431 resultados para seepage
Many studies on environmental ecosystems quality related to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been carried out routinely due to their ubiquotus presence worldwide and to their potential toxicity after its biotransformation. PAH may be introduced into the environmet by natural and anthropogenic processes from direct runoff and discharges and indirect atmospheric deposition. Sources of naturally occurring PAHs include natural fires, natural oil seepage and recent biological or diagenetic processes. Anthropogenic sources of PAHs, acute or chronic, are combustion of organic matter (petroleum, coal, wood), waste and releases/spills of petroleum and derivatives (river runoff, sewage outfalls, maritime transport, pipelines). Besides the co-existence of multiples sources of PAH in the environmental samples, these compounds are subject to many processes that lead to geochemical fates (physical-chemical transformation, biodegradation and photo-oxidation), which leads to an alteration of their composition. All these facts make the identification of the hydrocarbons sources, if petrogenic, pyrolytic or natural, a challenge. One of the objectives of this study is to establish tools to identify the origin of hydrocarbons in environmental samples. PAH diagnostic ratios and PAH principal component analysis were tested on a critical area: Guanabara Bay sediments. Guanabara Bay is located in a complex urban area of Rio de Janeiro with a high anthropogenic influence, being an endpoint of chronic pollution from the Greater Rio and it was the scenario of an acute event of oil release in January 2000. It were quantified 38 compounds, parental and alkylated PAH, in 21 sediment samples collected in two surveys: 2000 and 2003. The PAH levels varied from 400 to 58439 ng g-1. Both tested techniques for origin identification of hydrocarbons have shown their applicability, being able to discriminate the PAH sources for the majority of the samples analysed. The bay sediments were separated into two big clusters: sediments with a clear pattern of petrogenic introduction of hydrocarbons (from intertidal area) and sediments with combustion characteristics (from subtidal region). Only a minority of the samples could not display a clear contribution of petrogenic or pyrolytic input. The diagnostic ratios that have exhibited high ability to distinguish combustion- and petroleum-derived PAH inputs for Guanabara Bay sediments were Phenanthrene+Anthracene/(Phenanthrene+Anthracene+C1Phenanthrene); Fluorantene/(Fluorantene+Pyrene); Σ (other 3-6 ring PAHs)/ Σ (5 alkylated PAH series). The PCA results prooved to be a useful tool for PAH source identification in the environment, corroborating the diagnostic indexes. In relation to the temporal evaluation carried out in this study, it was not verified significant changes on the class of predominant source of the samples. This result indicates that the hydrocarbons present in the Guanabara Bay sediments are mainly related to the long-term anthropogenic input and not directly related to acute events such as the oil spill of January 2000. This findings were similar to various international estuarine sites. Finally, this work had a complementary objective of evaluating the level of hydrocarbons exposure of the aquatic organisms of Guanabara Bay. It was a preliminary study in which a quantification of 12 individual biliar metabolites of PAH was performed in four demersal fish representing three different families. The analysed metabolites were 1-hydroxynaphtalene, 2-hidroxinaphtalene, 1hydroxyphenanthrene, 9-hydroxyphenanthrene, 2-hydroxyphenanthrene, 1hydroxypyrene, 3-hidroxibiphenil, 3- hydroxyphenanthrene, 1-hydroxychrysene, 9hydroxyfluorene, 4-hydroxyphenanthrene, 3-hydroxybenz(a)pyrene. The metabolites concentrations were found to be high, ranging from 13 to 177 µg g-1, however they were similar to worldwide regions under high anthropogenic input. Besides the metabolites established by the used protocol, it was possible to verified high concentrations of three other compounds not yet reported in the literature. They were related to pyrolytic PAH contribution to Guanabara Bay aquatic biota: 1-hydroxypyrine and 3-hydroxybenz(a)pyrine isomers
The geoelectrical methods have been widely used in research involving the evaluation and monitoring of areas with environmental risk. This paper presents the results of applying the Electrical Resistivity method by electrical profiling technique to investigate the fuel presence in soil and groundwater proceeding in station gas, located in an urban area Caçapava do Sul (RS), on soil in situ, from modification of Caçapava granite. The results suggest an association between low resistivity anomalies zone with potentially degraded from underground tanks worthless on the form of free phase, now represented as residual phase. The results of the model inversion are consistent with the standards expected for hydrocarbons present in the saturated zone. The electrical resistivity method proved to be an important tool for assessment and environmental monitoring in conjunction with direct methods of investigation.
