966 resultados para (BiO)(2)CO3


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The use of biomass as a source of fuel is on the sharp increase. In parallel with this expansion, new chemical processes and technologies are required to improve efficiency, sustainability, and profitability.
Biocatalytic and chemocatalytic methods can be combined to affect the conversion of bio-alcohols, and convert them to valuable chemical targets in an atom efficient and environmentally benign manor. Fermentation offers a useful first step in biomass conversion, as whole cell biocatalysts can provide sustained activity when fed with crude biomass. Coupling this with homogeneous and/or heterogeneous catalysis enables the preparation of a diverse product range. The transition between biocatalytic and chemocatalytic steps can be assisted by utilising ionic liquids.
Ionic liquids have potential roles in biorefineries that generate alcohols; as an extractant, reaction medium, and catalytic reagent. Underpinning the potential of ionic liquids in this area is: 1. the ability of ionic liquids to solubilize polyols and alcohols; 2. the facility to functionalise ionic liquids and tune properties; 3. the low volatility of ionic liquids.
The FP7 project GRAIL will be highlighted; this project focusses on the utilisation of glycerol formed as a by-product in biodiesel synthesis.


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In the present study, a novel enzyme-based methodology for grafting Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) onto the ethyl cellulose (EC) as a backbone polymer was developed. Laccase assisted copolymerization was carried out under mild and eco-friendly reaction conditions. The resulting homogeneous composite membranes were characterized by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The FTIR spectra of pure PHAs and PHAs containing graft composites (PHAs-g-EC) showed their strong characteristic bands at 1721 cm1, 1651 cm-1 and 1603 cm-1 respectively. Other accompanying bands in the range of 900-1300 cm-1 correspond to C=O vibration and C-O-C bond stretching, which could be contributed from PHAs and EC, respectively. The high intensity of the 3358 cm-1 band in the graft composite may have corresponded to the degradation of the carboxylic group from PHAs and also showed an increase of hydrogen-bonded groups at that distinct band region. The morphology was examined by SEM, which showed the well dispersed PHAs crystals in the backbone polymer of EC. XRD pattern for PHAs showed distinct peaks at 2-Theta values of 28o, 32o, 34o, 39o, 46o, 57o, 64o, 78o and 84o that represent the crystalline nature of PHAs. In comparison with those of neat PHAs, the degree of crystallinity for PHAs-g-EC decreased and this reduction is mainly because of the new cross-linking of PHAs within the EC backbone that changes the morphology and destroys the crystallites. Improved mechanical properties were observed for the PHAs-g-EC as compared to the individual components due to the impregnation of EC as reinforcement into the PHAs matrix. Improved mechanical strength enhanced thermal properties, along with low crystallinity of the present PHAs-g-EC suggesting its potential for various industrial and bio-medical applications.


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A novel approach to scheduling resolution by combining Autonomic Computing (AC), Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Case-based Reasoning (CBR), and Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques (BIT) will be described. AC has emerged as a paradigm aiming at incorporating applications with a management structure similar to the central nervous system. The main intentions are to improve resource utilization and service quality. In this paper we envisage the use of MAS paradigm for supporting dynamic and distributed scheduling in Manufacturing Systems with AC properties, in order to reduce the complexity of managing manufacturing systems and human interference. The proposed CBR based Intelligent Scheduling System was evaluated under different dynamic manufacturing scenarios.


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El monitoreo se realizó en agosto 2007, a bordo de la L/P IMARPE IV, desde La Yarada hasta 40 mn frente a Quilca. La temperatura superficial varió de 13,7 a 16,4 °C, menores valores (<14,5 °C) se registraron entre Tancona y Quilca dentro de las 15 mn y mayores (>16 °C) entre Punta Coles y el Dominio Marítimo Sur por fuera de 20 mn. Las anomalías térmicas variaron de -1,4 a -0,8 °C. La gradiente térmica vertical estuvo conformada por 3 isotermas (14 a 16 °C), la isolínea de 15 °C se presentó entre la superficie (zonas costeras) y 35 m. La anchoveta tuvo mayor distribución hasta 40 mn frente a Mollendo, dentro de las 5 mn se ubicó mezclada con múnida, principalmente frente a Playa Tacna y Mollendo.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con orientación en Endodoncia) UANL, 2014.


