933 resultados para social interventions


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- Background Tobacco is the main preventable cause of death and disease worldwide. Adolescent smoking is increasing in many countries with poorer countries following the earlier experiences of affluent countries. Preventing adolescents starting smoking is crucial to decreasing tobacco-related illness. - Objective To assess effectiveness of family-based interventions alone and combined with school-based interventions to prevent children and adolescents from initiating tobacco use. - Data Sources 14 bibliographic databases and the Internet, journals hand-searched, experts consulted. - Study Eligibility Criteria, Participants, and Interventions Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with children or adolescents and families, interventions to prevent starting tobacco use, follow-up ≥ 6 months. - Study Appraisal/Synthesis methods Abstracts/titles independently assessed and data independently entered by two authors. Risk-of-bias assessed with the Cochrane Risk-of-Bias tool. - Results Twenty-seven RCTs were included. Nine trials of never-smokers compared to a control provided data for meta-analysis. Family intervention trials had significantly fewer students who started smoking. Meta-analysis of twoRCTs of combined family and school interventions compared to school only, showed additional significant benefit. The common feature of effective high intensity interventions was encouraging authoritative parenting. - Limitations Only 14 RCTs provided data for meta-analysis (about 1/3 of participants). Of the 13 RCTs which did not provide data for meta-analysis eight compared a family intervention to no intervention and one found significant effects, and five compared a family + school intervention to a school intervention and none found additional significant effects. - Conclusions and Implications of Key Findings There is moderate quality evidence that family-based interventions prevent children and adolescents starting to smoke.


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- Objectives Preschool-aged children spend substantial amounts of time engaged in screen-based activities. As parents have considerable control over their child's health behaviours during the younger years, it is important to understand those influences that guide parents' decisions about their child's screen time behaviours. - Design A prospective design with two waves of data collection, 1 week apart, was adopted. - Methods Parents (n = 207) completed a Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)-based questionnaire, with the addition of parental role construction (i.e., parents' expectations and beliefs of responsibility for their child's behaviour) and past behaviour. A number of underlying beliefs identified in a prior pilot study were also assessed. - Results The model explained 77% (with past behaviour accounting for 5%) of the variance in intention and 50% (with past behaviour accounting for 3%) of the variance in parental decisions to limit child screen time. Attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, parental role construction, and past behaviour predicted intentions, and intentions and past behaviour predicted follow-up behaviour. Underlying screen time beliefs (e.g., increased parental distress, pressure from friends, inconvenience) were also identified as guiding parents' decisions. - Conclusion Results support the TPB and highlight the importance of beliefs for understanding parental decisions for children's screen time behaviours, as well as the addition of parental role construction. This formative research provides necessary depth of understanding of sedentary lifestyle behaviours in young children which can be adopted in future interventions to test the efficacy of the TPB mechanisms in changing parental behaviour for their child's health.


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Background: Adults with primary brain tumors and their caregivers have significant information needs. This review assessed the effect of interventions to improve information provision for adult primary brain tumor patients and/or their caregivers. Methods: We included randomized or nonrandomized trials testing educational interventions that had outcomes of information provision, knowledge, understanding, recall, or satisfaction with the intervention, for adults diagnosed with primary brain tumors and/or their family or caregivers. PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane Reviews databases were searched for studies published between 1980 and June 2014. Results: Two randomized controlled, one non-randomized controlled, and 10 single group pre-post trials enrolled more than 411 participants. Five group, four practice/process change and four individual interventions assessed satisfaction (12 studies), knowledge (four studies) or information provision (2 studies). Nine studies reported high rates of satisfaction. Three studies showed statistically significant improvements over time in knowledge and two showed greater information was provided to intervention than control group participants, although statistical testing was not performed. Discussion: The trials assessed intermediate outcomes such as satisfaction, and only 4/13 reported on knowledge improvements. Few trials had a randomized controlled design and risk of bias was either evident or could not be assessed in most domains.


