999 resultados para 1974
Kirje 22.4.1974
Kirje 1.11.1974
A listing of district foresters and state forest facilities.
This 1974 Survey of Dentists shows the number of dentists actively practicing in Iowa by county, age group, and type of practice.
A citation analysis was carried out on the most important research journals in the field of Catalan literature between 1974 and 2003. The indicators and qualitative parameters obtained show the value of performing citation analysis in cultural and linguistic areas that are poorly covered by the A&HCI. Catalan literature shows a similar pattern to that of humanities in general, but it could still be in a stage of consolidation because too little work has as yet been published.
This document is the State Map of Iowa, both front and back of the year in the title. All maps were are in pdf format and can be used as a historical reference.
The measurement of pavement roughness has been the concern of highway engineers for more than 70 years. This roughness is referred to as "riding quality" by the traveling public. Pavement roughness evaluating devices have attempted to place either a graphical or numerical value on the public's riding comfort or discomfort. Early graphical roughness recorders had many different designs. In 1900 an instrument called the "Viagraph" was developed by an Irish engineer.' The "Viagraph" consisted of a twelve foot board with graphical recorder drawn over the pavement. The "Profilometer" built in Illinois in 1922 was much more impressive. ' The instrument's recorder was mounted on a frame supported by 32 bicycle wheels mounted in tandem. Many other variations of profilometers with recorders were built but most were difficult to handle and could not secure uniformly reproducible results. The Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) Road Roughness Indicator b u i l t in 1941 is the most widely used numerical roughness recorder.' The BPR Road Roughness Indicator consists of a trailer unit with carefully selected springs, means of dampening, and balanced wheel.
A t the request of the Iowa State Highway Commission, the Engineering Research Institute observed the traffic operations at the Interstate 29 (1-29) and Interstate 80 (1-80) interchange in the southwest part of Council Bluffs. The general location of the site is shown in Figure 1. Before limiting the analysis to the diverging area the project staff drove the entire Council Bluffs freeway system and consulted with M r . Philip Hassenstab (Iowa State Highway Commission, District 4, Resident Maintenance Engineer at Council Bluffs). The final study scope was delineated as encompassing only the operational characteristics of the diverge area where 1-29 South and 1-80 East divide and the ramp to merge area where 1-80 West joins 1-29 North (both areas being contained within the aforementioned interchange). Supplementing the traffic operations scope, was an effort to delineate and document the applicability of video-tape techniques to traffic engineering studies and analyses. Documentation was primarily in the form of a demonstration video-tape.
Nationwide, about five cents of each highway construction dollar is spent on culverts. In Iowa, average annual construction costs on the interstate, primary, and federal-aid secondary systems are about $120,000,000. Assuming the national figure applies to Iowa, about $6,000,000 are spent on culvert construction annually. For each one percent reduction in overall culvert costs, annual construction costs would be reduced by $60,000. One area of potential cost reduction lies in the sizing of the culvert. Determining the flow area and hydraulic capacity is accomplished in the initial design of the culvert. The normal design sequence is accomplished in two parts. The hydrologic portion consists of the determination of a design discharge in cubic feet per second using one of several available methods. This discharge is then used directly in the hydraulic portion of the design to determine the proper type, size, and shape of culvert to be used, based on various site and design restrictions. More refined hydrologic analyses, including rainfall-runoff analysis, flood hydrograph development, and streamflow routing techniques, are not pursued in the existing design procedure used by most county and state highway engineers.
This book contains maps, colored pictures and detailed information of minerals found in Iowa. It includes the localities of where they can be obtained and the characteristics by which they can be identified. This is part of the Iowa Geological Survey Educational Series 2.
This brochures has information on the celebration of the American Revolution and describes the duties of the Bicentennial Commission and State Heritage '76 committees. It tells how a person can help with the celebration and lists the members of the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.