887 resultados para 3D Computer Graphics


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Interactive visualization applications benefit from simplification techniques that generate good-quality coarse meshes from high-resolution meshes that represent the domain. These meshes often contain interesting substructures, called embedded structures, and it is desirable to preserve the topology of the embedded structures during simplification, in addition to preserving the topology of the domain. This paper describes a proof that link conditions, proposed earlier, are sufficient to ensure that edge contractions preserve the topology of the embedded structures and the domain. Excluding two specific configurations, the link conditions are also shown to be necessary for topology preservation. Repeated application of edge contraction on an extended complex produces a coarser representation of the domain and the embedded structures. An extension of the quadric error metric is used to schedule edge contractions, resulting in a good-quality coarse mesh that closely approximates the input domain and the embedded structures.


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We introduce a multifield comparison measure for scalar fields that helps in studying relations between them. The comparison measure is insensitive to noise in the scalar fields and to noise in their gradients. Further, it can be computed robustly and efficiently. Results from the visual analysis of various data sets from climate science and combustion applications demonstrate the effective use of the measure.


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Visualization of fluids has wide applications in science, engineering and entertainment. Various methodologies Of visualizing fluids have evolved which emphasize on capturing different aspects of the fluids accurately. In this survey the existing methods for realistic visualization of fluids are reviewed. The approaches are classified based on the key concept they rely on for fluid modeling. This classification allows for easy selection of the method to be adopted for visualization given an application. It also enables identification of alternative techniques for fluid modeling.


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In the near future, robots and CG (computer graphics) will be required to exhibit creative behaviors that reflect designers’ abstract images and emotions. However, there are no effective methods to develop abstract images and emotions and support designers in designing creative behaviors that reflect their images and emotions. Analogy and blending are two methods known to be very effective for designing creative behaviors. The aim of this study is to propose a method for developing designers’ abstract behavioral images and emotions and giving shape to them by constructing a computer system that supports a designer in the creation of the desired behavior. This method focuses on deriving inspiration from the behavioral aspects of natural phenomena rather than simply mimicking it. We have proposed two new methods for developing abstract behavioral images and emotions by which a designer can use analogies from natural things such as animals and plants even when there is a difference in the number of joints between the natural object and the design target. The first method uses visual behavioral images, the second uses rhythmic behavioral images. We have demonstrated examples of designed behaviors to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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Study of symmetric or repeating patterns in scalar fields is important in scientific data analysis because it gives deep insights into the properties of the underlying phenomenon. Though geometric symmetry has been well studied within areas like shape processing, identifying symmetry in scalar fields has remained largely unexplored due to the high computational cost of the associated algorithms. We propose a computationally efficient algorithm for detecting symmetric patterns in a scalar field distribution by analysing the topology of level sets of the scalar field. Our algorithm computes the contour tree of a given scalar field and identifies subtrees that are similar. We define a robust similarity measure for comparing subtrees of the contour tree and use it to group similar subtrees together. Regions of the domain corresponding to subtrees that belong to a common group are extracted and reported to be symmetric. Identifying symmetry in scalar fields finds applications in visualization, data exploration, and feature detection. We describe two applications in detail: symmetry-aware transfer function design and symmetry-aware isosurface extraction.


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in any dimension. Key to the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm is an alternate definition of the Reeb graph that considers equivalence classes of level sets instead of individual level sets. The algorithm works in two steps. The first step locates all critical points of the function in the domain. Critical points correspond to nodes in the Reeb graph. Arcs connecting the nodes are computed in the second step by a simple search procedure that works on a small subset of the domain that corresponds to a pair of critical points. The paper also describes a scheme for controlled simplification of the Reeb graph and two different graph layout schemes that help in the effective presentation of Reeb graphs for visual analysis of scalar fields. Finally, the Reeb graph is employed in four different applications-surface segmentation, spatially-aware transfer function design, visualization of interval volumes, and interactive exploration of time-varying data.


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The Morse-Smale complex is a useful topological data structure for the analysis and visualization of scalar data. This paper describes an algorithm that processes all mesh elements of the domain in parallel to compute the Morse-Smale complex of large two-dimensional data sets at interactive speeds. We employ a reformulation of the Morse-Smale complex using Forman's Discrete Morse Theory and achieve scalability by computing the discrete gradient using local accesses only. We also introduce a novel approach to merge gradient paths that ensures accurate geometry of the computed complex. We demonstrate that our algorithm performs well on both multicore environments and on massively parallel architectures such as the GPU.


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This report describes some preliminary experiments on the use of the relaxation technique for the reconstruction of the elements of a matrix given their various directional sums (or projections).


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function tracks the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a fast algorithm to compute the Reeb graph of a piecewise-linear (PL) function defined over manifolds and non-manifolds. The key idea in the proposed approach is to maximally leverage the efficient contour tree algorithm to compute the Reeb graph. The algorithm proceeds by dividing the input into a set of subvolumes that have loop-free Reeb graphs using the join tree of the scalar function and computes the Reeb graph by combining the contour trees of all the subvolumes. Since the key ingredient of this method is a series of union-find operations, the algorithm is fast in practice. Experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms current generic algorithms by a factor of up to two orders of magnitude, and has a performance on par with algorithms that are catered to restricted classes of input. The algorithm also extends to handle large data that do not fit in memory.


