903 resultados para ATTRACTION


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This study takes as its premise the prominent social and cultural role that the couple relationship has acquired in modern society. Marriage as a social institution and romantic love as a cultural script have not lost their significance but during the last few decades the concept of relationship has taken prominence in our understanding of the love relationship. This change has taken place in a society governed by the therapeutic ethos. This study uses material ranging from in-depth interviews to various mass media texts to investigate the therapeutic logic that determines our understanding of the couple relationship. The central concept in this study is therapeutic relationship which does not refer to any particular type of relationship. In contemporary usage the relationship is, by definition, therapeutic. The therapeutic relationship is seen as an endless source of conflict and a highly complex dynamic unit in constant need of attention and treatment. Notwithstanding this emphasis on therapy and relationship work the therapeutic relationship lacks any morally or socially defined direction. Here lies the cultural power and according to critics the dubious aspect of the therapeutic ethos. For the therapeutic logic any reason for divorce is possible and plausible. Prosaically speaking the question is not whether to divorce or not, but when to divorce. In the end divorce only attests to the complexity of the relationship. The therapeutic understanding of the relationship gives the illusion that relationships with their tensions and conflicting emotions can be fully transferred to the sphere of transparency and therapeutic processing. This illusion created by relationship talk that emphasizes individual control is called omnipotence of the individual. However, the study shows that the individual omnipotence is inevitably limited and hence cracks appear in it. The cracks in the omnipotence show that while the therapeutic relationship based on the ideal of communication gives an individual a mode of speaking that stresses autonomy, equality and emotional gratification, it offers little help in expressing our fundamental dependence on other people. The study shows how strong an attraction the therapeutic ethos has with its grasp on the complexities of the relationship in a society where divorce is so common and the risk of divorce is collectively experienced.


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We show, for sufficiently high temperatures and sufficiently weak majority-carrier binding energies, that the dominant radiative transition at an isoelectronic acceptor (donor) in p-type (n-type) material consists of the recombination of singly trapped minority carriers (bound by central-cell forces) with free majority carriers attracted by a Coulomb interaction. There are two reasons why the radiative recombination rate of the free-to-bound process is greater than the bound exciton process, which dominates at lower temperatures: (i) The population of free majority-carrier states greatly exceeds that of exciton states at higher temperatures, and (ii) the oscillator strength of the free-to-bound transition is greatly enhanced by the Coulomb attraction between the free carrier and the charged isoelectronic impurity. This enhancement is important for isoelectronic centers and is easily calculable from existing exciton models. We show that the free carrier attracted by a Coulomb interaction can be viewed as a continuum excited state of the bound exciton. When we apply the results of our calculations to the GaP(Zn, O) system, we find that the major part of the room-temperature luminescence from nearest-neighbor isoelectronic Zn-O complexes results from free-to-bound recombination and not exciton recombination as has been thought previously. Recent experiments on impulse excitation of luminescence in GaP(Zn, O) are reevaluated in the light of our calculations and are shown to be consistent with a strong free-to-bound transition. For deep isoelectronic centers with weakly bound majority carriers, we predict an overwhelming dominance of the free-to-bound process at 300°K.


