931 resultados para single stage power conversion


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In dieser Dissertation wird die Ladungsträgergeneration und -rekombination in neuen polymeren Absorbermaterialien für organische Solarzellen untersucht. Das Verständnis dieser Prozesse ist wesentlich für die Entwicklung neuer photoaktiver Materialsysteme, die hohe Effizienzen erzielen und organische Solarzellen konkurrenzfähig im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien machen. Experimentell verwendet diese Arbeit hauptsächlich die Methode der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie, die sich für die Untersuchung photophysikalischer Prozesse auf einer Zeitskala von 100 fs bis 1 ms als sehr leistungsfähig erweist. Des Weiteren wird eine soft-modeling Methode vorgestellt, die es ermöglicht, photophysikalische Prozesse aus einer gemessenen transienten Absorptions-Datenmatrix zu bestimmen, wenn wenig a priori Kenntnisse der Reaktionskinetiken vorhanden sind. Drei unterschiedliche Donor:Akzeptor-Systeme werden untersucht; jedes dieser Systeme stellt eine andere Herangehensweise zur Optimierung der Materialien dar in Bezug auf Lichtabsorption über einen breiten Wellenlängenbereich, effiziente Ladungstrennung und schnellen Ladungstransport. Zuerst wird ein Terpolymer untersucht, das aus unterschiedlichen Einheiten für die Lichtabsorption und den Ladungstransport besteht. Es wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, den Fluss angeregter Zustände vom Chromophor auf die Transporteinheit zu leiten. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von Kristallinität auf die freie Ladungsträgergeneration mit einer Folge von ternären Mischungen, die unterschiedliche Anteile an amorphem und semi-kristallinem Polymer enthalten, untersucht. Dabei zeigt es sich, dass mit steigendem amorphen Polymeranteil sowohl der Anteil der geminalen Ladungsträgerrekombination erhöht als auch die nicht-geminale Rekombination schneller ist. Schlussendlich wird ein System untersucht, in dem sowohl Donor als auch Akzeptor Polymere sind, was zu verbesserten Absorptionseigenschaften führt. Die Rekombination von Ladungstransferzuständen auf der unter 100 ps Zeitskala stellt hier den hauptsächliche Verlustkanal dar, da freie Ladungsträger nur an Grenzflächen erzeugt werden können, an denen Donor und Akzeptor face-to-face zueinander orientiert sind. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass weitere 40-50% der Ladungsträger durch die Rekombination von Grenzflächenzuständen verloren gehen, die aus mobilen Ladungsträgern geminal gebildet werden.