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Introduction : La présente étude explore pour la première fois en Afrique, l'association entre l'exposition aux pesticides organochlorés (POC) et le risque de diabète de type 2. L’étude se déroule dans la région du Borgou, au nord du Bénin, où l’utilisation intense de pesticides pour la culture du coton coïncide avec une prévalence élevée du diabète par rapport aux autres régions du pays. Objectifs: 1) Décrire le niveau d’exposition de la population des diabétiques et non diabétiques du Borgou par le taux sérique de certains pesticides organochlorés ; 2) Explorer la relation entre le risque de diabète de type 2 et les concentrations sériques des POC; 3) Examiner l’association entre l’obésité globale, le pourcentage de masse grasse et l’obésité abdominale avec les concentrations sériques des POC; 4) Explorer la contribution de certaines sources d’exposition alimentaire et non-alimentaire aux concentrations sériques des POC. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude cas-témoin qui concerne 258 adultes de 18 à 65 ans identifiés par deux valeurs glycémiques capillaire et veineuse au seuil de 7 mmol/l pour les diabétiques et 5,6mmol/l pour les témoins non diabétiques. Les 129 témoins ont été appariés aux 129 cas selon les critères suivants : l’ethnie, l’âge ± 5ans, le sexe et la localité de résidence. Les informations personnelles et celles portant sur les modes d’exposition ont été recueillies par questionnaire. Les concentrations sériques des POC ont été obtenues par chromatographie gazeuse couplée d’une spectrométrie de masse. L’obésité globale est déterminée par l’IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2. L’obésité abdominale est obtenue par le tour de taille selon les critères consensuels d’Alberti et al. pour la définition du syndrome métabolique. Le pourcentage de masse corporelle a été mesuré par bio-impédance électrique et été considéré comme élevé au seuil de 33% chez les femmes et 25% chez les hommes. Résultats: En comparant les 3ème et premier terciles des concentrations de p,p’-DDE et p,p’-DDT, les sujets du 3e tercile étaient deux à trois fois plus susceptibles de présenter du diabète que ceux du 1er tercile. La probabilité d’obésité abdominale ou de l’obésité générale (en contrôlant pour le statut diabétique) était accrue de trois à cinq fois dans le dernier tercile pour trois des quatre POC qui étaient détectables soit p,p’-DDT, β-HCH et trans-Nonachlore. Les facteurs socioéconomiques associés aux POC sériques sont le niveau d’éducation élevé, un meilleur revenu et la résidence en milieu urbain. Les sources d’exposition non alimentaire significativement associées aux concentrations sériques de POC étaient l’exposition professionnelle mixte (primaire et secondaire) aux pesticides et la consommation de tabac local. L’achat en opposition à l’autoproduction de plusieurs groupes de denrées alimentaire était associé à de plus fortes teneurs de POC. La fréquence de consommation hebdomadaire du poisson, des légumes, du fromage, de l’igname séchée ainsi que du mil, de l’huile de palme et de certaines légumineuses comme le soya, le néré, le niébé et le voandzou était significativement associées aux POC sériques. Conclusion : L’étude a mis en évidence la relation entre le niveau sérique de pesticides organochlorés d’une part, du diabète ou de l’obésité d’autre part. Les concentrations de POC observées au Borgou sont assez élevées et méritent d’être suivies et comparées à celles d’autres régions du pays. Les facteurs contribuant à ces teneurs élevées sont le niveau d’éducation élevé, un meilleur revenu, la résidence en milieu urbain, l’achat et la fréquence de consommation de plusieurs aliments. La contribution du mélange des polluants auxquels les habitants de cette région sont exposés à la prévalence croissante du diabète mérite d’être examinée, notamment les pesticides utilisés actuellement dans la région pour les productions de rente et autres polluants persistants. Ces résultats contribuent à accroître les connaissances sur les facteurs de risque émergents pour le diabète que sont des polluants environnementaux comme les pesticides. Les implications pour la santé publique sont importantes tant pour la prévention des maladies chroniques que pour la sensibilisation des autorités politiques du pays pour une politique agricole et sanitaire adéquate visant la réduction de l’exposition aux pesticides.