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With an objective to understand the nature of forces which contribute to the disjoining pressure of a thin water film on a steel substrate being pressed by an oil droplet, two independent sets of experiments were done. (i) A spherical silica probe approaches the three substrates; mica, PTFE and steel, in a 10 mM electrolyte solution at two different pHs (3 and 10). (ii) The silica probe with and without a smeared oil film approaches the same three substrates in water (pH = 6). The surface potential of the oil film/water was measured using a dynamic light scattering experiment. Assuming the capacity of a substrate for ion exchange the total interaction force for each experiment was estimated to include the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) force, hydration repulsion, hydrophobic attraction and oil-capillary attraction. The best fit of these estimates to the force-displacement characteristics obtained from the two sets of experiment gives the appropriate surface potentials of the substrates. The procedure allows an assessment of the relevance of a specific physical interaction to an experimental configuration. Two of the principal observations of this work are: (i) The presence of a surface at constant charge, as in the presence of an oil film on the probe, significantly enhances the counterion density over what is achieved when both the surfaces allow ion exchange. This raises the corresponding repulsion barrier greatly. (ii) When the substrate surface is wettable by oil, oil-capillary attraction contributes substantially to the total interaction. If it is not wettable the oil film is deformed and squeezed out. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The possible mechanisms of particle aggregation and reduction in liquid limit of the Cochin marine clay on drying are investigated. Mineralogical analysis showed the absence of halloysite in the marine specimen. Experimental results also ruled out the possibility of cementitious material being responsible for particle aggregation and reduction in clay plasticity on drying. The presence of calcium and magnesium as the predominant exchangeable ions and of a high pore salt concentration facilitates strong interparticle attraction and small particle separations; the latter leads to development of significant capillary stresses that permits an intimate contact of particles and growth of strong van der Waals' and Coulombic bonds.


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In this paper we show the applicability of Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) techniques for pattern classification problem that arises in tool wear monitoring. In an earlier study, artificial neural networks and genetic programming have been successfully applied to tool wear monitoring problem. ACO is a recent addition to evolutionary computation technique that has gained attention for its ability to extract the underlying data relationships and express them in form of simple rules. Rules are extracted for data classification using training set of data points. These rules are then applied to set of data in the testing/validation set to obtain the classification accuracy. A major attraction in ACO based classification is the possibility of obtaining an expert system like rules that can be directly applied subsequently by the user in his/her application. The classification accuracy obtained in ACO based approach is as good as obtained in other biologically inspired techniques.


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This paper elucidates the relative importance of soil structure and various compositional factors in influencing the liquid limit of natural kaolinitic soils. Earlier studies dealt with purified systems and anticipated that the liquid limit of the soils would increase with percentage clay size fraction and surface area, and that soils with a greater degree of paricle flocculation would possess a higher liquid limit than soils with a more parallel particle arrangement. The results revealed that the inter-particle attraction and repulsion forces have a prominent role in determining the liquid limit of kaolinitic soils. These forces determine the particle arrangement (clay fabric) which in turn regulates the liquid limit values. The influence of clay fabric was ascertained from the relationships of liquid limit with shrinkage limit and sediment volume (in water) values. It was anticipated that kaolinitic soils with a greater degree of particle flocculatin and a higher liquid limit would shrink less and occupy a higher sedimentation volume. As expected an increase in liquid limit was accompanied by an increase in shrinkage limit and sediment volume in water.


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Present in situ chemical treatment technologies for mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination are in the developmental stage or being tested. To devise efficient strategies for restricting the movement of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) molecules in the contaminated soil, it is proposed to utilize the sorption–interaction relationships between the petroleum contaminants and the soil substrate. The basic questions addressed in this paper are as follows (i) What are the prominent chemical constituents of the various petroleum fractions that interact with the soil substrate? (ii) What are the functional groups of a soil that interact with the contaminants? (iii) What are the bonding mechanisms possible between the soil functional groups and the PHC contaminants? (iv) What are the consequent changes brought about the soil physical properties on interaction with PHC's? (v) What are the factors influencing the interactions between PHC molecules and clay particles of the soil substrate? (vi) What is the possibility of improving the soil's attenuation ability for PHC's? The development of answers to the basic questions reveal that petroleum hydrocarbons comprise a mixture of nonpolar alkanes and aromatic and polycyclic hydrocarbons, that have limited solubility in water. The bonding mechanism between the nonpolar PHC's and the clay surface is by way of van der Waals attraction. The adsorption of the nonpolar hydrocarbons by the clay surface occurs only when their (i.e., the hydrocarbon molecules) solubility in water is exceeded and the hydrocarbons exist in the micellar form. Dilute solutions of hydrocarbons in water, i.e., concentrations of hydrocarbons at or below the solubility limit, have no effect on the hydraulic conductivity of clay soils. Permeation with pure hydrocarbons invariably influences the clay hydraulic conductivity. To improve the attenuation ability of soils towards PHC's, it is proposed to coat the soil surface with "ultra" heavy organic polymers. Adsorption of organic polymers by the clay surface may change the surface properties of the soil from highly hydrophilic (having affinity for water molecules) to organophilic (having affinity for organic molecules). The organic polymers attached to the clay surface are expected to attenuate the PHC molecules by van der Waals attraction, by hydrogen bonding, and also by adsorption into interlayer space in the case of soils containing swelling clays.