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The introduction of casemix funding for Australian acute health care services has challenged Social Work to demonstrate clear reporting mechanisms, demonstrate effective practice and to justify interventions provided. The term 'casemix' is used to describe the mix and type of patients treated by a hospital or other health care services. There is wide acknowledgement that the procedure-based system of Diagnosis Related Groupings (DRGs) is grounded in a medical/illness perspective and is unsatisfactory in describing and predicting the activity of Social Work and other allied health professions in health care service delivery. The National Allied Health Casemix Committee was established in 1991 as the peak body to represent allied health professions in matters related to casemix classification. This Committee has pioneered a nationally consistent, patient-centred information system for allied health. This paper describes the classification systems and codes developed for Social Work, which includes a minimum data set, a classification hierarchy, the set of activity (input) codes and 'indicator for intervention' codes. The advantages and limitations of the system are also discussed.


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[Es] Las habilidades sociales, o habilidades interpersonales, han sido objeto de creciente interés durante los últimos años en psicología social, clínica y educativa; y, sin embargo, tanto su evaluación como la intervención psicológica para su mejora se topan con una desconcertante proliferación de clasificaciones o categorías divergentes de las mismas. En este trabajo, y como resultado de sucesivos análisis factoriales, se proponen cinco grandes categorías de habilidades sociales (Interacción con personas desconocidas en situaciones de consumo, Interacción con personas que atraen, Interacción con amigos y compañeros, Interacción con familiares, y Hacer y rechazar peticiones a los amigos/as) que responden a distintos contextos de interacción social. Las cinco escalas, correspondientes a tales categorías, de un nuevo instrumento de medida, el Cuestionario de Dificultades Interpersonales (CDI), con alta consistencia interna (·= 0,896), explican el 47,47% de la varianza total. Los análisis correlacionales entre el CDI y el Test de Autoverbalizaciones en la Interacción Social (SISST) de Glass, Merluzzi, Biever y Larsen (1982) revelan diferencias cognitivas significativas entre los sujetos de alta y baja habilidad social, dándose una mayor frecuencia de autoverbalizaciones positivas y una menor frecuencia de autoverbalizaciones negativas en los sujetos de alta habilidad social que en los sujetos de baja habilidad social.


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Os discursos dos deputados federais Henrique Fontana (PT-RS) e Antônio Carlos Magalhães Neto (DEM-BA) sobre a criação da Contribuição Social para a Saúde (CSS) constituem o tema deste trabalho, cujos focos são o aspecto político-retórico e a utilização das técnicas do discurso clássico, especialmente a refutação, nas intervenções desses líderes. Conclui-se que os discursos políticos ainda consideram determinadas referências clássicas, embora com menos ênfase do que na antiguidade, e que novas mídias e auditórios externos são elementos recentes na relação entre o político e os receptores de suas peças oratórias.


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Resumen: El presente estudio ha intentado conocer la perspectiva que tienen las y los adolescentes de Santurtzi sobre el sexismo, eligiendo la adolescencia por su carácter fundamental en el desarrollo vital. Partimos de una investigación cualitativa llevada a cabo con 17 adolescentes a través de grupos de discusión sobre sexismo, patriarcado y alternativas de construcción personal, como son el movimiento feminista y el movimiento de nuevas masculinidades. Hemos podido corroborar el desconocimiento que todavía existe en materia de igualdad y la necesidad de intervenciones socioeducativas que de ello se desprenden, para así continuar con la lucha contra el patriarcado y contra la discriminación hacia la mujer, desde la perspectiva que nos aporta el sexismo ambivalente.


