841 resultados para 1209
学业情绪是指在教学或学习过程中,与学生学业相关的各种情绪体验。采用问卷、访谈、实验室实验、自然实验等多种方法,从学习不良青少年学业情绪的特点和影响因素出发,重点考察了学业情绪对学习不良青少年学业成就及选择性注意和持续性注意的影响。在此基础上,制定了学业情绪整合性干预措施,对学习不良青少年进行了学业情绪的干预。结果表明: 1、以1731名初一到高三学生为被试,通过三次取样测试,编制的《青少年学业情绪问卷》具有较好的理论构想和信、效度指标,是研究青少年学业情绪问题的一个有效工具。 2、采用问卷法,比较了学习不良青少年和一般青少年在学业情绪上的特点,被试为普通初中与高中学生1034人,其中学习不良学生506人。结果表明,学习不良青少年比一般青少年有更少的积极学业情绪、更多的消极学业情绪。学习不良青少年与一般青少年在学业情绪上的差异主要体现在初一、初二和高二、高三年级。总体上,消极学业情绪有随着学业时间的延续而增强的趋势,积极学业情绪有随着学业时间延续而降低的趋势。男生的积极学业情绪多于女生,女生的消极学业情绪多于男生。学习不良青少年的学业情绪受人际、学业、课堂、个人等多方面因素的影响,其中人际因素是最主要的因素。 3、以1209名青少年为被试,采用结构方程模型检验了学业情绪对学业成就的影响模式。结果发现,积极高唤醒学业情绪通过成就目标、学业效能、学习策略间接影响学业成就;积极低唤醒、消极低唤醒和消极高唤醒学业情绪对学业成就有直接影响。学业情绪影响学习不良青少年学业成就的模式形态与一般青少年相同。 4、学业情绪对学习不良青少年的选择性注意和持续性注意有一定影响。对70名高一学习不良青少年研究的结果表明,对积极低唤醒学业情绪下选择性注意的反应时成绩优于消极学业情绪。对69名高二学习不良青少年研究的结果表明,消极高唤醒的学业情绪能够增加持续性注意的虚报率,降低抑制能力,而积极高唤醒的学业情绪能够提高判断标准,占用更多的心理资源。 5、以358名高中学生为被试(其中学习不良学生52人),通过学业情绪的整合性教育干预发现,该干预能够有效促进学习不良青少年及全体青少年学业情绪的改善;短期内对学习不良及全体青少年的学业成就提高有积极作用。
Studying the division means trying to describe a complex phenomenon that accommodation dogmatic created many disagreements in doctrine and jurisprudence, and today, despite the debate on the subject has reached the landing at least reassuring, never fails to impress for a certain vitality. The main purpose of this work is to analyze, with no claim to completeness, the division in modern key, both from a structural point of view that from a functional point of view. Made a brief introduction on the history and evolution of legal profiles of the institute, it will switch you to the analysis of the essential elements that combine to describe the situation, to analyze its effects, and to place it, only if possible, within the categories of law developed by the doctrine and jurisprudence. The second aspect of investigation, however, will focus on the study of the case divisional functionally analyzing in detail what are the various ways in which it is possible to proceed to division, and what are the critical issues relating to each divisional scheme, with particular attention to the division of the estate, which has always been, to its inherent complexity, the paradigm to refer to, and the ground of comparison of various theories proposed, in light of recent legislative changes, albeit marginal, report the current attention to a phenomenon instrumental in the distribution of wealth, perhaps too much overlooked.
Hutzler, S., Weaire, D., Cox, S.J., Van der Net, A. and Janiaud, E. (2007) Pre-empting Plateau: the nature of topological transitions in foam. Europhys. Lett. 77: 28002 Sponsorship: EPSRC / ESA / ESTEC / Science Foundation Ireland/ Gulbenkian Foundation
Wilding, Martin; Benmore, C.J.; Tangeman, J.A.; Sampath, S., (2004) 'Coordination changes in magnesium silicate glasses', Europhysics Letters 67 pp.212-218 RAE2008
Tekst wskazuje II połowę XX wieku jako cezurę wyznaczającą kres dziewiętnastowiecznego pojęcia historii, służącego europejskim imperiom do uzasadnienia ekspansji kolonialnej. Na przykładzie kontrastu Indii i Zachodu dowodzi, że myślenie historyczne jest uwarunkowane kulturowo. Ruchy antykolonialne odwracają dyskurs kolonialny, czyniąc z niego argument dla szybkiej demokratyzacji społeczeństw, odbiegającej od modelu europejskiego za sprawą zredukowanej liczby etapów postępu cywilizacyjnego i rezygnacji z perspektywy historycznej. Seria Subaltern Studies podważa uniwersalność europejskiego modelu nowoczesności i jego adekwatność na terenach byłych kolonii po upadku zachodnich imperiów.