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This article examines the changes in interparticle forces brought about on prolonged contact (1 year period) of a bentonite clay with artificial seawater. The study is undertaken with the purpose of identifying the physico-chemical factors that impart a nonswelling character to smectite clays deposited in marine environments. Results show that equilibration of the bentonite clay with artificial seawater (total pore salinity approximately 42 gL-1) for a 1 year period does not lead to any mineralogical changes in the clay specimens; however, their exchangeable cation positions become prominently dominated by magnesium ions. The consistency limits of the seawater-equilibrated bentonite was determined on stepwise leaching to lower salinities. The predominance of diffuse double-layer repulsion forces in the pore salt concentration range of 42 gL-1 to 1.1 gL-1 caused an increase in the liquid limits of the seawater-equilibrated bentonite specimens on reducing the salinity in the corresponding range (42 gL-1 to 1.1 gL-1). The attraction forces, however, prevail over the repulsion forces at salt concentrations <1.1 gL-1 and cause a decrease in liquid limit of the clay specimens with reduction in pore salinity, which is typical of nonswelling clays. The attraction forces cause aggregation of the clay unit layers into domains that break down on sodium saturation of the clay specimens. It is inferred that the physico-chemical factors responsible for the nonswelling character of the seawater-equilibrated bentonite specimens at pore salt concentrations below 1.1 gL-1 are inadequate to explain the nonswelling character of smectite-rich Ariake marine clays. The lower consistency limits of the Ariake marine clays in comparison to the nonswelling character, seawater-equilibrated bentonite specimens is attributed to a relative deficiency of interparticle forces in the Ariake marine clay.


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We study the bound states of two spin-1/2 fermions interacting via a contact attraction (characterized by a scattering length) in the singlet channel in three-dimensional space in presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The configuration of the gauge field that generates a Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction is described by three coupling parameters (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)). For a generic gauge field configuration, the critical scattering length required for the formation of a bound state is negative, i.e., shifts to the ``BCS side'' of the resonance. Interestingly, we find that there are special high-symmetry configurations (e.g., lambda(x) = lambda(y) = lambda(z)) for which there is a two-body bound state for any scattering length however small and negative. Remarkably, the bound-state wave functions obtained for such configurations have nematic spin structure similar to those found in liquid He-3. Our results show that the BCS-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover is drastically affected by the presence of a non-Abelian gauge field. We discuss possible experimental signatures of our findings both at high and low temperatures.


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The oil phase, in an oil-in-water emulsion on a steel substrate, is strongly repelled by the substrate. The oil in this situation does not wet the steel and steel/steel friction is high. In this work we disperse anionic surfactants in an oil film and study the effect of this dispersion on the force of interaction between a silica colloid probe (AFM) carrying the oil film and a steel substrate in water. It is observed that when the surfactant is oil insoluble and the interaction time is short the strong entropic repulsion (without the surfactant) is replaced by a strong attraction. The steel on steel sliding friction in this case is low compared to that what is achieved when the surfactant is soluble in oil. The rationale underlying these interactions is explored here. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time scales associated with activated transitions between glassy metastable states of a free-energy functional appropriate for a dense hard-sphere system are calculated by using a new Monte Carlo method for the local density variables. In particular, we calculate the time the system, initially placed in a shallow glassy minimum of the free-energy, spends in the neighborhood of this minimum before making a transition to the basin of attraction of another free-energy minimum. This time scale is found to increase as the average density is increased. We find a crossover density near which this time scale increases very sharply and becomes longer than the longest times accessible in our simulation. This time scale does not show any evidence of increasing with sample size


