935 resultados para word of mouth marketing


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Concerns over the overall cost of marketing research and the cost per usable response have in large measure caused marketing practitioners to turn to online marketing research techniques, either as a solus technique, or in a mixed mode application. However, the use of e-mail and mixed mode surveys such as postal invitations to complete online questionnaires present both familiar and new issues, as the extant literature illustrates. This paper examines an earlier study before reporting findings from the present study, which employs a method that ascertains the probability of commissioning and/or responding to four survey research methods, described in scenarios and delivered using e-mail and the World Wide Web (Web). It is evident that while perceptions of e-mail, the Internet, and privacy have changed since early use of the Internet and more particularly the World Wide Web, and there is acknowledgment in the literature concerning the lower costs and faster response speeds of online marketing research, small businesses do appear to discriminate in favour of targeted online survey methods over postal surveys, portrayed as scenarios in this study. They indicate a greater likelihood of responding to targeted, hybrid email/Web surveys than traditional postal surveys.


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This study examined the feasibility and effectiveness for increasing physical activity of a print-based intervention, and a print- plus telephone-mediated intervention among mid-life and older Australian adults. A randomised controlled trial study design was used. In mid-2002, 66 adults (18 men, 48 women) aged 45–78 years, who identified themselves as underactive, were recruited through advertisements and word-of-mouth at two sites (Melbourne and Brisbane), and randomised to either the print or print-plus-telephone mediated intervention group. Participants in both groups attended an initial briefing session, and over the 12-week intervention period received an instructional newsletter and use of a pedometer (both groups), and individualised telephone calls (print-plus-telephone group only). Self-reported physical activity data were collected at baseline, 12 and 16 weeks. Measures of self-reported global physical activity, moderate-vigorous intensity activity and walking all showed increases between baseline and 12 weeks for both intervention groups. These increases were generally maintained by 16 weeks, although participants in the print-plus-telephone group maintained slightly higher levels of global reported activity and walking (by approximately 30 mins/wk) than those in the print group. These interventions show potential for promoting initial increases in physical activity among mid-life and older Australian adults, and should be evaluated across more extended time periods.


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This paper provides information on business use of the Internet (Net) and World Wide Web (Web) across three countries viz Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (UK), and explores reasons for observed differences in use. The study reports that UK firms are more likely to use the Internet in relationship management than are Australasian firms. The conclusion drawn is that while there is less sophisticated business use of the Internet by Australasian companies relative to UK companies, this is but one reason for lower household penetration of the Internet and lower online purchasing levels.


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This project aimed to conceptualise and analyse empirically the antecedents of word-of-mouth in the context of an infrequently purchased service (tourism special events). The relationships examined included those between involvement, past experience, overall satisfaction, interest in attending next time, likelihood of attending next time, and the likelihood of recommending to others that they attend the event. There was some support for the overall model, in that the regressing of likelihood of recommending on the other variables produced an equation containing measures of most of the key variables, viz., revisit intention, satisfaction, revisit interest, and involvement. However, involvement appeared to operate in the opposite direction to that hypothesised.


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This paper explores the market orientation and marketing culture of all staff within a nonprofit organisation to ascertain the extent to which members of the organisation support or create barriers to the implementation of the marketing concept. Of particular interest in this research is the role of nonprofit organisations, which are often thought of as having a production, rather than marketing focus. Consequently, there may be cultural and behavioural conflicts between, for example, marketing personnel and production personnel. This paper provides a brief overview of the existing literature in the field of market orientation and marketing culture. After detailing the general research design, a summary of the results of 11 initial focus groups, consisting of all staff in one nonprofit organisation, is presented. The findings indicate that while all areas within this organisation are committed to marketing, there are various interpretations of marketing and how it should be implemented.


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The aim of the reported study was to assess the marketing readiness of websites using a tool developed from studies in the late 1990s. The research hypotheses suggest that, in line with earlier studies, government websites are more marketing ready than commercial service organisation sites in Australia. The paper reports findings that commercial service organisation websites are not as marketing ready as might be expected. The research hypotheses are partially supported in that Victorian local government websites show evidence of more sophisticated marketing capability than those of commercial service organisations in Australia and that the service organisations sampled are less likely to employ the Web as a marketing channel than local government.


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This paper conceptualizes the positive relationship between customer loyalty to the service worker (personal loyalty) and customer citizenship behaviors to the service organization including: positive word of mouth; suggestions for improvements; customer participation in activities; benevolent acts of service facilitation; customer policing; customer flexibility; customer voice and displays of relationship affiliation.


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The Australasian tertiary education sector has undergone significant organizational and cultural changes, which have increased pressures on academics to undertake a range of additional activities while at the same time improving research performance. These pressures impact on individuals in different ways, although there may be some groups or clusters of individuals within institutions with common characteristics. Managers may need to develop different sets of management strategies and policies to assist each group of academics to deal better with these pressures and improve their individual performance. The paper examines Australasian marketing academics’ perceptions of their work environments and whether these perceptions result in differing clusters of individuals who might also vary based on their research performance, time allocated to different academic roles, and their professional and demographic characteristics. Sixty-eight members of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Marketing responded to a survey using a modified version of an instrument developed by Diamantopoulos et al. (1992). K-means clustering procedure identified four groups of academics – “Traditional Academics,” “Satisfied Professors,” “Newer Academics,” and “Satisfied Researchers.” While only a few significant differences among clusters were identified in relation to time allocated to academic activities and research performance, it appears that clusters differ on several professional and demographic characteristics.


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This paper empirically examines the research productivity of academic institutions in the leading international marketing journals, leading generalist marketing journals, and leading international business journals between the years 1999 and 2003 from a regional and country-specific perspective. The research found that across the three groups of journals, the majority of works were authored by academics at institutions located in North America, although North Americans contribute significantly less in the international marketing and international business journals than leading generalist marketing journals. The findings suggest that there is a broadening of non-U.S. influence within the international marketing and international business journals, which should lead to a broadening of international marketing theory.


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The aim of this study was to explore the utility of strategic implementation theory as a guide for dealing with issues marketers face when implementing multichannel marketing. Although marketers attempt to harness the potential of emerging marketing channels, implementation is proving difficult. This is because the complexity of multichannel marketing has implications for existing organisational structures, people and processes. Further, the reliance on external suppliers and vendors in implementing new channels is causing organisational conflict and the development of new management processes. A qualitative research approach using insights from senior marketers of 'Bluechip' organisations was used to identify multichannel marketing implementation difficulties. The major contribution of this article was to show the areas for which strategic implementation theory provides practical implementation guidelines and future research directions.