520 resultados para sensitization


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A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica caracterizada por hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, acúmulo de eosinófilos, secreção de muco e remodelamento. No decorrer do estabelecimento do processo inflamatório, há liberação de mediadores endógenos que atuam limitando a evolução do quadro patológico e garantindo a manutenção da homeostasia (COHN, ELIAS e CHUPP, 2004). Dentre estes recebem destaque os hormônios glicocorticóides, reconhecidos por sua atividade anti-inflamatória, dependente, em parte, da geração de fatores intermediários como a proteína anexina-1 (AnxA1) (KAMAL, FLOWER e PERRETTI, 2005; PERRETTI, 2003). Neste estudo investigou-se o papel regulatório da AnxA1 e do peptídeo derivado Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g/animal) no modelo experimental de asma alérgica murina. Camundongos BALB/c (AnxA1+/+) e depletados do gene codificante para AnxA1 (AnxA1-/-) foram sensibilizados com ovoalbumina (OVA 50 g) e hidróxido de alumínio (5 mg), por via subcutânea. Após 14 dias, foi feito reforço com OVA (25 g), por via intraperitoneal, e nos dias 19, 20 e 21 foram desafiados com OVA (25 g), por via intranasal. O tratamento consistiu na administração intranasal do peptídeo Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g), 1 h antes de cada desafio. As análises foram feitas 24 h após o último desafio e incluíram: i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina (3 27 mg/ml) através de pletismografia invasiva; ii) alterações morfológicas através de histologia clássica; iii) quantificação de colágeno e iv) quantificação de mediadores inflamatórios através de ELISA. Verificou-se que camundongos AnxA1-/-, quando ativamente sensibilizados e desafiados com OVA apresentaram exacerbação do quadro de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, assim como do número de eosinófilos no lavado broncoalveolar e no infiltrado peribrônquico, deposição de colágeno e nos níveis de IL-13 em comparação aos controles AnxA1+/+. Em paralelo, observou-se que o peptídeo Ac2-26 levou a uma redução da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas frente à estimulação com metacolina nos animais AnxA1+/+. O peptídeo Ac2-26 reduziu o infiltrado inflamatório no parênquima pulmonar e o número de eosinófilos peribronquiolares, além da produção de muco no tecido pulmonar e da geração IL-4, IL-13, eotaxina-1 e -2. Em conjunto, nossos achados mostram que os camundongos AnxA1-/- mostraram-se mais responsivos à estimulação antigênica, o que foi indicativo de que a AnxA1 parece exercer um papel regulatório importante sobre a resposta inflamatória alérgica murina. Além disso, o efeito inibitório do peptídeo Ac2-26 sobre a resposta alérgica pulmonar foi indicativo de que este se coloca como um composto anti-inflamatório e anti-alérgico promissor para utilização na terapia da asma.