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Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit Ladungsgeneration und – rekombination in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, die spiro-OMeTAD als Lochleiter verwenden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in drei Fallstudien unterteilt: i.) Kern-erweiterte Rylen-Farbstoffe, ii.) ein Perylenmonoimid-Farbstoff und iii.) Donor-π verbrückte (Cyclopentadithiophen)-Akzeptor-Farbstoffe. Trotz ihres hohen molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten und der hohen Absorbanz der sensibilisierten Filme, zeigen einige dieser Farbstoffmoleküle nur geringe photovoltaischen Effizienzen. Um den Ursprung des geringen Wirkungsgrades herauszufinden, wurde breitbandige, ultraschnelle transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie an Solarzellen durchgeführt.rnInsbesondere die Auswirkungen verschiedender Ankergruppen, Dipolmomente, Photolumineszenzlebenszeiten, Lithium-Kationensensitivität und Ladungsträgerdynamik, die alle einen großen Einfluss auf den Wirkungsgrad der Solarzelle besitzen, wurden untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie zeigte ein kurzer Rylen-Farbstoff aufgrund deutlich verlängerter Lebenszeiten die beste Effizienz im Vergleich zu größeren Kern-erweiterten Rylen-Farbstoffen. Die Lebenszeit wurde weiter reduziert, wenn Maleinsäure als Ankergruppe unter einer Ringöffnungsreaktion an die mesoporöse Oberfläche des Metalloxid-Halbleiters adsorbierte. Dies konnte mit Hilfe von Berechnungen mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT, B3LYP) auf die Differenz des Dipolmoments zwischen Grundzustand und angeregtem Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Die Berechnungen bekräftigen die unvorteilhafte Injektion von Ladungen durch die Änderung der Richtung des Dipolmoments, wenn eine Ringöffnung der Anhydridgruppe stattfindet. In der zweiten Studie zeigte das Perylenmonoimid-Derivat ID889 einen Wirkungsgrad von 4.5% in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, wobei ID889 sogar ohne Zuhilfenahme eines Additivs in der Lage ist langlebige Farbstoffkationen zu bilden. Die Verwendung von Lithium-Kationen stabilisiert jedoch sowohl den Prozess der Ladungsgeneration als auch den der Ladungsregeneration. Des Weiteren wurde in ID889-sensitivierten Bauteilen kein reduktives Löschen beobachtet. Dabei wurde die Dynamik der Exzitonen mittels einer soft-modelling Methode Kurvenanalyse aus den Daten der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie gewonnen. Zuletzt wurden Strukturen mit Cyclopentadithiophen(CPDT)-Baustein untersucht, die eine typische D-π-A Molekülstruktur bilden. FPH224 und 233 zeigten dabei eine bessere Effizienz als FPH231 und 303 aufgrund einer großen Injektionseffizienz (IE) und längerer Lebenszeit der angeregten Zustände. Dies kann auf reduktives Löschen in FPH231 und 303 zurückgeführt werden, wohingegen FPH224 und 233 einen moderaten Zerfall des Spirokationensignals zeigten.


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Cranioplasty is a common neurosurgical procedure. Free-hand molding of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement into complex three-dimensional shapes is often time-consuming and may result in disappointing cosmetic outcomes. Computer-assisted patient-specific implants address these disadvantages but are associated with long production times and high costs. In this study, we evaluated the clinical, radiological, and cosmetic outcomes of a time-saving and inexpensive intraoperative method to mold custom-made implants for immediate single-stage or delayed cranioplasty. Data were collected from patients in whom cranioplasty became necessary after removal of bone flaps affected by intracranial infection, tumor invasion, or trauma. A PMMA replica was cast between a negative form of the patient's own bone flap and the original bone flap with exactly the same shape, thickness, and dimensions. Clinical and radiological follow-up was performed 2 months post-surgery. Patient satisfaction (Odom criteria) and cosmesis (visual analogue scale for cosmesis) were evaluated 1 to 3 years after cranioplasty. Twenty-seven patients underwent intraoperative template-molded patient-specific cranioplasty with PMMA. The indications for cranioplasty included bone flap infection (56%, n = 15), calvarian tumor resection (37%, n = 10), and defect after trauma (7%, n = 2). The mean duration of the molding procedure was 19 ± 7 min. Excellent radiological implant alignment was achieved in 94% of the cases. All (n = 23) but one patient rated the cosmetic outcome (mean 1.4 years after cranioplasty) as excellent (70%, n = 16) or good (26%, n = 6). Intraoperative cast-molded reconstructive cranioplasty is a feasible, accurate, fast, and cost-efficient technique that results in excellent cosmetic outcomes, even with large and complex skull defects.