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Multi-component reactions are effective in building complex molecules in a single step in a minimum amount of time and with facile isolation procedures; they have high economy1–7 and thus have become a powerful synthetic strategy in recent years.8–10 The multicomponent protocols are even more attractive when carried out in aqueous medium. Water offers several benefits, including control over exothermicity, and the isolation of products can be carried out by single phase separation technique. Pyranopyrazoles are a biologically important class of heterocyclic compounds and in particular dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles play an essential role in promoting biological activity and represent an interesting template in medicinal chemistry. Heterocyclic compounds bearing the 4-H pyran unit have received much attention in recent years as they constitute important precursors for promising drugs.11–13 Pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles exhibit analgesic,14 anti-cancer,15 anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory16 activity. Furthermore dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles show molluscidal activity17,18 and are used in a screening kit for Chk 1 kinase inhibitor activity.19,20 They also find applications as pharmaceutical ingredients and bio-degradable agrochemicals.21–29 Junek and Aigner30 first reported the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives from 3-methyl-1-phenylpyrazolin-5-one and tetracyanoethylene in the presence of triethylamine. Subsequently, a number of synthetic approaches such as the use of triethylamine,31 piperazine,32 piperidine,33 N-methylmorpholine in ethanol,34 microwave irradiation,35,36 solvent-free conditions,37–39 cyclodextrins (CDs),40 different bases in water,41 γ -alumina,42 and l-proline43 have been reported for the synthesis of 6-amino-4-alkyl/aryl-3-methyl- 2,4-dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-5-carbonitriles. Recently, tetraethylammonium bromide (TEABr) has emerged as mild, water-tolerant, eco-friendly and inexpensive catalyst. To the best of our knowledge, quaternary ammonium salts, more specifically TEABr, have notbeen used as catalysts for the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles, and we decided to investigate the application of TEABr as a catalyst for the synthesis of a series of pyrazole-fused pyran derivatives via multi-component reactions


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BIO S.A.S es una organización que iniciará actividades en septiembre de 2012, y se dedicará a la producción, manipulación y distribución especial más no limitativa de Naranja Tangelo (Mineola). Nuestro producto será comercializado en Chapinero.


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Restocking is a favoured option in supporting livelihoods after a disaster. With the depletion of local livestock populations, the introduction of new species and breeds will clearly affect biodiversity. Nevertheless, the impact of restocking on Animal Genetic Resources has been largely ignored. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to examine the consequences of restocking on biodiversity via a simple model. Utilising a hypothetical project based on cattle, the model demonstrates that more than one-third of the population was related to the original restocked animals after three generations. Under conditions of random breed selection, the figure declined to 20 per cent. The tool was then applied to a donor-led restocking project implemented in Bosnia-Herzegovina. By restocking primarily with Simmental cattle, the model demonstrated that the implementation of a single restocking project is likely to have accelerated the decline of the indigenous Buşa breed by a further nine per cent. Thus, greater awareness of the long-term implications of restocking on biodiversity is required.


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Reaction of Cu(1,2-phenylenediamine)(2)(ClO4)(2) with neat RR'=O (R = methyl and/or ethyl) (lives Cu(2,2-dialkyl-2H-benzimidazole)ClO4. demetallation of which by the action of aqueous ammonia yields Pure 2,2-dialkyl-2H-benzimidazoles. These are characterised by NMR. hi the X-ray crystal Structure, Ag(2,2-methyl-2H-benzimi-dazolc)NO3 is Found to be a spiral 1D coordination polymer where the 2H-benzimidazole acts as an N,N bridge between two Ag(I) centus. Although 2H-benzimidazoles are very unstable in the free state, they are quite stable in their Cu(I)(1) and Ag(I) complexes. The 1,2-tautomerisation in imidazole and benzimidazole have been Studied by means of transition state calculations at B3LYP/6-3 11 +G(2d,p)* level.