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Identifying symmetry in scalar fields is a recent area of research in scientific visualization and computer graphics communities. Symmetry detection techniques based on abstract representations of the scalar field use only limited geometric information in their analysis. Hence they may not be suited for applications that study the geometric properties of the regions in the domain. On the other hand, methods that accumulate local evidence of symmetry through a voting procedure have been successfully used for detecting geometric symmetry in shapes. We extend such a technique to scalar fields and use it to detect geometrically symmetric regions in synthetic as well as real-world datasets. Identifying symmetry in the scalar field can significantly improve visualization and interactive exploration of the data. We demonstrate different applications of the symmetry detection method to scientific visualization: query-based exploration of scalar fields, linked selection in symmetric regions for interactive visualization, and classification of geometrically symmetric regions and its application to anomaly detection.


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Visualizing symmetric patterns in the data often helps the domain scientists make important observations and gain insights about the underlying experiment. Detecting symmetry in scalar fields is a nascent area of research and existing methods that detect symmetry are either not robust in the presence of noise or computationally costly. We propose a data structure called the augmented extremum graph and use it to design a novel symmetry detection method based on robust estimation of distances. The augmented extremum graph captures both topological and geometric information of the scalar field and enables robust and computationally efficient detection of symmetry. We apply the proposed method to detect symmetries in cryo-electron microscopy datasets and the experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of detecting symmetry even in the presence of significant noise. We describe novel applications that use the detected symmetry to enhance visualization of scalar field data and facilitate their exploration.


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We describe a framework to explore and visualize the movement of cloud systems. Using techniques from computational topology and computer vision, our framework allows the user to study this movement at various scales in space and time. Such movements could have large temporal and spatial scales such as the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO), which has a spatial scale ranging from 1000 km to 10000 km and time of oscillation of around 40 days. Embedded within these larger scale oscillations are a hierarchy of cloud clusters which could have smaller spatial and temporal scales such as the Nakazawa cloud clusters. These smaller cloud clusters, while being part of the equatorial MJO, sometimes move at speeds different from the larger scale and in a direction opposite to that of the MJO envelope. Hitherto, one could only speculate about such movements by selectively analysing data and a priori knowledge of such systems. Our framework automatically delineates such cloud clusters and does not depend on the prior experience of the user to define cloud clusters. Analysis using our framework also shows that most tropical systems such as cyclones also contain multi-scale interactions between clouds and cloud systems. We show the effectiveness of our framework to track organized cloud system during one such rainfall event which happened at Mumbai, India in July 2005 and for cyclone Aila which occurred in Bay of Bengal during May 2009.


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The complexity in visualizing volumetric data often limits the scope of direct exploration of scalar fields. Isocontour extraction is a popular method for exploring scalar fields because of its simplicity in presenting features in the data. In this paper, we present a novel representation of contours with the aim of studying the similarity relationship between the contours. The representation maps contours to points in a high-dimensional transformation-invariant descriptor space. We leverage the power of this representation to design a clustering based algorithm for detecting symmetric regions in a scalar field. Symmetry detection is a challenging problem because it demands both segmentation of the data and identification of transformation invariant segments. While the former task can be addressed using topological analysis of scalar fields, the latter requires geometry based solutions. Our approach combines the two by utilizing the contour tree for segmenting the data and the descriptor space for determining transformation invariance. We discuss two applications, query driven exploration and asymmetry visualization, that demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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This paper presents the Treadport Active Wind Tunnel (TPAWT)-a full-body immersive virtual environment for the Treadport locomotion interface designed for generating wind on a user from any frontal direction at speeds up to 20 kph. The goal is to simulate the experience of realistic wind while walking in an outdoor virtual environment. A recirculating-type wind tunnel was created around the pre-existing Treadport installation by adding a large fan, ducting, and enclosure walls. Two sheets of air in a non-intrusive design flow along the side screens of the back-projection CAVE-like visual display, where they impinge and mix at the front screen to redirect towards the user in a full-body cross-section. By varying the flow conditions of the air sheets, the direction and speed of wind at the user are controlled. Design challenges to fit the wind tunnel in the pre-existing facility, and to manage turbulence to achieve stable and steerable flow, were overcome. The controller performance for wind speed and direction is demonstrated experimentally.


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The bilateral filter is a versatile non-linear filter that has found diverse applications in image processing, computer vision, computer graphics, and computational photography. A common form of the filter is the Gaussian bilateral filter in which both the spatial and range kernels are Gaussian. A direct implementation of this filter requires O(sigma(2)) operations per pixel, where sigma is the standard deviation of the spatial Gaussian. In this paper, we propose an accurate approximation algorithm that can cut down the computational complexity to O(1) per pixel for any arbitrary sigma (constant-time implementation). This is based on the observation that the range kernel operates via the translations of a fixed Gaussian over the range space, and that these translated Gaussians can be accurately approximated using the so-called Gauss-polynomials. The overall algorithm emerging from this approximation involves a series of spatial Gaussian filtering, which can be efficiently implemented (in parallel) using separability and recursion. We present some preliminary results to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm compares favorably with some of the existing fast algorithms in terms of speed and accuracy.