643 resultados para Arès


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Significance: The bi-domain protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) exemplify functional evolution in signaling proteins for optimal spatiotemporal signal transduction. Bi-domain PTPs are products of gene duplication. The catalytic activity, however, is often localized to one PTP domain. The inactive PTP domain adopts multiple functional roles. These include modulation of catalytic activity, substrate specificity, and stability of the bi-domain enzyme. In some cases, the inactive PTP domain is a receptor for redox stimuli. Since multiple bi-domain PTPs are concurrently active in related cellular pathways, a stringent regulatory mechanism and selective cross-talk is essential to ensure fidelity in signal transduction. Recent Advances: The inactive PTP domain is an activator for the catalytic PTP domain in some cases, whereas it reduces catalytic activity in other bi-domain PTPs. The relative orientation of the two domains provides a conformational rationale for this regulatory mechanism. Recent structural and biochemical data reveal that these PTP domains participate in substrate recruitment. The inactive PTP domain has also been demonstrated to undergo substantial conformational rearrangement and oligomerization under oxidative stress. Critical Issues and Future Directions: The role of the inactive PTP domain in coupling environmental stimuli with catalytic activity needs to be further examined. Another aspect that merits attention is the role of this domain in substrate recruitment. These aspects have been poorly characterized in vivo. These lacunae currently restrict our understanding of neo-functionalization of the inactive PTP domain in the bi-domain enzyme. It appears likely that more data from these research themes could form the basis for understanding the fidelity in intracellular signal transduction.


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Acidic region streaking (ARS) is one of the lacunae in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of bacterial proteome. This streaking is primarily caused by nucleic acid (NuA) contamination and poses major problem in the downstream processes like image analysis and protein identification. Although cleanup and nuclease digestion are practiced as remedial options, these strategies may incur loss in protein recovery and perform incomplete removal of NuA. As a result, ARS has remained a common observation across publications, including the recent ones. In this work, we demonstrate how ultrasound wave can be used to shear NuA in plain ice-cooled water, facilitating the elimination of ARS in the 2DE gels without the need for any additional sample cleanup tasks. In combination with a suitable buffer recipe, IEF program and frequent paper-wick changing approach, we are able to reproducibly demonstrate the production of clean 2DE gels with improved protein recovery and negligible or no ARS. We illustrate our procedure using whole cell protein extracts from two diverse organisms, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Our designed protocols are straightforward and expected to provide good 2DE gels without ARS, with comparable times and significantly lower cost.


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Contenido: Editorial – Jorge Joaquín Llambías : 18-VIII-1981 / Jorge A. Mazzinghi – El orden civil / Tomás D. Casares – La prudencia jurídica : sobre el conocimiento de lo justo concreto / Carlos Ignacio Massini –El derecho a la vida y sus impicancias respecto de la pena de muerte y el aborto a la luz del derecho natural / Silvio Pablo Pestalardo – Pluralismo y sociedad / Fulvio Ramos – Una definición romana del derecho : ars boni et aequi / Edmundo J. Carbone – Hacia la reforma de la ley de adopción / Jorge A. Mazzinghi – La prodigalidad en la Suma Teológica y en la reforma del Código Civil Argentino / Javier Reigada – Escolios – Documentos – Notas bibliográficas


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Resumen: Este trabajo se ocupa de la relación entre la aristocracia de Castilla y los santos, como protectores en vida y, sobre todo, en el momento de la muerte. A partir de las cláusulas testamentarios y de las recomendaciones recogidas en los tratados del género Ars moriendi, señala las diferencias entre los vínculos que mantienen con el mundo celestial las élites de poder y el resto de la sociedad. Analiza, igualmente, los criterios para la elección de determinados santos como intercesores. Estos se basan en la primacía otorgada al entorno de Cristo, en la petición de auxilio a los bienaventurados que ayudan a los que van a dejar este mundo a conseguir la salvación del alma, y también a los defensores del grupo caballeresco y los titulares de iglesias y monasterios vinculados al señor.