The disposal of solid waste can create environmental problems, in addition to the potential risk of instability even in planned geotechnical works, such as provisions in stacks or high ends of the landfill, because they represent mere adjustments in civil engineering works. The Leme city, SP, generates about 35 t/day of municipal waste, that are deposited in a landfill located in the Barro Preto neighborhood. This work conducted a geophysical survey, based on geotechnical instability evidence in area, for analysis of the conditioners that cause on the sides leachate resurgence landfill and its relationship to mass movements and ravines installation in cover soil, with consequent waste exposure. The results indicate horizons of low resistivity connected with resurgence points generated by the organic matter decomposition contained in the waste. Such horizons result in leachate concentration in some places, which, in turn, may lead to loss of cohesion of the materials constituting the residues mass. The results are areas with mass flow by rotational movements, which, together with the surface flow of rainwater, evolves into ravines and exposed residues, preferably at the resurgence point. The leachate flow on the surface affects areas beyond the limits at landfill with direct impact on local agriculture and risk to pedestrians using the highway bordered by the landfill beyond the soil and the local aquifer.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB
Interventions in nature made by man are very common since the beginnings of human history, especially in the case regarding the storage of water. The construction of dams have been and still are fundamental in maintaining human life due to the vital importance that water plays. The size of these structures vary according to need, such as water catchment, fish-farming or electricity generation. Embankment dams are the most common type of these structures. Can be defined as dams natural material obtained from loan chambers located near the dam site. This type of barrier may be divided into earth dams and rockfill dams. The study area covers an earth dam located in Cordeirópolis (SP) and is essentially composed of diabases altered soil of the Serra Geral Formation of the Paraná Basin. With the aid of geophysics, more specifically of the Electrical Resistivity method, the aim is to check any water infiltration zones in the dam's body. Given the risks associated with water seepage in earth dams, that may generate breakdown structures, erosion, and consequently accidents and / or harmful factors in the nearby areas. One of the main structural problems married by water infiltration is the possible generation of pipes that could jeopardize the dam structure. This work aims to contribute towards the evaluation of the effectiveness of using an indirect technique of research and monitoring in aid to direct research techniques such as piezometers and drive stakes. The results are presented in the form of 2D and 3D geophysical models, the analysis shows a low resistivity zone with typical values of the presence of humidity originating upstream of the dam and downstream bottleneck trend, that are the basis for interpretation by percolation or not water in the dam
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Improvements in on-farm water and soil fertility management through water harvesting may prove key to up-grade smallholder farming systems in dry sub-humid and semi-arid sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). The currently experienced yield levels are usually less than 1 t ha-1, i.e., 3-5 times lower than potential levels obtained by commercial farmers and researchers for similar agro-hydrological conditions. The low yield levels are ascribed to the poor crop water availability due to variable rainfall, losses in on-farm water balance and inherently low soil nutrient levels. To meet an increased food demand with less use of water and land in the region, requires farming systems that provide more yields per water unit and/or land area in the future. This thesis presents the results of a project on water harvesting system aiming to upgrade currently practised water management for maize (Zea mays, L.) in semi-arid SSA. The objectives were to