979 resultados para Bat trapping


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1 Activation of human platelets by thrombin is mediated by the proteolytic cleavage of two G-protein coupled protease-activated receptors, PAR-1 and PAR-4. However, thrombin also binds specifically to the platelet surface glycoprotein GPIb. It has been claimed that thrombin can induce aggregation of platelets via a novel GPIb-mediated pathway, which is independent of PAR activation and fibrinogen binding to alpha(IIb)beta(3) integrin, but dependent upon polymerizing fibrin and the generation of intracellular signals.


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Experiments are reported which show that currents of low energy ("cold") electrons pass unattenuated through crystalline ice at 135 K for energies between zero and 650 meV, up to the maximum studied film thickness of 430 bilayers, indicating negligible apparent trapping. By contrast, both porous amorphous ice and compact crystalline ice at 40 K show efficient electron trapping. Ice at intermediate temperatures reveals metastable trapping that decays within a few hundred seconds at 110 K. Our results are the first to demonstrate full transmission of cold electrons in high temperature water ice and the phenomenon of temperature-dependent trapping.


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Recent evidence suggests that bats can detect the geomagnetic field, but the way in which this is used by them for navigation to a home roost remains unresolved. The geomagnetic field may be used by animals both to indicate direction and to locate position. In birds, directional information appears to be derived from an interaction of the magnetic field with either the sun or the stars, with some evidence suggesting that sunset/sunrise provides the primary directional reference by which a magnetic compass is calibrated daily. We demonstrate that homing greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) calibrate a magnetic compass with sunset cues by testing their homing response after exposure to an altered magnetic field at and after sunset. Magnetic manipulation at sunset resulted in a counterclockwise shift in orientation compared with controls, consistent with sunset calibration of the magnetic field, whereas magnetic manipulation after sunset resulted in no change in orientation. Unlike in birds, however, the pattern of polarization was not necessary for the calibration. For animals that occupy ecological niches where the sunset is rarely observed, this is a surprising finding. Yet it may indicate the primacy of the sun as an absolute geographical reference not only for birds but also within other vertebrate taxa.


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Much is known about the way bats adjust their echolocation behaviour in response to environmental structure or to locate insect prey. By contrast, little is known about how echolocation calls are modulated in response to familiarity of the environment and objects within it. Here we show that the echolocating Megachiropteran bat Rousettus aegyptiacus produces echolocation signals at the same rate whether an obstacle is predictable or unpredictable in location, but that it has a reduced rate of echolocation signal production in a familiar environment with no obstacle present. This suggests that signal production is reduced in a familiar environment absent of 'clutter' but that probing the environment for maximum information is more important for this species than minimizing any cost of probing the environment in a cluttered space.


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The megachiropteran fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus is able to orient and navigate using both vision and echolocation. These two sensory systems have different environmental constraints however, echolocation being relatively short range when compared with vision. Despite this difference, an experiment testing their memory of a perch location demonstrates that once the location of a perch is learned R. aegyptiacus is not influenced by the movement of local landmark cues in the vicinity of the perch under either light or dark conditions. Thus despite the differing constraints of vision and echolocation, this suggests a place is remembered as a location in space and not by associations with landmarks in the vicinity. A decrease in initial performance when the task was repeated in the dark suggested the possibility that a memory of a location learned using vision does not generalize to echolocation.


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Rousettus aegyptiacus Geoffroy 1810 is a member of the only genus of Megachiropteran bats to use vocal echolocation, but the structure of its brief, click-like signal is poorly described. Although thought to have a simple echolocation system compared to that of Microchiroptera, R. aegyptiacus is capable of good obstacle avoidance using its impulse sonar. The energy content of the signal was at least an order of magnitude smaller than in Microchiropteran bats and dolphins (approximately 4 X 10(-8) J m(-2)). Measurement of the duration, amplitude and peak frequency demonstrate that the signals of this animal are broadly similar in structure and duration to those of dolphins. Gabor functions were used to model signals and to estimate signal parameters, and the quality of the Gabor function fit to the early part of the signal demonstrates that the echolocation signals of R. aegyptiacus match the minimum spectral spread for their duration and amplitude and are thus well matched to its best hearing sensitivity. However, the low energy content of the signals and short duration should make returning echoes difficult to detect. The performance of R. aegyptincus in obstacle avoidance experiments using echolocation therefore remains something of a conundrum.


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Levels of genetic relatedness within bat colonies are often unknown, and consequently the reasons for group formation and social organization are unclear. The Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri), like most temperate bat species, forms nursery colonies in summer. We used microsatellite markers to examine identity and to attempt to estimate relatedness among females within a nursery colony, over 2 consecutive years, to ascertain whether females show kinship and natal philopatry, testing the hypothesis that this is the basis of colony formation. Parentage and relatedness of young born within a colony was assessed to investigate mating patterns via male reproductive skew and whether males achieve mating success within their natal colony. While there was evidence for female philopatry, levels of genetic relatedness within colonies were low. This suggests that kinship is not a major determinant in group formation, as roosts also comprise a large number of distant relatives or non-kin. Roost switching and gene flow are likely to be high. Both sexes reproduced in their first year, whereas males appear to be the more dispersive sex. We argue that the physical environment as well as information sharing provided by communal roosting are likely to be important factors for the formation of these large natal colonies in N. leisleri and possibly other lineages of bats. © 2012 The Author.


