488 resultados para Abu Hamad


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In einer retrospektiven Analyse wurden Daten von 161 pädiatrischen Patienten ausgewertet, denen im Zeitraum von Oktober 1997 bis Dezember 2008 ein Vorhofseptumdefekt vom sekundum Typ in der Kinderkardiologie des Zentrums für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin der Universitätsmedizin Mainz interventionell mittels Amplatzer Septal Occluder erfolgreich verschlossen wurde. In diesem Kollektiv wurden Alter, Shuntvolumen und IAS/Occluder Ratio als mögliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Ausbildung von prae-, peri- und postinterventionell dokumentierten atrialen Arrhythmien untersucht und unter dem Aspekt aufgetretener Arrhythmien auch die Anzahl an Langzeit-EKGs und die Dauer des Follow Up analysiert.rnIm untersuchten Kollektiv war die Anzahl der Kinder mit prae- (2,5%), peri- (2,5%) und postinterventionell (3,7%) Arrhythmien gering.rnIm untersuchten Kollektiv konnte kein Zusammenhang zwischen den dokumentierten Arrhythmien und dem Alter ermittelt werden. Allerdings war die Anzahl an L-EKGs bei den 6 Patienten mit postinterventionellen Arrhythmien in der Tendenz höher als bei den Patienten mit normalem Sinusrhythmus, ein Ergebnis, das sich in der Dauer des Follow Up nicht zeigte.rnAls Hauptergebnis der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigte sich eine Assoziation zwischen dem Shuntvolumen und auch der IAS/Occluder Ratio mit den aufgetretenen prae-, peri- und postinterventionellen Arrhythmien im untersuchten Patientenkollektiv und zwar in der Form, dass ein großer Defekt und eine niedrige IAS/Occluder Ratio die Ausbildung von atrialen Arrhythmien zu begünstigen scheinen. Festzuhalten bleibt, dass selbst bei Kindern mit großen Shuntvolumina Rhythmusstörungen früher auftreten und deshalb auch ein früherer Verschluss indiziert ist. Ebenso ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass bei großen Defekten die atrialen Arrhythmien verschwinden geringer als bei kleinen Defekten. Aus diesem Ergebnis kann zumindest in der Tendenz eine Prädiktorfunktion dieser beiden Parameter für supraventrikuläre Arrhythmien abgeleitet werden.rnOffen bleibt in der vorliegenden Untersuchung die Frage nach der Ursache und Wirkung dieser Faktoren hinsichtlich der Pathogenese der Arrhythmien. Offen bleibt ebenfalls, ob eine Kombination mehrer unterschiedlicher Faktoren für die Pathogenese entscheidend ist. Ein tieferes Verständnis der Pathogenese der prae-, peri- und postinterventionellen Arrhythmien beim ASD II könnte Grundlage für eine bessere Prognose im Hinblick auf ihre Vermeidung bedeuten.


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Bisphosphonates (BPs) are powerful drugs that inhibit bone metabolism. Adverse side effects are rare but potentially severe such as bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). To date, research has primarily focused on the development and progression of BRONJ in cancer patients with bone metastasis, who have received high dosages of BPs intravenously. However, a potential dilemma may arise from a far larger cohort, namely the millions of osteoporosis patients on long-term oral BP therapy.


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A fundamental phenomenon in inflammation is the loss of endothelial barrier function, in which the opening of endothelial cell junctions plays a central role. However, the molecular mechanisms that ultimately open the cell junctions are largely unknown.


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Parasites threaten human and animal health globally. It is estimated that more than 60% of people on planet Earth carry at least one parasite, many of them several different species. Unfortunately, parasite studies suffer from duplications and inconsistencies between different investigator groups. Hence, groups need to collaborate in an integrated manner in areas including parasite control, improved therapy strategies, diagnostic and surveillance tools, and public awareness. Parasite studies will be better served if there is coordinated management of field data and samples across multidisciplinary approach plans, among academic and non-academic organizations worldwide. In this paper we report the first 'Living organism-World Molecular Network', with the cooperation of 167 parasitologists from 88 countries on all continents. This integrative approach, the 'Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network', seeks to harmonize Sarcoptes epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and molecular studies from all over the world, with the aim of decreasing mite infestations in humans and animals.


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Complete resection of contrast-enhancing tumor has been recognized as an important prognostic factor in patients with glioblastoma and is a primary goal of surgery. Various intraoperative technologies have recently been introduced to improve glioma surgery.


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Paravertebral lumbar muscles are important for spine stabilization and mobility. They may be abnormal in several disorders that may be associated with pain or functional impairment. Special attention should be paid to the paravertebral muscles during imaging, so that a possible muscular disease is not overlooked, especially in patients with low back pain. This article reviews such imaging abnormalities.


