929 resultados para Articular cartilage Wounds and injuries


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INTRODUCTION: We sought to study the operational and medical aspects of helicopter rescue missions involving the use of a winch.¦SETTING: A single helicopter-based medical service of a pre-alpine region of Switzerland.¦METHODS: We prospectively studied consecutive primary rescue interventions involving winching of a physician, from October 1, 1998 to October 1, 2002. Demographic, medical and operational aspects as well as outcome at 48 hours were analyzed.¦RESULTS: We included 133 patients. Most (74%) were male, with traumatic injuries (77%). The median scene time of the nine severely injured patients (Injury Severity Scale [ISS] > 15) was significantly longer compared with the other patients (54 vs 37 minutes; P < .05). The main medical procedures performed were orotracheal intubation (n = 5), fracture reductions (n = 5), major analgesia with sedation (n = 4), and intravenous fluid administration of more than 1,500 mL (n = 4). Fourteen (10%) patients suffering from minor injuries were triaged by the physician and not airlifted to the hospital. All 133 patients were alive at 48 hours. Sixty-nine (52%) were still hospitalized. No secondary interhospital transfer was required.¦CONCLUSION: Our study provides a better knowledge of injury profile, medical aspects, and outcomes of patients rescued necessitating a winching procedure.


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Wound care made great progress during last years related to several factors. The first is an awakening of the importance of wounds. The progress made in the comprehension of the physiopathology of wounds led to innovations in all stages of this complex process which is the wound healing. Autologus platelet concentrate producing growth factors are in use to stimulate the first phase of the healing. The second phase which is the phase of proliferation and secretion is currently better managed with new categories of bandages which are true local treatments. The nutrition became one of the pillars of wound treatments especially among old patients. The reconstructive surgery took great steps since the physiology and the vascular anatomy of the skin and soft tissues are better known. Finally the bio-engineering has entered the treatment of the wound there is more than 20 years ago and methods have improved and become more reliable


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El retorno a la vida cotidiana para una persona con lesión medular después del periodo de rehabilitación en régimen hospitalario, es un proceso difícil no exento de dificultades y nuevos retos personales. En este trabajo nos planteamos identificar aquellos factores más relevantes que contribuyen a mejorar su calidad de vida, desde la perspectiva de las propias personas afectadas. Hemos realizado dos grupos de discusión: uno formado por 12 personas con paraplejia y otro formado por 6 personas con tetraplejia. El análisis de contenido realizado indica que, para los participantes existen dos dimensiones relacionadas con su percepción de calidad de vida una vez salen del centro de rehabilitación: a) necesidad de atención al entorno más próximo y b) preparación para el mundo real. Concluimos señalando la importancia de realizar programas de rehabilitación integral, que incluyan, rehabilitación física, aprendizaje de habilidades que posibiliten el máximo de independencia y autonomía personal y trabajo de apoyo a la familia


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La progesiva importancia de la atención de las heridas crónicas y los continuos avances en el conocimiento del proceso de cicatrización han facilitado el desarrollo de nuevos productos con capacidad de incrementar la velocidad de la cicatrización de las heridas. La investigación de nuevos materiales biocompatibles, las técnicas de cura en ambiente húmedo, o el desarrollo de productos basados en la ingeniería de tejidos, son los ejemplos más recientes [...].


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A menudo es el podólogo quien debe enfrentarse a lesiones que se cronifican y que, en ocasiones, se asocian a afecciones de origen metabólico como la diabetes mellitus; desempeñando un importante papel para prevenir algunas de sus complicaciones. A pesar de ello, una vez que la lesión aparece, conseguir su cicatrización supone un reto complicado. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es aportar una perspectiva de abordaje local basado en la adecuada valoración y preparación de las características del lecho de la herida puesto que, independientemente del origen y etiología, su aspecto y características son de gran utilidad para la planificación de la estrategia terapéutica a seguir. A este respecto, el ¿concepto TIME¿ posibilita la correcta preparación del lecho de la herida mediante el empleo de productos de cura en ambiente húmedo que contribuyen a eliminar las barreras que dificultan el proceso natural de cicatrización.


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A menudo es el podólogo quien debe enfrentarse a lesiones que se cronifican y que, en ocasiones, se asocian a afecciones de origen metabólico como la diabetes mellitus; desempeñando un importante papel para prevenir algunas de sus complicaciones. A pesar de ello, una vez que la lesión aparece, conseguir su cicatrización supone un reto complicado. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es aportar una perspectiva de abordaje local basado en la adecuada valoración y preparación de las características del lecho de la herida puesto que, independientemente del origen y etiología, su aspecto y características son de gran utilidad para la planificación de la estrategia terapéutica a seguir. A este respecto, el"concepto TIME" posibilita la correcta preparación del lecho de la herida mediante el empleo de productos de cura en ambiente húmedo que contribuyen a eliminar las barreras que dificultan el proceso natural de cicatrización.