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Background: Bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and its related complications are common in infants born prematurely, with severe congenital heart disease, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as well as in immunosuppressed infants. There is a rich literature on the different aspects of RSV infection with a focus, for the most part, on specific risk populations. However, there is a need for a systematic global analysis of the impact of RSV infection in terms of use of resources and health impact on both children and adults. With this aim, we performed a systematic search of scientific evidence on the social, economic, and health impact of RSV infection. Methods: A systematic search of the following databases was performed: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Spanish Medical Index, MEDES-MEDicina in Spanish, Cochrane Plus Library, and Google without time limits. We selected 421 abstracts based on the 6,598 articles identified. From these abstracts, 4 RSV experts selected the most relevant articles. They selected 65 articles. After reading the full articles, 23 of their references were also selected. Finally, one more article found through a literature information alert system was included. Results: The information collected was summarized and organized into the following topics: 1. Impact on health (infections and respiratory complications, mid-to long-term lung function decline, recurrent wheezing, asthma, other complications such as otitis and rhino-conjunctivitis, and mortality; 2. Impact on resources (visits to primary care and specialists offices, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, diagnostic tests, and treatments); 3. Impact on costs (direct and indirect costs); 4. Impact on quality of life; and 5. Strategies to reduce the impact (interventions on social and hygienic factors and prophylactic treatments). Conclusions: We concluded that 1. The health impact of RSV infection is relevant and goes beyond the acute episode phase; 2. The health impact of RSV infection on children is much better documented than the impact on adults; 3. Further research is needed on mid-and long-term impact of RSV infection on the adult population, especially those at high-risk; 4. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing the impact of RSV infection by targeting health education, information, and prophylaxis in high-risk populations.


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Na virada para o século XXI artistas e curadores em bienais e outras exposições internacionais estão adotando formas colaborativas e educacionais de fazer arte e curadoria envolvendo artistas e não artistas, comunidades, escolas e outras instâncias sociais. Essas iniciativas criam encontros interdisciplinares onde imbricações entre arte e não-arte são colocadas em questão, considerando contextos sociopolíticos mundiais, a globalização e outros temas pós-colonialistas. A dissertação examina as aproximações e atravessamentos de culturas e identidades, questões de centro e periferia, local e global gerando entre-lugares e o interesse por propostas de site-oriented, geradoras de situações de convivência, compartilhamento de experiências coletivas e prática educativa. A pesquisa reflete sobre as intenções dos artistas, curadores, a participação do público e o diálogo entre diferentes discursos críticos e campos do conhecimento em projetos com essas características. O estudo de caso é o projeto Cadernos de Viagem, projeto de residência artística e exposição, realizado na 8 Bienal do Mercosul, em Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2011. Diversos teóricos como Homi Bhabha, Jacques Rancière, Nicolas Bourriaud, Claire Bishop, Grant Kester, Miwon Kwon, Moacir dos Anjos e Félix Guattari, são abordados, entre outros


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Este trabalho parte da hipótese de que discutir a participação política no SUS exige a problematização das opções e concepções que orientam sua definição como controle social, operacionalizado por meio de mecanismos de representação de interesses. A intenção de promover uma reflexão sobre a participação política no SUS pé remetida ao cotidiano institucional, como desafio de construção de modos de gestão participativos. A proposta metodológica baseis-se em uma abordagem filosófica, que tem por objetivo delinear os conceitos e dispositivos de gestão propostos no campo da Saúde Coletiva, as inovações teóricas que ofertam ao debate sobre a gestão em saúde, tendo por marcador o tema da política. Denominamos matrizes conceituais os dois planos filosófico que selecionamos para estudo no campo da Saúde Coletiva, a saber, o Planejamento em Saúde e o Modelo Assistencial em Defesa da Vida. O conceito de Política que adotamos se define não em termos de igualdade (formal) que se contrapões às diferenças (sociais), mas como coprodução de realidade que se concretiza nas relações entre Igualdade e Diferença, como acesso e uso dos bens-comuns, em sua capacidade indeterminada e aberta de criação de valor. Pensar a participação nestes termos significa tecer participações como possibilidade de instituir normas, e não apenas com controle da execução e fiscalização das normas existentes. Nessa concepção propõe-se pensar a gestão como coprodução de saúde, a partir da publicização e articulação reticular da dimensão normativa da atividade humana, o que implica questionar a produção concreta (portanto local) das políticas e intervenções públicas. Dentre as principais questões teóricas discutidas, destacamos a articulação de redes de cooperação e a construção de saberes, artifícios técnicos e dispositivos que viabilizem a produção e legitimação do valor-Saúde como bem comum. Perspectiva que explicita as implicações que desejamos incorporar ao conceito de gestão participativa, como possível tecnologia de governo pós-soberana. A participação na saúde é pensada, deste modo, a partir do problema de constituição de uma política pública que consiga permanecer aberta e imprevisível, resguardando, contudo, condições materiais de igualdade. Nesse sentido, uma política pública que rompa com os mecanismos da soberania moderna ao incorporar em seus desenhos institucionais a imprevisibilidade da produção normativa, forjando-se como dispositivo ético (portanto aberto e comum) de produção de valor.