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BACKGROUND: Conventionally, endosseous dental implants have required 3 to 6 months of uninterrupted healing based on observations for dental implants that were characterized by a relatively smooth machined surface. Many studies have since demonstrated that implants with a roughened surface resulted in greater bone apposition, earlier bone contact, and a stronger bond between the implant and the bone, suggesting that implants with roughened surfaces could be loaded earlier than 3 to 6 months. Formal clinical studies confirmed that implants with rough surfaces can have abutments placed and be loaded occlusally as early as 6 weeks postplacement. The purpose of this prospective, human clinical investigation was to evaluate a large number of implants with a specific rough surface (sand-blasted acid-etched [SLA]) placed in everyday practice under routine private-practice conditions. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter, human clinical observational study was initiated with the goal of recruiting a minimum of 500 patients and 800 implants. The implants were to be placed and restored in predominantly private-practice settings around the world. Ninety-two practitioners in 16 countries agreed to participate, and 86 followed the study design. Patients had to be in good health, have sufficient bone to encase the implant, and agree to return for recall appointments. Exclusion criteria included heavy smoking (>10 cigarettes a day) and bone augmentation procedures at the implant site. All implants were two-piece (an abutment was to be placed after 6 weeks of healing) and were characterized by the presence of a transmucosal polished collar. Each implant had an SLA surface. All implants were positioned using a non-submerged (single-stage) surgical technique. Survival and success rates were calculated by life-table analyses. RESULTS: A total of 706 patients were enrolled and 1,406 implants were placed. In the final analyses, 590 patients with 990 implants (70.4% of those enrolled) met all inclusion criteria, including placement of an abutment and provisional restoration within 63 days of surgical placement. The majority of implants were 10 and 12 mm long (78.7%) and were placed in type II and III bone (87%). Seventy-three percent of the implants were placed in the mandible, and 27% were placed in the maxilla. The cumulative survival rate was 99.56% at 3 years and 99.26% at 5 years. The overall success rate was 99.12% at 3 years and 97.38% after 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Under private-practice conditions, implants with an SLA surface could be placed and restored predictably within 6 to 8 weeks. Data from this prospective, multicenter, human observational study reinforced the results of more formal clinical studies and demonstrated that implants with the SLA surface can be restored in patients in approximately half of the time of conventional healing periods.


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Intraoperative molding of polymethyl-methacrylate into complex three-dimensional shapes with correct thickness is often a time-consuming process and may lead to unsatisfying cosmetical results. This article describes an intraoperative technique to assemble a polymethyl-methacrylate implant as a replica of the patient's bone flap. This approach provides a fast and inexpensive alternative technique with good cosmetic outcome. The technique is feasible and can be applied in early and delayed cranioplasty procedures. In selected patients, immediate single-stage reconstruction avoids a second operation.


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Open skull fractures have been traditionally managed in 2 stages: urgent craniotomy and elevation of the fracture with removal of contaminated bone, debridement, and delayed cranioplasty. Primary, single-stage repair of these injures has been said to entail risks such as infections. Recent experience, however, disproved these concerns.We used a primary single-stage reconstruction for patients presenting with open depressed skull fractures. All patients received antibiotic prophylaxis. The patients underwent elevation of the compound fracture and craniotomy if necessary. Debridement was performed, followed by skull reconstruction using a 0.6-mm titanium mesh.We present 5 consecutive male patients (age, 32.2 +/- 15.6 years) who underwent primary reconstruction of open depressed skull fractures. Clinical and radiologic follow-up was performed 2 months after surgery. The duration of the surgery was 2 +/- 1.6 hours. The size of the implanted mesh was 13 +/- 13.1 cm. No infection was detected in our series, with a follow-up period of 22 +/- 6.5 months (range, 16-29 months). The cosmetic result was defined in 4 patients as "excellent" and in 1 patient as "good."Primary reconstruction of open skull fractures with titanium mesh is feasible, safe, and cosmetically preferable than the conventional staged approach. The introduction into clinical practice can be warranted.


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Titanium oxide is an important semiconductor, which is widely applied for solar cells. In this research, titanium oxide nanotube arrays were synthesized by anodization of Ti foil in the electrolyte composed of ethylene glycol containing 2 vol % H2O and 0.3 wt % NH4F. The voltages of 40V-50V were employed for the anodizing process. Pore diameters and lengths of the TiO2 nanotubes were evaluated by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The obtained highly-ordered titanium nanotube arrays were exploited to fabricate photoelectrode for the Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCS). The TiO2 nanotubes based DSSCS exhibited an excellent performance with a high short circuit current and open circuit voltage as well as a good power conversion efficiency. Those can be attributed to the high surface area and one dimensional structure of TiO2 nanotubes, which could hold a large amount of dyes to absorb light and help electron percolation process to hinder the recombination during the electrons diffusion in the electrolyte.