a) quantify dry spell occurrence and potential impact in currently practised small-holder grain production systems, b) test agro-hydrological viability and compare maize yields in an on-farm experiment using combinations supplemental irrigation (SI) and fertilizers for maize, and c) estimate long-term changes in water balance and grain yields of a system with SI compared to farmers currently practised in-situ water harvesting. Water balance changes and crop growth were simulated in a 20-year perspective with models MAIZE1&2. Dry spell analyses showed that potentially yield-limiting dry spells occur at least 75% of seasons for 2 locations in semi-arid East Africa during a 20-year period. Dry spell occurrence was more frequent for crop cultivated on soil with low water-holding capacity than on high water-holding capacity. The analysis indicated large on-farm water losses as deep percolation and run-off during seasons despite seasonal crop water deficits. An on-farm experiment was set up during 1998-2001 in Machakos district, semi-arid Kenya. Surface run-off was collected and stored in a 300m3 earth dam. Gravity-fed supplemental irrigation was carried out to a maize field downstream of the dam. Combinations of no irrigation (NI), SI and 3 levels of N fertilizers (0, 30, 80 kg N ha-1) were applied. Over 5 seasons with rainfall ranging from 200 to 550 mm, the crop with SI and low nitrogen fertilizer gave 40% higher yields (**) than the farmers’ conventional in-situ water harvesting system. Adding only SI or only low nitrogen did not result in significantly different yields. Accounting for actual ability of a storage system and SI to mitigate dry spells, it was estimated that a farmer would make economic returns (after deduction of household consumption) between year 2-7 after investment in dam construction depending on dam sealant and labour cost used. Simulating maize growth and site water balance in a system of maize with SI increased annual grain yield with 35 % as a result of timely applications of SI. Field water balance changes in actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and deep percolation were insignificant with SI, although the absolute amount of ETa increased with 30 mm y-1 for crop with SI compared to NI. The dam water balance showed 30% productive outtake as SI of harvested water. Large losses due to seepage and spill-flow occurred from the dam. Water productivity (WP, of ETa) for maize with SI was on average 1 796 m3 per ton grain, and for maize without SI 2 254 m3 per ton grain, i.e, a decerase of WP with 25%. The water harvesting system for supplemental irrigation of maize was shown to be both biophysically and economically viable. However, adoption by farmers will depend on other factors, including investment capacity, know-how and legislative possibilities. Viability of increased water harvesting implementation in a catchment scale needs to be assessed so that other down-stream uses of water remains uncompromised.
Le ricerche di carattere eustatico, mareografico, climatico, archeologico e geocronologico, sviluppatesi soprattutto nell’ultimo ventennio, hanno messo in evidenza che gran parte delle piane costiere italiane risulta soggetta al rischio di allagamento per ingressione marina dovuta alla risalita relativa del livello medio del mare. Tale rischio è la conseguenza dell’interazione tra la presenza di elementi antropici e fenomeni di diversa natura, spesso difficilmente discriminabili e quantificabili, caratterizzati da magnitudo e velocità molto diverse tra loro. Tra le cause preponderanti che determinano l’ingressione marina possono essere individuati alcuni fenomeni naturali, climatici e geologici, i quali risultano fortemente influenzati dalle attività umane soprattutto a partire dal XX secolo. Tra questi si individuano: - la risalita del livello del mare, principalmente come conseguenza del superamento dell’ultimo acme glaciale e dello scioglimento delle grandi calotte continentali; - la subsidenza. Vaste porzioni delle piane costiere italiane risultano soggette a fenomeni di subsidenza. In certe zone questa assume proporzioni notevoli: per la fascia costiera emiliano-romagnola si registrano ratei compresi tra 1 e 3 cm/anno. Tale subsidenza è spesso il risultato della