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O presente estudo entende que as várias formas de resistência popular somente podem arrancar da luta cotidiana os caminhos para a superação de todo tipo de exploração e opressão se assumirem um caráter pedagógico e contra-hegemônico. No caso do movimento hip-hop, tal caráter se expressa na elaboração de formas de resistência que lançam mão da cultura própria das comunidades pobres das grandes cidades para organizar formas concretas de protesto, organização e luta. Para responder às indagações colocadas por esta hipótese escolheu-se como objeto de estudo a atuação do coletivo fluminense de hip-hop Lutarmada, que participa das ações dos movimentos sociais do estado e em nível nacional. Suas intervenções por meio do rap, do grafite e do break unem arte, cultura, atividades de formação e conscientização contra-hegemônica que procuram apontar caminhos rebeldes e emancipadores para a juventude negra


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O presente estudo teve como objetivos: identificar o significado de Enfermeira Obstétrica para as usuárias; analisar os significados atribuídos à Enfermeira Obstétrica pelas usuárias; e, desenvolver um modelo teórico explicativo da construção do significado de Enfermeira Obstétrica sob a ótica das usuárias. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa interpretada pelo Interacionismo Simbólico, como referencial teórico e, tendo a Grounded Theory, como referencial metodológico. Foram participantes da pesquisa, 20 (vinte) usuárias atendidas por Enfermeiras Obstétricas em diversos cenários de cuidado, tais como: domicílio, Unidades Básicas de Saúde, Maternidades, Casas de Parto/Centros de Parto Normal de diversos municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - durante o pré-natal, trabalho de parto e parto. A coleta dos dados ocorreu entre setembro de 2012 e julho de 2014, após este projeto ter sido aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/UERJ/SR2 em julho de 2012. Utilizou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada gravada, iniciada com uma questão comum: Fale-me como foi sua gestação, seu acompanhamento pré-natal e seu parto. Os resultados revelam que as usuárias chegam até as enfermeiras obstétricas porque procuram por alguém que atenda seu desejo de vivenciar uma gestação e um parto natural sem intervenções desnecessárias e com a presença de familiares, principalmente os companheiros. Fica evidente, neste estudo, que as usuárias desconhecem, até o estabelecimento da interação social, a profissional enfermeira obstétrica e chegam até elas por: indicação de amigos e/ou familiares; por indicação de outros profissionais de saúde (enfermeiras, fisioterapeutas ou médicos); ou por intermédio de grupos de mulheres nas redes sociais. Vale ressaltar que, as mulheres que optaram por serem atendidas por enfermeiras obstétricas durante o pré-natal, trabalham de parto e parto, buscaram informações sobre gestação, fisiologia do trabalho de parto, atuação e formação as enfermeiras obstétricas, direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, legislação sobre direitos dos usuários dos serviços de saúde, dentre outros, nas redes sociais; compartilharam vivências em grupos na internet e acabaram referenciando as enfermeiras obstétricas a outras mulheres. A análise comparativa dos dados identificou três categorias: Desejando vivenciar o parto natural; Procurando alguém que atenda o desejo de vivenciar o parto natural; e Encontrando e vivenciando os cuidados da Enfermeira Obstétrica. As usuárias agem em relação às Enfermeiras Obstétricas com base no significado que estas têm para ela, ou seja, apresentam como símbolos significantes para o objeto social Enfermeiras Obstétricas: aquela que presta um cuidado concreto, um cuidado abstrato, um cuidado afetivo e um cuidado com conhecimento científico. Os significados retratam que o vínculo estabelecido entre as envolvidas extrapola a competência técnica e ratificam que, a necessidade de vínculo pessoal é imprescindível para que o cuidado humanizado aconteça.


