986 resultados para sistemi integrati, CAT tools, machine translation


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O presente trabalho propõe-se estudar a execução "cruzada” de produtos/aplicações, particularmente de aplicações num sistema para o qual não foram concebidas. Em concreto, pretende-se analisar a execução de programas nativos do Windows em ambiente Linux e vice-versa. Na exploração desta tese foi seleccionado um conjunto representativo de diferentes aplicações, desde produtos genéricos como o Microsoft Office, soluções ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) e software mais utilizado em ambientes académicos e científicos. Para a execução de aplicações-Windows no Linux utilizaram-se essencialmente dois tipos de ferramentas: a camada de tradução Wine (capaz de executar programas nativos do Windows) e máquinas virtuais, como a VirtualBox e VMWare Player. Para a componente inversa deste trabalho (a execução de aplicações Linux em Windows), fez-se uso essencialmente dessas mesmas máquinas virtuais contendo embora (tendo­lhes sido adicionadas) as distribuições Linux, o Ubuntu 10.04 e OpenSUSE 11.3. ABSTRACT: This work intent to examine the "crossed “execution of products / applications, particularly in an operative system for which such products and applications were not designed. More specially, the purpose of this work is to analyze the performance of native Windows programs under within Linux and vice versa. Throughout the development of this thesis we selected a representative set of different applications, from generic products such 88 Microsoft Office, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and software mainly used in academic and scientific environments. For the execution of Windows applications in Linux, we used essentially two types of tools: the translation layer Wine (capable of running native Windows programs) and virtual machines, such 88 VirtualBox and VMWare Player. For the reverse case, running Linux applications in Windows, the main solution was the use of virtual machines, added with Linux distributions, Ubuntu 10.04 and OpenSUSE 11.3.


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Lo scopo del presente elaborato è ottenere dati grezzi dai maggiori offerwalls affinché si renda possibile elaborarli ed analizzarli per metterli a disposizione delle figure che si occupano di account management di un potenziale Ad Network quale è MyAppFree. Il primo Ad Network competitor a venire integrato nel presente tool di Business Intelligence è OfferToro, seguito da AdGem, il quale è attualmente in fase di integrazione. Prima di presentare i risultati del tool, a cui è stato dedicato l’ultimo capitolo dell’elaborato, sono stati approfonditi ed analizzati ampiamente i concetti fondamentali per la comprensione del progetto insieme agli strumenti utilizzati per la costituzione dell’architettura software. Successivamente, viene presentata l'architettura dei singoli microservizi oltre a quella sistemistica generale, la quale tratta come le parti che compongono iBiT, interagiscono tra loro. Infine, l’ultima parte della trattazione è dedicata al funzionamento del Front End Side per la figura account manager, che rappresenta l’utente finale del progetto. Unita alle analisi dei risultati ottenuti tramite una fase di benchmark testing, metrica che misura un insieme ripetibile di risultati quantificabili che serve come punto di riferimento perché prodotti e servizi possano essere confrontati. Lo scopo dei risultati dei test di benchmark è quello di confrontare le versioni presenti e future del software tramite i rispettivi benchmark.


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Sin dal suo ingresso nel mercato della traduzione, la machine translation (MT) è stata impiegata in numerosi settori professionali e ha suscitato l’interesse del grande pubblico. Con l’avvento della traduzione automatica neurale, la MT ha avuto un ulteriore impulso e ci si è iniziati a interrogare sulla possibilità di estenderne il raggio d’azione all’ambito letterario, che sembra tuttora non toccato dagli automatismi delle macchine in virtù della funzione espressiva e del contenuto creativo dei testi. Il presente elaborato nasce quindi con l’obiettivo di valutare l’effettiva applicabilità della traduzione automatica in ambito letterario attraverso un’attenta analisi dell’output prodotto dalla MT supportata da un confronto con la traduzione svolta da un professionista. Questa analisi si baserà sulla traduzione di un estratto del romanzo Hunger Games di Suzanne Collins e le traduzioni verranno effettuate da due dei migliori software di traduzione automatica neurale attualmente sul mercato: ModernMT e DeepL. Una volta terminata la valutazione dei singoli output verranno mostrati i risultati e determinati i limiti e i vantaggi della machine translation.