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Graphene, which is a two-dimensional carbon material, exhibits unique properties that promise its potential applications in photovoltaic devices. Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is a representative of the third generation photovoltaic devices. Therefore, it is important to synthesize graphene with special structures, which possess excellent properties for dye-sensitized solar cells. This dissertation research was focused on (1) the effect of oxygen content on the structure of graphite oxide, (2) the stability of graphene oxide solution, (3) the application of graphene precipitate from graphene oxide solution as counter electrode for DSSCs, (4) the development of a novel synthesis method for the three-dimensional graphene with honeycomb-like structure, and (5) the exploration of honeycomb structured graphene (HSG) as counter electrodes for DSSCs. Graphite oxide is a crucial precursor to synthesize graphene sheets via chemical exfoliation method. The relationship between the oxygen content and the structures of graphite oxides was still not explored. In this research, the oxygen content of graphite oxide is tuned by changing the oxidation time and the effect of oxygen content on the structure of graphite oxide was evaluated. It has been found that the saturated ratio of oxygen to carbon is 0.47. The types of functional groups in graphite oxides, which are epoxy, hydroxyl, and carboxylgroups, are independent of oxygen content. However, the interplanar space and BET surface area of graphite oxide linearly increases with increasing O/C ratio. Graphene oxide (GO) can easily dissolve in water to form a stable homogeneous solution, which can be used to fabricate graphene films and graphene based composites. This work is the first research to evaluate the stability of graphene oxide solution. It has been found that the introduction of strong electrolytes (HCl, LiOH, LiCl) into GO solution can cause GO precipitation. This indicates that the electrostatic repulsion plays a critical role in stabilizing aqueous GO solution. Furthermore, the HCl-induced GO precipitation is a feasible approach to deposit GO sheets on a substrate as a Pt-free counter electrode for a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC), which exhibited 1.65% of power conversion efficiency. To explore broad and practical applications, large-scale synthesis with controllable integration of individual graphene sheets is essential. A novel strategy for the synthesis of graphene sheets with three-dimensional (3D) Honeycomb-like structure has been invented in this project based on a simple and novel chemical reaction (Li2O and CO to graphene and Li2CO3). The simultaneous formation of Li2CO3 with graphene not only can isolate graphene sheets from each other to prevent graphite formation during the process, but also determine the locally curved shape of graphene sheets. After removing Li2CO3, 3D graphene sheets with a honeycomb-like structure were obtained. This would be the first approach to synthesize 3D graphene sheets with a controllable shape. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the 3D Honeycomb-Structured Graphene (HSG) possesses excellent electrical conductivity and high catalytic activity. As a result, DSSCs with HSG counter electrodes exhibit energy conversion efficiency as high as 7.8%, which is comparable to that of an expensive noble Pt electrode.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetic patients with transmetatarsal amputation (TMA) for chronic forefoot ulceration or necrosis are at high risk for postoperative skin breakdown and subsequent amputation. Locally applied antibiotics may reduce the revision rate and improve the outcome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a retrospective comparative study, 60 diabetic patients (65 feet) with forefoot ulceration or necrosis were treated with TMA by three surgeons in three hospitals. In the "beads group'' (46 patients, 49 feet) TMA was combined with local application of bioabsorbable, tobramycin impregnated calcium sulphate beads (OsteoSet-T beads, Wright Medical, Memphis, TN) as a single-stage procedure. The remaining 16 patients had transmetatarsal amputation without beads at the surgeon's discretion and acted as a control group. For all patients, time to healing, length of hospital stay, number of revisions for wound breakdown and conversions to a higher-level amputation were retrospectively reviewed. Of the 60 patients 17 had died and three were lost to followup, leaving 40 patients available for latest followup at 29 months. The Foot ; Ankle Outcome Score, Foot Function index, SF-36, and Comorbidity score were recorded. RESULTS: The revision rate for wound breakdown after TMA was 8.2% (4/49) in the beads group, and 25% (4/16) in the control group (p<0.05). At latest followup, 27% (13/49) in the beads group, and 25% (4/16) in the control group had to be converted to transtibial amputation. Patients in the beads group scored worse for activities of daily living in the FAOS and SF-36 (p < 0.05), and demonstrated more health problems in the Comorbidity scores (not significant), indicating sicker individuals in the beads group. CONCLUSION: Bioabsorbable calcium sulphate antibiotic beads may be a useful addition for TMA for patients with non-healing diabetic ulcerations of the forefoot. The single-stage procedure could have a significant impact on the management of diabetic forefoot ulcerations by preventing additional hospital stays, improving the patient's quality of life and minimizing cost.


