897 resultados para self-control
Objectives: It has been repeatedly demonstrated that athletes in a state of ego depletion do not perform up to their capabilities in high pressure situations. We assume that momentarily available self-control strength determines whether individuals in high pressure situations can resist distracting stimuli. Design/method: In the present study, we applied a between-subjects design, as 31 experienced basketball players were randomly assigned to a depletion group or a non-depletion group. Participants performed 30 free throws while listening to statements representing worrisome thoughts (as frequently experienced in high pressure situations) over stereo headphones. Participants were instructed to block out these distracting audio messages and focus on the free throws. We postulated that depleted participants would be more likely to be distracted. They were also assumed to perform worse in the free throw task. Results: The results supported our assumption as depleted participants paid more attention to the distracting stimuli. In addition, they displayed worse performance in the free throw task. Conclusions: These results indicate that sufficient levels of self-control strength can serve as a buffer against distracting stimuli under pressure.
Self-control is assumed to be a limited resource that becomes drained with use. However, high motivation such as flow experience may compensate for the reduced ability to self-regulate. Results revealed that the more flow students experienced the less depletion of self-regulation was reported.
We tested the assumption that persistent performance in an exhausting indoor cycling task would depend on momentarily available self-control strength (N = 20 active participants). In a within-subjects design (two points of measurement, exactly seven days apart), participants’ self-control strength was experimentally manipulated (depletion: yes vs. no; order counterbalanced) via the Stroop test before the participants performed a cycling task. In line with our hypothesis, hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) revealed that participants consistently performed worse over a period of 18 minutes when they were ego depleted. In addition, HLM analysis revealed that depleted participants invested less effort in the cycling task, as indicated by their lower heart rate. This effect escalated over time, as indicated by a time × condition interaction. These results indicate that self-control strength is necessary to obtain an optimal level of performance in endurance tasks requiring high levels of persistence. Practical implications are discussed.
Optimal sprint start performance requires the self-control of responses. Therefore, start performance should depend on self-control strength. It was expected that momentary depletion of self-control strength (ego depletion) would slow down the initiation of a sprint start, resulting in impaired reaction times. N = 37 participants performed three sprint starts at T1 and the average reaction times were measured with a foot-pressure release system attached under the starting block (in ms). Next, participants were randomly assigned to a depletion or a non-depletion condition and self-control strength was experimentally manipulated by applying the transcription task. Following the depletion manipulation, participants performed another series of three sprints (T2). The results of a mixed between (ego depletion: yes vs. no) within (T1 vs. T2) ANOVA supported the hypothesis as average reaction times in the depletion condition significantly increased from T1 (M = 0.35, SD = 0.03) to T2 (M = 0.38, SD = 0.04), F(1, 35) = 6.77, p = .01, η2p = .16. Average reaction times in the non-depletion condition did not differ significantly between T1 (M = 0.36, SD = 0.03) and T2 (M = 0.35, SD = 0.04), F(1, 35) = 0.47, p = .50, η2p = .01. In line with the hypothesis, higher levels of self-control strength were associated with quicker movement initiations. Therefore, improving self-control strength may serve as a buffer against the negative effects of ego depletion on performance.
Athletes in a state of ego depletion do not perform up to their capabilities in high pressure situations (e.g., Englert & Bertrams, 2012). We assume that momentarily available self-control strength determines whether individuals in high pressure situations can resist distracting stimuli. In the present study, we applied a between-subjects design, as 31 experienced basketball players were randomly assigned to a depletion group or a non-depletion group. Participants performed 30 free throws while listening to statements representing worrisome thoughts (as frequently experienced in high pressure situations; Oudejans, Kuijpers, Kooijman, & Bakker, 2011) over stereo headphones. Participants were instructed to block out these distracting audio messages and focus on the free throws. We postulated that depleted participants would be more likely to be distracted and would perform worse in the free throw task. The results supported our assumption as depleted participants paid more attention to the distracting stimuli and displayed worse performance in the free throw task. These results indicate that sufficient levels of self-control strength can serve as a buffer against increased distractibility under pressure. Implementing self-control trainings into workout routines may be a useful approach (e.g., Oaten & Cheng, 2007).
We tested the assumption that ego depletion would affect the sprint start in a sample of N = 38 athletes without track and field experience in an experiment by applying a mixed between- (depletion vs. non-depletion) within- (T1: before manipulation of ego depletion vs. T2: after manipulation of ego depletion) subjects design. We assumed that ego depletion would increase the possibility for a false start, as regulating the impulse to initiate the sprinting movement too soon before the starting signal requires self-control. In line with our assumption, we found a significant interaction as there was only a significant increase in the number of false starts from T1 to T2 for the depletion group while this was not the case for the non-depletion group. We conclude that ego depletion has a detrimental influence on the sprint start in athletes without track and field experience.