sovrapposizione tra fenomeni naturali (neotettonica, costipamento di sedimenti, ecc.) e fenomeni indotti dall’uomo (emungimenti delle falde idriche, sfruttamento di giacimenti metaniferi, escavazione di materiali per l’edilizia, ecc.); - terreni ad elevato contenuto organico: la presenza di depositi fortemente costipabili può causare la depressione del piano di campagna come conseguenza di abbassamenti del livello della falda superficiale (per drenaggi, opere di bonifica, emungimenti), dello sviluppo dei processi di ossidazione e decomposizione nei terreni stessi, del costipamento di questi sotto il proprio peso, della carenza di nuovi apporti solidi conseguente alla diminuita frequenza delle esondazioni dei corsi d’acqua; - morfologia: tra i fattori di rischio rientra l’assetto morfologico della piana e, in particolare il tipo di costa (lidi, spiagge, cordoni dunari in smantellamento, ecc. ), la presenza di aree depresse o comunque vicine al livello del mare (fino a 1-2 m s.l.m.), le caratteristiche dei fondali antistanti (batimetria, profilo trasversale, granulometria dei sedimenti, barre sommerse, assenza di barriere biologiche, ecc.); - stato della linea di costa in termini di processi erosivi dovuti ad attività umane (urbanizzazione del litorale, prelievo inerti, costruzione di barriere, ecc.) o alle dinamiche idro-sedimentarie naturali cui risulta soggetta (correnti litoranee, apporti di materiale, ecc. ). Scopo del presente studio è quello di valutare la probabilità di ingressione del mare nel tratto costiero emiliano-romagnolo del Lido delle Nazioni, la velocità di propagazione del fronte d’onda, facendo riferimento allo schema idraulico del crollo di una diga su letto asciutto (problema di Riemann) basato sul metodo delle caratteristiche, e di modellare la propagazione dell’inondazione nell’entroterra, conseguente all’innalzamento del medio mare . Per simulare tale processo è stato utilizzato il complesso codice di calcolo bidimensionale Mike 21. La fase iniziale di tale lavoro ha comportato la raccolta ed elaborazione mediante sistema Arcgis dei dati LIDAR ed idrografici multibeam , grazie ai quali si è provveduto a ricostruire la topo-batimetria di dettaglio della zona esaminata. Nel primo capitolo è stato sviluppato il problema del cambiamento climatico globale in atto e della conseguente variazione del livello marino che, secondo quanto riportato dall’IPCC nel rapporto del 2007, dovrebbe aumentare al 2100 mediamente tra i 28 ed i 43 cm. Nel secondo e terzo capitolo è stata effettuata un’analisi bibliografica delle metodologie per la modellazione della propagazione delle onde a fronte ripido con particolare attenzione ai fenomeni di breaching delle difese rigide ed ambientali. Sono state studiate le fenomenologie che possono inficiare la stabilità dei rilevati arginali, realizzati sia in corrispondenza dei corsi d’acqua, sia in corrispondenza del mare, a discapito della protezione idraulica del territorio ovvero dell’incolumità fisica dell’uomo e dei territori in cui esso vive e produce. In un rilevato arginale, quale che sia la causa innescante la formazione di breccia, la generazione di un’onda di piena conseguente la rottura è sempre determinata da un’azione erosiva (seepage o overtopping) esercitata dall’acqua sui materiali sciolti costituenti il corpo del rilevato. Perciò gran parte dello studio in materia di brecce arginali è incentrato sulla ricostruzione di siffatti eventi di rottura. Nel quarto capitolo è stata calcolata la probabilità, in 5 anni, di avere un allagamento nella zona di interesse e la velocità di propagazione del fronte d’onda. Inoltre è stata effettuata un’analisi delle condizioni meteo marine attuali (clima ondoso, livelli del mare e correnti) al largo della costa emiliano-romagnola, le cui problematiche e linee di intervento per la difesa sono descritte nel quinto capitolo, con particolare riferimento alla costa ferrarese, oggetto negli ultimi anni di continui interventi antropici. Introdotto il sistema Gis e le sue caratteristiche, si è passati a descrivere le varie fasi che hanno permesso di avere in output il file delle coordinate x, y, z dei punti significativi della costa, indispensabili al fine della simulazione Mike 21, le cui proprietà sono sviluppate nel sesto capitolo.
Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines allgemeingültigen, im mittleren Maßstabsbereich durchgeführten, GIS-Bewertungsverfahrens zur Ermittlung der Grundwasserneubildungsrate unter Berücksichtigung einer langzeitlichen Landnutzungsänderung sowie die Darstellung eines Szenarios zur Grundwassergefährdungsabschätzung für ausgewählte rüstungsspezifi-sche organische Verbindungen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet befindet sich in einem während der beiden Weltkriege stark militär- und rüstungstechnisch genutzten Raum. Die Beurtei-lungsszenarien der Grundwassergefährdung erfolgen rein qualitativ.Die Abhängigkeit der Grundwasserneubildungsrate von der Landnutzungsänderung ist deut-lich zu erkennen. Mit zunehmender Flächenversiegelung, einher gehend mit veränderten Sickerwasserraten und des oberflächennahen Abflusses, reduziert sich die Grundwasser-neubildungsrate deutlich. Die Abschätzung der Grundwassergefährdung für die sprengstofftypischen Verbindungen erfolgt im ersten Schritt emissionsbezogen für die ungesättigte Zone unter Berücksichtigung der Standort- und Bodeneigenschaften und der physikalisch-chemischen Stoffeigenschaften. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt eine immissionsbezogene Betrachtung der potenziellen Belastun-gen von Trinkwasserbrunnen.Trotz starker Generalisierungseffekte bietet dieser stoffspezifische Bewertungsansatz in Verbindung mit physikalischen Methoden für organische Verbindungen einen guten ersten Überblick über eine potenzielle Gefährdungen des Grundwassers. Die Datenbestände der entwickelten GIS-Anwendung sind leicht erweiterbar, so dass eine Abschätzung der potenzi-ellen Gefährdung auch für andere organische Stoffgruppen sowie auch eine Übertragung auf andere Untersuchungsgebiete möglich ist.
Bei einer Risikoabschätzung bezüglich einer Gefährdung des Schutzgutes Grundwasser müssen alle relevanten Transportpfade, auf denen Schadstoffe durch die Bodenzone bis ins Grundwasser verlagert werden, identifiziert und quantifiziert werden. Die Verlagerung von Schadstoffen gebunden an mobile Partikel im Sickerwasser wird dabei oft vernachlässigt. In dieser Arbeit wurden sowohl experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Partikeltransport in der Bodenzone als auch Szenarienmodellierungen hinsichtlich der Wechselwirkung Partikel/Schadstoff durchgeführt. Die experimentellen ungesättigten Säulenversuche wurden unter naturnahen stationären und instationären hydraulischen und hydrochemischen Bedingungen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Einfluss der Parameter Durchmesser Bodenmatrix, Partikelgröße, Beregnungsintensität, Oberflächenspannung und Hydrochemie auf den Transport von natürlichen und synthetischen Partikeln untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden Untersuchungen zur partikelgebundenen Verlagerung von Phenanthren durchgeführt. In einer numerischen Szenarienmodellierung mit dem Modell SMART wurde untersucht, unter welchen Randbedingungen der Transport von Partikeln gleichzeitig zu signifikanten partikelgebundenen Schadstoffkonzentrationen im Grundwasser führt. Dabei wurden die Parameter Lithologie Partikel/Boden, Hydrophobizität Schadstoff, Partikelkonzentration, Partikeldurchmesser sowie Körnung Bodenmatrix variiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass der partikelgebundene Schadstofftransportpfad in der ungesättigten Bodenzone in verschiedenen Szenarien den Anteil mobiler Schadstoffe, die mit dem Sickerwasser ins Grundwasser gelangen, signifikant erhöht. Auf Basis der experimentellen und theoretischen Untersuchungen wurde ein zweistufiges Bewertungsschema entwickelt, das bereits im Vorfeld einer Risikoabschätzung als Entscheidungshilfe hinsichtlich der Relevanz einer Mobilisierung, eines Transports und des Rückhalts von partikelgebundenen Schadstoffen in der ungesättigten Zone dient.