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HYPOTHESIS: Chronic rotator cuff tears are associated with irreversible architectural muscle changes and a high rate of repair failure. The changes observed in man and their irreversibility with a single stage repair can be reproduced in sheep. It was the purpose of this experiment to test the hypothesis that slow, continuous elongation of a retracted musculotendinous unit allows reversal of the currently irreversible structural muscle changes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The infraspinatus tendon of 12 sheep was released using a greater tuberosity osteotomy and allowed to retract for 4 months. Then, a new device was mounted on the scapular spine and used to extend the infraspinatus muscuculotendinous unit transcutaneously by 1 mm per day. Thereafter, the tendon was repaired back to the greater tuberosity. We assessed the muscular architecture using magnetic resonance imaging, macroscopic dissection, histology, and electron microscopy. Fatty infiltration (in Hounsfield units 1/4 HU) and muscular cross-sectional area (in % of the control side) were monitored with computed tomography at tendon release, initiation of elongation, repair, and at sacrifice. RESULTS: Sixteen weeks after tendon release, the mean tendon retraction was 29 +/- 6 mm (14% of original length, P = .008). In 8 sheep, elongation was achieved as planned (group I), but in 4, the elongation failed technically (group II). The mean traction time was 24 +/- 6 days with a mean traction distance of 19 +/- 4 mm. At sacrifice, the mean pennation angle in the infraspinatus of group I was not different from the control side (29.8 degrees +/-7.5 degrees vs. 30 degrees +/-6 degrees , P = .575). In group II, the pennation angle had increased from 30 degrees +/-6 degrees to 55 degrees +/-14 degrees (P = .035). There was no fatty infiltration at the time of tendon release. After retraction, there was a significant increase in fatty infiltration of the infraspinatus muscle and a decrease of its cross-sectional area to 57% of the contralateral side (P = .0001). During traction, the degree of fatty infiltration remained unchanged (36 HU to 38 HU, P = .381), and atrophy improved to a muscle square area of 78% of the contralateral side (P = .0001) in group I. In group II, an increase of fatty infiltration was measured from 36 HU to 28 HU; however, this increase was not significant (P = .144). Atrophy did not change in group II (57-55%, P = .946). At sacrifice, the remaining muscle mass was 64% in group I and 46% in group II (P = .019). DISCUSSION: Our preliminary results document, that continuous elongation of a retracted, fatty infiltrated and atrophied musculotendinous unit is technically feasible. CONCLUSION: In the sheep, continuous elongation can lead to restoration of normal muscle architecture, to partial reversal of muscle atrophy, and to arrest of the progression of fatty infiltration. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Basic science level 2; Prospective comparative therapeutic study.