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Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen tremendous improvements over the last few years. Transformer architectures achieved impressive results in almost any NLP task, such as Text Classification, Machine Translation, and Language Generation. As time went by, transformers continued to improve thanks to larger corpora and bigger networks, reaching hundreds of billions of parameters. Training and deploying such large models has become prohibitively expensive, such that only big high tech companies can afford to train those models. Therefore, a lot of research has been dedicated to reducing a model’s size. In this thesis, we investigate the effects of Vocabulary Transfer and Knowledge Distillation for compressing large Language Models. The goal is to combine these two methodologies to further compress models without significant loss of performance. In particular, we designed different combination strategies and conducted a series of experiments on different vertical domains (medical, legal, news) and downstream tasks (Text Classification and Named Entity Recognition). Four different methods involving Vocabulary Transfer (VIPI) with and without a Masked Language Modelling (MLM) step and with and without Knowledge Distillation are compared against a baseline that assigns random vectors to new elements of the vocabulary. Results indicate that VIPI effectively transfers information of the original vocabulary and that MLM is beneficial. It is also noted that both vocabulary transfer and knowledge distillation are orthogonal to one another and may be applied jointly. The application of knowledge distillation first before subsequently applying vocabulary transfer is recommended. Finally, model performance due to vocabulary transfer does not always show a consistent trend as the vocabulary size is reduced. Hence, the choice of vocabulary size should be empirically selected by evaluation on the downstream task similar to hyperparameter tuning.


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Throughout the years, technology has had an undeniable impact on the AVT field. It has revolutionized the way audiovisual content is consumed by allowing audiences to easily access it at any time and on any device. Especially after the introduction of OTT streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Apple TV+, and HBO Max, which offer a vast catalog of national and international products, the consumption of audiovisual products has been on a constant rise and, consequently, the demand for localized content too. In turn, the AVT industry resorts to new technologies and practices to handle the ever-growing workload and the faster turnaround times. Due to the numerous implications that it has on the industry, technological advancement can be considered an area of research of particular interest for the AVT studies. However, in the case of dubbing, research and discussion regarding the topic is lagging behind because of the more limited impact that technology has had on the very conservative dubbing industry. Therefore, the aim of the dissertation is to offer an overview of some of the latest technological innovations and practices that have already been implemented (i.e. cloud dubbing and DeepDub technology) or that are still under development and research (i.e. automatic speech recognition and respeaking, machine translation and post-editing, audio-based and visual-based dubbing techniques, text-based editing of talking-head videos, and automatic dubbing), and respectively discuss their reception by the industry professionals, and make assumptions about their future implementation in the dubbing field.


