977 resultados para temperature-dependent sex determination


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Os parasitas do gênero Schistosoma situam-se entre os primeiros metazoários que desenvolveram sexos separados, determinado cromossomicamente no ovo fertilizado. Apesar da ocorrência de cromossomos sexuais específicos, as fêmeas de Schistosoma não atingem a maturidade somática e sexual sem a presença dos machos. Na verdade, um dos aspectos mais controversos e, ao mesmo tempo, mais fascinantes, envolvendo o desenvolvimento sexual das fêmeas está em se desvendar a natureza do estímulo que controla e mantém tal processo. Muito embora a natureza do estímulo (físico ou químico) seja motivo de controvérsia, concordam os mais diferentes autores que o acasalamento é um requisito indispensável para que ocorra a maturação e migração das fêmeas para o sítio definitivo de permanência no sistema vascular do hospedeiro vertebrado. Admite-se, ainda, que o estímulo não é espécie-específico e, em alguns casos, nem mesmo gênero-específico. Não obstante a existência de um número considerável de artigos dedicados ao tema, não há um consenso sobre o processo (ou processos) que controla(m) o encontro de machos e fêmeas no sistema circulatório do hospedeiro vertebrado, bem como está por ser determinada a natureza do estímulo, oriundo dos machos, que controla e mantém o desenvolvimento somático e sexual das fêmeas. Ao longo dos anos os machos de Schistosoma têm sido considerados, por vezes pejorativamente, os irmãos, os músculos ou o fígado das fêmeas. em síntese, resta saber se a natureza do estímulo responsável pelo desenvolvimento das fêmas envolve a transferência de hormônios, nutrientes, a mera estimulação tátil ou a combinação de dois ou mais desses fatores


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In this work we investigate the dynamics of vortices in a square mesoscopic superconductor. As time evolves we show how the vortices are nucleated into the sample to form a multivortex, single vortex, and giant vortex states. We illustrate how the vortices move around at the transition fields before they accommodate into an equilibrium configuration. We also calculate the magnetization and the free energy as functions of the applied magnetic field for several values of temperature. In addition, we evaluate the upper critical field.


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Worker larvae of Melipona rufiventris, M. quadrifasciata and M. compressipes were treated topically with juvenile hormone (JH) during the cocoon-spinning phase. Examination of the tergites of the queens obtained following JH application showed induced differentiation into adults with full female (queen) traits. Melipona workers had tergal glands only in tergite II, whereas natural and JH-induced queens had tergal glands in tergite II plus additional glands in at least one other of tergites Ill to VII.


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We performed temperature-dependent Raman scattering studies on K0.2Na0.8NbO3 ceramics and compared the results with those for NaNbO3. The wavenumbers associated with NbO6 vibrations suggest the existence of two phase transitions, as occurs with pure NaNbO3 ceramics. Although the disorder on the Na/K site does not change either the room temperature phase of K0.2Na0.8NbO3 or the sequence of phase transitions compared with NaNbO3, it changes the temperature of the lowest phase transition and strongly modifies the temperature of the antiferroelectric --> new phase II phase transition. Additionally, the linewidth analysis shows that the orientational mechanism is the dominant contribution to linewidth, although the anharmonic contribution is increased, when compared with NaNbO3, owing to the random distribution of potassium in the sodium niobate matrix. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The effects of a temperature dependent viscosity in surface nonlinear waves propagating in a shallow fluid heated from below are investigated. It is shown that the (2+1)-dimensional Burgers equation may appear as the equation governing the upper free surface perturbations of a Bénard system, even when the viscosity is assumed to depend on temperature. The critical Rayleigh number for the appearance of waves governed by the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, however, will be smaller than R=30, which is the critical number obtained for a constant viscosity. © 1992.


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Murine and bovine embryos were sexed by using polyclonal and monoclonal anti-H-Y antibodies in cytotoxic and immunofluorescence assays. The specificity of 3 different sources of antibodies are compared. Sexing was accomplished by complement-mediated cytotoxicity or by H-Y antigen detection using a anti-mouse Ig fluorescein conjugate. Cytogenetic ascertainment for correct sex identification yielded a score of about 85% in both species, while the immunofluorescence assay yielded a score of 83%. © 1993.


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The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the beetles Epicauta atomaria (Meloidae) and Palembus dermestoides (Tenebrionidae) were analysed using standard staining, C-banding and silver impregnation techniques. We determine the diploid and haploid chromosome numbers, the sex determination system and describe the chromosomal morphology, the C-banding pattern and the chromosome(s) bearing NORs (nucleolar organizer regions). Both species shown 2n = 20 chromosomes, the chromosomal meioformula 9 + Xyp, and regular chromosome segregation during anaphases I and II. The chromosomes of E. atomaria are basically metacentric or submetacentric and P. dermestoides chromosomes are submetacentric or subtelocentric. In both beetles the constitutive heterochromatin is located in the pericentromeric region in all autosomes and in the Xp chromosome; additional C-bands were observed in telomeric region of the short arm in some autosomes in P. dermestoides. The yp chromosome did not show typical C-bands in these species. As for the synaptonemal complex, the nucleolar material is associated to the 7th bivalent in E. atomaria and 3rd and 7th bivalents in P. dermestoides. Strong silver impregnated material was observed in association with Xyp in light and electron microscopy preparations in these species and this material was interpreted to be related to nucleolar material.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Different cell cycle synchronization methods were used to increase the mitotic index and accuracy of sex determination in murine and bovine embryos. For sexing purposes, colchicine treatment for 2, 4, 6 and 8 h and the FdU-thymidine-colchicine combination were tested in murine embryos. The best results were obtained with colchicine treatment for 8 h (96.88% accuracy) and with FdU-thymidine-colchicine (97.22% accuracy). Mitotic indexes differed significantly between the 2 treatments (21.71% for colchicine and 32.95% for FdU-thymidine-colchicine). For sex identification of murine and bovine demi-embryos, both treatments were demonstrated to be equally effective (nearly 90%). The mitotic index for the FdU-treated murine demi-embryos (19.04%) was higher than the one obtained for the 8-h colchicine treatment (15.62%).


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Results of photoluminescence measurements for natural and synthetic alexandrite (BeAl2O4:Cr3+) are presented, where the samples are excited by the 488 nm line of an Ar+ laser, at different temperatures. The main issue is the analysis of the Cr3+ transition in the chrysoberyl matrix (BeAl2O4), with major technological application as active media for laser action. Results indicate anomalous behavior of Cr3+ transition depending on the measurement temperature. A simple model to explain the phenomena is suggested.


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We report on the strong temperature-dependent thermal expansion, alpha(D), in CdS quantum dots (QDs) embedded in a glass template. We have performed a systematic study by using the temperature-dependent first-order Raman spectra, in CdS bulk and in dot samples, in order to assess the size dependence of alpha(D), and where the role of the compressive strain provoked by the glass host matrix on the dot response is discussed. We report the Gruneisen mode parameters and the anharmonic coupling constants for small CdS dots with mean radius R similar to 2.0 nm. We found that gamma parameters change, with respect to the bulk CdS, in a range between 20 and 50%, while the anharmonicity contribution from two-phonon decay channel becomes the most important process to the temperature-shift properties.