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Com base nos rebatimentos da Lei n 8.213/1991, que prevê a obrigatoriedade legal de empresas privadas brasileiras contratarem de 2% a 5% de beneficiários da Previdência Social reabilitados ou de pessoas com deficiência (PcDs) habilitadas em seus quadros funcionais, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar as repercussões da Lei de Cotas, tendo como referência as concepções de deficiência preponderantes dentro de uma organização privada de ensino profissionalizante por meio do seu Projeto de Sensibilização Gerencial. O projeto de sensibilização gerencial objetivou consolidar as etapas iniciais, na implementação de um programa institucional de valorização da diversidade. A hipótese principal formulada para a pesquisa, dentre outras relativas às concepções de deficiência, por parte de gestores, é que as reverberações positivas produzidas pela Lei de Cotas atingem, inclusive, as organizações empresariais supostamente distanciadas do movimento inclusionista. Para fins de avaliação das concepções de deficiência foram utilizados delineamentos de pesquisa estatística, compreendendo o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para determinar se as respostas às perguntas configuravam ou não uma distribuição normal, além do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson para medir a intensidade da relação linear entre as variáveis estudadas. Serviram como instrumentos da pesquisa um questionário sociodemográfico e um inventário de concepções de deficiência (ICD), sendo este direcionado para o objeto atitudinal, considerando-se as percepções sociais favoráveis e desfavoráveis no grupo pesquisado. Esse inventário de concepções de deficiência é composto de sete blocos de asserções e de uma escala do tipo Likert de seis pontos, que foi aplicada em um universo que contempla estrategicamente 60 participantes selecionados em três (3) grupos (Grupo piloto 1 envolvendo 30 participantes das áreas do Comitê Gestor do projeto na empresa; Grupo piloto 2 envolvendo 12 trainees; e Grupo Gerencial envolvendo 18 participantes, incluindo Gerentes de Área e Gerentes de Equipe da Superintendência de Produtos Educacionais). De posse dos resultados da avaliação das concepções de deficiência pelo ICD, foram realizados workshops de sensibilização com os participantes com o objetivo de sensibilizá-los e disseminar o conhecimento sobre inclusão social e laboral de PcDs, as ações de políticas públicas na atualidade, a natureza das deficiências, considerando-se os aspectos sociais da profissionalização, empregabilidade de pessoas com deficiência na empresa. Para tanto, foram empregadas técnicas e procedimentos lúdicos, além de debates para fins de reflexão crítica por parte dos participantes. A avaliação de reação foi conduzida ao término desses workshops. O conjunto dos dados levantados até então possibilitou proceder-se a um diagnóstico das concepções que prevalecem sobre PcDs na organização alvo da pesquisa. Os resultados evidenciaram a coexistência de concepções distintas da deficiência, indicando que, embora concepções negativas se perpetuem, as reverberações da Lei de Cotas têm apresentado também repercussões visivelmente positivas valorizando, assim, as ações corporativas apontadas para a diversidade humana, no contexto do trabalho. Em termos conclusivos, considera-se, no entanto, que o processo de inclusão laboral deva ser percebido por parte dos gestores como contínuo e em direção à mudança do comportamento humano nas organizações frente à profissionalização de PcDs. Posteriormente, tendo-se como suporte os resultados da presente pesquisa, um plano de ação institucional será implementado, como proposta de um programa balizado em 10 projetos sintéticos que servirão de modelo para empresas brasileiras interessadas em incluir a diversidade e reter talentos com deficiência em seus postos de trabalho, de modo a garantir-lhes o direito de exercício pleno da cidadania.


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Enxerto ósseo homólogo é utilizado independentemente da compatibilidade HLA entre doador e receptor ou uso de drogas imunossupressoras. Considerando o volume de transplantes ósseos realizados no Brasil e o possível efeito deletério da sensibilização HLA para o transplante de órgãos sólidos, este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a alorreatividade do enxerto ósseo homólogo fresco-congelado utilizado na reconstrução alveolar com finalidade de reabilitação oral com prótese sobre implantes. Anticorpos anti-HLA e anti-MICA foram monitorados através do teste Labscreen Mixed, nos intervalos 0, 7, 30, 90 e 180 pós transplante ósseo em 15 pacientes (6 homens e 9 mulheres, idade média 58,1, DP=10,1) que estavam em tratamento no Instituto de Odontologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Caso resultado do teste Mixed fosse positivo (Razão de fundo normatizado, NBG>4,5) o teste Labscreen Single (tecnologia antígeno único por pérola, SABA) era realizado para verificar se os anticorpos anti-HLA eram específicos ao doador. Nenhum paciente relatou transplante prévio, 4 relataram transfusão prévia e todas as mulheres relataram gravidez. Dez pacientes não apresentaram reação positiva no dia 0 sendo considerados não sensibilizados previamente (NSP); destes, 6 pacientes permaneceram sem nenhuma evidência de sensibilização, 2 pacientes apresentaram reação positiva para Classe I e II; 2 para Classe I apenas; e 2 para MICA, sendo considerados sensibilizados pelo enxerto ósseo oral. Dois pacientes apresentaram aumento de Intensidade Média de Fluorescência (ΔMFI>1000) de anticorpos específicos ao doador para Classe I e Classe II, e 2 somente para Classe II, demonstrando uma reação específica ao doador. Os resultados sugerem uma alorreatividade HLA oscilatória ao enxerto ósseo homólogo em reconstruções alveolares, confirmada pela formação de anticorpos anti-HLA específicos ao doador em 4 pacientes (27%) da amostra.