Over the years, substantial increases have occurred in the number of children being raised by their grandparents. A small number of studies have reported that grandparents raising grandchildren experience an increase in stress due to the demands of caregiving. The primary objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the degree of stress in African American (AA) grandparents who are raising their grandchildren age 12 years or younger; (2) identify the variables pertaining to the demographic characteristics of the grandparent caregiver and characteristics of the caregiving situation; (3) identify the coping strategies reported by AA grandparents; and (4) identify the relative importance of demographic and situational variables pertaining to the grandparent caregiver and caregiving situation, and coping strategies in influencing the degree of stress experienced. ^ An exploratory, descriptive, cross sectional design was used to study stress and coping in 50 AA grandparents who ranged in age from 44–87 years (M = 63.12). Data were collected via one personal interview in January/February 2001 at area senior centers or churches which the grandparent attends in Harris County, Texas. Five home interviews were done as requested by grandparents. ^ The instruments used to measure stress and coping were the Parenting Stress Index developed by Abidin and Folkman and Lazarus' Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Results of the study found that the grandparents is this study were a highly stressed group. Ninety-four percent of the sample demonstrated a “clinically significant” level of stress. Situational variables associated with lower stress levels were use of counseling, use of special school programs such as tutoring and special education, and increased length of caregiving (>5 years). ^ The most frequently used coping strategies overall were seeking social support and positive reappraisal. Six coping strategies were significantly correlated to lower reported stress: positive reappraisal, accepting responsibility, confrontive coping, self-control, planful problem solving, and distancing. ^ The findings from this study have limited generalizability. Nonetheless, this study was useful in adding to the limited amount of literature on AA grandparents who are rearing their grandchildren. The results clearly suggest the need for affordable counseling, support groups, education related to available resources, stress management, and interventions that increase the use of coping strategies found to reduce perceived stress. Future research should investigate levels of stress in AA and other grandparent caregivers longitudinally, as well as focus on stress and coping in grandparents raising grandchildren with special needs. ^
The study focused on the relationship between antisocial personality syndrome in boys ages 8-15 and parental alcohol/drug dependency. The population studied was case records of 101 boys coming to a private psychiatrist from 1966 through 1979. The boys were predominantly white and from middle to upper income families.^ A boy was determined to have antisocial personality syndrome if he exhibited antisocial behaviors in four or five major categories, did not exhibit a brain syndrome, and did not exhibit a thought disorder. The five major behavior categories were: (1) self-control (i.e., temper tantrums or hyperactivity), (2) behavior at home (i.e., disobedience or lying), (3) behavior at school (i.e., truancy or cheating), (4) behavior toward peers (i.e., bullying, fighting, or tattling), and (5) behavior against property (i.e., destructiveness or stealing). A boy was determined to be a control if he exhibited antisocial behaviors in two or less behavior categories.^ A parent was determined to have alcohol/drug dependency if s/he exhibited a score above the established threshold (1) for the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (28 or above), and (2) for the Holmes Alcoholism Scale (35 or above) which are used with the MMPI. A parent was classified not alcohol/drug dependent if s/he had scores below set thresholds (22 on the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale and 28 on the Holmes Alcoholism Scale).^ For the final sample (N = 10), there was no reason to believe a relationship exists between antisocial personality syndrome in boys ages 8-15 and parental alcohol/drug dependency (Fisher's Exact Test {FET} P = 1.0). The small sample size primarily occurred as a result of 88.12% of the parents being classified in a questionable category in terms of alcohol/drug dependency.^ The sample was suggestive of a relationship between the fathers' Psychopathic Deviate (Pd) Scale scores as a measure of antisocial tendencies and the boy having antisocial personality syndrome (N = 75; P = .12). There was no evidence of such a relationship for mothers (N = 75; P = .97). ^
Este plan se propone indagar cómo se construyen las concepciones del cuerpo en la práctica de la danza escénica occidental, a partir del análisis de fuentes bibliográficas escritas por maestros coreógrafos y bailarines del siglo XX. En este sentido, la danza opera como instancia de recorte específico sobre un tema más general; el de construir un aporte a los desarrollos de una teoría social del cuerpo, de reciente formación en nuestro país, en base al análisis de unos referentes empíricos concretos. Se espera poder construir líneas de análisis fructíferas que, en base a la deconstrucción del saber generado en el campo de las prácticas específicas a observar y su re-construcción con eje en los elementos de la teoría social contemporánea, articulen el problema y análisis del cuerpo, con tópicos básicos del análisis sociológico: la cuestión de la subjetividad, las nuevas formas de auto-dominio y auto-control y la cuestión de las prácticas o experiencias autónomas y disruptivas.