Nel Comune di Ravenna, oltre 6.800 ettari di terreni agricoli sono a rischio salinizzazione, a causa dell’alta salinità delle acque sotterranee presenti all’interno dell’acquifero freatico costiero. L'area è interessata da subsidenza naturale, per compattazione dei sedimenti alluvionali e antropica, causata dall’estrazione di gas e dall’eccessivo sfruttamento delle acque sotterranee. Ne deriva che la maggior parte di questo territorio è sotto il livello medio del mare e l'agricoltura, così come ogni altra attività umana, è possibile grazie ad una fitta rete di canali di drenaggio che garantiscono il franco di coltivazione. L’agricoltura è una risorsa importante per la zona, ma a causa della scarsa disponibilità di acque dolci e per l’aumento dei processi di salinizzazione dei suoli, necessita di un cambiamento. Servono pratiche agricole sostenibili, con idonei requisiti irrigui, di drenaggio del suolo, di resistenza alla salinizzazione e di controllo del suolo. Dopo un’analisi generale sulle condizioni dell’acquifero, è stato monitorato un transetto di 10km rappresentativo della parte costiera di Ravenna. Infine, con l'obiettivo di comprendere l'interazione tra un canale d'irrigazione e le acque sotterranee, una piccola area agricola (12 ettari), è stata monitorata nel corso del 2011 utilizzando metodi idrologici, geochimici e geofisici. I risultati di questo lavoro mostrano una diffusa salinizzazione della falda freatica, ma anche la presenza di una lente d'acqua dolce spessa 5m, a 400m dalla linea di riva, con caratteristiche chimiche (hydrofacies) tipici di acque continentali e con dimensioni variabili stagionalmente. Questa bolla di acqua dolce si è originata esclusivamente dalle infiltrazioni dal canale d’irrigazione presente, in quanto, il contributo dell’irrigazione superficiale è stato nullo. Sfruttando la rete di canali di drenaggio già presente sarebbe possibile estendere questo processo d’infiltrazione da canale in altre porzioni dell’acquifero allo scopo di ricaricare l’acquifero stesso e limitare la salinizzazione dei suoli.
Natürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung ist in allen Bereichen der Erdkruste ein wichtiger und stark verbreiteter Prozess. Sie beeinflusst die effektive Permeabilität und Fluidtransport auf mehreren Größenordnungen, indem sie hydraulische Konnektivität bewirkt. Der Prozess der Bruchbildung ist sowohl sehr dynamisch als auch hoch komplex. Die Dynamik stammt von der starken Wechselwirkung tektonischer und hydraulischer Prozesse, während sich die Komplexität aus der potentiellen Abhängigkeit der poroelastischen Eigenschaften von Fluiddruck und Bruchbildung ergibt. Die Bildung hydraulischer Brüche besteht aus drei Phasen: 1) Nukleation, 2) zeitabhängiges quasi-statisches Wachstum so lange der Fluiddruck die Zugfestigkeit des Gesteins übersteigt, und 3) in heterogenen Gesteinen der Einfluss von Lagen unterschiedlicher mechanischer oder sedimentärer Eigenschaften auf die Bruchausbreitung. Auch die mechanische Heterogenität, die durch präexistierende Brüche und Gesteinsdeformation erzeugt wird, hat großen Einfluß auf den Wachstumsverlauf. Die Richtung der Bruchausbreitung wird entweder durch die Verbindung von Diskontinuitäten mit geringer Zugfestigkeit im Bereich vor der Bruchfront bestimmt, oder die Bruchausbreitung kann enden, wenn der Bruch auf Diskontinuitäten mit hoher Festigkeit trifft. Durch diese Wechselwirkungen entsteht ein Kluftnetzwerk mit komplexer Geometrie, das die lokale Deformationsgeschichte und die Dynamik der unterliegenden physikalischen Prozesse reflektiert. rnrnNatürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung hat