979 resultados para twin study


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Long-span bridges are flexible and therefore are sensitive to wind induced effects. One way to improve the stability of long span bridges against flutter is to use cross-sections that involve twin side-by-side decks. However, this can amplify responses due to vortex induced oscillations. Wind tunnel testing is a well-established practice to evaluate the stability of bridges against wind loads. In order to study the response of the prototype in laboratory, dynamic similarity requirements should be satisfied. One of the parameters that is normally violated in wind tunnel testing is Reynolds number. In this dissertation, the effects of Reynolds number on the aerodynamics of a double deck bridge were evaluated by measuring fluctuating forces on a motionless sectional model of a bridge at different wind speeds representing different Reynolds regimes. Also, the efficacy of vortex mitigation devices was evaluated at different Reynolds number regimes. One other parameter that is frequently ignored in wind tunnel studies is the correct simulation of turbulence characteristics. Due to the difficulties in simulating flow with large turbulence length scale on a sectional model, wind tunnel tests are often performed in smooth flow as a conservative approach. The validity of simplifying assumptions in calculation of buffeting loads, as the direct impact of turbulence, needs to be verified for twin deck bridges. The effects of turbulence characteristics were investigated by testing sectional models of a twin deck bridge under two different turbulent flow conditions. Not only the flow properties play an important role on the aerodynamic response of the bridge, but also the geometry of the cross section shape is expected to have significant effects. In this dissertation, the effects of deck details, such as width of the gap between the twin decks, and traffic barriers on the aerodynamic characteristics of a twin deck bridge were investigated, particularly on the vortex shedding forces with the aim of clarifying how these shape details can alter the wind induced responses. Finally, a summary of the issues that are involved in designing a dynamic test rig for high Reynolds number tests is given, using the studied cross section as an example.


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The dredges described in this report were taken on the PR II, CORPUS 4 Expedition in January 1969 by the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center from the R/V Atlantic Twin. Dredges recovered and are available at USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center for sampling and study.


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Pour ce projet, nous avons développé une plateforme pour l’analyse pangénomique de la méthylation de l’ADN chez le bovin qui est compatible avec des échantillons de petites tailles. Cet outil est utilisé pour étudier les caractéristiques génétiques et épigénétiques (méthylation de l’ADN) des gamètes soumis aux procédures de procréation médicalement assisitée et des embryons précoces. Dans un premier temps, une plateforme d’analyse de biopuces spécifiques pour l’étude de la méthylation de l’ADN chez l’espèce bovine a été développée. Cette plateforme a ensuite été optimisée pour produire des analyses pangénomiques de méthylation de l’ADN fiables et reproductibles à partir d’échantillons de très petites tailles telle que les embryons précoces (≥ 10 ng d’ADN a été utilisé, ce qui correspond à 10 blastocystes en expansion). En outre, cet outil a permis d’évaluer de façon simultanée la méthylation de l’ADN et le transcriptome dans le même échantillon, fournissant ainsi une image complète des profils génétiques et épigénétiques (méthylation de l’ADN). Comme preuve de concept, les profils comparatifs de méthylation de l’ADN spermatique et de blastocystes bovins ont été analysés au niveau de l’ensemble du génome. Dans un deuxième temps, grâce à cette plateforme, les profils globaux de méthylation de l’ADN de taureaux jumeaux monozygotes (MZ) ont été analysés. Malgré qu’ils sont génétiquement identiques, les taureaux jumeaux MZ ont des descendants avec des performances différentes. Par conséquent, l’hypothèse que le profil de méthylation de l’ADN spermatique de taureaux jumeaux MZ est différent a été émise. Dans notre étude, des différences significatives entre les jumeaux MZ au niveau des caractéristiques de la semence ainsi que de la méthylation de l’ADN ont été trouvées, chacune pouvant contribuer à l’obtention de performances divergentes incongrues des filles engendrées par ces jumeaux MZ. Dans la troisième partie de ce projet, la même plateforme a été utilisée pour découvrir les impacts d’une supplémentation à forte concentration en donneur de méthyle universel sur les embryons précoces bovins. La supplémentation avec de grandes quantités d’acide folique (AF) a été largement utilisée et recommandée chez les femmes enceintes pour sa capacité bien établie à prévenir les malformations du tube neural chez les enfants. Cependant, plus récemment, plusieurs études ont rapporté des effets indésirables de l’AF utilisé à des concentrations élevées, non seulement sur le développement de l’embryon, mais aussi chez les adultes. Au niveau cellulaire, l’AF entre dans le métabolisme monocarboné, la seule voie de production de S-adénosyl méthionine (SAM), un donneur universel de groupements méthyles pour une grande variété de biomolécules, y compris l’ADN. Par conséquent, pour résoudre cette controverse, une forte dose de SAM a été utilisée pour traiter des embryons produits in vitro chez le bovin. Ceci a non seulement permis d’influencer le phénotype des embryons précoces, mais aussi d’avoir un impact sur le transcriptome et le méthylome de l’ADN. En somme, le projet en cours a permis le développement d’une plateforme d’analyse de la méthylation de l’ADN à l’échelle du génome entier chez le bovin à coût raisonnable et facile à utiliser qui est compatible avec les embryons précoces. De plus, puisque c’est l’une des premières études de ce genre en biologie de la reproduction bovine, ce projet avait trois objectifs qui a donné plusieurs nouveaux résultats, incluant les profils comparatifs de méthylation de l’ADN au niveau : i) blastocystes versus spermatozoïdes ; ii) semence de taureaux jumeaux MZ et iii) embryons précoces traités à de fortes doses de SAM versus des embryons précoces non traités.