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Silica spheres doped with Eu(TTFA)(3) and/or Sm(TTFA)(3) were synthesized by using the modified Stober method. The transmission electron microscope image reveals that the hybrid spheres have smooth surfaces and an average diameter of about 210 nm. Fluorescence spectrometer was used to analyze the fluorescence properties of hybrid spheres. The results show that multiple energy transfer processes are simultaneously achieved in the same samples co-doped with Eu (TTFA)(3) and Sm(TTFA)(3), namely between the ligand and Eu3+ ion, the ligand and Sm3+ ion, and Sm3+ ion and Eu3+, ion. Energy transfer of Sm3+-> Eu3+, in the hybrid spheres leads to fluorescence enhancement of Eu3+ emission by approximately an order of magnitude. The lifetimes of the hybrid spheres were also measured.


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Cost-effective organic sensitizers will play a pivotal role in the future large-scale production and application of dye-sensitized solar cells. Here we report two new organic D-pi-A dyes featuring electron-rich 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene- and 2,2'-bis(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-conjugated linkers, showing a remarkable red-shifting of photocurrent action spectra compared with their thiophene and bithiophene counterparts. On the basis of the 3-f{5'-[N,N-bis(9,9-dimethylfluorene-2-yl)phenyl]-2,2'-bis(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-5-yl}2-cyanoacrylic acid dye, we have set a new efficiency record of 7.6% for solvent-free dye-sensitized solar cells based on metal-free organic sensitizers. Importantly, the cell exhibits an excellent stability, keeping over 92% of its initial efficiency after 1000 h accelerated tests under full sunlight soaking at 60 degrees C. This achievement will considerably encourage further design and exploration of metal-free organic dyes for higher performance dye-sensitized solar cells.


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New near-infrared-luminescent mesoporous materials were prepared by linking ternary lanthanide (Er3+, Nd3+, Yb3+, Sm3+, Pr3+) complexes to the ordered mesoporous MCM-41 through a functionalized 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) group 5-(N,N-bis-3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl)ureyl-1,10-phenanthroline. The resulting materials (denoted as Ln(hfth)(3)phen-M41 and Pr(tfnb)(3)phen-M41; Ln=Er, Yb, Nd, Sm; hfth = 4,4,5,5,6,6,6-heptafluoro-1-(2-thienyl)hexane-1,3-dionate; tfnb = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-naphthyl)- 1, 3-butanedionate) were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, N-2 adsorption/desorption, and elemental analysis. Luminescence spectra of these lanthanide-complex functionalized materials were recorded, and the luminescence decay times were measured. Upon excitation at the absorption of the organic ligands, all these materials show the characteristic NIR luminescence of the corresponding lanthanide (Er3+, Nd3+, Yb3+, Sm3+, Pr3+) ions by sensitization from the organic ligands moiety. The good luminescent performances enable these NIR-luminescent mesoporous materials to have possible applications in optical amplification (operating at 1300 or 1500 nm), laser systems, or medical diagnostics.


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M2B5O9X: Re(M = Ca, Sr, Ba; X = Cl, Br; Re = Eu, Th) phosphors were synthesized via solid state method. The products were characterized with X-ray powder diffraction and luminescence spectrometer. The luminescent properties as well. as the influences of the matrix composition and other doping ions on the luminescence of the rare earth ions of the co-doped phosphors were investigated. The coexistence of Eu3+, Eu2+ and Th3+ were observed in these matrices. The phenomenon may be explained by the electron transfer theory. The sensitization of Ce3+ ion improves the intensity of emission of Eu2+, and Tb3+. The competition between electron transfer among conjugate rare earth ions and energy migration might be the reasons for the observation. We predict a novel trichromatic phosphor co-doped with Eu3+ Tb3+ in M2B5O9X.