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Abstract: Although he is the most prolific writer of the Greek Anthology, Palladas’ life is almost unknown. But, in spite of the limited biographical data, his work has fortunately been preserved in the GA. Because of his literary creation, the old times rewarded him with the nickname Μετέωρος, high, since the literary merits of a hundred poems of his authorship was recognized (others are discussed by critics). A dozen of them contains invaluable information about the political, religious and social situation in Alexandria immediately after the victory of the bishop Theophilus, Cyril’s predecessor and uncle, during the conflict between Christians and Gentiles, each sector backed up by an Alexandrian population segment (cfr. 9.528, 10.82, 10.85) . Resigned at times, constantly demanding, Palladas complains about the decline of the belief professed by him due to the increasing penetration of the new faith. Therefore, four epigrams record the conversion of the temple of Tyche into a tavern (9.180-183) and 10.90 seems to attack the doctrine of the Resurrection. When religion and politics go hand-in-hand, when religious conspiracies link up with palace intrigues, consequences are predictable: a man called Doroteo denounced him for his negative response to the new dogma, which caused him the loss of his teacher paid work. His annoyance was even greater with further sufferings, chiefly economic, and he had to sell his books (9.171 and 9.175) among other desperate decisions Forewarned about his radical bitterness against Church, it is just to make clear that he is not fully acquiescent with ancient gods and heroes. Thus, in 5.257 he questions Zeus’ ars amandi, in 9.377 refutes Tantalus’ possibility of thirst and hunger in Hades and 9.773 mischievously points out that Eros has been changed into a pan. The work begins with the selection, personal translation and comprehensive analysis of twenty two epigrams. Through such philological aid, we attempt to verify the frictions and the main perceptible factors in his poetic creation to justify his worldview, according to the pagan sentiment widespread in that time before the twilight already overwhelming of its ailing traditions


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Nota del Director. Novedades del 2004 -- Lo objetivo y lo subjetivo de la redención cristiana. Síntesis histórica y perspectiva actual / Leonardo Capelluti -- En torno a la beatificación de Isabel la Católica. Amor a la Iglesia. Pobreza / Melquíades Andrés Martín -- Razón teológica y tutela del embrión humano / Alejandro C. Llorente -- Religión y Ciencia en el pensamiento de Juan Pablo II: importancia y responsabilidad del diálogo para una cultura verdaderamente humana / Jorge Papanicolau -- La Iglesia en Buenos Aires durante la epidemia de fiebre amarilla de 1871 según el Diario de la epidemia Mardoqueo Navarro / Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva -- Ars artium: vigencia de la lógica clásica / Oscar H. Beltrán -- Crónica de la Facultad 2003


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An empirical study is made on the fatigue crack growth rate in ferrite-martensite dual-phase (FMDP) steel. Particular attention is given to the effect of ferrite content in the range of 24.2% to 41.5% where good fatigue resistance was found at 33.8%. Variations in ferrite content did not affect the crack growth rate View the MathML sourcewhen plotted against the effective stress intensity factor range View the MathML source which was assumed to follow a linear relation with the crack tip stress intensity factor range ΔK. A high View the MathML source corresponds to uniformly distributed small size ferrite and martensite. No other appreciable correlation could be ralated to the microstructure morphology of the FMDP steel. The closure stress intensity factor View the MathML source, however, is affected by the ferrite content with View the MathML source reaching a maximum value of 0.7. In general, crack growth followed the interphase between the martensite and ferrite.

Dividing the fatigue crack growth process into Stage I and II where the former would be highly sensitive to changes in ΔK and the latter would increase with ΔK depending on the View the MathML source ratio. The same data when correlated with the strain energy density factor range ΔS showed negligible dependence on mean stress or R ratio for Stage I crack growth. A parameter α involving the ratio of ultimate stress to yield stress, percent reduction of area and R is introduced for Stage II crack growth so that the View the MathML source data for different R would collapse onto a single curve with a narrow scatter band when plotted against αΔS.


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[ES] En la iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel, en Irura, encontramos uno de los retablos más interesantes de finales del Renacimiento en Gipuzkoa. El altar posee relieves y tallas de estilo romanista de gran calidad, junto con una mazonería manierista. La obra fue realizada en las postrimerías del siglo XVI por los artistas Pedro de Goicoechea y Jerónimo de Larrea, miembros del taller de Tolosa, siguiendo las trazas dadas por escultor Juan de Goicoechea.


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Aplica a metodologia de Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS) para caracterizar o financiamento de campanhas nacionais brasileiras a partir das redes constituídas pelos doadores. Os resultados mostram diferenças nas estratégias de arrecadação dos partidos e maior consistência ideológica na formação da rede de doadores partidários, frente aos doadores a candidatos e aos comitês partidários.


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Yeast chromosomes contain sequences called ARSs which function as origins of replication in vitro and in vivo. We have carried out a systematic deletion analysis of ARS1, allowing us to define three functionally distinct domains, designated A, B, and C. Domain A is a sequence of 11 to 19bp, containing the core consensus element that is required for replication. The core consensus sequence, A/TTTTATPuTTTA/T, is conserved at all ARSs sequenced to date. A fragment containing only element A and 8 flanking nucleotides enables autonomous replication of centromeric plasmids. These plasmids replicate very inefficiently, suggesting that flanking sequences must be important for ARS function. Domain B also provides important sequences needed for efficient replication. Deletion of domain B drastically increases the doubling times of transformants and reduces plasmid stability. Domain B contains a potential consensus sequence conserved at some ARSs which overlaps a region of bent DNA. Mutational analysis suggests this bent DNA may be important for ARS function. Deletion of domain C has only a slight effect on replication of plasmids carrying those deletions.

