602 resultados para 4B
Er3+-doped lithium-potassium mixed alkali aluminophosphate glasses belonging to the oxide system xK(2)O-(15x)Li2O-4B(2)O(3)-11Al(2)O(3)-5BaO-65P(2)O(5) are obtained in a semi-continuous melting quenching process. Spectroscopic properties of Er3+-doped glass matrix have been analysed by fitting the experimental data with the standard Judd-Ofelt theory. It is observed that Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters-Omega(t)(t=2, 4 and 6) of Er3+ change when the second alkali is introduced into glass matrix. The variation of line strength S-ed[I-4(13/2),I-4(15/2)] follows the same trend as that of the Omega(6) parameter. The effect of mixed alkali on the spectroscopic properties of the aluminophosphate glasses, such as absorption cross-section, stimulated emission cross-section, spontaneous emission probability, branching ratio and the radiative lifetime, has also been investigated in this paper.
Lithium sodium mixed alkali aluminophosphate glasses of the composition xNa(2)O-(15-x)Li2O-4B(2)O(3)-11Al(2)O(3)-5BaO-65P(2)O(5) (where x=0, 3.75, 7.5, 11.25 and 15 mol%) containing 0.5 mol% Er2O3 were prepared by melt quenching. The absorption spectra of Er3+ were studied from the experimental oscillator strengths and the Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters were obtained. The variations of Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters (Omega(2), Omega(4) and Omega(6)), experimental oscillator strengths of certain excited states of Er3+ and hypersensitive band positions with different mixed alkali content have been discussed in detail. It was found that there were similar effects of mixed alkali on both Judd-Ofelt intensity parameter 02 and the experimental oscillator strength of the hypersensitive transition, I-4(15/2) -> H-2(11/2). No shifts in the peak wavelength of the studied transitions were found in different glasses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
All species of fish are able to propagate and maintain their numbers provided that no adverse influence occurs to change the compatible environment, the salmon is no exception. Propagation of fish by artificial means has long been a subject of discussion amongst fishery workers and views have been expressed (both favourable and unfavourable) on the merits of the various methods employed. In an attempt to discover whether artificial propagation was necessary and also to find the best methods of propagation to adopt in the various rivers, a phased programme of investigation into natural spawning efficiency and the results obtained by various methods of artificial propagation was started in the Lancashire River Board area during 1957. The object being to seek information on: (1) The survival of ova from natural spawnings to the eyed and alevin stages. (2) The population density of feeding fry (from natural spawnings) at various intervals of development. (3) The viability of green ova and eyed ova- when planted artificially. (4a) The survival to 0+ parr from implants of eyed ova unfed fry and fed fry. (4b) Populations per unit area of 0+ parr from various planting densities of eyed ova, unfed fry and fed fry. Sampling stations were selected on the Rivers Ribble, Lune and Wyre watersheds for the purpose of marking and examination of natural salmon redds.
We report a novel OTDM/WDM source based on spectral slicing of a passively mode-locked Cr4: YAG femtosecond pulse source. Total capacities up to 682Gbit/s and 1.36bit/s with spectral efficiencies of 0.2b/s/Hz and 0.4b/s/Hz have been achieved. © 2003 Optical Society of America.
本文对北京怀柔汤河口、北京云蒙山、西山以及河北省石家庄地区元氏县的荆条灌丛的群落学特征及其生物量进行了较为详细的研究,并着重研究了汤河口、云蒙山、西山三个亲地的荆条群落的地球化学特征和元素循环特征,对西山的荆条群落中荆条叶片枯落物的分解过程进行了详细的比较研究,最后,对汤河口和西山的两个荆条灌丛的相对稳定性进行了探讨,并和昭田真的演替度进行了比较,期望对荆条灌丛的现况有个较全面和深入的了解,为合理的改造利用广阔的华北落叶灌丛提供理论依据。 本研究设置了四个样地。样地1在北京市怀柔县汤河口乡,样地2在汤河口以南40公里的云蒙山林场,下设两个小样地2a和2b,分别经过8年和3年的封山保护。样地3在北京海淀区的西山上,样地4位于河北省元氏县。四个样地的地理位置,地形、立地条件及所受的人为干扰的程度各不相同。DCA分析对样地的排序图中从左到右样地的顺序为样地2b,2a,样地3,样地1,样地4。 6个样地的荆条滋丛中计有高等植物49种,分属24科47属。其中样地1 8科14种,样地2a 15科24种,样地2b 13科18种,样地3 9科14种,样地4a 11科18种,样地4b 7科11种。以禾本科植物最多(8种),菊科植物6种次之,蔷薇科植物4种,居第三。6个样地中常见植物种(存在度60%以上)有11个,较1965年调查时的常见种数(16种)显著减少。 生活型谱分析表明样地1和2a的生活型谱介于热带和温带类型之间。样地2b的生活型谱是较典型的温带类型,样地3则较偏向荒漠类型;样地4a和4b的生活型谱则较偏向热带和荒漠的类型。 植物区系分析表明,样地2b带有最明显的中生性,而样地4a因含有最多的热带和亚热带分布种而最为干燥。样地依干燥度增加的顺序为2b,2a3,1,4b,4a。这个顺序恰好和DCA对样地的排序结果完全吻合,同时,它还是温度升高的梯度。 荆条灌丛中荆条地上部生物量,以样地2a和2b为最高,分别为3571,9和3285.8公斤/公顷,其次为样地3,达2445.7公斤/公顷,余下的顺序为样地1,样地4a和4b。这个顺序和DCA与样地的排序结果一致,即荆条地上部生物量随着样地干燥程度的增加和温度的增加而减少。相关分析表明,热量(年日照时数)是控制荆条生长的最主要因素,且荆条的生长受土壤中砾石的很大的制约。 荆条灌丛中荆条之外的其它植物种类,作为一个组分,其地上部生物量除样地1外,和荆条地上部生物量的大小顺序一致,这些植物地上部生物量随人为干扰程度的增强而极显著的减少,且随海拔高度的增加而极显著的增加,说明这些植物较适于生长在海拔较高的地区,且它们随人为干扰的能力很弱。 荆条灌丛群落地上部总生物量,作为上述两个组分的综合,较多的受灌丛中其它植物地上部生物量的影响,而且与海拔高度呈现显著的相关性。群落地上部总生物量与年蒸发量、无霜期、人为干扰程度均表现极显著的负相关,与≥10'C的年积温也显著的负相关。这些特点,都表明荆条灌丛一个总趋势,即较低的温低更适合该群落的生长。 荆条地下部生物量在样地l达9641.8公斤,公顷顾(1986) 和l0996.6公斤/公顷(1987),其中各有51.1%和28.90%是根球的生物量,在样地3则1988年为2306.1公斤/公顷,l989年增至5442.2公斤/公顷,两个样地中,地下部生物量为枝条生物量的6.29和5.44倍(样地1),以及2.10和1.23倍《样地3),根枝比的分析表明样地1年龄大于样地3,且样地1比样地3.干燥,荆条的根枝比大于其它灌术种类的根枝比,这是荆条对砍伐的适应.就象灌丛栎(根枝比6.23)对火灾的适应一样。 样地1荆条灌丛的总生物量,1986年为13.44吨/公顷,87年为l6.4吨/公顷,增加了22.2%,群落年净第一性生产量为3.96吨/公顷•年。在群落总生物量中,荆条的生物量占绝大部分,分别达90.4%和86.3%,而在群落年净第一性生产量中,荆条的贡献达3.00吨/公顷•年,占75.8%。 样地3的总生物量88年为9.90砘/公顷.89年猛增至21.17砘/公顷,增加了113.9%,群落年净第一性生产量为12.62砘/公顷•年,是样地1的3.19倍。群落总生物量中,荆条所占的比例在1988年为48.0%,89年增大为58.5%,和样地1的变化趋势相反,表明两个样地的荆条灌丛处于不同的发育阶段。在群落的年净第一性生产量中,荆条的贡献和样地1相似,达71.1%。 和不同类型的灌丛地上部生物量比较的结果表明荆条灌丛小于同地区的落叶灌丛(绒毛绣线菊、荆条、蚂蚱腿子灌丛),更小于同地区的乔木树种的萌生灌丛如辽东栎萌生丛.以及其他地区的矮针叶树栎灌丛,群落总生物量的比较结果也表明荆条灌丛的生物量还有很大的发展潜力。 荆条灌丛地上部生产量已经超过一些成熟乔木种类的林地的生产量,且荆条灌丛中生长最快的群落(样地3)的地上部生产量已接近一些乔木种类的幼龄林地的生产量说明荆条灌丛有较高的生长速度。 生物量累积比作为植物或群落衰老程度的指标,说明荆条灌丛较之其它原生灌丛还是较”年轻”的,样地1的生物量累积比较大,是该群落遭受频繁砍伐的反映。 由荆条灌丛立地的潜在生产量的分析可知样地1的荆条灌丛离其”成熟类型”的生产量还差距很大,而样地3的生产量正接近其”成熟类型”。结合前面的分析,可以推测在人类活动频繁和强度的干扰下,样地l的荆条灌丛没有继续向其成熟类型发育,而在中途衰退了。 西山荆条灌丛中,在代谢活动较旺盛的部位,N和K的含量较高,Hg,P和Zn也表现相似的倾向,A1和Fe则表现了相反的趋势,即代谢活动较强的部位,含量较低。Mn,Ca和Ha则是介于中问的一种类型。比较各组分中元素的含量值,Mg是较均匀的类型,其余元素在不同组分间含量的差异都较悬殊。西山荆条灌丛中,Mn,Mn, Mg,Ca,AI五个元素都以土壤中的含量为最高,N的含量则以上壤为最低,而植物组分中 K的含量一直保持较高的水平。 多数元素在荆条根球中的含量最低,包括Fe,Hn,Zn,(Ca,P和AI。随着年龄的增大,各组分中K的含量有增加的趋势(其增加量大于其它元素的增加量),在西山荆条灌从中,植物组分以及及土壤里各元素除p外,其含量均与两个以上元素的含量呈显著相关性(图11).而P的含量只与N的含量具极显著相关性,,在植物组分中,灰分含量与Fe,Mn,Ca,P,AI的含量均具极显著的相关性。荆条内部各组分的元寨岔登之间全部晕缀显著相关,而绝大部分植物组分中元素含量与土壤中相应元素的含量值无相关性。 植物组分中,其它植物地上部,其它植物地下部和羽叶是元素积累量最大的三个组分。荆枝中的Ca和Ha,荆根球和荆根中的Zn和Mg以及荆根中的Al,它们的含量与其积累量之间具有较明显的补偿现象,即它们的积累量并不随生物量的增减而发生显著的变化。 西山荆条灌丛中荆条和其它植物对10种元素的吸收总量基本相等。在荆条的总吸收量中,K,N,Ca的吸收量占88.5%,其余7种元素的吸收量只占11.5%。在其它植物中,则以Ca,N和Al的吸收量占多数,达73.9%。在荆条和其它植物中,K和Al的吸收可能存在着拮抗关系。 西山荆条灌丛中荆条对K的吸收量最大,但对Mn的利用系数最大。10种元素中最大和最小吸收量之间在荆条中相差339倍(K和Zn之间),但荆条对各元素的利用系数却相差不多,平均为0.775±0.09。其它植物对10种元素的利用系数较荆条稍高,平均为0.826±0.07,整个西山荆条灌丛群落对元素的利用系数以Mn为最高,Na为最低。 若以土壤中元素的垒量的贮量计算,荆条对N的吸收系数最大,Al最小。若以土壤中元素的有效含量(可溶性或可代换性量)汁,则荆条的吸收系数以Al最大,Ca最小 (表21)。土壤元素(全量)的周转时间,Al最长,达2603.2年,多数元素在450-600年 之间,只有N,P,K三个元素的周转时间最短,分别只有35.4,151.9,和109.l年。 西山荆条灌丛中荆条以凋落物形式归还土壤的元素量在其吸收量中所占的比例(归 还率),Zn (26.5%),Mg (36.1%),Ca (36.1%),P(21.3%)和N(25.0%)属较高的类型, Al (13.5%),Na(14.6%)和K(13.1%)居中,Mn (8.5%)和Fe(8.0%)最低。灌丛群落中 元素的归还率除Mn最小(12.1%)外,其余在21.3%-37.9%之间。 西山荆条灌丛中,荆条和其它植物所吸收的元素量在群落总吸收量中所占的比例, 各元素之间显著不同,均匀的类型有N,Zn,Mg和Na,即荆条和其它植物的吸收量相当。 K是唯一以荆条的吸收量占优势的元素,荆条吸收的K占群落总吸收量的80.7%。其余 元素,Mn,P,Al,Fe和Ca均是其它植物的吸收量显著大于荆条的吸收量(表22,图45)。 荆条所吸收的无素量,在其内部各组分中的分配(存留)格局,普遍规律是将绝大 部分用于其叶片的生长(或存留于叶片)中.Mn是唯一例外的元素,荆条将其吸收量的 最大部分存留于其枝条中。其余9个元素.荆条对其叶片存留后剩下的那部分元素量的 分配方式可以区分出三种类型:将剩余部分中的多数存留于其枝条的元素有AI,Fe,Zn, Mg;将剩余部分中的多数存留于其地下部的元素有P,Na, 和Ca;而K和N则属于中间 的类型,即用于叶片后的剩余的K和N在荆枝和荆条地下部(根球和艉)中较均匀的分配 (表22,图46). 西山荆条灌丛中元素循环的强度和速度都显著大于汤河口荆条灌丛,两个样地的元 素循环特征的最显著差异是汤河口荆条灌丛中荆条将其吸收的元素量中的最大部分存留 于其地下部,和西山样地完全相反,这可能是两个样地荆条灌丛元素循环特征的最本质 的区别。其原因,可能是汤河口样地中荆条对其地上部遭受频繁砍伐的一种适应方式, 也可能是汤河口荆条滋丛衰老的反映。 西山灌丛中荆条落叶分解过程中其失重率曲线呈双S形,其失重率最大增长速度出现在第166-299天之间。经过539天的分解作用,荆条枯落叶损失了其于重的53.3%,其中分解期(千重损失50%所用时间)为514.1天。 与干重失重率相对应,荆条枯落叶的平均腐解率的最高值出现在299和364天,而区 间腐解率的最大值则出现在第66—227天和第227 - 299天之间,比平均腐解率的最高值 出现的早,这与其总失重率曲线是非常吻合的,因为第166 - 227天及第227 - 299天之间 的高腐解率导致了其后高失重率的出现。 平均腐解率与平均气温之间具显著相关性(P<0.0S),而与平均降水量只在90%置信区间内有相关性,区间腐解率也只在90%置信区内与平均气温有相关性。 以平均腐解率计算,荆条枯落叶干重的95%被分解所需的时间为6.37年,比同一地区的侧柏、元宝槭、黄栌、山杏、刺槐,油讼和栓皮栎短,说明荆条叶片枯落物的分解速率是较快的。 荆条枯落叶分解过程中的失重主要由于有机物被分解引起的,且有机C,可溶性糖 和粗纤维的分解决定了失重率变化的总趋势。 各有机物含量程分解过程中的变化各不相同。就浓度而言,以可溶性糖的浓度降低 速度最快,丹宁的浓度也显著的下降,粗脂肪和有机C浓度属于平缓下降的类型,而木 质素和粗纤维属另一极端的类型,其浓度持续升高。各有机物在枯落叶中的总量以不同 的速率减少。经过539天的分解作用,各有机物的损失率大小的顺序为可溶性糖(97.90%)>丹宁(95. 92%)>粗脂肪(70.83%)>有机C(61.59%)>粗纤维(37.36%)>木质素( 31,97%)。此外,不同的有机物的含量以不同的规律变化,其中可溶性糖和木质素在第105天内即被大量的分解而损失(分别损失63.66%和19.67%)。丹宁和有机C的损失率的变化是较际准的S形曲线,粗纤维的损失率变化曲线为右抛物线的上半部,而粗脂肪类似S形曲线,但最不规则. 荆条枯落叶分解过程中矿质元素浓度和含董的变化很不规则。灰分含量作为大部分矿质元素含量的总和,其浓度在分解过程中稳定升高,而其总量则持续下降,所研究的10种矿质元素的浓度和总量的变化很不一致,在浓度变化方面,K是星下降趋势的唯一元素,其余元素(包括N,Ca,Na,Mg,P,Fe,Zn,Mn和Al)的浓度均随分解过程呈升高的趋势。从元素的总量方面可以区别出两种类型:即N,Ca,Na,K,P5个元素属于减少的类型,而Fe,Mn,Zn,Mg和Al的总量则有所增加。 西山和汤河口两个样地的荆条灌丛都是渐近稳定的,且离其稳定态尚有一定距离,相对稳定性指数没有显示两个样地的稳定性具有显著的差异。 西山荆条灌丛的演替度大于汤河口灌丛,这和它们所受的人为干扰的强度的差异有紧密联系。
Studies on nutrient utilisation and growth of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings (3.13-4.09 g) raised on seven feeding schedules under laboratory conditions (26.3-33.5°C) showed that two days regular feeding on Diet B (high protein, 38.90%) resulted in maximum growth and protein retention efficiency. While regular feeding on low protein diet (Diet A) resulted in poor nutrient utilisation and growth of fish, high protein diet (Diet B) did not show any significant difference in growth from the mixed 2A-3B schedules but exhibited comparatively low protein retention efficiency. The other feeding schedules were 1A-2B, 1A-3B, 2A-2B and 2A-4B, where the numerical value refers to the number of days for continuous feeding of a particular diet. The diets A and B served as the controls which contained 3.40 and 3.67 kcal/g gross energy respectively. The 2A-3B feeding schedule was also found to be highly economic as an expenditure of Rs.11/- only was required for raising the body weight by one kilo as against Rs.17/- with high protein diet (Diet B) as calculated