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OBJECTIVE To present the anatomical and functional results of the inside-out technique applied in pediatric cholestetaoma surgery and to evaluate functionality with good hearing results against radicality with lower recurrence rate. METHODS Retrospective analysis and evaluation of the postoperative outcome in a consecutive series of 126 children or 130 ears operated between 1992 and 2008. With the inside-out technique, cholesteatoma is eradicated from the epitympanum toward the mastoid and, as a single stage procedure, functional reconstruction of the middle ear is achieved by tympanoossiculoplasty. RESULTS In 89.2% of all cases, the ear was dry postoperatively. 80.9% of the ears reached a postoperative air-bone gap of 30 dB or less and the median air conduction hearing threshold was 29 dB; in 60.9% of all cases, hearing was postoperatively improved. The recurrence rate was 16.2% in a mean postoperative follow-up 8.5 years. Altogether, 48 ears (36.9%) underwent revision surgery. The complication rate was 3.1% and involved only minor complications. CONCLUSION The inside-out technique allows a safe removal of cholesteatoma from the epitympanum toward the mastoid with a single-stage reconstruction of the ossicular chain. For this reason we support our individual approach, which allows creation of the smallest possible cavity for the size of the cholesteatoma. Our results confirm that the inside-out technique is effective in the treatment of pediatric cholesteatoma.


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Two BDF-based organic sensitizers, as first examples for their use in dye-sensitized solar cells, are prepared and characterized. They yield promising power conversion efficiencies of up to 5.5 and high open circuit voltages up to 0.82 V. This work demonstrates that the BDF chromophore acts as an effective donor in organic sensitizers.


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In this paper, we analyze the dramatic configuration of the devil in three plays by Agustín Moreto, Los siete durmientes (1651) El más ilustre francés, San Bernardo (1657) y El azote de su patria (1669). The main prospect is not only the study of the stage power of a character with such a wide range of theatrical and artistic possibilities, but also his structural role in the conflict and his decisive influence on the action even when he is not actually present.


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Medical instrumentation used in diagnosis and treatment relies on the accurate detection and processing of various physiological events and signals. While signal detection technology has improved greatly in recent years, there remain inherent delays in signal detection/ processing. These delays may have significant negative clinical consequences during various pathophysiological events. Reducing or eliminating such delays would increase the ability to provide successful early intervention in certain disorders thereby increasing the efficacy of treatment. In recent years, a physical phenomenon referred to as Negative Group Delay (NGD), demonstrated in simple electronic circuits, has been shown to temporally advance the detection of analog waveforms. Specifically, the output is temporally advanced relative to the input, as the time delay through the circuit is negative. The circuit output precedes the complete detection of the input signal. This process is referred to as signal advance (SA) detection. An SA circuit model incorporating NGD was designed, developed and tested. It imparts a constant temporal signal advance over a pre-specified spectral range in which the output is almost identical to the input signal (i.e., it has minimal distortion). Certain human patho-electrophysiological events are good candidates for the application of temporally-advanced waveform detection. SA technology has potential in early arrhythmia and epileptic seizure detection and intervention. Demonstrating reliable and consistent temporally advanced detection of electrophysiological waveforms may enable intervention with a pathological event (much) earlier than previously possible. SA detection could also be used to improve the performance of neural computer interfaces, neurotherapy applications, radiation therapy and imaging. In this study, the performance of a single-stage SA circuit model on a variety of constructed input signals, and human ECGs is investigated. The data obtained is used to quantify and characterize the temporal advances and circuit gain, as well as distortions in the output waveforms relative to their inputs. This project combines elements of physics, engineering, signal processing, statistics and electrophysiology. Its success has important consequences for the development of novel interventional methodologies in cardiology and neurophysiology as well as significant potential in a broader range of both biomedical and non-biomedical areas of application.


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A new quinoxaline-fused tetrathiafulvalene-based sensitizer has been prepared and characterized. The resulting power conversion efficiency of 6.47% represents the best performance to date for tetrathiafulvalene-sensitized solar cells.