We have identified a protein called ARS binding factor I (ABF-I) that binds to the HMR-E ARS and ARS1. We have purified this protein to homogeneity using conventional and oligonucleotide affinity chromatography. The protein has an apparent molecular weight of 135kDa and is present at about 700 molecules per diploid cell, based on the yield of purified protein and in situ antibody staining. DNaseI footprinting reveals that ABF-I binds sequence-specifically to an approximately 24bp sequence that overlaps element Bat ARSl. This same protein binds to and protects a similar size region at the HMR-E ARS.

We also find evidence for another ARS binding protein, ABF-III, based on DN asei footprint analysis and gel retardation assays. The protein protects approximately 22bp adjacent to the ABF-I site. There appears to be no interaction between ABF-I and ABF-III despite the proximity of their binding sites.

To address the function of ABF-I in DNA replication, we have cloned the ABF-I gene using rabbit polyclonal anti-sera and murine monoclonal antibodies against ABF-I to screen a λgt11 expression library. Four EcoRI restriction fragments were isolated which encoded proteins that were recognized by both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. A gene disruption can now be constructed to determine the in vivo function of ABF-I.


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615 p.


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[ES] El objetivo de este artículo es Mostrar un aspecto particular de la Retórica en la Alta Edad Media, a saber, la vinculación de esta "Ars" con la práctica judicial y los estudios de Derecho. Para ello, hemoss analizado un documento relativamente "raro" en tanto que es casi el único de sus características en la Hispania del siglo IX: una defensa judicial incluída en el «Epistolario» de Álvaro de Córdoba (n.c. 800), uno de los mejores escritores en lengua latina de su época. La elección del citado documento tiene su razón de ser en la oscuridad e incertidumbre que rodean nuestro conocimiento de las fuentes y de los procedimientos jurídicos de dicha época.


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We evaluated the effectiveness of wooden artificial reefs (ARs) as fish habitat. Three types of ARs, made of cedar logs, broadleaf tree logs, and PVC pipes, respectively, were deployed in triplicate at 8-m depth off Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Sea of Japan, in May 2004. Fish assemblages associated with each of the nine ARs were observed by using SCUBA twice a month for four years. Fish assemblages in the adjacent habitat were also monitored for two years before and four years after reef deployment. In the surveyed areas (ca. 10 m2) associated with each of the cedar, broadleaf, and PVC ARs, the average number of fish species was 4.14, 3.49, and 3.00, and the average number of individuals was 40.7, 27.9, and 20.3, respectively. The estimated biomass was also more greater when associated with the cedar ARs than with other ARs. Visual censuses of the habitat adjacent to the ARs revealed that the number of fish species and the density of individuals were not affected by the deployment of the ARs. Our results support the superiority of cedar as an AR material and indicate that deployment of wooden ARs causes no reduction of fish abundance in adjacent natural reefs.


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A noção de rede social e os métodos em análise em redes sociais (ARS) tem atraído considerável interesse e curiosidade para a comunidade científica nestas últimas décadas, assim como a crescente fascinação pública sobre as relações mais complexas da sociedade moderna. A ARS está baseada na importância de relações entre a interação de unidades. Numa análise de rede social a observação dos atributos sociais de um ator pode ser entendida como padrão ou como uma estrutura de relação entre as unidades. Desta forma, quando empregados a uma perspectiva de rede, é possível estudar os padrões de estruturas relacionais diretamente, sem referência a atributos dos indivíduos envolvidos. Na análise convencional de redes sociais a distância geográfica (ou geoespacial) não tem efeito mapeado na rede. Quando utilizada, esta informação normalmente adquire caráter de um atributo complementar associado individualmente a cada ator (ou aglomerados de atores) da própria rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar, numa escala local (de maneira mais granular) como o posicionamento geoespacial dos atores, considerado como elementos da rede, pode desvendar aspectos significativos do comportamento destes que não seriam revelados em análises convencionais. No estudo de caso utilizou-se ainda conceitos de outras disciplinas, como a Matemática e a Física, para verificar a capilaridade do fluxo da informação da rede em três perspectivas distintas: a social, a espacial e a socioespacial. O trabalho descreve o campo emergente de pesquisa em ARS, abordando também questões fundamentais sobre como estas diferentes perspectivas podem trazer resultados mais assertivos para orientar uma tomada de decisão no mercado.