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The ligand Hhfth [4,4,5,5,6,6,6-heptafluoro-1-(2-thienyl)hexane-1,3-dione], which contains a heptafluoropropyl group, has been used to synthesize several new ternary lanthanide complexes (Ln = Er, Ho, Yb, Nd) in which the synergistic ligand is 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) or 2,2'-bipyridine (bipy). The two series of complexes are [Ln(hfth)(3)phen] [abbreviated as (Ln)1, where Ln = Er, Ho, Yb] and [Ln(hfth)(3)bipy] [abbreviated as (Ln)2, where Ln = Er, Ho, Yb, Nd]. Members of the two series have been structurally characterized. The growth morphology, diffuse reflectance (DR) spectra, thermogravimetric analyses, and photophysical studies of these complexes are described in detail. After ligand-mediated excitation of the complexes, they all show the characteristic near-infrared (NIR) luminescence of the corresponding Ln(3+) ions (Ln = Er, Ho, Yb, Nd). This is attributed to efficient energy transfer from the ligands to the central Ln(3+) ions, i.e. an antenna effect. The heptafluorinated substituent in the main hfth sensitizer serves to reduce the degree of vibrational quenching. With these NIR-luminescent lanthanide complexes, the luminescent spectral region from 1300 to 1600 nm, which is of particular interest for telecommunication applications, can be covered completely.


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The measurements of VUV-UV photoluminescence emission (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra of rare earth ions activated strontium orthophosphate [Sr-3(PO4)(2):RE, RE = Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb] are performed. Whenever the samples are excited by VUV or UV light, the typical emission of Ce-3+,Ce- Sm3+, Eu3+, Eu2+ and Tb3+ ions can be observed in PL spectra, respectively. The charge transfer bands (CTBs) of Sm3+ and Eu3+ are found, respectively, peaking at 206 and 230nm. The absorption bands peaking in the region of 150-160 nm are assigned to the host lattice sensitization bands, i.e., the band-to-band transitions of PO43- grouping in Sr-3(PO4)(2). It is speculated that the first f-d transitions of Sm3+ (Eu3+), and the CTB of Tb3+ are, respectively, located around 165 (14 3) and 167 urn by means of VUV-UV PLE spectra and relational empirical formula, these f-d transitions or CT bands are included in the bands with the maxima at 150-160 nm, respectively. The valence change of europium from trivalent to divalent in strontium orthophosphate prepared in air is observe by VUV-UV PL and PLE spectra.


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The luminescence properties of CaBPO5: Eu, Tb phosphor and the sensitization of Ce3+ were investigated. The CaBPO5: Eu, Tb phosphors were synthesized in the ambient air and the emission spectra of Eu3+, Tb3+ and Eu2+ were Observed in the phosphor. The result shows that there is electron transfer between conjugate rare earth ions. Sensitization of Ce3+ can improve the intensity of emission of Tb3+ and Eu2+. A novel trichromatic lamp phosphor codoped with Eu3+-Tb3+ in matrix CaBPO5 is then predicted.


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The TiO2 nanoparticle thin films have been sensitized in situ with CdS nanoparticles. The SPS measurement showed that large surface state density was present on the TiO2 nanoparticles and the surface state can be efficiently decreased by sensitization as well as selecting suitable heat treatment, Both the photocurrent response and the charge recombination kinetics in TiO2 thin films were strongly influenced by trapping/detrapping of surface states. The slow photocurrent response of TiO2 nanoparticulate thin films upon the illumination was attributed to the trap saturation effects, The semiconductor sensitization made the slow photoresponse disappeared and the steady-state photocurrent value increased drastically, which suggested that the sensitization of TiO2 thin films with CdS could get a better charge separation and provide a simple alternative to minimize the effect of surface state on the photocurrent response.