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Dynamics of the aircraft configuration considered in this paper show a unique characteristic in that there are no stable attractors in the entire high angle-of-attack flight envelope. As a result, once the aircraft has departed from the normal flight regime, no standard technique can be applied to recover the aircraft. In this paper, using feedback linearization technique, a nonlinear controller is designed at high angles of attack, which is engaged after the aircraft departs from normal flight regime. This controller stabilizes the aircraft into a stable spin. Then a set of synthetic pilot inputs is applied to cause an automatic transition from the spin equilibrium to low angles of attack where the second controller is connected. This controller is a normal gain-scheduled controller designed to have a large domain of attraction at low angles of attack. It traps the aircraft into a low angle-of-attack level flight. This entire concept of recovery has been verified using six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear simulation. Feedback linearization technique used to design a controller ensures internal stability only if the nonlinear plant has stable zero dynamics. Because zero dynamics depend on the selection of outputs, a new method of choosing outputs is described to obtain a plant that has stable zero dynamics. Certain important aspects pertaining to the implementation of a feedback linearization-based controller are also discussed.


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We describe simple one-dimensional models of passive (no energy input, no control), generally dissipative, vertical hopping and one-ball juggling. The central observation is that internal passive system motions can conspire to eliminate collisions in these systems. For hopping, two point masses are connected by a spring and the lower mass has inelastic collisions with the ground. For juggling, a lower point-mass hand is connected by a spring to the ground and an upper point-mass ball is caught with an inelastic collision and then re-thrown into gravitational free flight. The two systems have identical dynamics. Despite inelastic collisions between non-zero masses, these systems have special symmetric energy-conserving periodic motions where the collision is at zero relative velocity. Additionally, these special periodic motions have a non-zero sized, one-sided region of attraction on the higher-energy side. For either very large or very small mass ratios, the one-sided region of attraction is large. These results persist for mildly non-linear springs and non-constant gravity. Although non-collisional damping destroys the periodic motions, small energy injection makes the periodic motions stable, with a two-sided region of attraction. The existence of such special energy conserving solutions for hopping and juggling points to possibly useful strategies for both animals and robots. The lossless motions are demonstrated with a table-top experiment.


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Determination of the swelling pressure of montmorillonitic clays is required in many situations concerned with stability problems of foundations, retaining walls, slope stability of embankments and excavations in expansive soils. Recently expansive soils such as bentonite have been used as a mixture backfill material, for example as backfill material for nuclear waste disposal systems, for which a knowledge of the swelling pressure is desirable. This is the pressure required to keep the clay-water system at the required void ratio when it is allowed to absorb water or electrolyte. If the pressure is less than the swelling pressure, volume expansion occurs; if the pressure is more than the swelling pressure, volume compression occurs. Because of isomorphous substitutions in the crystal lattice, in general the clay particles carry negative charges at the surfaces of the platelets. Exchangeable cations in the clay media are attracted to these negative charges, but this attraction is opposed by the tendency of ions to be distributed. As a result, an electric diffuse double layer is formed (Gouy, 1910).


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A passive vertical hopping robot is here highly idealised as two vertically arranged masses acted on by gravity and coupled by a linear spring. The lower mass makes dead (e = 0) collisions with the rigid ground. The equations of motion can be reduced to a one dimensional map. Fixed points of the map are found in which case the robot hops incessantly. For these conservative solutions the lower mass collides with the ground with zero impact velocity. The interval of attraction for these conservative fixed points depends on system parameters.