wesentliche Implikationen für akademische und kommerzielle Fragestellungen in verschiedenen Feldern der Geowissenschaften. Seit den 50er Jahren wird hydraulisches Fracturing eingesetzt, um die Permeabilität von Gas und Öllagerstätten zu erhöhen. Geländebeobachtungen, Isotopenstudien, Laborexperimente und numerische Analysen bestätigen die entscheidende Rolle des Fluiddruckgefälles in Verbindung mit poroelastischen Effekten für den lokalen Spannungszustand und für die Bedingungen, unter denen sich hydraulische Brüche bilden und ausbreiten. Die meisten numerischen hydromechanischen Modelle nehmen für die Kopplung zwischen Fluid und propagierenden Brüchen vordefinierte Bruchgeometrien mit konstantem Fluiddruck an, um das Problem rechnerisch eingrenzen zu können. Da natürliche Gesteine kaum so einfach strukturiert sind, sind diese Modelle generell nicht sonderlich effektiv in der Analyse dieses komplexen Prozesses. Insbesondere unterschätzen sie die Rückkopplung von poroelastischen Effekten und gekoppelte Fluid-Festgestein Prozesse, d.h. die Entwicklung des Porendrucks in Abhängigkeit vom Gesteinsversagen und umgekehrt.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird ein zweidimensionales gekoppeltes poro-elasto-plastisches Computer-Model für die qualitative und zum Teil auch quantitativ Analyse der Rolle lokalisierter oder homogen verteilter Fluiddrücke auf die dynamische Ausbreitung von hydraulischen Brüchen und die zeitgleiche Evolution der effektiven Permeabilität entwickelt. Das Programm ist rechnerisch effizient, indem es die Fluiddynamik mittels einer Druckdiffusions-Gleichung nach Darcy ohne redundante Komponenten beschreibt. Es berücksichtigt auch die Biot-Kompressibilität poröser Gesteine, die implementiert wurde um die Kontrollparameter in der Mechanik hydraulischer Bruchbildung in verschiedenen geologischen Szenarien mit homogenen und heterogenen Sedimentären Abfolgen zu bestimmen. Als Resultat ergibt sich, dass der Fluiddruck-Gradient in geschlossenen Systemen lokal zu Störungen des homogenen Spannungsfeldes führen. Abhängig von den Randbedingungen können sich diese Störungen eine Neuausrichtung der Bruchausbreitung zur Folge haben kann. Durch den Effekt auf den lokalen Spannungszustand können hohe Druckgradienten auch schichtparallele Bruchbildung oder Schlupf in nicht-entwässerten heterogenen Medien erzeugen. Ein Beispiel von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Evolution von Akkretionskeilen, wo die große Dynamik der tektonischen Aktivität zusammen mit extremen Porendrücken lokal starke Störungen des Spannungsfeldes erzeugt, die eine hoch-komplexe strukturelle Entwicklung inklusive vertikaler und horizontaler hydraulischer Bruch-Netzwerke bewirkt. Die Transport-Eigenschaften der Gesteine werden stark durch die Dynamik in der Entwicklung lokaler Permeabilitäten durch Dehnungsbrüche und Störungen bestimmt. Möglicherweise besteht ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Bildung von Grabenstrukturen und großmaßstäblicher Fluid-Migration. rnrnDie Konsistenz zwischen den Resultaten der Simulationen und vorhergehender experimenteller Untersuchungen deutet darauf hin, dass das beschriebene numerische Verfahren zur qualitativen Analyse hydraulischer Brüche gut geeignet ist. Das Schema hat auch Nachteile wenn es um die quantitative Analyse des Fluidflusses durch induzierte Bruchflächen in deformierten Gesteinen geht. Es empfiehlt sich zudem, das vorgestellte numerische Schema um die Kopplung mit thermo-chemischen Prozessen zu erweitern, um dynamische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum von Kluftfüllungen in hydraulischen Brüchen zu untersuchen.