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Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality, and a growing global public health concern, with up to one-third of the world’s population affected. Despite the vast amount of evidence for the benefits of blood pressure (BP) lowering accumulated to date, elevated BP is still the leading risk factor for disease and disability worldwide. It is well established that hypertension and BP are common complex traits, where multiple genetic and environmental factors contribute to BP variation. Furthermore, family and twin studies confirmed the genetic component of BP, with a heritability estimate in the range of 30-50%. Contemporary genomic tools enabling the genotyping of millions of genetic variants across the human genome in an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective manner, has transformed hypertension genetics research. This is accompanied by the presence of international consortia that have offered unprecedentedly large sample sizes for genome-wide association studies (GWASs). While GWAS for hypertension and BP have identified more than 60 loci, variants in these loci are associated with modest effects on BP and in aggregate can explain less than 3% of the variance in BP. The aims of this thesis are to study the genetic and environmental factors that influence BP and hypertension traits in the Scottish population, by performing several genetic epidemiological analyses. In the first part of this thesis, it aims to study the burden of hypertension in the Scottish population, along with assessing the familial aggregation and heritialbity of BP and hypertension traits. In the second part, it aims to validate the association of common SNPs reported in the large GWAS and to estimate the variance explained by these variants. In this thesis, comprehensive genetic epidemiology analyses were performed on Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study (GS:SFHS), one of the largest population-based family design studies. The availability of clinical, biological samples, self-reported information, and medical records for study participants has allowed several assessments to be performed to evaluate factors that influence BP variation in the Scottish population. Of the 20,753 subjects genotyped in the study, a total of 18,470 individuals (grouped into 7,025 extended families) passed the stringent quality control (QC) criteria and were available for all subsequent analysis. Based on the BP-lowering treatment exposure sources, subjects were further classified into two groups. First, subjects with both a self-reported medications (SRMs) history and electronic-prescription records (EPRs; n =12,347); second, all the subjects with at least one medication history source (n =18,470). In the first group, the analysis showed a good concordance between SRMs and EPRs (kappa =71%), indicating that SRMs can be used as a surrogate to assess the exposure to BP-lowering medication in GS:SFHS participants. Although both sources suffer from some limitations, SRMs can be considered the best available source to estimate the drug exposure history in those without EPRs. The prevalence of hypertension was 40.8% with higher prevalence in men (46.3%) compared to women (35.8%). The prevalence of awareness, treatment and controlled hypertension as defined by the study definition were 25.3%, 31.2%, and 54.3%, respectively. These findings are lower than similar reported studies in other populations, with the exception of controlled hypertension prevalence, which can be considered better than other populations. Odds of hypertension were higher in men, obese or overweight individuals, people with a parental history of hypertension, and those living in the most deprived area of Scotland. On the other hand, deprivation was associated with higher odds of treatment, awareness and controlled hypertension, suggesting that people living in the most deprived area may have been receiving better quality of care, or have higher comorbidity levels requiring greater engagement with doctors. These findings highlight the need for further work to improve hypertension management in Scotland. The family design of GS:SFHS has allowed family-based analysis to be performed to assess the familial aggregation and heritability of BP and hypertension traits. The familial correlation of BP traits ranged from 0.07 to 0.20, and from 0.18 to 0.34 for parent-offspring pairs and sibling pairs, respectively. A higher correlation of BP traits was observed among first-degree relatives than other types of relative pairs. A variance-component model that was adjusted for sex, body mass index (BMI), age, and age-squared was used to estimate heritability of BP traits, which ranged from 24% to 32% with pulse pressure (PP) having the lowest estimates. The genetic correlation between BP traits showed a high correlation between systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (G: 81% to 94%), but lower correlations with PP (G: 22% to 78%). The sibling recurrence risk ratio (λS) for hypertension and treatment were calculated as 1.60 and 2.04 respectively. These findings confirm the genetic components of BP traits in GS:SFHS, and justify further work to investigate genetic determinants of BP. Genetic variants reported in the recent large GWAS of BP traits were selected for genotyping in GS:SFHS using a custom designed TaqMan® OpenArray®. The genotyping plate included 44 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have been previously reported to be associated with BP or hypertension at genome-wide significance level. A linear mixed model that is adjusted for age, age-squared, sex, and BMI was used to test for the association between the genetic variants and BP traits. Of the 43 variants that passed the QC, 11 variants showed statistically significant association with at least one BP trait. The phenotypic variance explained by these variant for the four BP traits were 1.4%, 1.5%, 1.6%, and 0.8% for SBP, DBP, MAP, and PP, respectively. The association of genetic risk score (GRS) that were constructed from selected variants has showed a positive association with BP level and hypertension prevalence, with an average effect of one mmHg increase with each 0.80 unit increases in the GRS across the different BP traits. The impact of BP-lowering medication on the genetic association study for BP traits has been established, with typical practice of adding a fixed value (i.e. 15/10 mmHg) to the measured BP values to adjust for BP treatment. Using the subset of participants with the two treatment exposure sources (i.e. SRMs and EPRs), the influence of using either source to justify the addition of fixed values in SNP association signal was analysed. BP phenotypes derived from EPRs were considered the true phenotypes, and those derived from SRMs were considered less accurate, with some phenotypic noise. Comparing SNPs association signals between the four BP traits in the two model derived from the different adjustments showed that MAP was the least impacted by the phenotypic noise. This was suggested by identifying the same overlapped significant SNPs for the two models in the case of MAP, while other BP traits had some discrepancy between the two sources