We consider the spontaneous creation of a dc voltage across a strongly coupled semiconductor superlattice subjected to THz radiation. We show that the dc voltage may be approximately proportional either to an integer or to a half- integer multiple of the frequency of the applied ac field, depending on the ratio of the characteristic scattering rates of conducting electrons. For the case of an ac field frequency less than the characteristic scattering rates, we demonstrate the generation of an unquantized dc voltage.
To evaluate the effects of chronic lead exposure on the nervous system in adults, a set of neurobehavioural and electrophysiological tests was administered to 99 lead exposed foundry employees and 61 unexposed workers. Current and past blood lead concentrations were used to estimate the degree of lead absorption; all previous blood lead concentrations had been less than or equal to 90 micrograms/100 ml. Characteristic signs (such as wrist extensor weakness) or symptoms (such as colic) of lead poisoning were not seen. Sensory conduction in the sural nerve was not affected. By contrast, various neurobehavioural functions deteriorated with increasing lead burden. Workers with blood lead concentrations between 40 and 60 micrograms/100 ml showed impaired performance on tests of verbal concept formation, visual/motor performance, memory, and mood. Thus impairment in central nervous system function in lead exposed adults occurred in the absence of peripheral nervous system derangement and increased in severity with increasing lead dose.
Two-dimensional (2D) hopper flow of disks has been extensively studied. Here, we investigate hopper flow of ellipses with aspect ratio $\alpha = 2$, and we contrast that behavior to the flow of disks. We use a quasi-2D hopper containing photoelastic particles to obtain stress/force information. We simultaneously measure the particle motion and stress. We determine several properties, including discharge rates, jamming probabilities, and the number of particles in clogging arches. For both particle types, the size of the opening, $D$, relative to the size of particles, $\ell$ is an important dimensionless measure. The orientation of the ellipses plays an important role in flow rheology and clogging. The alignment of contacting ellipses enhances the probability of forming stable arches. This study offers insight for applications involving the flow of granular materials consisting of ellipsoidal shapes, and possibly other non-spherical shapes.
El presente trabajo se desprende de la práctica docente que se está llevando a cabo en el Centro Educativo Femenino de Antioquia (CEFA) en la ciudad de Medellín con estudiantes del grado décimo, el cual tiene como intención primordial retornar la geometría al aula de clase como una herramienta que facilita la interpretación de las ideas matemáticas y físicas, empleando la metodología de aula-taller como fundamento para alcanzar tal fin. Hasta ahora se ha logrado despertar un relevante interés en el manejo del lenguaje geométrico y una mejor interpretación de algunos conceptos como el teorema de Pitágoras y el número Pi, a partir de uso del material concreto que ayuda al estudiante a alcanzar una mejor apropiación de dichos conceptos.
A small research project is currently taking place within a department of the University of Greenwich. The project involves using current technology (Apple’s xServe, iPhones, iPod touch, Podcast Producer application and some 3rd party capture software) with the intention to provide a solution for quick and simple podcasting. This paper also aims to investigate the use of podcasting to help promote and extend the e-learning provision within the school. In short this project aims to justify the use of podcasting as a teaching and learning tool to help enhance student learning while identifying the most appropriate manner to integrate podcasting within an e-learning environment.
We evaluated the impacts of wildlife on household food security and income in three semi-arid villages adjacent to Lake Manyara National Park (LMNP) and Mkomazi Game Reserve (MGR) in Northeastern Tanzania. Survey data were collected using both household interviews and human-wildlife conflict related archive information from the village government offices. Crop destruction by wildlife influenced both household food security and cash income. Crop damage to households was, on average, 0.08 ton/annum, equivalent to two months household loss of food and reduced household cash income by 1.3%. A combination of measures is proposed as incentives for conservation. These include provision of economic incentives, soft loans to initiate non-farm (e.g., ecotourism, business enterprises) projects to ease dependency on natural resources, increasing of reserves buffer zones and fencing of reserves.