F6 mRNAs that encode four different E2F6 proteins. Moreover, we identified an E2F6 pseudogene localized on chromosome 22 completely spliced and devoid of exons 2, 3, and 4, and part of exons 1 and 5. Definition of the transcriptional initiation site and sequence analysis show that the gene contains a TATA less, CAAT less, GC-rich promoter with multiple transcription start sites. Regulatory elements necessary for basal transcription reside within a 134bp fragment as determined by transient transfection experiments. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The PEA3 group is composed of three highly conserved Ets transcription factors: Erm, Er81, and Pea3. These proteins regulate transcription of multiple genes, and their transactivating potential is affected by post-translational modifications. Among their target genes are several matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), which are enzymes degrading the extracellular matrix during normal remodelling events and cancer metastasis. In fact, PEA3-group genes are often over-expressed in different types of cancers that also over-express these MMPs and display a disseminating phenotype. Experimental regulation of the synthesis of PEA3 group members influences the metastatic process. This suggests that these factors play a key role in metastasis. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ERM is a member of the ETS transcription factor family. High levels of the corresponding mRNA are detected in a variety of human breast cancer cell lines, as well as in aggressive human breast tumors. As ERM protein is almost undetectable in these cells, high degradation of this transcription factor has been postulated. Here we have investigated whether ERM degradation might depend on the proteasome pathway. We show that endogenous and ectopically expressed ERM protein is short-lived protein and undergoes proteasome-dependent degradation. Deletion mutagenesis studies indicate that the 61 C-terminal amino acids of ERM are critical for its proteolysis and serve as a degradation signal. Although ERM conjugates with ubiquitin, this post-translational modification does not depend on the C-terminal domain. We have used an Ets-responsive ICAM-1 reporter plasmid to show that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway can affect transcriptional function of ERM. Thus, ERM is subject to degradation via the 26S proteasome pathway, and this pathway probably plays an important role in regulating ERM transcriptional activity. © 2007 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.


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SCOPUS: ar.j


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Background: Tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS) remains a poorly understood complication in HIV-TB co-infected patients initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART). The role of the innate immune system in TB-IRIS is becoming increasingly apparent, however the potential involvement in TB-IRIS of a leaky gut and proteins that interfere with TLR stimulation by binding PAMPs has not been investigated before. Here we aimed to investigate the innate nature of the cytokine response in TB-IRIS and to identify novel potential biomarkers. Methods: From a large prospective cohort of HIV-TB co-infected patients receiving TB treatment, we compared 40 patients who developed TB-IRIS during the first month of ART with 40 patients matched for age, sex and baseline CD4 count who did not. We analyzed plasma levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP), LPS, sCD14, endotoxin-core antibody, intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) and 18 pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines before and during ART. Results: We observed lower baseline levels of IL-6 (p = 0.041), GCSF (p = 0.036) and LBP (p = 0.016) in TB-IRIS patients. At IRIS event, we detected higher levels of LBP, IL-1RA, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, G-CSF (p ≤ 0.032) and lower I-FABP levels (p = 0.013) compared to HIV-TB co-infected controls. Only IL-6 showed an independent effect in multivariate models containing significant cytokines from pre-ART (p = 0.039) and during TB-IRIS (p = 0.034). Conclusion: We report pre-ART IL-6 and LBP levels as well as IL-6, LBP and I-FABP levels during IRIS-event as potential biomarkers in TB-IRIS. Our results show no evidence of the possible contribution of a leaky gut to TB-IRIS and indicate that IL-6 holds a distinct role in the disturbed innate cytokine profile before and during TB-IRIS. Future clinical studies should investigate the importance and clinical relevance of these markers for the diagnosis and treatment of TB-IRIS. Copyright: © 2013 Goovaerts et al.


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The search for novel vaccines against tuberculosis (TB) would benefit from in-depths knowledge of the human immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. Here, we characterised in a low TB incidence country, the immune responses to a new candidate vaccine antigen against TB, the heparin-binding haemagglutinin (HBHA), in young children in contact with an active TB case (aTB). Children with no history of BCG vaccination were compared to those vaccinated at birth to compare the initial immune responses to HBHA with secondary immune responses. Fifty-eight children with aTB and 76 with latent TB infection (LTBI) were included and they were compared to 90 non-infected children. Whereas Mtb-infected children globally secreted more interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in response to HBHA compared to the non-infected children, these IFN-γ concentrations were higher in previously BCG-vaccinated compared to non-vaccinated children. The IFN-γ concentrations were similar in LTBI and aTB children, but appeared to differ qualitatively. Whereas the IFN-γ secretion induced by native methylated and recombinant non-methylated HBHA were well correlated for aTB, this was not the case for LTBI children. Thus, Mtb-infected young children develop IFN-γ responses to HBHA that are enhanced by prior BCG vaccination, indicating BCG-induced priming, thereby supporting a prime-boost strategy for HBHA-based vaccines. The qualitative differences between aTB and LTBI in their HBHA-induced IFN-γ responses may perhaps be exploited for diagnostic purposes.


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The PEA3 group members PEA3, ER81 and ERM, which are highly conserved transcription factors from the Ets family, are over-expressed in metastatic mammary tumors. In the current study, we present the characterization of a transgenic mouse strain which over-expresses ER81 in the mammary gland via the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus (LTR-MMTV). Although six genotypically positive transgenic lines were identified, only one expressed the ectopic transcript with an exclusive expression in the lactating and late-pregnancy (18th day) mammary glands. No mammary tumor or mammary deregulation appeared after 2 years of ectopic ER81 expression following lactation. We then sought to identify ER81 target genes, and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and the stromelysin-1, two enzymes involved in extracellular matrix degradation, were found to be transcriptionally upregulated in lactating mammary glands over-expressing ER81. Since these enzymes are involved in metastasis, this murine model could be further used to enhance mammary cancer metastatic process by crossing these animals with mice carrying non-metastatic mammary tumors. We thus created a transgenic mouse model permitting the over-expression of a functionally active Ets transcription factor in the mammary gland without perturbing its development.


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