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The thermal decomposition of natural ammonium oxalate known as oxammite has been studied using a combination of high resolution thermogravimetry coupled to an evolved gas mass spectrometer and Raman spectroscopy coupled to a thermal stage. Three mass loss steps were found at 57, 175 and 188°C attributed to dehydration, ammonia evolution and carbon dioxide evolution respectively. Raman spectroscopy shows two bands at 3235 and 3030 cm-1 attributed to the OH stretching vibrations and three bands at 2995, 2900 and 2879 cm-1, attributed to the NH vibrational modes. The thermal degradation of oxammite may be followed by the loss of intensity of these bands. No intensity remains in the OH stretching bands at 100°C and the NH stretching bands show no intensity at 200°C. Multiple CO symmetric stretching bands are observed at 1473, 1454, 1447 and 1431cm-1, suggesting that the mineral oxammite is composed of a mixture of chemicals including ammonium oxalate dihydrate, ammonium oxalate monohydrate and anhydrous ammonium oxalate.


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The tridecameric Al-polymer [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]7+ was prepared by forced hydrolysis of Al3+ up to an OH/Al molar ratio of 2.2. Under slow evaporation crystals were formed of Al13-nitrate. Upon addition of sulfate the tridecamer crystallised as the monoclinic Al13-sulfate. These crystals have been studied using near-infrared spectroscopy and compared to Al2(SO4)3.16H2O. Although the near-infrared spectra of the Al13-sulfate and nitrate are very similar indicating similar crystal structures, there are minor differences related to the strength with which the crystal water molecules are bonded to the salt groups. The interaction between crystal water and nitrate is stronger than with the sulfate as reflected by the shift of the crystal water band positions from 6213, 4874 and 4553 cm–1 for the Al13 sulfate towards 5925, 4848 and 4532 cm–1 for the nitrate. A reversed shift from 5079 and 5037 cm–1 for the sulfate towards 5238 and 5040 cm–1 for the nitrate for the water molecules in the Al13 indicate that the nitrate-Al13 bond is weakened due to the influence of the crystal water on the nitrate. The Al-OH bond in the Al13 complex is not influenced by changing the salt group due to the shielding by the water molecules of the Al13 complex.