Diese Arbeit war ein Teilprojekt des Kompetenzzentrums „Flut und Hitze“ der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Das gesamte Projekt beinhaltete bereits Untersuchungen über mögliche Folgen des lokalen Klimawandels (Überflutung/Trockenheit) auf andere Tiergruppen (z.B. Collembolen, Arachniden, etc.). Mit Hilfe der Laufkäfer als Bioindikatoren sollten mögliche Tendenzen des Klimawandels, aufgrund von Überflutungen, bzw. dem Ausbleiben von Überflutungen, aufgezeigt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang erfolgte die phänologische Erfassung der Laufkäfer in drei Untersuchungsgebieten entlang des Rheins: ein geschütztes Auwaldfragment und ein Polder in Ingelheim sowie ein Polder in Worms. Über einen Zeitraum von 2-3 Jahren wurde, mittels klassischer Fangmethoden (Bodenfallen), die Laufkäferfauna kontinuierlich erfasst. Insgesamt konnten im Auwald Ingelheim 2861 Individuen aus 59 Arten gefangen werden, im Polder Ingelheim 16029 Individuen aus 96 Arten und im Polder Worms 6946 Individuen aus 72 Arten. Seit 2003 wurde das Auwaldfragment nicht mehr vollüberflutet, was die geringe Anzahl an gefundenen auetypischen Arten erklärte. Die Laufkäferfauna des Auwaldes zeigte zwar noch einen deutlich feuchtegeprägten Charakter, jedoch war der Druck der einwandernden eurytopen Offenlandarten aus der Umgebung enorm. Der Polder Ingelheim wurde 2006 fertiggestellt und direkt im Anschluss beprobt. Der Polderinnenraum wurde durch den Bau eines ökologischen Flutungskanals an die Dynamik des Rheins angeschlossen. Der tiefergelegte Innenraum zeigte eine deutlich feuchteliebende Laufkäferfauna. Die trockenen höher gelegenen Randbereiche wiesen im Gegensatz dazu eine deutliche Ruderalfauna auf. Der Polder in Worms wurde bereits direkt nach seiner Fertigstellung 2001 von der Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Seitz (Universität Mainz) beprobt. Die erneute Datenerhebung 2008 sollte mögliche Veränderungen in der Laufkäferfauna sowie eine mögliche Sukzession aufzeigen. Es zeigten sich deutliche Veränderungen der Laufkäfergemeinschaften an den Standorten sowie die Ausbildung verschiedener Mikrohabitate.
The Continental porphyry Cu‐Mo mine, located 2 km east of the famous Berkeley Pit lake of Butte, Montana, contains two small lakes that vary in size depending on mining activity. In contrast to the acidic Berkeley Pit lake, the Continental Pit waters have near-neutral pH and relatively low metal concentrations. The main reason is geological: whereas the Berkeley Pit mined highly‐altered granite rich in pyrite with no neutralizing potential, the Continental Pit is mining weakly‐altered granite with lower pyrite concentrations and up to 1‐2% hydrothermal calcite. The purpose of this study was to gather and interpret information that bears on the chemistry of surface water and groundwater in the active Continental Pit. Pre‐existing chemistry data from sampling of the Continental Pit were compiled from the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Montana Department of Environmental Quality records. In addition, in March of 2013, new water samples were collected from the mine’s main dewatering well, the Sarsfield well, and a nearby acidic seep (Pavilion Seep) and analyzed for trace metals and several stable isotopes, including dD and d18O of water, d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and d34S of dissolved sulfate. In December 2013, several soil samples were collected from the shore of the frozen pit lake and surrounding area. The soil samples were analyzed using X‐ray diffraction to determine mineral content. Based on Visual Minteq modeling, water in the Continental Pit lake is near equilibrium with a number of carbonate, sulfate, and molybdate minerals, including calcite, dolomite, rhodochrosite (MnCO3), brochantite (CuSO4·3Cu(OH)2), malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2), hydrozincite (Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6), gypsum, and powellite (CaMoO4). The fact that these minerals are close to equilibrium suggests that they are present on the weathered mine walls and/or in the sediment of the surface water ponds. X‐Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the pond “beach” sample failed to show any discrete metal‐bearing phases. One of the soil samples collected higher in the mine, near an area of active weathering of chalcocite‐rich ore, contained over 50% chalcanthite (CuSO4·5H2O). This water‐soluble copper salt is easily dissolved in water, and is probably a major source of copper to the pond and underlying groundwater system. However, concentrations of copper in the latter are probably controlled by other, less‐soluble minerals, such as brochantite or malachite. Although the acidity of the Pavilion Seep is high (~ 11 meq/L), the flow is much less than the Sarsfield Well at the current time. Thus, the pH, major and minor element chemistry in the Continental Pit lakes are buffered by calcite and other carbonate minerals. For the Continental Pit waters to become acidic, the influx of acidic seepage (e.g., Pavilion Seep) would need to increase substantially over its present volume.