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Background If biofuels are to be a viable substitute for fossil fuels, it is essential that they retain their potential to mitigate climate change under future atmospheric conditions. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration [CO2] stimulates plant biomass production; however, the beneficial effects of increased production may be offset by higher energy costs in crop management. Methodology/Main findings We maintained full size poplar short rotation coppice (SRC) systems under both current ambient and future elevated [CO2] (550 ppm) and estimated their net energy and greenhouse gas balance. We show that a poplar SRC system is energy efficient and produces more energy than required for coppice management. Even more, elevated [CO2] will increase the net energy production and greenhouse gas balance of a SRC system with 18%. Managing the trees in shorter rotation cycles (i.e. 2 year cycles instead of 3 year cycles) will further enhance the benefits from elevated [CO2] on both the net energy and greenhouse gas balance. Conclusions/significance Adapting coppice management to the future atmospheric [CO2] is necessary to fully benefit from the climate mitigation potential of bio-energy systems. Further, a future increase in potential biomass production due to elevated [CO2] outweighs the increased production costs resulting in a northward extension of the area where SRC is greenhouse gas neutral. Currently, the main part of the European terrestrial carbon sink is found in forest biomass and attributed to harvesting less than the annual growth in wood. Because SRC is intensively managed, with a higher turnover in wood production than conventional forest, northward expansion of SRC is likely to erode the European terrestrial carbon sink.


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The likelihood that continuing greenhouse-gas emissions will lead to an unmanageable degree of climate change [1] has stimulated the search for planetary-scale technological solutions for reducing global warming [2] (“geoengineering”), typically characterized by the necessity for costly new infrastructures and industries [3]. We suggest that the existing global infrastructure associated with arable agriculture can help, given that crop plants exert an important influence over the climatic energy budget 4 and 5 because of differences in their albedo (solar reflectivity) compared to soils and to natural vegetation [6]. Specifically, we propose a “bio-geoengineering” approach to mitigate surface warming, in which crop varieties having specific leaf glossiness and/or canopy morphological traits are specifically chosen to maximize solar reflectivity. We quantify this by modifying the canopy albedo of vegetation in prescribed cropland areas in a global-climate model, and thereby estimate the near-term potential for bio-geoengineering to be a summertime cooling of more than 1°C throughout much of central North America and midlatitude Eurasia, equivalent to seasonally offsetting approximately one-fifth of regional warming due to doubling of atmospheric CO2[7]. Ultimately, genetic modification of plant leaf waxes or canopy structure could achieve greater temperature reductions, although better characterization of existing intraspecies variability is needed first.


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Worldwide, many people are zinc (Zn)-deficient. Dietary Zn intake can be increased by producing crops with higher concentrations of Zn in their edible portions. This can be achieved by applying Zn-fertilisers to varieties with an increased ability to acquire Zn and to accumulate Zn in their edible portions. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food crop and is, therefore, a target for bio-fortification with Zn. Field trials incorporating a core collection of 23 potato genotypes, performed over 4 years (2006 – 2009), indicated significant genotypic effects on tuber Zn concentration and suggested that tuber Zn concentration was influenced by environmental effects, but also found that genotype environment (G E) interactions were not significant. Tuber Zn concentrations averaged 10.8 mg kg–1 dry matter (DM), and the ratio between the lowest and the highest varietal tuber Zn-concentration averaged 1.76. Tuber Zn concentrations could be increased by foliar Zn-fertilisation. Tuber yields of ‘Maris Piper’ were unaffected by foliar applications of < 1.08 g Zn plant–1. The relationship between tuber Zn concentration and foliar Zn application followed a saturation curve, reaching a maximum at approx. 30 mg Zn kg–1 DM at a foliar Zn application rate of 1.08 g plant–1. Despite a 40-fold increase in shoot Zn concentration compared to the unfertilised controls following foliar Zn fertilisation with 2.16 g Zn plant–1, only a doubling in tuber Zn concentration was observed. This suggests that the biofortification of tubers with Zn was restricted by the limited mobility of Zn in the phloem. A significant positive linear relationship between tuber Zn concentration and tuber N concentration supported the hypothesis of co-transport of Zn and N-compounds in the phloem.