El Plan Nacional de Vida Saludable resulta de la composición de tres programas que alientan la producción de hábitos denominados saludables en los individuos. A ser llevado a cabo en el período 2007-2010 por el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, no se trata de un caso único en su tipo, sino que el Plan Nacional de Vida Saludable presenta la oportunidad para meditar sobre el lugar que ocupa la salud en la sociedad contemporánea. En el contexto moderno de una transición que migra de una medicina curativa a una concepción de la medicina como ciencia eminentemente preventiva y a partir de una lectura desde el concepto de biopolítica propuesto por el filósofo francés Michel Foucault, se sugiere la existencia de un dispositivo saludable que ordena los discursos sobre la salud y produce discursos verdaderos sobre ella. La presencia de este dispositivo sería una posible explicación de la omnipresencia de la salud en la sociedad contemporánea, la preocupación constante por prolongar la vida y la instigación al autocontrol, el cuidado y el aumento de la salud en los individuos
El Plan Nacional de Vida Saludable resulta de la composición de tres programas que alientan la producción de hábitos denominados saludables en los individuos. A ser llevado a cabo en el período 2007-2010 por el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, no se trata de un caso único en su tipo, sino que el Plan Nacional de Vida Saludable presenta la oportunidad para meditar sobre el lugar que ocupa la salud en la sociedad contemporánea. En el contexto moderno de una transición que migra de una medicina curativa a una concepción de la medicina como ciencia eminentemente preventiva y a partir de una lectura desde el concepto de biopolítica propuesto por el filósofo francés Michel Foucault, se sugiere la existencia de un dispositivo saludable que ordena los discursos sobre la salud y produce discursos verdaderos sobre ella. La presencia de este dispositivo sería una posible explicación de la omnipresencia de la salud en la sociedad contemporánea, la preocupación constante por prolongar la vida y la instigación al autocontrol, el cuidado y el aumento de la salud en los individuos
Este plan se propone indagar cómo se construyen las concepciones del cuerpo en la práctica de la danza escénica occidental, a partir del análisis de fuentes bibliográficas escritas por maestros coreógrafos y bailarines del siglo XX. En este sentido, la danza opera como instancia de recorte específico sobre un tema más general; el de construir un aporte a los desarrollos de una teoría social del cuerpo, de reciente formación en nuestro país, en base al análisis de unos referentes empíricos concretos. Se espera poder construir líneas de análisis fructíferas que, en base a la deconstrucción del saber generado en el campo de las prácticas específicas a observar y su re-construcción con eje en los elementos de la teoría social contemporánea, articulen el problema y análisis del cuerpo, con tópicos básicos del análisis sociológico: la cuestión de la subjetividad, las nuevas formas de auto-dominio y auto-control y la cuestión de las prácticas o experiencias autónomas y disruptivas.
Este plan se propone indagar cómo se construyen las concepciones del cuerpo en la práctica de la danza escénica occidental, a partir del análisis de fuentes bibliográficas escritas por maestros coreógrafos y bailarines del siglo XX. En este sentido, la danza opera como instancia de recorte específico sobre un tema más general; el de construir un aporte a los desarrollos de una teoría social del cuerpo, de reciente formación en nuestro país, en base al análisis de unos referentes empíricos concretos. Se espera poder construir líneas de análisis fructíferas que, en base a la deconstrucción del saber generado en el campo de las prácticas específicas a observar y su re-construcción con eje en los elementos de la teoría social contemporánea, articulen el problema y análisis del cuerpo, con tópicos básicos del análisis sociológico: la cuestión de la subjetividad, las nuevas formas de auto-dominio y auto-control y la cuestión de las prácticas o experiencias autónomas y disruptivas.
El Plan Nacional de Vida Saludable resulta de la composición de tres programas que alientan la producción de hábitos denominados saludables en los individuos. A ser llevado a cabo en el período 2007-2010 por el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, no se trata de un caso único en su tipo, sino que el Plan Nacional de Vida Saludable presenta la oportunidad para meditar sobre el lugar que ocupa la salud en la sociedad contemporánea. En el contexto moderno de una transición que migra de una medicina curativa a una concepción de la medicina como ciencia eminentemente preventiva y a partir de una lectura desde el concepto de biopolítica propuesto por el filósofo francés Michel Foucault, se sugiere la existencia de un dispositivo saludable que ordena los discursos sobre la salud y produce discursos verdaderos sobre ella. La presencia de este dispositivo sería una posible explicación de la omnipresencia de la salud en la sociedad contemporánea, la preocupación constante por prolongar la vida y la instigación al autocontrol, el cuidado y el aumento de la salud en los individuos
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico