997 resultados para 449


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ENGLISH: Citations from the fields of biological, physical and chemical oceanography, meteorology and marine fisheries are used to compile a new bibliography on El Nino phenomena and associated publications. An alphanumeric coding procedure relating this bibliography to a newly microfilmed version of the contents of this bibliography is described. SPANISH: Se emplean las anotaciones del campo biológico, físico y químico de la oceanografía, la rneteorología y la pesca marina para compilar una nueva bibliografía sobre el fenómeno del Niño, y publicaciones afines. Se describe el procedimiento de un código alfanumérico relacionando esta bibliografía a una versión recientemente microfilmada del contenido de ésta. (PDF contains 53 pages.)


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Shear deformation can induce normal stress or hydrostatic stress in metallic glasses [ Nature Mater. 2 ( 2003) 449, Intermetallics 14 ( 2006) 1033]. We perform the bulk deformation of three-dimensional Cu46Zr54 metallic glass (MG) and Cu single crystal model systems using molecular dynamics simulation. The results indicate that hydrostatic stress can incur shear stress in MG, but not in crystal. The resultant pronounced asymmetry between tension and compression originates from this inherent shear-dilatation coexistence in MG.


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研究了一种新的远程导弹飞行轨道的可行性,它的最大飞行高度约100 km.这种超低弹道,借鉴卫星模式,利用离心力抵抗重力.与卫星轨道运行不同的是,超低弹道周围的稀薄空气影响至关重要,必须考虑.计算和分析结果表明,在相同载荷条件和射程条件下,超低弹道和经典的最小能量弹道对于火箭动力的需求大致相当,射程10000km以上基本相同,头部半径为5cm的轴对称外形,沿超低弹道飞行时,其驻点热流在高度26km左右达到最大值50MW/m~2,约为最小能量弹道驻点热流最大值的50%.由于超低弹道对升力没有要求,飞行过程中的气动加热问题,沿用成熟方法如烧蚀防热即可解决.总体而言,超低弹道对于火箭动力与外形气动力/热要求,现有技术容易满足,因此利用它增强远程导弹的突防能力是现实可能的.


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Since 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gearSince 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gear. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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Irakurleak esku artean duena LEGEAK-LEYES bildumaren ale berri bat da, kontsumitzaile eta erabiltzaileen defentsa eta babeserako arau nagusiek osatzen dutena. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak, Zuzenbide Fakultateak eta Eusko Jaurlaritzako Justizia Sailak euskara juridikoaren normalizazioa arlo guztietara hedatzearen alde hartu zuten konpromisotik eratorritako ekimenaren fruitua da honako ale hau ere, Espainiako ordenamendu juridikoaren lege-testu garrantzitsuenak euskaraz emateko helburuak gidatuta plazaratutakoa. Kontsumitzaile eta erabiltzaileen legeri hau oso erabilgarria da eurontzat, kontsumitzaile eta erabiltzaile diren aldetik dituzten eskubideak baliatzeko ez ezik, euskal legeak aitortzen dizkien hizkuntza-eskubideak duintasunez eta modu eraginkor batean gauzatzeko ere. Baliagarria da, halaber, administrazio publikoentzat, beren babes-funtzioa betetzeko tresna egokia izan dezaten eskura. Orobat da baliagarria epaitegietako eta arbitrajeetako arduradunak beren jarduna euskaraz egitera bultzatzeko. Eta, zer esanik ez, unibertsitatean ikerkuntza eta heziketa, berme osoz, euskaraz egin daitezela ziurtatzeko ere balio dezake LEGEAK-LEYES bildumaren ale honek.


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For the first time. effect of halide ions (F-, Cl-, Br-, and I-) introduction on structure, thermal stability, and upconversion fluorescence in Er3+/Yb3+-codoped oxide-halide germanium-bismuth glasses has been systematically investigated. The results show that halide ions modified germanium-bismuth glasses have lower maximum phonon energy and phonon density, worse thermal stability. longer measured lifetimes of I-4(l1/2) level, and stronger upconversion emission than germanium-bismuth glass. All these results indicate that halide ions play an important role in the formation of glass network, and have an important influence on the upconversion luminescence. The possible upconversion mechanisms of Er3+ ion are also evaluated. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Broadband and upconversion properties were studied in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fluorophosphate glasses. Large Omega(6) and S-ed/(S-ed + S-md) values and the flat gain profile over 1530-1585 nm indicate the good broadband properties of the glass system. And a premise of using Omega(6) as a parameter to estimate the broadband properties of the glasses is proposed for the first time to our knowledge. Results showed that fluorescence intensity, upconversion luminescence intensity, the intensity ratio of red/green light (656 nm/545 nm) are closely related to the Yb3+:Er3+ ratio and Er3+ concentration, and the corresponding calculated lifetime of F-4(9/2) and S-4(3/2) states for red and green upconversion samples proves this conclusion. The upconversion mechanism is also discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report spectral properties and thermal stability of Nd3+-doped InF3-based heavy-metal fluoride glasses. Fluoroindate glasses in the chemical compositions (in mol%) of (38-x)InF3-16BaF(2)-20ZnF(2)-20SrF(2)-3GdF(3)-1GaF(3-)2NaF-xNdF(3) (x = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3) have been prepared under a controlled atmosphere in a dry box. Strong UVblue upconversion emission from a green excitation wavelength has been observed and the involved mechanisms have been explained. Near-infrared emission occurs simultaneously upon excitation of the UV-blue upconversion emissions with a cw Ar(+)laser. The upconversion spectra have revealed four dominant emissions at 354, 380, 412 and 449 nm, which belong to the transitions of D-4(3/2) -> I-4(9/2), D-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) and P-2(3/2) -> I-4(9/2), D-4(3/2) -> I-4(13/2) and P-2(3/2) -> I-4(11/2), D-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and P-2(3/2) -> I-4(13/2), respectively.


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