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Surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) measurements of TiO2 show that a large surface state density is present on the TiO2 nanoparticles and these surface states can be efficiently decreased by sensitization using US nanoparticles as well as by suitable heat treatment. The photoelectrochemical behavior of the bare TiO2 thin film indicates that the mechanism of photoelectron transport is controlled by the trapping/detrapping properties of surface states within the thin films, The slow photocurrent response upon the illumination can be explained by the trap saturation effect. For a TiO2 nanoparticulate thin film sensitized using US nanoparticles, the slow photocurrent response disappears and the steady-state photocurrent increases drastically, which suggests that photosensitization can decrease the effect of surface states on photocurrent response.


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Three kinds of TiO2 nanostructured thin films and their CdS-sensitized films, consisting of different sizes of TiO2 nanoparticles prepared with different methods, have been investigated. The surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) measurements indicate that the density of surface states on TiO2 is likely dependent upon the details of prepared methods. TiO2 particles prepared from basic sol have more surface states than that prepared from acidic sol. When the TiO2 thin films prepared using the TiO2 sols were sensitized by CdS particles, the SPS responses relative to the surface states on TiO2 from 350 to 800 nm were decreased. The photoelectrochemical properties of nanostructured TiO2 electrodes suggest that the fewer the surface states and the smaller the particle sizes of TiO2, the larger the photocurrent response. For CdS sensitized TiO2 thin film electrode, it is shown that the semiconductor sensitization is an efficient way to decrease the influence of surface states on the charge separation, and can improve the intensity of photocurrent response. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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By solid state reaction, LiMgAlF6 and LiMgAlF6:Ln(3+) are synthetized with the ratio 120/100/110 of LiF/MgF2/AlF3, at 1008 K, in high-purity Ar stream. Their crystal structure which belongs to hexagonal system are determined by X-Ray-Diffraction (XRD). Luminescence characteristics of Ce3+, Eu3+, Tb3+ and sensitization of Ce3+ to Tb3+ in LiMgAlF6 are studied. It is shown that the sensitization of Ce3+ to Tb3+ is efficient and a bright green emission is observed.


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Rewarding experience after drug use is one of the mechanisms of substance abuse. Previous evidence indicated that rewarding experience was closely related to learning processes. Neuroscience studies have already established multiple-mode learning model. Reference memory system and habit memory are associated with hippocampus and dorsa striatum respectively, which are also involved in the rewarding effect of morphine. However, the relationship between spatial/habit learning and morphine reward property is still unclear. After drug use, with sensitization to rewarding effect, spatial learning is also changed. To study the mechanism of increment of spatial learning would provide new perspective about reward learning. Based on the individual difference between spatial learning and reward learning, the experiments studied relationship between the two leaning abilities and tested the function of dorsal hippocampus and dorsal striatum in morphine-induced CPP. The results were summarized below: 1 In a single-rule learning water maze task, subjects better in spatial learning also excelled in rewarding learning. In a multi-rule learning task, morphine administration was more rewarding to subjects of use place strategy. 2 Treatment potentiating the rewarding effect of morphine also increased place-rule learning, with no significant improvement in habit learning. 3 Intracranial injections into CA1 of hippocampus or dorsal striatum of M1 antagonist, Pirenzepine, could block the establishment of morphine CPP after three days morphine treatment. In contrast, the antagonist of D1 receptor SCH23390 had no blocking effect. Both Pirenzepine and SCH23390 blocked the locomotor-stimulating effect of morphine. In summary, spatial learning stimulated the behavioral expression of morphine’s rewarding effect, in which CA1 of hippocampus was critically involved. On the other side, a pretreatment schedule of morphine, while increased the rewarding effect, improved place-rule learning, indicating that spatial learning might be one chain of sensitization to drug rewards effects