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We demonstrate a combined magneto-optical trap and imaging system that is suitable for the investigation of cold atoms near surfaces. In particular, we are able to trap atoms close to optically scattering surfaces and to image them with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. We also demonstrate a simple magneto-optical atom cloud launching method. We anticipate that this system will be useful for a range of experimental studies of novel atom-surface interactions and atom trap miniaturization.


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The decision on when to emerge from the safety of a roost and forage for prey is thought to be a result of the trade off between peak insect abundance and predation pressure for bats. In this study we show that the velvety free-tailed bat Molossus molossus emerges just after sunset and just before sunrise for very short foraging bouts (average 82.2 min foraging per night). Contrary to previous studies, bats remain inactive in their roost between activity patterns. Activity was measured over two complete lunar cycles and there was no indication that phase of the moon had an influence on emergence time or the numbers of bats that emerged from the roost. This data suggests that M. molossus represents an example of an aerial hawking bat whose foraging behaviour is in fact adapted to the compromise between the need to exploit highest prey availability and the need to avoid predation.


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Quantification and speciation of volatile selenium (Se) fluxes in remote areas has not been feasible previously, due to the absence of a simple and easily transportable trapping technique that preserves speciation. This paper presents a chemo-trapping method with nitric acid (HNO3) for volatile Se species, which preserves speciation of trapped compounds. The recovery and speciation of dimethylselenide (DMSe) and dimethyl diselenide (DMDSe) entrained through both concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were compared by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-HG-AFS analyses. It was demonstrated that trap reproducibility was better for nitric acid and a recovery of 65.2 +/- 1.9% for DMSe and 81.3 +/- 3.9% for DMDSe was found in nitric acid traps. HPLC-ES-MS identified dimethyl selenoxide (DMSeO) as the trapped product of DMSe. Methylseleninic acid (MSA) was identified to be the single product of DMDSe trapping. These oxidized derivatives have a high stability and low volatility, which makes nitric acid a highly attractive trapping liquid for volatile Se species and enables reconstruction of the speciation of those species. The presented trapping method is simple, quantifiable, reproducible, and robust and can potentially be applied to qualitatively and quantitatively study Se volatilization in a wide range of natural environments.


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Arsenic volatilization in the environment is thought to be an important pathway for transfer from terrestrial pools to the atmosphere. However, this phenomenon is not well characterized due to inherent sampling issues in trapping, quantifying and qualifying these arsine gases; including arsine (AsH(3)), monomethyl arsine (MeAsH(2)), dimethyl arsine (Me(2)AsH) and trimethyl arsine (TMAs). To quantify and qualify arsines in air we developed a novel technique based on silver nitrate impregnated silica gel filled tubes. The method was characterized by measuring the recovery of trapped arsines after elution of this chemo-trap with hot boiling diluted nitric acid. Results from three separate experiments, measured by ICP-MS, showed that the method is reproducible and quantitative. Arsine species recovery ranged from 80.1 to 95.6%, with limit of detection as low as 3.8 ng per chemo-trap tube. Moreover, HPLC-ICP-MS analysis of hot boiling water eluted traps showed that the corresponding oxy ions of the arsines were formed with the As-C bonds of the molecule intact, hence, allowing qualification of trapped arsine species. A microcosm study examining volatile arsenic evolution from field contaminated Bangladeshi paddy soils (24.2 mg/kg arsenic) was used to show the application of silver nitrate chemo-trapping approach. Traps were placed on the inlet and the outlet of microcosms containing the soils that were either (cattle derived) manured or not, or flooded or not, in a factorial design. The headspace was purged with air at a flow rate of 12 mL/min. Results showed that as much as 320 ng of arsenic (0.014% of total soil content) could be emitted in a 3 week period for manured and flooded soils and that TMAs was the dominant species evolved, with lesser quantities of Me(2)AsH. No volatile arsenic evolution was observed for nonmanured treatments, and arsine release from the nonflooded, manured treatment was much less than the flooded treatment.


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A comparison of the clinicopathology of European bat lyssavirus (EBLV) types-1 and -2 and of rabies virus was undertaken. Following inoculation of mice at a peripheral site with these viruses, clinical signs of rabies and distribution of virus antigen in the mouse brain were examined. The appearance of clinical signs of disease varied both within and across the different virus species, with variation in incubation periods and weight loss throughout disease progression. The distribution of viral antigen throughout the regions of the brain examined was similar for each of the isolates during the different stages of disease progression, suggesting that antigen distribution was not associated with clinical presentation. However, specific regions of the brain including the cerebellum, caudal medulla, hypothalamus and thalamus, showed notable differences in the proportion of virus antigen positive cells present in comparison to other brain regions suggesting that these areas are important in disease development irrespective of virus species.