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Lo scopo della presente tesi è quello di illustrare alcuni dei principali strumenti messi a disposizione dai controlli automatici a servizio dell’ingegneria, in particolare analizzando la struttura generale di una fabbrica automatica e descrivendone i principali sistemi di controllo. L’elaborato è suddiviso in tre macro parti: la prima ha l’obiettivo di inquadrare quella che è la fabbrica automatica, partendo dal precedente concetto di fabbrica tradizionale fino ad arrivare alla fabbrica moderna, caratterizzata da una spinta flessibilità produttiva determinata da una politica di produzione per lotti con elevati livelli di caratterizzazione. Della fabbrica automatica viene poi approfondita l’integrazione con i calcolatori attraverso il sistema concettuale del CIM, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, e l’impiego di celle di fabbricazione flessibili, ovvero le FMS, Flexible Manufacturing System. La seconda parte è incentrata sull’analisi delle logiche di controllo impiegate all’interno di tutto il processo di progettazione e di produzione, suddivise in tre gruppi: il primo focalizzato sui sistemi per la produzione automatica, NC e DNC; il secondo sui sistemi di simulazione e testing del prodotto, CAD, CAM e CAT; il terzo sui sistemi di controllo e sviluppo dati, SCADA, MES e DCS. La terza ed ultima parte è circoscritta all’approfondimento di un particolare sistema di controllo per la gestione dei processi, ovvero sull’uso del PLC, il Controllore Logico Programmabile. Vengono analizzate le componenti fisiche che lo costituiscono, il funzionamento base, i tempi di esecuzione delle istruzioni, i criteri di scelta e di dimensionamento ed altri aspetti rilevanti. Infine è presente un esempio applicativo di alcuni aspetti sovra citati con il caso dell’azienda bolognese G.D, leader del settore delle macchine automatiche a controllo numerico per la fabbricazione e l’impacchettamento delle sigarette.


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The last decade has shown that the global paper industry needs new processes and products in order to reassert its position in the industry. As the paper markets in Western Europe and North America have stabilized, the competition has tightened. Along with the development of more cost-effective processes and products, new process design methods are also required to break the old molds and create new ideas. This thesis discusses the development of a process design methodology based on simulation and optimization methods. A bi-level optimization problem and a solution procedure for it are formulated and illustrated. Computational models and simulation are used to illustrate the phenomena inside a real process and mathematical optimization is exploited to find out the best process structures and control principles for the process. Dynamic process models are used inside the bi-level optimization problem, which is assumed to be dynamic and multiobjective due to the nature of papermaking processes. The numerical experiments show that the bi-level optimization approach is useful for different kinds of problems related to process design and optimization. Here, the design methodology is applied to a constrained process area of a papermaking line. However, the same methodology is applicable to all types of industrial processes, e.g., the design of biorefiners, because the methodology is totally generalized and can be easily modified.


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The evolution of digital circuit technology, leadind to higher speeds and more reliability allowed the development of machine controllers adapted to new production systems (e.g., Flexible Manufacturing Systems - FMS). Most of the controllers are developed in agreement with the CNC technology of the correspondent machine tool manufacturer. Any alterations or adaptation of their components are not easy to be implemented. The machine designers face up hardware and software restrictions such as lack of interaction among system's elements and impossibility of adding new function. This is due to hardware incompatibility and to software not allowing alterations in the source program. The introduction of open architecture philosophy propitiated the evolution of a new generation of numeric controllers. This brought the conventional CNC technology to the standard IBM - PC microcomputer. As a consequence, the characteristics of the CNC (positioning) and the microcomputer (easy of programming, system configuration, network communication etc) are combined. Some researchers have addressed a flexible structure of software and hardware allowing changes in the hardware basic configuration and all control software levels. In this work, the development of open architecture controllers in the OSACA, OMAC, HOAM-CNC and OSEC architectures is described.


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There is a critical need for screening and diagnostic tools (SDT) for autism spectrum conditions (ASC) in regional languages in South Asia. To address this, we translated four widely used SDT (Social Communication Disorder Checklist, Autism Spectrum Quotient, Social Communication Questionnaire, and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) into Bengali and Hindi, two main regional languages (∼ 360 million speakers), and tested their usability in children with and without ASC. We found a significant difference in scores between children with ASC (n = 45 in Bengali, n = 40 in Hindi) and typically developing children (n = 43 in Bengali, n = 42 in Hindi) on all SDTs. These results demonstrate that these SDTs are usable in South Asia, and constitute an important resource for epidemiology research and clinical diagnosis in the region.


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Includes bibliography


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When Vietnam joined the WTO, it accepted foreign direct investment and started to grow. Technically, it was then greatly influenced by the enterprises that entered the country through direct investment. This report shows that the technology network for machine tools is formed via direct investment and subcontracting.