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The intrauterine environment is a major contributor to increased rates of metabolic disease in adults. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a liver disease of pregnancy that affects 0.5%-2% of pregnant women and is characterized by increased bile acid levels in the maternal serum. The influence of ICP on the metabolic health of offspring is unknown. We analyzed the Northern Finland birth cohort 1985-1986 database and found that 16-year-old children of mothers with ICP had altered lipid profiles. Males had increased BMI, and females exhibited increased waist and hip girth compared with the offspring of uncomplicated pregnancies. We further investigated the effect of maternal cholestasis on the metabolism of adult offspring in the mouse. Females from cholestatic mothers developed a severe obese, diabetic phenotype with hepatosteatosis following a Western diet, whereas matched mice not exposed to cholestasis in utero did not. Female littermates were susceptible to metabolic disease before dietary challenge. Human and mouse studies showed an accumulation of lipids in the fetoplacental unit and increased transplacental cholesterol transport in cholestatic pregnancy. We believe this is the first report showing that cholestatic pregnancy in the absence of altered maternal BMI or diabetes can program metabolic disease in the offspring.


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BACKGROUND: Tumor bed stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) after resection of brain metastases is a new strategy to delay or avoid whole-brain irradiation (WBRT) and its associated toxicities. This retrospective study analyzes results of frameless image-guided linear accelerator (LINAC)-based SRS and stereotactic hypofractionated radiotherapy (SHRT) as adjuvant treatment without WBRT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 2009 and February 2012, 44 resection cavities in 42 patients were treated with SRS (23 cavities) or SHRT (21 cavities). All treatments were delivered using a stereotactic LINAC. All cavities were expanded by ≥ 2 mm in all directions to create the clinical target volume (CTV). RESULTS: The median planning target volume (PTV) for SRS was 11.1 cm(3). The median dose prescribed to the PTV margin for SRS was 17 Gy. Median PTV for SHRT was 22.3 cm(3). The fractionation schemes applied were: 4 fractions of 6 Gy (5 patients), 6 fractions of 4 Gy (6 patients) and 10 fractions of 4 Gy (10 patients). Median follow-up was 9.6 months. Local control (LC) rates after 6 and 12 months were 91 and 77 %, respectively. No statistically significant differences in LC rates between SRS and SHRT treatments were observed. Distant brain control (DBC) rates at 6 and 12 months were 61 and 33 %, respectively. Overall survival (OS) at 6 and 12 months was 87 and 63.5 %, respectively, with a median OS of 15.9 months. One patient treated by SRS showed symptoms of radionecrosis, which was confirmed histologically. CONCLUSION: Frameless image-guided LINAC-based adjuvant SRS and SHRT are effective and well tolerated local treatment strategies after resection of brain metastases in patients with oligometastatic disease.


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Neonatal and adult cardiomyocytes were isolated from rat hearts. Some of the adult myocytes were cultured to allow for cell dedifferentiation, a phenomenon thought to mimic cell changes that occur in stressed myocardium, with myocytes regressing to a fetal pattern of metabolism and stellate neonatal shape.Using fluorescence deconvolution microscopy, cells were probed with fluorescent markers and scanned for a number of proteins associated with ion control, calcium movements and cardiac function. Image analysis of deconvoluted image stacks and sequential real-time image recordings of calcium transients of cells were made.All three myocyte groups were predominantly comprised of binucleate cells. Clustering of proteins to a single nucleus was a common observation, suggesting that one nucleus is active in protein synthesis pathways, while the other nucleus assumes a 'dormant' or different role and that cardiomyocytes might be mitotically active even in late development, or specific protein syntheses could be targeted and regulated for reintroduction into the cell cycle.Such possibilities would extend cardiac disease associated stem cell research and therapy options, while producing valuable insights into developmental and death pathways of binucleate cardiomyocytes (word count 183).


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A new technique for the detection of microbiological fecal pollution in drinking and in raw surface water has been modified and tested against the standard multiple-tube fermentation technique (most-probable-number, MPN). The performance of the new test in detecting fecal pollution in drinking water has been tested at different incubation temperatures. The basis for the new test was the detection of hydrogen sulfide produced by the hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria which are usually associated with the coliform group. The positive results are indicated by the appearance of a brown to black color in the contents of the fermentation tube within 18 to 24 hours of incubation at 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C. For this study 158 water samples of different sources have been used. The results were analyzed statistically with the paired t-test and the one-way analysis of variance. No statistically significant difference was noticed between the two methods, when tested 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C, in detecting fecal pollution in drinking water. The new test showed more positive results with raw surface water, which could be due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria of non-fecal origin like Desulfovibrio and Desulfomaculum. The survival of the hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria and the coliforms was also tested over a 7-day period, and the results showed no significant difference. The two methods showed no significant difference when used to detect fecal pollution at a very low coliform density. The results showed that the new test is mostly effective, in detecting fecal pollution in drinking water, when used at 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C. The new test is effective, simple, and less expensive when used to detect fecal pollution in drinking water and raw surface water at 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C. The method can be used for qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of water in the field and in the laboratory. ^