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Sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity are causes of major health risks including cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer. Workplace is an ideal setting to understand both the prevalence of these risks and for devising and implementing effective intervention strategies. It is now possible to perform direct workplace assessments to identify the sedentary prevalence and assess the sedentary related health risks, which can include assessing the risks of atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglyaemia and reduced cardiorespiratory capacity. Based on evaluating the workplace health risks, it is possible to identify individuals who may be at higher CVD risk so they can be targeted with a risk-reduction intervention that can also be tailored towards improving healthy behaviours, especially towards physical activity activity and exercise. This chapter explains workplace sedentary risks, and provides examples of CVD risk prevalence, particularly within the university campus workplace, and presents examples of an exercise based targeted interventions aimed at reducing CVD risks amongst high risk sedentary employees.


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The aim of this study is to garner comparative insights so as to aid the development of the discourse on further education (FE) conceptualisation and the relationship of FE with educational disadvantage and employability. This aim is particularly relevant in Irish education parlance amidst the historical ambiguity surrounding the functioning of FE. The study sets out to critically engage with the education/employability/economy link (eee link). This involves a critique of issues relevant to participation (which extends beyond student activity alone to social relations generally and the dialogic participation of the disadvantaged), accountability (which extends beyond performance measures alone to encompass equality of condition towards a socially just end) and human capital (which extends to both collective and individual aspects within an educational culture). As a comparative study, there is a strong focus on providing a way of conceptualising and comparatively analysing FE policy internationally. The study strikes a balance between conceptual and practical concerns. A critical comparative policy analysis is the methodology that structures the study which is informed and progressed by a genealogical method to establish the context of each of the jurisdictions of England, the United States and the European Union. Genealogy allows the use of history to diagnose the present rather than explaining how the past has caused the present. The discussion accentuates the power struggles within education policy practice using what Fairclough calls a strategic critique as well as an ideological critique. The comparative nature of the study means that there is a need to be cognizant of the diverse cultural influences on policy deliberation. The study uses the theoretical concept of paradigmatic change to critically analyse the jurisdictions. To aid with the critical analysis, a conceptual framework for legislative functions is developed so as to provide a metalanguage for educational legislation. The specific contribution of the study, while providing a manner for understanding and progressing FE policy development in a globalized Ireland, is to clear the ground for a more well-defined and critically reflexive FE sector to operate and suggests a number of issues for further deliberation.


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Prenatal well-being can have significant effects on the mother and developing foetus. Positive psychological interventions, including gratitude and mindfulness, consistently demonstrate benefits for well-being in diverse populations. No research has been conducted on gratitude during pregnancy; the few studies of prenatal mindfulness interventions have demonstrated well-being benefits. The current study examined the effects of gratitude and mindfulness interventions on prenatal maternal well-being, cortisol and birth outcomes. Five studies were conducted. Study 1 was a systematic review of mindfulness intervention effects on cortisol; this highlighted potential benefits of mindfulness but the need for rigorous protocols in future research. In Study 2 a gratitude and a mindfulness intervention were developed and evaluated; findings indicate usefulness of two 3 week interventions. Study 3 examined the effects of these interventions in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of non-pregnant women, before examining a pregnant group. No significant intervention effects were found in this study, potentially due to insufficient power and poor protocol adherence. Changes in expected directions were observed for most outcomes and the potential utility of a combined gratitude and mindfulness intervention was noted. In Study 4 a gratitude during pregnancy (GDP) scale was developed and the reliability of an existing mindfulness measure (MAAS) was examined in a pregnant group. Both scales were found to be suitable and reliable measures in pregnancy. Study 5 incorporated the findings of the previous four studies to examine of the effect of a combined mindfulness and gratitude intervention with a group of pregnant women. Forty-six participants took part in a 5-week RCT that examined intervention effects on prenatal gratitude, mindfulness, happiness, satisfaction with life, social support, prenatal stress, depression and sleep. Findings indicated that the intervention improved sleep quality and that effects for prenatal distress were approaching significance. Issues of attrition and non-compliance to study protocols were problematic and are discussed. In summary, the current thesis highlights the need for robust measurement, and intervention and cortisol sampling protocols in future research, particularly with pregnant groups. Findings also demonstrate tentative benefits of a gratitude and mindfulness intervention during pregnancy.