从斜带石斑鱼垂体提取总RNA ,再取其 5 0ng合成SMARTcDNA。从所构建的垂体SMARTcDNA质粒文库中筛选到生长激素 /催乳素基因家族的 2个成员的全长cDNA片段 :生长激素 (GH )基因全长为 938bp ,编码 2 0 4个氨基酸 ;催乳素基因 (PRL)全长为 14 2 9bp ,编码 2 12个氨基酸。采用计算机软件Mega 2和CLUSTALW1 6 4b对 9种鱼的生长激素 /催乳素基因家族的 3个成员 (GH、PRL和生长催乳素SL)的氨基酸序列进行系统分析 ,构建NJ分支
This paper presents a novel vision chip for high-speed target tracking. Two concise algorithms for high-speed target tracking are developed. The algorithms include some basic operations that can be used to process the real-time image information during target tracking. The vision chip is implemented that is based on the algorithms and a row-parallel architecture. A prototype chip has 64 x 64 pixels is fabricated by 0.35 pm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) process with 4.5 x 2.5 mm(2) area. It operates at a rate of 1000 frames per second with 10 MHz chip main clock. The experiment results demonstrate that a high-speed target can be tracked in complex static background and a high-speed target among other high-speed objects can be tracked in clean background.
This paper proposes a novel, fast lock-in, phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer. The synthesizer includes a novel mixed-signal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with a direct frequency presetting circuit. The frequency presetting circuit can greatly speed up the lock-in process by accurately the presetting oscillation frequency of the VCO. We fully integrated the synthesizer in standard 0.35 mu m, 3.3 V complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS) process. The entire chip area is only 0.4 mm(2). The measured results demonstrate that the synthesizer can speed up the lock-in process significantly and the lock-in time is less than 10 mu s over the entire oscillation frequency range. The measured phase noise of the synthesizer is -85 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. The synthesizer avoids the tradeoff between the lock-in speed and the phase noise/spurs. The synthesizer monitors the chip temperature and automatically compensates for the variation in frequency with temperature.
A novel analog-computation system using a quantum-dot cell network is proposed to solve complex problems. Analog computation is a promising method for solving a mathematical problem by using a physical system analogous to the problem. We designed a novel quantum-dot cell consisting of three-stacked. quantum dots and constructed a cell network utilizing the nearest-neighbor interactions between the cells. We then mapped a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network so that the single-electron configuration of the network in the ground state corresponded to one of the solutions. We calculated the ground state of the cell network and found solutions to the problems. The results demonstrate that analog computation is a promising approach for solving complex problems.
This paper proposes a novel, fast lock-in, phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer. The synthesizer includes a novel mixed-signal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with a direct frequency presetting circuit. The frequency presetting circuit can greatly speed up the lock-in process by accurately the presetting oscillation frequency of the VCO. We fully integrated the synthesizer in standard 0.35 mu m, 3.3 V complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS) process. The entire chip area is only 0.4 mm(2). The measured results demonstrate that the synthesizer can speed up the lock-in process significantly and the lock-in time is less than 10 mu s over the entire oscillation frequency range. The measured phase noise of the synthesizer is -85 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. The synthesizer avoids the tradeoff between the lock-in speed and the phase noise/spurs. The synthesizer monitors the chip temperature and automatically compensates for the variation in frequency with temperature.
本文研究了Armco铁在盐酸溶液中的腐蚀电化学行为,探讨了ψ~-离子和PH值对铁的阳极溶解过程的影响,并进而讨论了ψ~-离子浓度和PH值对铁的腐蚀电化学行为的影响之间是否存在交互效应。在本工作中,作者提出了两个新的研究方法:(a) 从单支弱极化曲线测定腐蚀电流和阴、阳极反应的Tafep斜率;(b)根据交流方波电流扰动的响应函数方程测定极化电阻Rp和界面电容C。设I_c、I_(2c)、I_(3c)及I_(4c)分别为对应于弱极化区内极化电位为ΔE、2ΔE、3ΔE和4ΔE的极化电流,且令a = I_(2c)/I_c, b = I_(3c)/I_c, c = I_(4c)/I_(2c), 而(4b-3a~2)~(1/2)、(3c-2b)~(1/2)、(2c-a~2)~(1/2)则以S_j表示之,则可得到:I_(corr) = I_c/S_j b_c = ΔE/lg((a+s_j)/2) b_a = -ΔE/lg((a-s_j)/2)为了方便,准确地求出动力学参数,可选用一系列的ΔE值,得出相应的极化电流I_λ,求出S_λ,应用统计方法处理数据,可得:I_(corr) = ∑ from i=1 to n I_λ/∑ from i=1 ton S_λ b_c = ∑ form λ to n ΔE_λ/∑ form i=1 to n lg ((a_λ+S_λ)/2) b_a = ∑ form i=1 ton ΔE_λ/∑ form i=1 to n lg ((a_λ-S_λ)/2)在线性极化区间内向腐蚀金属电极体系施加一交流方波电流扰动讯号时,通过Laplace变换分析,得到相应的响应函数方程为:E_1(t) = λ_o(R_s+R_p) - 2λ_oR_p (e~(-(τ-λ)/RpC))/(1+e~(λ/RpC)) (o<τ<λ) E_2(t) = -λ_o(R_s+R_p) + 2λ_oR_p (e~(-(τ-λ)/RpC))/(1+e~(λ/RpC)) (λ<τ<2λ)由此方程可知,它们在E~λ坐标系统中的轨迹为对称兴致勃勃原点的两条直线。