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In the last fifty years evolution of scientific knowledge on the spleen provoked an entirely new approach to splenic surgery. It was shown that virulence may emerge as a significant consequence of environmental and evolutionary changes of some microbial communities, and devastating pathogenetic results of these changes become visible in human hosts without the splenic function. In other words: the spleen plays a pivotal role in the dynamic balance between biodiversity, microorganisms and immunogenecity in human hosts. Therefore, to preserve the "splenic immunologic repertoire" became an increasing commitment among surgeons. Understanding the integration of these multiple information on spleen, seems central to understand the new splenic surgery. Partial splenectomies (Réglées) - based on anatomical, experimental and clinical studies, developed at the University of Minas Gerais since the fifties - were successfully applied initially to treat the traumatic injuries of the spleen; in a following step, partial splenectomy were used to control hematological diseases. "Réglées" techniques on the spleen have conquered "ethical support, consilience status and clinical governance" to give birth to surgical therapeutic decisions on the spleen, in order to spare the structural integrity of the immune system. Splenic réglées procedures became a seminal achievement of splenic surgical practice. Initial results of "Partial splenectomies" - with conventional surgical armamentaria and techniques - were confirmed and improved by the introduction of techniques based on laparoscopic and endovascular approaches. And current usage of surgical splenic saving procedures propitiated the emergence of an appropriate lexicon for medical communication and became an "end point" of a "long-standing surgical inhibition" over the spleen.


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Juxtahepatic veins, retrohepatic vena cava or major hepatic veins injuries carry a very high mortality rate regardless the technique used for its repair. Isolated survivor reports have for the most part been managed by vascular isolation techniques, usually with atriocaval shunt. We report one case with a unique management technique in a patient who sustained gunshot wound to the retrohepatic vena cava. Hemorrhage control had been obtained by intrahepatic balloon tamponade after others maneuvers have failed. The balloon was left in situ for two days as damaged control laparotomy principles and planned reoperation has been chosen.


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Damage control surgery is one of the major advances in surgical practice in the last 20 years. The indications for damage control surgery are: the need to terminate a laparotomy rapidly in an exsanguinating, hypothermic patient who had developed a coagulopathy and who is about to die on the operating table; inability to control bleeding by direct hemostasis; and inability to close the abdomen without tension because of massive visceral edema and a tense abdominal wall. Damage control surgery has three phases: 1) laparotomy to control hemorrhage by packing, shunting, or balloon tamponade, or both; control of intestinal spillage by resection or ligation of damaged bowel, or both; 2) physiological resuscitation to correct hypothermia, metabolic acidosis, and coagulopathy. 3) planned reoperation for definitive repair. Damage control surgery is appropriate in a small number of critically ill patients who are likely to require substantial hospital resources. However, there are many questions that need to be answered. Who is the patient elected for this surgery? When is the ideal time to make the decision? Which are the parameters that indicate to the surgeons the moment to re-operate the patient? How to treat the long-term complications? In the present review we described some historical aspects, indications, technical aspects, advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, as well as its physiological consequences and morbidity and mortality rates of damage control surgery. Damage control surgery offers a simple effective alternative to the traditional surgical management of complex or multiple injuries in critically injured patients.


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Skin wound care can be managed by different ways. Technological advances give us the chance to use a variety of products to meet the desired wound results, however wound care with large skin lesions takes time, patience and understanding to reach the right treatment. This text highlights current clinical practice to offer comprehensive wound management strategies.


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In less than twenty years, what began as a concept for the treatment of exsanguinating truncal trauma patients has become the primary treatment model for numerous emergent, life threatening surgical conditions incapable of tolerating traditional methods. Its core concepts are relative straightforward and simple in nature: first, proper identification of the patient who is in need of following this paradigm; second, truncation of the initial surgical procedure to the minimal necessary operation; third, aggressive, focused resuscitation in the intensive care unit; fourth, definitive care only once the patient is optimized to tolerate the procedure. These simple underlying principles can be molded to a variety of emergencies, from its original application in combined major vascular and visceral trauma to the septic abdomen and orthopedics. A host of new resuscitation strategies and technologies have been developed over the past two decades, from permissive hypotension and damage control resuscitation to advanced ventilators and hemostatic agents, which have allowed for a more focused resuscitation, allowing some of the morbidity of this model to be reduced. The combination of the simple, malleable paradigm along with better understanding of resuscitation has proven to be a potent blend. As such, what was once an almost lethal injury (combined vascular and visceral injury) has become a survivable one.


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We report a case of a secondary projectile emanated from a fractured human bone from a victim of a bomb explosion. We also refer to the potential of transmition of blood-borne or body fluid pathogens by this mechanism of injury.


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We reported a case of a twenty-nine-year-old male who presented a penile fracture associated with urethral injury caused by a sexual intercourse. An ideal anamnesis and a special physical examination were determinant to correct diagnostics. Ultrasonography and uretrocistography must be performed for confirmation. The treatment is based on the presence of associated urethral injury. The surgical repair of cavernous body and urethra can produce good results, with a favorable prognosis and minimal rate of complications.