由此方程可进一步得到:ΔE = 2λ_oR_p (e~(λ/RpC)-1)/(e~(λ/RpC)+1) = 2λ_oR_p t_(anh)(λ/(2RpC)) Δh = 2λ_o Rs式中ΔE为单支响应直线的长度,Δh则为两条直线最高点之间的距离。上述公式可进一步简化为:Rp =(ΔE)/(2λ_o) λ>>RpC (λ_o)/(ΔE) = C/λ + 1/(2Rp) λ<
PEO/PH共混体系的组份之间存在着氢键的相互作用,从偏光显微镜观察及熔点下降法测定,PEO/PH共混体系是相容体系,且PEO是在非晶区与PH相容,PH分子链不进入到PEO的晶格中,不引起晶胞参数的改变。对PEO/PH共混体系的等温结晶动力学研究表明,随共混体系中非晶组份PH含量的增加,体系的结晶生长方式由盘状生长转化为原纤状生长,成核方式由方式I(Kg=Kg(I)=4b. σσeTm/ΔHf.K)转化为方式II(Kg=Kg(Ii)=2b. σσeTm/ΔHf.K)析叠链表面自由能(σe)逐渐增大,体系的平衡溶点降低。在PEO/PH共混体系非等温结晶动力学的研究中,DSC实验表明,在常冷却速率下,PEO/PH共混体系符合Avrami方程所揭示的规律,为更好地反映非等温结晶特点,从Avrami方程和Ozawa方程出发,导出一个新的基本方程,根据这个方程,获得了描述非等温结晶过程的一些基本参数,在一定冷却速率下,随非晶组份PH含量的增加,东混体系的结晶速率降低;对于同一组成,冷却速率越大,体系结晶速率越快。WAXD和SAXS分析表明,随非晶组份PH含量的增加,PEO/PH共混体系的结晶度降低,长周期增大,过渡层厚略有变化,但变化很小。进一步表明,过渡层基本上是PEO的非晶相的贡献,PH不进入到PEO的晶格中,PEO是在非晶区与PH相容。
本论文探讨了烯烃聚合催化剂的合成及其用于聚合的研究,合成的催化剂是不含桥基的IVB族的茂金属化合物。共合成了十九个茂金属化合物:(~tBuC_5H_4)CpMCl_2[M=Ti(1a),Zr(1b)]; Me_3SiC_5H_4CpMCl_2[M=Ti(2a), Zr(2b)];~tBu_2C_5H_3CpMCl_2[M=Ti(3a),Zr(3b)];C_5H_9IndCpMCl_2[M=Ti(4a),Zr(4b)];PhCH_2IndCpMCl_2[M=Ti(5a),Zr(5b)];(~tBu_2C_5H_3)_2MCl~2[M=Ti(6a),Zr(6b),Hf(6c)];(C_5H_9Ind)_2MCl_2[M=Ti(7a),Zr(7b),Hf(7c)];(PhCH_2C_6H_5)_2MCl_2[M=Ti(8a),Zr(8b),Hf(8c)]。这十九个化合物分别通过EI-MS,~1H-NMR,IR 和元素分析进行了表征。用所合成的十九种茂金属化合物与甲基铝氧烷作为催化体系,在常温常压下,研究了乙烯聚合反应。得到的主要结论如下:(1)1a,2a, 5b 8b 催化活性最好。(2)1a 在铝钛比等于 1167 时聚合效率最高,2a 在铝钛比等于 1500 时聚合效率最高, 5b 在铝锆比大于 2955 时聚合效率最高,8b 在铝锆比等于 1667 时聚合效率最高。(3)相同的聚合条件下,催化效率是 1a<2a,8b<5b。(4)由聚合物的DSC表征中可见,所得聚合物的结晶度是 1a<2a,5b>8b。(5)由聚合物的分子量的测定可知,所得聚合物的分子量是 1a>2a ,5b<8b,由 8b 催化得到的聚合物的分子量最大。
A novel analog-computation system using a quantum-dot cell network is proposed to solve complex problems. Analog computation is a promising method for solving a mathematical problem by using a physical system analogous to the problem. We designed a novel quantum-dot cell consisting of three-stacked. quantum dots and constructed a cell network utilizing the nearest-neighbor interactions between the cells. We then mapped a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network so that the single-electron configuration of the network in the ground state corresponded to one of the solutions. We calculated the ground state of the cell network and found solutions to the problems. The results demonstrate that analog computation is a promising approach for solving complex problems.